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Baiq Hijratul Hasanah
Kesegaran merupakan faktor penting penentu kualitas daging ayam. Peningkatan jumlah TVB-N Total Volatile Base-Nitrogen pada daging ayam selama penyimpanan menunjukkan penurunan mutu. Senyawa volatil seperti trimethylamine TMA , amonia NH3, dan dimethylamine DMA bertanggung jawab atas bau busuk dan perubahan warna daging. TVB-N bersifat mudah menguap dan sebagian besar terdiri atas amonia. Pada penelitian ini indikator gas amonia dikembangkan menggunakan PVA polyvinyl alcohol, kertas, dan zat warna alami dari ekstrak beras ketan hitam. PVA dan kertas digunakan sebagai matriks/substrat untuk meimobilisasi zat warna alami yang mengandung antosianin. Indikator ini menggunakan metode gasochromic yang melibatkan reaksi reduksi oksidasi di dalamnya. Spektrum larutan ekstrak antosianin menunjukkan variasi warna untuk nilai pH yang berbeda pH 2-13 . Warna larutan ekstrak berubah dari warna merah pada pH asam menjadi kuning pada pH basa. Spektrum UV-vis larutan ekstrak terukur pada panjang gelombang 449-662 nm. Preparasi label dilakukan menggunakan metode simultan casting dan imersi. Label PVA, label kertas Whatman dan kertas Kalkir digunakan sebagai indikator gas amonia. Label diuji terhadap gas amonia dengan variasi konsentrasi 0,005 ; 0,025 ; 0,05 ; 0,1 ; dan 0,5. Perubahan warna label akibat interaksi dengan gas amonia dianalisis menggunakan Scanner dengan bantuan software imageJ. Stabilitas warna label diuji terhadap temperatur, kelembapan relatif RH , dan cahaya. Uji aplikasi dilakukan untuk melihat potensi label sebagai indikator untuk memonitor kesegaran daging ayam. Indikator gas amonia menunjukkan perubahan warna dari merah menuju ungu untuk pH 2 akibat pembusukan daging ayam. Sedangkan label pH 7 tidak menunjukkan perubahan warna yang dapat dilihat secara visual. Oleh karena itu label indikator ini dapat dikembangkan sebagai label gasochromic untuk memonitor kesegaran daging ayam.

Freshness is an important factor determining the quality of chicken meat. TVB N Total Volatile Base Nitrogen in chicken meat during storage showed a quality degradation. Volatiles amines, such as trimethylamine TMA, ammonia NH3, and dimethylamine DMA responsible for the chicken meat odour and discoloration. TVB N is volatile and mainly consist of ammonia. In this research, an ammonia gas indicator was developed using PVA polyvinyl alcohol, papers, and natural dyes from black glutinous rice extract. Both PVA and paper are solid matrices used to immobilize natural dyes, anthocyanin. This indicator uses a gasochromic method involving redox reaction. Spectrum of anthocyanin extract solutions showed color variations to different pH values pH 2 13 . Color change from red at acidic pH to yellow at basic pH. The UV vis spectrum of anthocyanin extract solutions measured at the maximum absorption peak 449 662 nm. Label preparations was conducted using simultaneous casting and immersion methods. PVA labels, Whatman, and Kalkir paper labels are used as ammonia gas indicator. Labels were tested to different ammonia exposure levels 0,005 0,025 0,05 0,1 dan 0,5. Color change of labels due to interaction with ammonia gas were analyzed using Scanner with imageJ software. Color stability were tested to temperature, relative humidity RH, and light. A test was conducted for potential use of ammonia gas indicator to monitor chicken meat freshness. The label indicator showed color change from red to violet at pH 2 due to chicken meat spoilage. While labels at pH 7 has no visible color changes. This indicator used a gasochromic label for chicken meat freshness monitoring."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fiddria Fala
"Pembangunan peternakan merupakan suatu usaha yang produktif untuk melakukan perubahan bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Karena itulah dalam rangka pengembangan usaha kecil dengan berbagai kendala dan tantangannya baik yang berasal dari pelakunya sendiri maupun dari pihak pemerintah sebagai lembaga yang menetapkan kebijakan perlu untuk dicarikan pemecahan masalahnya. Hal ini juga dialami oleh kegiatan usaha kecil peternakan di Kawasan Sentra Produksi Guguk Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Kendala tersebut antara lain mencakup permodalan, pemasaran, dan teknologi pendukung yang tidak dimiliki serta ketergantungan dengan daerah lain penghasil pakan, bibit dan obat-obatari ayam. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat dan menganalisa kendala-kendala yang dihadapi para peternak ayam di Kawasan Sentra Produksi Peternakan Ayam Guguk Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Berdasarkan temuan dan analisa tersebut tesis ini juga berusaha untuk.membahas kebijakan-kebijakan seperti apa yang dapat disusun oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dalam membantu usaha peternakan ayam tersebut guna menyempurnakan kebijakan penetapan Kawasan Sentra Produksi Peternakan Ayam Guguk Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota sehubungan dengan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh peternak tersebut.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kawasan Sentra Produksi Guguk Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dengan mempergunakan metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif yang diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam (indept interview) dengan para informan. Sementara itu pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan purposive dan snowballing. Dalam penelitian ini data dikumpulkan melalui 2 tahapan yaitu studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan melalui wawancara mendalam.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para peternak berasal dan berbagai tingkat pendidikan yaitu: SD sebanyak 4,38 %, SLTP sebanyak 21,91 %, SLTA sebanyak 63, 34 % dan Diploma s.d. Sarjana sebanyak 10,35 %. Modal yang ada pada peternak banyak yang berasal dari peternak itu sendiri dan ada yang berasal dari lembaga pemberi kredit serta para peternak terkendala dalam mencari modal tambahan untuk pengembangan dan peremajaan peternakan mereka. Teknologi yang digunakan masih kurang dan tidak merata untuk mendukung kegiatan produksi dan pascaproduksi dengan manajemen usaha yang digunakan ada yang menggunakan manajemen perusahaan dan juga menggunakan manajemen keluarga sebagai manajemen yang terbanyak yang dilakukan sehingga terdapat bias antara keuangan rumah tangga dan keuangan perusahaan. Untuk pemasaran hasil produksi peternakan ayam, ada peternak memasarkan sendiri dan lainnya akan menunggu para pembeli datang ke peternakan mereka. Kendala lain adalah besarnya ketergantungan akan dunia luar untuk penyediaan pakan ayam, obat-obatan dan bibit/DOC ayam.
Karena itulah dirasakan perlu intervensi pemerintah dalam rangka pengembangan usaha kecil peternakan untuk mendapatkan modal dari lembaga pemberi kredit dengan kembali memperhatikan sistem pemberian kredit yang telah ada pada saat ini agar benar-benar dapat menyentuh para peternak, penciptaan kestabilan harga produk yang mereka hasilkan, sehingga para peternak memiliki bargaining power terhadap produk yang mereka tersebut. Hal lainnya yang dapat dilakukan pemerintah adalah pengenalan usaha peternakan dengan mempergunakan manajemen perusahaan yang akan sangat membantu peternak untuk memulai usaha mereka bukan hanya sebagai kegiatan untuk menghidupi keseharian mereka saja melainkan dapat menambah kesejahteraan para peternak dan pengenalan serta percepatan penggunaan teknologi yang telah ada agar produk yang peternak hasilkan dapat bersaing dengan produk sejenis dan daerah lain. Disamping itu perlu juga untuk pengenalan pengolahan produk sampingan peternakan sehingga peternak akan menghasilkan nilai tambah untuk penghasilan para peternak ayam tersebut, serta pelebaran pasar produk peternakan dan juga produk sampingannya keluar Sumatera Barat dengan bantuan dari pemerintah sebagai jembatan penghubungnya."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabilla Zahra Adi
Pemanfaatan air terozonasi dalam upaya mempertahankan kualitas daging ayam telah dievaluasi berdasarkan parameter fisik, kimia, dan mikrobiologisnya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengevaluasi keefektivan kinerja metode air terozonasi dilihat dari pengaruh waktu kontak ozon dan penggantian air terozonasi. Untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian ini, dilakukan variasi waktu kontak ozon yaitu 40, 80, dan 120 menit dan penggantian air terozonasi yaitu setiap 40 dan 60 menit serta tanpa penggantian. Parameter kelayakan daging ayam yang dievaluasi adalah jumlah bakteri Escherichia coli, total mesofil aerobik TBMA, kadar protein, pH dan kadar air. Pada hari ketujuh penyimpanan pada waktu kontak 120 menit ozon mampu mendisinfeksi bakteri Escherichia coli dan TBMA sebanyak 1.700 dan 9,4 108 CFU/g, sementara pada penggantian air terozonasi setiap 40 menit sebanyak 1.700 dan 1,1 109 CFU/g lebih banyak dari blanko. Sedangkan kadar protein, kadar air, dan pH pada variasi waktu kontak serta penggantian air masing-masing sebesar 17,45 ; 79,85 ; 4,95 dan 15,70 ; 80,61 ; 4,91.

The application of ozonated water to maintain the quality of chicken meat had been evaluated based on its physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance of the ozonated water in terms of the influence of ozone contact time and the replacement of the ozonated water. To acknowleadge the objectives of this study, the variation of ozone contact time were done 40, 80, and 120 minutes and the replacement of ozonated water were done every 40 and 60 minutes and without replacement. The evaluated parameters were Escherichia coli, total mesophylic aerobic TBMA, pH, protein and water content. On the seventh day storage at 120 minutes of ozone contact time, it was able to disinfect Escherichia coli and TBMA as much as 1.700 and 9,4 108 CFU g, while on the replacement water every 40 minutes 1,700 and 1,1 109 CFU g more than blank. While the levels of protein, moisture content, and pH on the variation of contact time and replacement of water respectively of 17,45 ; 79,85 ; 4,95 and 15,70 ; 80,61 ; 4,91."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Konsep penanggulangan bencana saat ini adalah paradigma pengurangan risiko.Setiap individu, masyarakat di daerah diperkenalkan dengan berbagai ancaman (hazards) dan kerentanan (vulnerability) yang dimiliki, serta meningkatkan kemampuan (capacity) masyarakat dalam menghadapi setiap ancaman. Sehingga studi ini bertujuan mengkaji model pengendalian risiko dispersi gas amonia.
Disain studi adalah cross sectional. Analisis model pengukuran dan struktural menggunakan comfirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Nilai validitas dan reliabilitas hasil uji kesesuaian/Goodness of Fit (GOF) adalah good fit untuk konstruk dari model.Kuesioner disebarkan secara cluster, terdapat 626 responden (area risiko 0- 2600 meter). Dibagi menjadi 293 responden pada zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter) dan 333 responden zona luar (area risiko >1300-2600 meter).
Model pengukuran menghasilkan 5 variabel eksogen (kondisi lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi, biologi dan kapasitas) yang saling berhubungan langsung membentuk variabel endogen risiko dispersi gas amonia. Faktor kondisi lingkungan terdiri dari zona bahaya dan jarak rumah ke jalan raya.Faktor sosial yaitu pelatihan dan pekerjaan.Faktor ekonomi yaitu kecukupan akomodasi, pendapatan, asuransi dan pendidikan.Faktor kapasitas yaitu pengetahuan tentang bahaya, pengetahuan tentang peringatan dini, pengetahuan tentang evakuasi dan perilaku tanggap darurat. Faktor biologi yaitu usia> 65 tahun, anggota keluarga dengan penyakit kronis dan anggota keluarga berkebutuhan khusus. Risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko 0-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 47% faktor sosial, 37% faktor ekonomi, 29% faktor kapasitas dan 9% faktor kondisi. Risiko dispersi gas amonia zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi darifaktor sosialberkontribusi 63%, faktor ekonomi 64%, faktor kapasitas 57% dan biologi 2,3%. Selanjutnya risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko >1300-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 2 (dua) faktor yaitu faktor kondisi 99% dan faktor kapasitas (12%).
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan model risiko dispersi gas amonia dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor yang berkontribusi membentuk risiko dispersi gas amonia sehingga dapat menjadi upaya pengendalian dengan memperhatikan faktor yang berkontribusi tersebut. Rekomendasi kepadaPemerintah Daerah untuk menetapkan peta rawan bencana menjadi peraturan daerah yang berkekuatan hukum dan pemberlakuan peraturan tentang tata ruang (daerah pemukiman), standar keselamatan (pemantauan penggunaan teknologi) dan penerapan sanksi terhadap pelanggar. Mengkoordinasi antara Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah
(SKPD), Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran/ Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD), dan dinas terkait untuk evakuasi (akomodasi), kelancaran akses jalur evakuasi. Menyelenggarakan sosialisasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan mengenai kesiapsiagaan bencana dispersi gas amonia kepada masyarakat melalui perkumpulan/organisasi di masyarakat. Rekomendasi kepada perusahaan antara lain : Membuat peta rawan bencana dan Emergency Respon Plan (ERP) baik internal maupun eksternal; Melakukan perawatan dengan inspeksi rutin berbasis risiko untuk memastikan kehandalan peralatan sistem pendingin amonia; Semua pekerja dalam operasional tangki sistem pendingin amonia selalu dilakukan dengan mengikuti Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), peraturan keselamatan, audit keselamatan; Mengingat sifat gas amonia yang tidak berwarna tetapi sangat beracun serta luasan area risiko yang berdampak perlu adanya sensor untuk gas amonia sebagai alat ukur dan monitoring. Selanjutnya rekomendasi kepada masyarakat agar mengembangkan dan berperan aktif dalam desa siaga bencana (kesiapsiagaan bencana berbasis masyarakat);

The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness)., The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bahir Mukhammad

Industri merupakan suatu konsep pembangunan ekonomi yang berbasis pada faktor-faktor seperti sumber daya manusia, akumulasi modal dan teknologi, dimana industri pangan merupakan salah satu dari komponen penyusunannya. Industri pangan erat hubungannya dengan ketahanan pangan dan stabilitas ekonomi nasional. Ketahanan pangan berasal dari produksi pangan dalam negeri, maupun impor dari luar negeri. Impor pangan sendiri bergantung pada kebijakan pemerintah dalam perdagangan internasional. Pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut seringkali tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Pemerintah sering bersengketa dengan negara lain terkait kebijakan perdagangan internasional. Kasus sengketa baru-baru ini antara Indonesia dengan Brasil menyebabkan Indonesia harus menyesuaikan kebijakan di bidang perizinan impor dengan Putusan WTO DS 484. Perizinan Impor merupakan salah satu bentuk hambatan non-tarrif untuk mengurangi impor di Indonesia yang didalamnya terdapat peryaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh pengimpor. Selain melalui perizinan, bentuk perlindungan pemerintah juga terdapat dalam beberapa regulasi, yaitu Undang-Undang No 18 Tahun 2009 tentang Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, Peraturan Pemerintah No 6 Tahun 2013 tentang Pemberdayaan Peternak, Undang-Undang No 18 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan, Undang-Undang No 7 Tahun 2014 tentang Perdagangan, dan Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No 32 Tahun 2017 tentang Penyediaan, Peredaran, dan Pengawasan Ayam Ras dan Telur Konsumsi. Putusan WTO DS 484 membuat prosedur perizinan tidak terlalu ketat seperti dulu, sehingga dikhawatirkan impor semakin mudah masuk. Hal ini tidak diimbangi daya saing yang kuat dari peternak lokal. Untuk memperkuat daya saing, pemerintah harus mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan di Indonesia, khususnya kedaulatan pada pangan pokok dan komoditas pakan ternak. Sehingga harga produksi dalam negeri memiliki daya saing yang tinggi pada perdagangan internasional.



Industry is a concept of economic development that is based on factors such as human resources, capital accumulation and technology, in which the food industry is one component of the system. The food industry has a strong relation with food security and national economic stability. Food security is a result of domestic food production, as well as imports from abroad. Food import depends on government policy in international trade. However, the implementation of these policies often does not meet expectations. The government frequently has disputes with other countries regarding international trade policy. A recent dispute case between Indonesia and Brazil caused Indonesia to adjust its import licensing policy to the WTO Decision DS 484. Import licensing is a form of non-tariff barrier to reduce imports in Indonesia, in which there are requirements that must be met by importers. In addition to licensing, forms of government protection are also contained in several regulations, namely Law No. 18/2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Government Regulation No. 6/2013 concerning Farmer Empowerment, Law No. 18/2012 concerning Food, Law No. 7 of 2014 concerning Trade, and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 32 of 2017 concerning Provision, Distribution, and Supervision of the Race of Chicken and Consumption of Eggs. The WTO DS 484 decision makes licensing procedures less strict than before, therefore it is feared that it will be easier for imports to enter. These imports are not balanced by strong competition from local farmers. To strengthen competitiveness, the government must create food sovereignty in Indonesia, especially sovereignty in staple foods and animal feed commodities. In effect, domestic production has high competitive value in international trade.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nafila Wajdi
Penelitian ini meninjau pengaruh durasi kontak 40, 80, dan 120 menit, suhu kontak 3, 26, dan 37 ?C, dan konsentrasi ozon 0,21 dan 0,38 mg/l pada pemanfaatan air terozonasi dalam upaya mempertahankan kualitas daging ayam. Parameter mutu yang diamati adalah perubahan jumlah total bakteri mesofil aerobik TBMA, bakteri Escherichia coli, pH, kadar air, dan kadar protein. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama durasi kontak dan semakin rendah suhu kontak, maka semakin rendah laju penurunan kualitas daging ayam. Air terozonasi dengan konsentrasi ozon 0,38 mg/L yang dikontakkan dengan daging ayam fillet selama 120 menit pada suhu 3?C mampu mereduksi bakteri mesofilik aerobik sebesar 1 unit log cfu/g. Konsentrasi ozon 0,21 dan 0,38 mampu mendisinfeksi total bakteri mesofilik aerobik sejumlah 0,42 dan 0,89 unit log cfu/g. Tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pH dan kadar air daging ayam, namun kadar protein turun 1.

This research studied the effect of exposure time 40, 80, and 120 min, temperature contact 3, 26, and 37 C, and ozone concentration 0.21 and 0.38 mg l in the optimization of ozonated in effort maintain the quality of chicken meat. The observed quality parameters were total number of aerobic mesophyll bacteria, Escherichia coli, pH, water content, and protein content. The results show that longer exposure time and lower temperature could lower the rate of decreasing quality in chicken meat. Ozonated water with 0.38 mg l of ozone concentration is contacted with chicken fillet for 120 minutes at 3 C, it reduced aerobic mesophilic bacteria by 1 unit log cfu g. The ozone concentrations of 0.21 and 0.38 were able to disinfect total aerobic mesophilic bacteria of 0.42 and 0.89 log cfu g respectively. There was no significant effect on pH and chicken water content, but protein content decreased by 1."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Merawang chicken was a local chicken from Bangka Belitung Island, South Sumatera, with a special characteristic an uniform of feather colour by squeezing chocolate or golden in males and also females. The study was conducted to investigate the genetic and phenotype traits of production and reproduction of Merawang chicken. Fourty five males and thirty females of 21 - 26 weeks of age from identified parents were used in this experiment. The observed female variables were body weight, sexual maturity, egg production, fertility and hatchability. The male variables were body weight, sexual maturity, volume of semen, motility and concentration of spermatozoa. Semen were collected once a week by Burrows and Quinn methods. The data were analyzed by Burrows and Quinn methods. The data were analyzed by variance analyses of CRD and nested design to find out variance and covariance components. The results showed that the females variabilities of sexual maturity, body weight, egg production, fertility and hatchability were 8.07%, 10.55%, 24.82%, 38.87% and 19.98%, repectively. The males variabilities of sexual maturity, body weight, volume of semen, motility and concentration of spermatozoa were 4.96%, 14,21%, 42.50%, 7.12% and 45.16%, repectively. The heritabilities of females on sexual maturity, body weight, egg production, fertility and hatchability were 0.311, 0.509, 0.927, 0.677 and 0.314, respectively. The heritabilities of males on sexual maturity, body weight, volume of semen, motility and concentration of spermatozoa were 0.607, 0.393, 0.200, 0.203 and 0.011, respectively."
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oktavian Budiansyah
"Perusahaan rintisan merupakan perusahaan yang baru dibentuk dengan tujuan bersaing dalam industri yang kompetitif. Perusahaan rintisan seringkali mengalami kegagalan dalam tahun-tahun awal perkembangannya. Kuliner merupakan salah salah satu bisnis yang paling sulit untuk dijalankan dengan tingkat kegagalan yang tertinggi diantara perusahaan rintisan. Tingginya persaingan dalam bisnis kuliner di Indonesia membuat para pemilik usaha perlu memiliki strategi khusus agar dapat bersaing dan bertahan hidup dalam persaingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjadi referensi bagi pengusaha pemula dibidang kuliner mengenai faktor-faktor kesuksesan dan strateginya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode AHP, kuesioner, dan wawancara kualitatif pada usaha kuliner di Jabodetabek. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemilihan strategi dan kualitas makanan menjadi faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan usaha kuliner. Strategi yang paling banyak digunakan dalam usaha kuliner ialah strategi penetrasi pasar dan pengembangan produk.

Startups are newly born companies which aim to have a competition in industry. Stratup usually fail in their first year. Culinary is one of the most difficult business and suffer some of the highest failure rates among stratup. The high competition in the culinary business in Indonesia makes business owners need to have a specific strategy in order to compete and survive in competition. This study aims to become a reference for novice entrepreneurs in the culinary field regarding the factors of success and strategy. This study uses the AHP method, questionnaires, and qualitative interviews on culinary efforts in Jabodetabek. The results of the study show that the owner charachters and quality is the most influential factor in culinary business success. The most widely used strategy in culinary endeavors is market penetration and product development strategy."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darwis A. R
Ketersediaan pakan ayam harus terpenuhi agar ayam tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Pemberian makan ayam dilakukan berdasarkan umur ayam. Pada alat pemberi makan ayam ini, ayam yang digunakan adalah yang berumur 51-57 hari sebanyak lima ekor ayam dengan jumlah kebutuhan pakan perekor 160 gram sehinggan yang dibutuhkan 800 gram per hari. Alat ini juga menggunakan solar panel sebagai sumber tenaga dengan energi matahari yang diubah menjadi energi listrik. Energi listrik diteruskan ke Solar Charge Controller untuk mengatur pengecasan baterai. Ketika tombol ditekan, maka solenoid pertama mengaktifkan motor dc untuk menggerakkan tempat pakan bergerak dan membuka solenoid kedua pada tempat pakan bergerak dan menjatuhkan pakan ke wadah makan ayam. LCD dan pilot lamp digunakan sebagai indikator alat. Ketika pakan akan habis, lomit switch akan mendeteksi untuk kemudian meneruskan informasi ini ke transmitor modul RF. Informasi ini kemudian akan diterima di receiver modul RF lalu mengaktifkan buzzer sehingga pemilik ayam tahu bahwa pakan akan habis. Pada tegangan 25 V, motor berputar selama 107 detik untuk menggerakkan tempat pakan, dan 97 detik untuk menggerakkan tempat pakan kembali tempat semula. Solenoid pertama terbuka sembilan detik dan menjatuhkan pakan sebanyak 400 gram. Solenoid kedua terbuka empat kali, pertama selama tiga detik menjatuhkan pakan sebanyak 100 gram, kedua selama empat detik menjatuhkan pakan sebanyak 90 gram, ketiga selama lima detik menjatuhkan pakan sebanyak 90 gram, dan keempat selama enam detik menjatuhkan pakan sebanyak 120 gram."
Medan: Politeknik Negeri Medan, 2019
338 PLMD 22:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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