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Rifa Arifah
Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang pembagian kekuasaan power-sharing sebagai upaya resolusi konflik untuk mengatasi konflik Pemilu Presiden Afghanistan tahun 2014. Berawal dari permasalahan bahwa Pemilu Presiden Afghanistan tahun 2014 berpotensi mendorong pada adanya konflik kekerasan setelah Independent Election Commission IEC mengumumkan perolehan suara awal putaran kedua yang menunjukkan kemenangan Ashraf Ghani mdash;kandidat beretnis Pashtun mdash;atas Abdullah Abdullah kandidat beretnis Tajik. Dari sini, muncul berbagai ancaman kekerasan dan ancaman pembentukan pemerintahan tandingan. Mengatasi hal ini pembagian kekuasaan power-sharing digunakan sebagai upaya resolusi konflik yang tidak menciptakan kondisi winner-takes-all. Abdullah Abdullah sebagai pihak yang kalah diberikan posisi jabatan baru bernama Chief Executive Officer CEO yang nantinya akan berkerja dengan Presiden, membagi kekuasaan di dalam National Unity Government NUG. Dengan menggunakan teori Power-sharing Model Konsosiasional milik Arend Lijphart, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kesepakatan power-sharing yang diformalkan pada Perjanjian tanggal 21 September 2014 ini sudah merefleksikan tiga komponen power-sharing berupa pembentukan koalisi besar, pemberian otonomi kepada masing-masing pihak berkonflik, dan penerapan asas proporsionalitas dalam pengalokasian pejabat pemerintah. Namun, penulis menemukan bahwa ketiga komponen ini belum terimplementasi sepenuhnya. Karenanya, power-sharing hanya menciptakan kondisi pada perdamaian negatif berhasil meredam konflik kekerasan; namun tidak menghilangkan ketidakadilan di dalam pemerintahan yang terbentuk.

This research explains about power sharing as an effort of conflict resolution to resolve Afghanistan Presidential Election conflict in 2014. Starting from the issue that the Afghanistan Presidential Election 2014 has the potential to push for violent conflict after the Independent Election Commission IEC announced the initial vote of the second round which shows the victory of Ashraf Ghani a Pashtun candidate, over Abdullah Abdullah a Tajik ethnic candidate. From here, various threats of violence and the threat of forming a parallel government occurred. Overcoming this, power sharing is used as a conflict resolution effort that does not create winner takes all condition. Abdullah Abdullah as a losing party was given a new position named Chief Executive Officer CEO who will later work with the President, to share power within the National Unity Government NUG. By using Arend Lijphart 39 s Consociational Model of Power sharing theory, this study finds that the power sharing agreement formalized on September 21st 2014 reflects three components of power sharing such as the formation of a grand coalition, both autonomy to each conflicting party, and applying the principle of proportionality in the allocation of government officials. However, the author finds that these three components are not fully implemented yet. Thus, power sharing only creates a negative peace condition succeed in suppressing violent conflict yet it does not eliminate injustice within the established government. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gde Dharma Gita Diyaksa
Menjelang Pemilihan Umum Presiden Indonesia tahun 2014 ramai pemberitaan dengan isu kejahatan, pelanggaran hukum, kecurangan, atau bentuk tindakan lain yang tidak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai moral masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh kandidat calon Presiden, calon Wakil Presiden, atau pendukungnya. Dari sejumlah pemberitaan media massa dengan isu tersebut, peneliti menetapkan pemberitaan Metro TV dan TV One sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah analisis framing. Metode tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui makna dibalik tayangan berita Metro TV dan TV One pada periode 1 Mei 2014 sampai dengan 6 Mei 2014, 1 Juni 2014 sampai dengan 4 Juni 2014, dan 1 Juli 2014 sampai dengan 8 Juli 2014. Hasilnya, peneliti melihat fenomena ini sebagai suatu bentuk kejahatan tersembunyi. Terdapat hubungan yang tidak setara dan konstruksi yang bersifat merugikan yang terkandung dalam makna pemberitan Metro TV dan TV One. Disisi lain juga terdapat pemaksaan makna dan simbol yang mengganggu otonomi pihak lain.

Ahead of 2014 Indonesian‟s Presidential Election news are crowded with the issue of crime, lawlessness, fraud, or any other action that is incompatible with the moral values of society by Presidential candidates, candidate for Vice President, or their enthusiasts. Based from a number of news on mass media regarding these issue, researcher establishes Metro TV and TV One news as a subject in this study. The method used is framing analysis. This method used to determine the meaning behind the news shows on Metro TV and TV One between the period of May 1st, 2014 until May 6th, 2014, June 1st, 2014 until June 4th, 2014, and July 1st, 2014 until July 8th, 2014. As a result, the researcher sees this phenomenon as a form of hidden crime. There are unequal relations and constructions that are detrimentals within the meaning of Metro TV and TV One news. On the other hand there is also an imposition of meanings and symbols that interfere with the autonomy of others.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurdien Aji
"[Evaluasi pemilih terhadap kinerja pemimpin politik menjadi pondasi bagi demokrasi, sehingga demokrasi dapat menghasilkan pemimpin politik dengan kinerja baik. Selain itu pemilihan umum juga menjadi sarana bagi masyarakat untuk menentukan kebijakan mana yang tepat untuk diaplikasikan, berdasar kepada janji kampanye calon presiden. Kajian ini berusaha menangkap pengaruh faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi di tingkat desa terhadap keterpilihan Jokowi dalam pemilihan presiden 2014. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tingkat kemiskinan, tingkat akses ekonomi dan kondisi infrastruktur desa serta kelas menengah berperan besar dalam kemenangan Jokowi. Temuan lain adalah bahwa paparan media, baik televisi maupun internet sangat berpengaruh dalam proses penentuan suara oleh masyarakat.

..Voter evaluation of the political leader’s performance is the foundation for democracy, therefore democracy can produce a political leader with good performance. Elections are also a mean for the public to determine which policies are appropriate to be applied, based on the campaign. This study tried to capture the influence of socio-economic factors at the village level to the winning of Jokowi in 2014 election. The study found that poverty, economic access and infrastructure as well as the middle class plays a major role in the Jokowi’s victory. This study also found that media is influential to the vote decision.;Voter evaluation of the political leader’s performance is the foundation for democracy, therefore democracy can produce a political leader with good performance. Elections are also a mean for the public to determine which policies are appropriate to be applied, based on the campaign. This study tried to capture the influence of socio-economic factors at the village level to the winning of Jokowi in 2014 election. The study found that poverty, economic access and infrastructure as well as the middle class plays a major role in the Jokowi’s victory. This study also found that media is influential to the vote decision.;Voter evaluation of the political leader’s performance is the foundation for democracy, therefore democracy can produce a political leader with good performance. Elections are also a mean for the public to determine which policies are appropriate to be applied, based on the campaign. This study tried to capture the influence of socio-economic factors at the village level to the winning of Jokowi in 2014 election. The study found that poverty, economic access and infrastructure as well as the middle class plays a major role in the Jokowi’s victory. This study also found that media is influential to the vote decision.;Voter evaluation of the political leader’s performance is the foundation for democracy, therefore democracy can produce a political leader with good performance. Elections are also a mean for the public to determine which policies are appropriate to be applied, based on the campaign. This study tried to capture the influence of socio-economic factors at the village level to the winning of Jokowi in 2014 election. The study found that poverty, economic access and infrastructure as well as the middle class plays a major role in the Jokowi’s victory. This study also found that media is influential to the vote decision., Voter evaluation of the political leader’s performance is the foundation for democracy, therefore democracy can produce a political leader with good performance. Elections are also a mean for the public to determine which policies are appropriate to be applied, based on the campaign. This study tried to capture the influence of socio-economic factors at the village level to the winning of Jokowi in 2014 election. The study found that poverty, economic access and infrastructure as well as the middle class plays a major role in the Jokowi’s victory. This study also found that media is influential to the vote decision.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Permana Erawaty
"Tesis ini membahas kasus perpindahan suara dalam Pemilihan Umum Presiden tahun 2014 dan 2019 yang merupakan pertandingan ulang antara Jokowi dengan Prabowo. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana perubahan suara para milenial urban pelajar pendidikan tinggi sebagai unit analisis, serta untuk mengetahui apakah media sosial berkontribusi dalam pengambilan keputusan tersebut.
Menggunakan pendekatan Columbia dan Michigan dalam model sosial psikologis, kebaharuan yang disajikan adalah adanya perubahan konsep komunikasi massa yang telah bergabung dengan komunikasi interpersonal dalam konsep mass selfcommunication. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dalam paradigma post-positivism dengan metode holistic single-case study. Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik analisis pattern-matching logic dengan logika pencocokan pola model sosial dan psikologis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel sosial yang berkontribusi adalah agama dan etnis dari pemilih dan keluarga pemilih. Terkait dengan variabel psikologi, penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak adanya identifikasi partai, yang ada adalah evaluasi kandidat dan orientasi isu. Preferensi isu yang diinginkan adalah isu Hak Asasi Manusia dan Isu Perempuan. Kinerja petahana dipandang baik dalam infrastruktur dan buruk dalam manajemen manusia serta anggaran. Penantang memiliki koherensi identitas yang berbeda dengan kontestasi Pilpres 2014.
Meme politik menjadi gerbang diskusi dalam kelompok sosial serta pencarian lebih lanjut dalam mengetahui identitas kandidat. Kemampuan kandidat dalam debat sangat berkontribusi dalam proses penetapan keputusan pemilih. Millenial swing voters tidak melakukan mass self-communication jika itu terkait dengan politik karena tidak ingin identitas politik mereka diketahui pengguna media berita daring dan media sosial.

This thesis discussed about voting in the 2014 and 2019 Presidential Elections which was a rematch between Jokowi and Prabowo. The purpose of this study is to explain swing voters in college urban students millennial generation as unit of analysis, as well to find out whether social media contributes to their swing decisions.
By using Columbia and Michigan in the socio psychological model, the novelty presented was a change in the concept of mass communication that had been joined interpersonal communication in the concept of mass communication. The study was conducted qualitatively in the post-positivism paradigm with a single holistic case study method. The analysis had been done by matching the pattern of logic with matching pattern of social and psychological logic.
The results showed the social variables that contributed were religion and ethnicity of the voters and the voters' families. Related to psychological variables, this study shows there was no parties identification, but instead an assessment of candidates and discussion of problems. The preference issues that desired by millennial swing voters was Human Rights and Women's Issues. The incumbent's performance had been seen as good in infrastructure but poor in human management and budget. The challenger had a different identity coherence than on the last contestation in 2014.
Political memes lead to discussions in social groups as well as further findings of a candidate's identity. The ability of candidates in debates greatly contributes to the process of determining election decisions. Millennial swing voters did not engage in mass self-communication if it related to politics because they did not want their political identity to be known by press and on social media.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Dwi Utari
"Pentingnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pemilihan presiden (pilpres) 2014 merupakan salah satu cara untuk menciptakan kebijakan yang pro-rakyat. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena calon presiden dan calon wakil presiden akan berlomba-lomba dalam membuat rancangan kebijakan publik yang dimasukkan kedalam visi mereka, sehingga masyarakat dapat memilih mana yang lebih peduli terhadap mereka dan lebih mengutamakan kepentingan golongannya. Kebijakan publik merupakan produk politik, sehingga unsur-unsur politik mewarnai kebijakan yang dihasilkan. Kebijakan publik yang pro-rakyat melibatkan publik dalam setiap tahap penyusunan, realistik, jelas tolak ukur keberhasilan, jelas dasar hukum, dan antar kebijakan tidak terjadi tumpang tindih atau bertentangan. Pada dasarnya kebijakan publik di Indonesia tidak selalu berorientasi pada kepentingan publik. Dengan adanya pemilihan presiden tahun 2014 ini, Indonesia diharapkan memiliki pemimpin yang dapat membentuk dan menjalankan kebijakan yang pro-publik (pro-rakyat) sehingga masalah-masalah di negeri ini dapat teratasi.

The importance of community participation in the 2014 presidential election is one way to create pro-people policies. This can happen because presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates will compete to create public policy plans that are included in their vision, so that people can choose which one cares more about them and prioritizes the interests of their group. Public policy is a political product, so political elements color the resulting policies. Pro-people public policies involve the public at every stage of preparation, are realistic, have clear benchmarks for success, have a clear legal basis, and there is no overlap or conflict between policies. Basically, public policy in Indonesia is not always oriented towards the public interest. With the 2014 presidential election, Indonesia is expected to have a leader who can form and implement pro-public (pro-people) policies so that the problems in this country can be resolved."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Aditiyo Haryadi
"Pada pemasaran politik kandidat dilihat sebagaimana brand dalam pemasaran bisnis dan perilaku pemilih dilihat sebagaimana perilaku konsumen. Brand image secara empiris mempengaruhi purchase intention melalui attitude toward brand. Berdasarkan model ini, penelitian ini menyelidiki pengaruh candidate's brand image terhadap voting intention melalui attitude toward candidate's brand. Penelitian ini menguji pencalonan presiden Joko Widodo pada pemilih pemula di Jakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei dengan penarikan sampel secara purposive. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh signifikan candidate's brand image terhadap voting intention melalui attitude toward candidate's brand.

In political marketing, candidate seen as a brand in business marketing and voter behavior seen as consumer behavior. Brand image in business marketing empirically influence the consumer's attitude toward brand. It inderectly affect purchase intention through attitude toward brand. From this model, this study aims to analyze the influence of the candidate's brand image on voting intention through attitude toward candidate's brand. This research examine Joko Widodo’s presidential candidacy on early voters in Jakarta. Data collected by using survey method and purposive sampling. The result shows there are significant influence of candidate's brand image toward voting intention through attitude toward candidate’s brand."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Anugra Wahyu Putra
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh situasi pada saat pilpres 2014, dimana The Jakarta Post sebagai saluran komunikasi politik menggunakan kolom editorial mereka sebagai ruang untuk mendeklarasikan dukungan kepada pasangan Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla. Untuk mengkaji keberpihakan yang dilakukan oleh The Jakarta Post tersebut, peneliti akan menggunakan analisis framing Gamson dan Modigliani untuk menganalisis 4 berita selama masa kampanye pilpres. Dimana analisis framing digunakan untuk melihat apakah dukungan pada kolom editorial berbanding lurus dengan pemberitaan selama masa kampanye. Selain melakukan analisis framing isi pemberitaan, juga digunakan faktor yang mempengaruhi isi content berita yaitu organisasi media milik Shoemaker dan Reese yang digunakan untuk menganalisis apakah dukungan yang dilakukan oleh media The Jakarta Post dipengaruhi oleh faktor tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa The Jakarta Postmembuat 4 wacana yang bernada positif kepada pasangan Jokowi-Kalla antara lain: pro demokrasi, memiliki visi-misi yang jelas, didukung oleh kelompok masyarakat, dan sosok yang sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari faktor organisasi media yang menyebabkan The Jakarta Post melakukan keberpihakan dan memberi dukungan kepada Jokowi-Kalla. Keberpihakan dan dukungan tersebut merupakan kebijakan organisasional secara kelembagaan dikarenakan adanya pengaruh baik pada tingkatan menengah manager dan editor dan tingkatan atas pemilik modal . Selain itu, keberpihakan yang dilakukan secara sadar oleh media The Jakarta Post didasrkan atas kesamaan visi-misi antara Jokowi-Kalla dengan media The Jakarta Post.

This research is motivated by the situation during the 2014 presidential election, in which The Jakarta Post as a political communication channel uses their editorial column as a space to declare support to Jokowi Kalla. To examine the alignments made by The Jakarta Post, researchers will use Gamson and Modigliani framing analysis to analyze 4 news during the presidential election campaign period. Where framing analysis is used to see if supports in the editorial column is directly proportional to the coverage during the campaign period. In addition to analyzing the content framing of news, also used factors that affect the content news that Shoemaker and Reese mediaorganizations used to analyze whether the support made by The Jakarta Post media influenced by these factor . The results showed that The Jakarta Post made 4 discourses that positively to Jokowi Kalla, among others pro democracy, have a clear vision mission, supported by community groups, and a simplefigure. The results of this study also show that there is an influence of the media organizational factors that cause The Jakarta Post to support Jokowi Kalla. The supports are from institutional organization policies because of the influence from middle level manager and editor , upper level capital owner . In addition, the allegations made consciously by The Jakarta Post are based on the vision mission similarity between Jokowi Kalla with the media The Jakarta Post. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ircham Miladi Aganovi
Penelitian ini ingin melihat bentuk keberpihakan yang dilakukan oleh Kompas.com, Detik.com, Republika.co.id dan Tempo.co terhadap pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden pada Pemilihan Presiden 2014. Keberpihakan dilihat
melalui dua dimensi yang terdapat dalam konsep imparsialitas yakni keberimbangan dan netralitas. Penelitian ini menemukan fakta bahwa pemberitaan yang dilakukan oleh media online yang diteliti cenderung tidak berimbang, dilihatndari tidak dimuatnya keterangan dua sisi dalam satu teks pemberitaan serta adanya pemfavoritan terhadap calon tertentu. Pemberitaan Kompas.com, Detik.com dan Tempo.co memfavoritkan pasangan Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla sementara pemberitaan Republika.co.id memfavoritkan pasangan Prabowo Subianto – Hatta Rajasa. Mengenai netralitas, mayoritas pemberitaan di Kompas.com, Detik.com, Republika.co.id dan Tempo.co tidak mencampurkan fakta dan opini. Namun, pemberitaan yang dilakukan oleh Kompas.com, Detik.com, Republika.co.id dan
Tempo.co melakukan penyimpulan satu pihak.

The study will examine how online media like Kompas.com, Detik.com, Republika.co.id and Tempo.co partially support the candidates of Indonesian president and vice president on Presidential Election 2014. Online media in this study are those who does not have a direct affiliation to political interests. The concept of impartiality is used to identify the form of partiality. With following dimensions: balance and neutrality, this study found some facts. First, about balance, this study found a fact that online media which has been studied is not nbalance when reporting news. It proved by only a few news that give both sides opinion. This study also found that several media favoring certain candidates. Kompas.com, Detik.com and Tempo.co favoring Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla while Republika.co.id favoring Prabowo Subianto – Hatta Rajasa. Second, about nneutrality, this study found the majority of news in Kompas.com, Detik.com, Republika.co.id and Tempo.co did not mix the fact and opinion. However, these media made one side conclusion by giving limited fact while reporting news., The study will examine how online media like Kompas.com, Detik.com,
Republika.co.id and Tempo.co partially support the candidates of Indonesia
president and vice president on Presidential Election 2014. Online media in this
study are those who does not have a direct affiliation to political interests. The
concept of impartiality is used to identify the form of partiality. With following
dimensions: balance and neutrality, this study found some facts. First, about
balance, this study found a fact that online media which has been studied is not
balance when reporting news. It proved by only a few news that give both sides
opinion. This study also found that several media favoring certain candidates.
Kompas.com, Detik.com and Tempo.co favoring Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla
while Republika.co.id favoring Prabowo Subianto – Hatta Rajasa. Second, about
neutrality, this study found the majority of news in Kompas.com, Detik.com,
Republika.co.id and Tempo.co did not mix the fact and opinion. However, these
media made one side conclusion by giving limited fact while reporting news.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marpaung, Mandahar
Skripsi ini adalah membahas pelaksanaan Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden secara langsung oleh rakyat pasca perubahan UUD 1945 yang telah dilaksanakan sejak Pemilihan Presiden Dan Wakil Presiden Tahun 2004. Pemilihan Umum secara langsung merupakan pelaksanaan demokrasi oleh masyarakat, memungkinkan timbulnya perselisihan dalam pelaksanaan dan perhitungan suara dalam penentuan pemenang pada pemilihan tersebut, untuk itu skripsi ini menguraikan tata cara penyelesaian sengketa Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden oleh lembaga peradilan Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai pemegang kekuasaan untuk mengadili sengketa Pemilu

This paper isto discussthe implementation of the General Election of President and Vice President directly by the people after the 1945 changes that have been implemented since the election of President and Vice President in 2004. Election directly in the exercise of democracy by the people, allowing the emergence of disputes in the implementation and counting in determining the winner in the elections, for this thesis outlines the procedures for dispute resolution election of President and Vice President of the Constitutional Courtas ajudicial institution authority to adjudicate disputes elections"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marpaung, Mandahar
"Skripsi ini adalah membahas pelaksanaan Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden secara langsung oleh rakyat pasca perubahan UUD 1945 yang telah dilaksanakan sejak Pemilihan Presiden Dan Wakil Presiden Tahun 2004. Pemilihan Umum secara langsung merupakan pelaksanaan demokrasi oleh masyarakat, memungkinkan timbulnya perselisihan dalam pelaksanaan dan perhitungan suara dalam penentuan pemenang pada pemilihan tersebut, untuk itu skripsi ini menguraikan tata cara penyelesaian sengketa Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden oleh lembaga peradilan Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai pemegang kekuasaan untuk mengadili sengketa Pemilu

This paper isto discussthe implementation of the General Election of President and Vice President directly by the people after the 1945 changes that have been implemented since the election of President and Vice President in 2004. Election directly in the exercise of democracy by the people, allowing the emergence of disputes in the implementation and counting in determining the winner in the elections, for this thesis outlines the procedures for dispute resolution election of President and Vice President of the Constitutional Courtas ajudicial institution authority to adjudicate disputes elections."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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