ABSTRAKIndonesia memiliki banyak sumber daya alam ilmenit yang dapat
dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut menjadi material mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2. Material
mesopori dengan dinding (wall) yang tersusun atas nano-kristalin TiO2 adalah
kandidat yang sangat menjanjikan dalam memberikan sumbangan yang sangat
signifikan untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan dan krisis energi yang
melanda dunia. Namun demikian, hingga sekarang ini masih sulit untuk
memperoleh kombinasi sinergis dua hal utama yaitu susunan pori yang teratur
(highly-oriented) dan tingkat kristalinitas yang tinggi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2 dari
mineral ilmenit (FeTiO3) untuk aplikasi pemurnian air limbah dan pembuatan
prototipe DSSC. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kombinasi
teknik hidrotermal dan sol−gel. Tahapan proses adalah mineral ilmenit yang telah
dihaluskan dilakukan proses dekomposisi dengan larutan basa dalam autoklaf
kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses pelindian menggunakan asam sulfat. Larutan
TiOSO4 yang dihasilkan digunakan sebagai prekursor dalam mempersiapkan
nanopartikel TiO2 atau material mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2. Pengontrolan dalam
proses sol−gel dilakukan dengan penambahan Fe, dextrin dan triblock copolimer.
Hasil penelitian dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET,
Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran tentang potensi yang besar
terhadap ilmenit Bangka untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku dalam
pembuatan material mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2. Ilmenit terdekomposisi dengan pelarut
basa (KOH dan NaOH) membentuk fase intermediet yaitu kalium titanat dan
natrium titanat dengan morfologi yang berbentuk benang-benang halus.
Penambahan bubuk Fe dan dextrin mampu mengontrol pembentukan nanopartikel
dan meningkatkan kemurnian TiO2. Penelitian ini juga berhasil mempersiapkan
mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2 yang digolongkan sebagai bidang kristal anatase maupun
rutil dengan ukuran kristal rata-rata berkisar 5 -7 nm, energi band gab berkisar
3,00 ? 3,16 eV dan luas permukaan, SBET berkisar.100 ? 151 m2/g.;
ABSTRACTIndonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g.;Indonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g.;Indonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g., Indonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g.]"