ABSTRAKKabupaten Gunungkidul mempunyai 46 pantai, jumlah terbanyak se-DIY. Namun,
penelitian ini hanya mengambil 7 pantai yaitu Pantai Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak dan Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur nilai
kesejahteraan (welfare) yang diperoleh wisatawan pada kondisi lingkungan Tujuh
Pantai Dalam Satu Kawasan (TPDSK) di Gunungkidul saat ini yang diukur dengan
nilai consumer surplus serta perubahan nilai kesejahteraan jika terjadi perubahan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang diukur dengan nilai compensating surplus. Metode
yang digunakan adalah Travel Cost Method serta Choice Modelling. Kesimpulan
penelitian adalah nilai consumer surplus pada kondisi lingkungan TPDSK saat ini
sebesar Rp 303.236,00 per kunjungan. Perubahan welfare akibat perubahan kondisi
lingkungan TPDSK yang menurun sebesar ? Rp 279.687,50 per kunjungan . Sedangkan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang meningkat menyebabkan perubahan welfare sebesar
Rp 273.437,50 per kunjungan. Kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh stake holder
adalah 1) minimal mempertahankan kondisi saat ini/status quo, 2) melakukan prioritas
program peningkatan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang terdiri atas jangka pendek
berupa peningkatan kebersihan pantai, jangka menengah berupa peningkatan kuantitas
dan kualitas fasilitas penunjang, jangka panjang berupa pengurangan abrasi pantai, 3)
peningkatan harga tiket masuk dapat dipertimbangkan setelah dilakukan perbaikan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK.
ABSTRACTGunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions., Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.]"