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Jihaniar Mahiranisa
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai peran Humas dalam hubungan kemitraan antara startup transportasi dengan mitranya dari perspektif employer branding, dengan studi kasus pada hubungan PT X, salah satu startup transportasi terbesar di Indonesia, dengan mitra pengemudi motornya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa peran Humas dalam manajemen startup transportasi dalam hubungan kemitraan perlu ditingkatkan untuk membangun hubungan kemitraan yang kuat dan solid, terutama dalam hal interaksi informal dengan mitra sehari-hari, menjaga kestabilan sistem di aplikasi, dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan komunitas mitra, baik melalui tongkrongan mitra maupun grup WhatsApp.

The focus of this study is the role of PR in the partnership relationship between startup transportation with its motorcycle drivers from the perspective of employer branding, with case studies on PT X rsquo s relationship, one of the largest transportation startup in Indonesia, with its motorcycle drivers. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive design. The results suggest that the role of Public Relations in transportation startup management in partnership relationship needs to be improved to build strong and solid partnerships, especially in terms of informal interaction with its motorcycle drivers, maintaining systems stability in application, and establishing good relationship with the drivers communities, via driver rsquo s hang out places and WhatsApp group owned by each drivers communities. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Aji Laksono
"Skripsi ini membahas hubungan saling menguntungkan antara perusahaan dengan mitra dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Warung tradisional yang bertransformasi menjadi modern memiliki persoalan adaptasi budaya organisasi dalam relasi antara perusahaan dengan mitra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah  wawancara mendalam, studi pustaka, dan  observasi partisipan. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa basis hubungan antara pelaku usaha warung tradisional dengan Warung Pintar adalah kemitraan. Hubungan tersebut berimplikasi pada eksistensi UMKM yang mampu beradaptasi di tengah persaingan bisnis. Terbinanya hubungan tersebut menjadikan proses pertukaran barang dan jasa bersifat kontinyu sehingga bisnis dapat terus berkembang.

This thesis discusses the mutually beneficial relationship between companies and partners in the use of information technology. Traditional shops that are transformed into modern shops have the a problem of organizational culture adaptation in relations between companies and partners. The research methods used in this study were in-depth interviews, literature study, and participant observation. Through a qualitative approach, this thesis shows that the relationship between traditional shop businesses and Warung Pintar is a partnership-based relationship. This relationship has implications for the existence of UMKM that are able to adapt in the midst of business competition. The establishment of these relationships makes the process of exchanging goods and services continuous so that the business can continue to grow."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yolanda Indah Permatasari
"Penerapan skema Public-Private Partnership PPP , atau yang dikenal juga dengan skema Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha KPBU di Indonesia, dinilai dapat menjadi alternatif sumber pendanaan dalam penyediaan infrastruktur. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya, kinerja skema KPBU dan ketertarikan badan usaha/swasta untuk berpartisipasi dalam penyediaan infrastruktur di Indonesia masih rendah. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini dilakukan rekonstruksi bentuk tata kelola pada tiga level kebijakan yakni level kebijakan, organisasional, dan operasional dari perspektif biaya transaksi, serta memperkaya enrichment teori tata kelola kolaboratif dengan perspektif analisis biaya transaksi pada skema KPBU infrastruktur bidang Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat PUPR . Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah soft system methodology-based action research untuk mejawab empat pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa tiga sumber biaya transaksi dari proyek KPBU yakni principal-principal problem, renegotiation and hold-up problem, dan soft budget contraints dapat diatasi dengan membangun tata kelola kolaboratif pada tiga level kebijakan. Pengayaan praktik tata kelola kolaboratif perlu dikembangkan dengan menganalisis sumber-sumber biaya transaksi pada setiap level kebijakan. Kata kunci: Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha, soft system methodology, analisis biaya transaksi, tata kelola kolaboratif

Implementation of Public-Private Partnership PPP scheme, also known as Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha KPBU scheme in Indonesia, is considered to be an alternative source of funding in infrastructure provision. However, in the reality, the performance of the KPBU scheme and private sector interest to participate in the provision of infrastructure in Indonesia is still low. Thus, this research aim to reconstruct the forms of governance at three levels of policy such as policy level, organizational level, and operational level from the perspective of transactions costs, and enrich collaborative governance theory from transaction cost analysis in KPBU scheme for Public Works and Housing sector. The method used in this research is soft system methodology-based action research, to answer four research questions. The results conclude that the three sources of transaction costs of KPBU scheme projects are principal-principal problem, renegotiation hold-up problem, and soft budget constraint can be overcome by building collaborative governance on three policy level. Collaborative governance enrichment practice needs to be develop by analyzing source of transaction cost in every policy level. Keywords: Public-Private Partnership, Soft System Methodology, Transaction Cost Analysis, Collaborative Governance.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erliena Irawati
"Seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan pendapatan per kapita penduduk Indonesia, kebutuhan akan hasil-hasil peternakan juga meningkat. Sektor agribisnis peternakan mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Pola Inti-Plasma merupakan salah satu bentuk kemitraan yang diterapkan di sektor peternakan, termasuk dalam budidaya peternakan ayam. Penggunaan Pola Inti-Plasma semakin menguat setelah krisis yang melanda Indonesia pada kurun waktu 1997-1998 yang juga telah memukul sektor peternakan. Hal ini merupakan manifestasi dari adanya kehendak dari para peternak untuk mencari rasa aman dari fluktuasi harga meskipun keuntungan yang diperoleh relatif lebih sedikit. Perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan yang dibuat antara perusahaan inti dengan peternak plasma harus mengacu pada aspek-aspek hukum perjanjian, baik asas-asas hukum perjanjian, syarat sahnya perjanjian, bagian-bagian atau unsur-unsur perjanjian, serta bentuk perjanjian. Dari studi kasus ini diketahui bahwa perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan pada budidaya peternakan ayam yang diterapkan di PT. CAS telah memenuhi asas konsensualisme, asas kekuatan mengikat, asas kebebasan berkontrak, serta syarat sahnya terbentuknya perjanjian. Demikian juga dengan bentuk atau anatomi perjanjian telah memadai. Namun demikian, perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan tersebut belum sepenuhnya memenuhi asas keseimbangan dan asas itikad baik. Guna memenuhi kedua asas tersebut, diperlukan keterlibatan pemerintah dalam memberikan bimbingan dan bantuan teknis kepada peternak dan menetapkan mekanisme arbitrase untuk menyelesaikan konflik antara perusahaan inti dengan peternak plasma. Selain itu, diperlukan juga keyakinan perusahaan inti untuk menerapkan jaminan kepada peternak plasma.

Along with the increasing of numbers and income per capita of Indonesia's population, the need for the livestock’s product is also increases. Livestock agribusiness sector experienced rapid development. The Pattern of Nucleus-Plasma is one of form of partnership that is also applied in the livestock sector, including in chicken farming. The Pattern of Nucleus-Plasma increasingly used after the crisis that hit Indonesia in the period of 1997-1998, that had also strike the livestock sector. This is a manifestation of the willingness of chicken farmers to seek security from price fluctuations despite the benefits are relatively few. Partnership Agreement made between the nucleus-company and plasma-farmers should refer to the legal aspects of the agreement, namely the principles of contract law, the validity requirements of the agreement, the parts or elements of the agreement, and the form of agreement. From the case study, it is found that the partnership agreement on chicken farming applied in PT. CAS has fulfilled the principle of consensus, the principle of the binding force, the principle of freedom of contract, as well as the validity requirements of the agreement. Likewise, the form or anatomy of agreement is adequate. However, the partnership agreement does not fully comply with the principle of balance and the principle of good faith. To meet the last both principles of contract law, it is necessary for government to involve in providing guidance and technical assistance to farmers, and establish an arbitration mechanism to resolve the conflict between the nucleuscompany and plasma-farmers. In addition, the nucleus-company should confidence to require a warranty to plasma-farmers."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devis Dersi Anugrah
"Dalam melakukan suatu usaha harus menerapkan prinsip-prinsip persaingan usaha sehat seperti yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 Tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat yaitu tidak melakukan monopoli, monopsoni, penguasaan pasar dan sebagainya. Tetapi dalam Pasal 50a menyatakan bahwa 'ketentuan dalam undang-undang ini dapat dikecualikan apabila perbuatan dan/atau perjanjian tersebut bertujuan melaksanakan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku'. Apabila perbuatan dan/atau perjanjian yang dimaksud tersebut merupakan suatu perbuatan untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan usaha dalam hal umum maka ketentuan tersebut tidak menjadi masalah, tetapi apabila perbuatan dan/atau perjanjian tersebut merupakan melakukan suatu kegiatan usaha dalam bidang kemitraan maka hal tersebut akan menyebabkan suatu masalah yaitu terjadinya pertentangan antara Pasal 50a Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 Tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 Tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah. Pada Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 menyatakan bahwa 'Kemitraan adalah kerjasama dalam keterkaitan usaha, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, atas dasar prinsip saling memerlukan, mempercayai, memperkuat, dan menguntungkan'. Sehingga berdasarkan hal tersebut dalam tesis ini akan dibahas mengenai perjanjian kemitraan inti plasma di Indonesia, kesesuaian perjanjian kemitraan dengan prinsip-prinsip persaingan usaha sehat, dan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan kemitraan sektor perkebunan.

In performing an business must apply the principles business competition healthy as regulated in the law number 5 years 1999 on prohibition of monopoly and unfair business competition that is they did not do monopoly, as having only one buyer, mastery market and so on. But in article 50a stated that 'a provision in a law this could be exempted when deeds and / or agreement was aimed to implement laws and regulations'. When deeds and / or agreement referred to this is a deed to perform a business activities in terms of common so this regulation was not be a problem, but when deeds and / or agreement was done a business activities in the field of partnership so that this will cause a problem that is the difference between article 50a the act of number 5 years 1999 on prohibition of monopoly and unfair business competition with act number 20 years 2008 on micro business, small and medium. On bill number 20 years 2008 stated that 'partnership is cooperation in entanglement business, either directly or indirectly, based on the principle need each other, trust, strengthen, and profitable'. So based on such statement in this will be discussed in the partnership agreements the nucleus plasma in Indonesia, conformity partnership agreements with the principles business competition healthy, and supervision with the implementation of the partnership the agricultural sector."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Kartika Sari
"Salah satu contoh kerjasama pemerintah dengan swasta (public-private partnership) pada sektor air di Indonesia adalah kerjasama antara PDAM Jakarta (Pam Jaya) dengan PT. Aetra Air Jakarta (Aetra). Penulis meneliti sifat hubungan hukum dan bentuk imbalan yang terdapat pada perjanjian kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan swasta, serta meneliti sifat hubungan hukum dan bentuk imbalan yang terdapat pada perjanjian kerjasama antara Pam Jaya dengan Aetra. Metode yang digunakan untuk meneliti adalah yuridis normatif yaitu meneliti norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, dengan tipologi penelitian evaluatif.
Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa sifat hubungan hukum yang ada pada perjanjian kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan swasta adalah kerjasama yang berbentuk operasional/pemeliharaan, kelola, sewa, konsesi, bangun guna serah, bangun serah guna, bangun sewa serah, rehabilitasi kelola serah, bangun tambah kelola serah, dan patungan; sedangkan sifat hubungan hukum yang ada pada perjanjian kerjasama antara Pam Jaya dengan Aetra adalah kerjasama berbentuk konsesi. Bentuk-bentuk imbalan yang digunakan pada perjanjian kerjasama pemerintah dengan swasta adalah fee (pembayaran) yang dibayarkan pemerintah kepada swasta dan bagi hasil imbalan antara pemerintah dengan swasta. Bentuk imbalan pada perjanjian kerjasama Pam Jaya dengan Aetra adalah bagi hasil imbalan, di mana masing-masing Aetra dan Pam Jaya menerima Pendapatan Yang Dibagi dan Pendapatan Yang Tidak Dibagi.
Pada akhir tesis, penulis memberikan saran agar Pemerintah Indonesia membuat suatu peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur mengenai pedoman pemberian imbalan dalam perjanjian kerjasama pemerintah dengan swasta, khususnya di sektor air.

An example of public-private partnership in water sector in Indonesia is the partnership between PDAM Jakarta (Pam Jaya) and PT. Aetra Air Jakarta (Aetra). The writer conducted a research in the legal nature relation and the form of charge of the public-private partnership contract and the legal nature relation and the form of charge of the partnership contract of Pam Jaya and Aetra. The method that is used in the research is juridical normative, which conducted a research of legal norm in the regulations, with the evaluatif research typology.
This thesis concludes that legal nature relation of the public-private partnership contract is a partnership in the form of operational/ maintenance , management, lease, concession, build operate transfer, build transfer operate, build lease transfer, rehabilitate operate transfer, build rehabilitate, operate transfer, and joint venture; and the legal nature relation of the Pam Jaya-Aetra partnership contract is concession. Forms of charge of public-private partnership contract are divided into service fee that is paid by the public to the private and revenue sharing between public and private. Form of charge of Pam Jaya-Aetra partnership contract is revenue sharing, where each Pam Jaya and Aetra receives shared revenue and unshared revenue.
At the end of this thesis, the writer proposes an idea to the Government of Indonesia to enact a regulation that governs the guidance of charge giving in the public private partnership contract, especially in water sector.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruli Arifah
Skripsi ini membahas tentangBentuk Kerjasama Public Private Partnership Untuk Pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan. Pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan ini adalah dalam bentuk pembangunan fasilitas-fasilitas baru yaitu hotel, cottage, convention hall, showroom, pintu masuk dan koridor Pasar Seni Gabusan yang bertujuan untuk menarik dan meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan ke Pasar Seni Gabusan. Jumlah kunjungan yang minim merupakan permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh Pasar Seni Gabusan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, Pemkab Bantul bekerjasama dengan
sektor swasta untuk melakukan pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan. Commercial force merupakan faktor pendorong utama Pemkab Bantul untuk melakukan kerjasama pemerintah swasta. Sementara opposition by legislative dan opposition by public merupakan faktor penghambat kerjasama pemerintah swasta untuk pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan. Strategi kerjasama yang cocok untuk pengembangan Pasar Seni
Gabusan berdasarkan kondisi existing yang ada adalah dengan Public Private Partnership dengan bentuk joint venture.

This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo Government and Bantul.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government., This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinara Triaswara
"Swiss merupakan salah satu negara anggota Development Assistance Committee yang kerap melakukan bantuan luar negeri. Terkait pembangunan internasional berkelanjutan bidang manajemen air, Pemerintah Swiss juga telah melaksanakan berbagai program secara mandiri melalui badan-badan pemerintah yang mereka miliki seperti the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Kehadiran aktor privat dalam hubungan internasional kemudian memicu dilaksanakannya public-private partnership (PPP) dalam program-program pembangunan internasional Pemerintah Swiss. Dalam bidang manajemen air itu sendiri, SDC melaksanakan PPP dengan Nestlé dalam program More Coffee Less Water di Vietnam dan program SuizAgua di Peru. Meskipun PPP dipercaya mampu meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas suatu program, keterlibatan Nestlé menimbulkan sebuah pertanyaan karena adanya orientasi kebijakan dalam hal manajemen air yang cenderung berbeda dengan Swiss. Oleh karena itu, penulis menggunakan teori Rational Choice untuk memahami alasan di balik dilibatkannya Nestlé dalam program More Coffee Less Water dan SuizAgua. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode survei literatur terhadap sumber-sumber sekunder, penulis menemukan bahwa SDC dan Nestlé sama-sama memiliki kepentingan yang pada akhirnya menjadikan pelaksanaan PPP dalam kedua program tersebut pilihan yang paling rasional bagi mereka.

Switzerland is one of the Development Assistance Committee’s member countries which often provides international aid. In regards to sustainable international development within the water management field, the Swiss government has executed several independent programs through its federal bodies such as the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Furthermore, the presence of private actors in international relations has triggered the use of public-private partnerships (PPP) in said programs. Within the water management field itself, SDC has conducted two PPPs with Nestlé in the More Coffee Less Water program in Vietnam and the SuizAgua program in Peru. Although PPPs are thought to be able to increase the efficiency and quality of a program, Nestlé’s involvement raises a question because of its generally opposing water management policy orientation. Consequently, this paper utilizes the Rational Choice theory to understand the reason behind Nestlé’s involvement in More Coffee Less Water and SuizAgua. While applying a qualitative approach and utilizing a literature survey method towards secondary sources, this paper finds that both SDC and Nestlé have converging interests and therefore making PPP the most rational choice for both parties in said programs."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aurelia Librinaningrum
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai analisis Bargaining Power pada Kesepakatan Pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap atau PLTU Batang melalui skema Public-Private Partnership atau PPP. Kajian yang dilakukan dalam tesis ini meneliti relasi antara negara Indonesia sebagai Negara Tuan Rumah dengan Perusahaan Swasta yang terlibat dalam proyek PLTU Batang: PT J- POWER, Itochu Corporation, dan PT Adaro Power. Dari Agenda PPP di Indonesia, yang baru terlaksana pembangunannya hingga tahun 2016 hanyalah proyek PLTU Batang. Konsep Bargaining Power dipakai dalam tesis ini untuk mencari faktor-faktor variabel Potential Power dan Actual Power dari masing-masing aktor yang mendukung kesepakatan pembangunan PLTU Batang dapat terjadi. Dalam tesis ini, penulis menemukan bahwa faktor utama yang mendorong Prusahaan Swasta untuk dapat berinvestasi di PLTU Batang yaitu nilai investasi, Sumber Daya Alam, maupun Manusia yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia, serta Kebijakan Publik yang menarik para investor untuk membiayai proyek agenda PPP di Indonesia.

This thesis discusses the analysis of Bargaining Power in the Central Java Power Plant Agreement or PLTU Batang through the Public-Private Partnership or PPP scheme. This study case in this thesis examines the relationship between Indonesia as the Host Country and Private Sector that involved in the development project of Central Java Power Plant: PT J-POWER, Itochu Corporation, and PT Adaro Power. In the PPP’s Agenda in Indonesia, Central Java Power Plant is the only construction that has only been carried out until 2016. The concept of Bargaining Power is used in this thesis to find the variable factors of Potential Power and Actual Power of each actor that supports Central Java Power Plant Development Agreement. In this thesis, the writer finds that the main factors for private companies to encourage in PLTU Batang are the investment value, natural resources, and people owned by Indonesia, as well as public policies that attract investors to finance the PPP project agenda in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bonita Rosalia Bunga Istanto
Sebagai negara berkembang, infrastruktur memiliki peranan penting pada pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Namun, hingga saat ini, kualitas infrastruktur di Indonesia masih sangat rendah apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan negara berkembang lainnya. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah keterbatasan dana pemerintah untuk pengadaan infrastruktur. Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) menyebutkan bahwa kerjasama pemerintah swasta (KPS) bisa menjadi alternatif terbaik dalam pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia. Sayangnya, implementasi skema KPS ini masih mengalami banyak hambatan sehingga banyak proyek infrastruktur yang gagal atau tidak berjalan lancar. Dari sini kemudian dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat implementasi KPS di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode logit/probit dengan lebih berfokus pada faktor eksternal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa risiko politik, kemampuan fiskal pemerintah, kondisi makroekonomi dan regulasi yang ditetapkan memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil akhir dari proyek pengadaan infrastruktur dengan skema KPS.

As developing country, infrastructure development is really major for Indonesia in boosting its economic growth. However, up until now, its established infrastructures have relatively low quality compared to other similar countries. One of the main reasons is because of limitation of infrastructures budget. Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) mentioned that Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme could be best alternative for government in developing infrastructure in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the implementation of PPP scheme is still facing many hindrances, so that many projects are failed or progressing slowly. Thus, this research is aimed to see what factors restricting the implementation of PPP scheme in Indonesia. Focusing in external factors, author used logit and probit regression in analyzing these factors. The result shows that political risk, government fiscal capacity, macroeconomy conditions and regulation play major role in determining the outcome of the PPP projects."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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