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Gerakan Fajar Nusantara berada di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, kegiatannya menimbulkan problem. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian dan "potret" proses dan peran Tim Reaksi Cepat (TRC) Kementerian Sosial dalam pemulangan Eks Anggota Gerakan Fajar Nusantara (Gafatar) dari Kalimantan dan Sigi, Palu, Sulteng ke tempat asal di DIY, meliputi Kota Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Sleman, Bantul, Gunungkidul, dan Kulon progo. Kajian bertujuan mengetahui latar belakang kejadian, proses, dan peran TRC dalam pemulangan eks anggota Gafatar ke tempat asal. Kajian bersifat empirik deskriptif, dalam melihat peran TRC di tempat penampungan sementara di Youth Centre menggunakan empirical phenomenological psychological, sesuai fakta aktual. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, FGD, dan telaah dokumen. Hasil pengkajian menemukan, bahwa proses pemulangan eks anggota gafatar ke tempat asal berjalan lancar. Hal ini didukung peran TRC yang dalam memberi bimbingan dan pendampingan dapat menciptakan suasana kondusif, sehingga proses pemulangan bisa berjalan tertib dan aman."
Yogyakarta : Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia, 2016
360 MIPKS 40:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Buruh tani merupakan suatu pekerjaan yang banyak ditekuni oleh masyarakat Indonesia terutama yang tinggal dipedesaan dalam rangka untuk mensejahterakan keluarganya. Pekerjaan buruh tani yang ditekuni secara profesional dan didukung dengan bentuk hubungan kerja yang baik akan mempengaruhi tingkat kesejahteraan keluarga buruh tani.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh buruh tani (Xi) dan bentuk hubungan kerja (X2) terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga buruh tani (Y) di Rimbo Bujang Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi serta bagimana hubungannya dengan ketahanan nasional.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode suervey dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk menjaring persepsi buruh tarsi Rimbo Bujang sebanyak 96 orang sebagai responder. Di samping itu, untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan juga teknik observasi, dan wawancara serta studi dokumentasi. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik Cluster Sapling (Area Sampling). Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode statistik korelasi dan regresi sederhana serta regresi berganda.
Hasil penelitian menemukan pertama, terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan pekerjaan buruh tani terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga yang artinya bahwa semakin ditekuni pekerjaan buruh tani akan semakin meningkat kesejahteraan keluarga sebaliknya semakin malas buruh tani bekerja maka akan semakin tidak baik kesejahteraan keluarga. Karena koefisien determinasi korelasi (r2) =0,498 maka terdapat 49,8% kesejahteraan keluarga buruh tani disebabkan oleh pangaruh profesinya sebagai buruh tani. Kedua, terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan bentuk hubungan kerja terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga yang ditunjukkan dengan koefisien determinasi (r2) = 0,527 maka terdapat 52,7% kesejahteraan keluarga buruh tani disebabkan oleh pengaruh bentuk hubungan kerja yang dijalankan. Ketiga, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara buruh tani dan bentuk hubungan kerja terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga yang ditunjukkan dengan koefisien determinasi (r2) = 0,609 hal ini berarti 60,9 % kesejahteraan keluarga buruh tani disebabkan oleh pengaruh profesi buruh tani dan bentuk hubungan kerja.
Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa dengan semakin meningkatnya kesejahteraan keluarga, mempengaruhi terhadap berbagai aspek ketahanan nasional seperti aspek keamanan yang semakin kondusif, aspek ekonomi yang membaik dan aspek-aspek sosial lainnya yang berkenaan dengan kehidupan bermasyarakat berjalan dengan harmonis dan penuh toleran.
Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat sebagai bahan masukan khususnya bagi masyarakat yang menekuni profesi buruh tani, para petani dan pemerintah dalam menentukan langkah untuk bekerja, mengerjakan dan membuat kebijakan sehingga tidak salah yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi semua pihak.

Many Indonesian people, especially those living in rural areas, work as farm workers to support their families. The occupation as farm workers which is carried out professionally and supported by good work relations will affect the level of the farm worker's family's welfare.
This research is aimed at testing the effect of the farm workers (Xl) and the form of work relations (X2) on the welfare of the farm worker's family (Y) at Rimbo Bujang, Tebo Regency, the Province of Jambi and also the correlation with the national resilience.
The method of the research which is employed is the survey method by using questioners to obtain the perception of 96 farm workers of Rimbo Bujang as respondents. Besides that, to collect data, the observation method, interview, and documentation study are also employed. Samples of the research is determined by means of Cluster Sampling (Area Sampling) method. The data are analyzed by using statistical correlation method and simple regression as well as doubled regression methods.
The result of the research are firstly, there are positive and significant effects of farm worker's occupation on the family welfare which means that when the farm workers intensify their work, the family welfare will improve and on the other hand, if the farm workers are lazy, the family welfare will decrease. Because the correlation determinant coefficient (r2) = 0.498 hence 49.8% of the farm workers' family's welfare is the result of the occupational effect as farm worker. Secondly, there is positive and significant effect of work relations on the family welfare which is indicated by the determinant coefficient (r2) = 0.527; hence 52.7% of the farm workers' family's welfare is the result of the work relations which is performed. Thirdly, there is significant effect of farm workers and work relations on the family welfare which is indicated by the determinant coefficient (r2) = 0.609, which means 60.9 % of the farm workers' family's welfare is the result of the occupational effect of the farm workers and the type of work relations.
The result of the research also indicates that the increasing family, welfare affects several aspects of national resilience such as the security aspect which becomes more 'conducive, the economic aspect which gets better and the other social aspects which are related to the community livelihood are harmonious and full of tolerance.
It is expected that the result of this research will be useful as an input, especially for the community who work as farm workers, the farmers and the government in determining the steps to prepare and make the policy so that there are no mistakes which are harmful for all the parties.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dede Mahmuda
Kekayaan yang merupakan salah satu unsur kesejahteraan adalah hal yang mendasar
untuk tiap individu. Namun demikian, distribusi kekayaan tidak merata pada tiap
penduduk baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Tren positif pertumbuhan pendapatan per
kapita justru diiringi dengan makin tingginya Gini Ratio yang mengindikasikan bahwa
ketimpangan yang semakin melebar antara penduduk kaya dan miskin. Secara budaya,
Indonesia adalah negara kaya yang terdiri dari beranekaragam suku bangsa, bahasa, ras,
adat istiadat dan agama. Indonesia juga dikenal sebagai negara yang religius dengan
sebagian besar penduduknya menyatakan bahwa agama adalah hal penting dalam hidup.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari hubungan antara religiusitas dan
tingkat kesejahteraan dengan menggunakan data panel IFLS tahun 2007 dan 2014. Hasil
regresi logistik ordinal menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan
antara tingkat religiusitas dengan tingkat kesejahteraan dimana individu yang mengalami
peningkatan religiusitas memiliki kecenderungan 9,57 (95% CI: 8,64-10,63) kali lebih
besar untuk mengalami perubahan tingkat kesejahteraan yang lebih baik dibandingkan
dengan individu yang mengalami penurunan tingkat religiusitas. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa semakin baik tingkat religiusitas maka semakin baik pula tingkat
kesejahteraan. Peran religiusitas dalam kesejahteraan dalam pen

Wealth, which is one of the parts of well-being, is essential for everyone. However, the
wealth is not evenly distributed among population in the world and in Indonesia. The
positive trend of per capita income growth is accompanied by a higher Gini Ratio which
indicates that widening wealth gap between rich and poor people. Culturally, Indonesia
is a rich country consisting of diverse ethnic groups, languages, races, customs and
religions. Indonesia is also known as a religious country with most of its population
stating that religion is an important thing in life. Therefore, this study aims to understand
the relationship between religiosity and welfare using IFLS panel data year 2007 and
2014. The results of ordinal logistic regression indicate that there is a significant positive
relationship between the level of religiosity with the level of welfare where individuals
who experience an increase in religiosity, have a tendency of 9.57 (95% CI: 8.64-10.63)
times greater for better welfare level than individuals who experienced a decrease in the
level of religiosity. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the better the level of
religiosity, the better the level of welfare. The role of religiosity in welfare in this study
is directly through behaviour and social networks indirectly."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The core of the problem in the hotel service industry, as an important part of tourism
industries, was a big gap between the hotel potential as service industries and the macro and micro
economic condition in Indonesia.
The research objective was to study and analyze the simultaneous as well as partial effects of
accommodation condition, occupancy rate, supply specification of the rooms, domestic guest services,
foreign guest services, facilities and security on the revenue of the hotel industries. Besides, the
research studied and analyzed the effects of hotel revenues on the Regional Natural Revenue, job
creation and the public welfare.
The nature of the research was a survey using descriprive and inferential analyses. The model
was of hypothesis testing that applied statistical techniques of simple and multiple linear regression.
The design of the research employed causal relationship in which several independent variables were
served as the causes of the independent variables.
The results of this research indicated that there was simultaneous significant effects of
accommodation, occupancy rate, domestic guest service and facilities on the hotel industry revenue.
Partially, each of the four variables of accommodation, occupancy rates, domestic guest services and
facilities had significant effect. The remaining three (supply specification of the rooms, foreign guest
services and security) did not have significant effect on the hotel industry revenues. Likewise, the
effect of the hotel revenues on the Regional Natural Revenue DKI Jakarta was not significant. And
yey, the effects of hotel industry revenues on the job creation DKI Jakarta as well as on the public
welfare were significant.
The results of this research brought about implication that there were some internal factors
which affected the growth of the hotel service industry; there were accommodation, occupancy rate,
domestic guest services and facilities. Necessarily, it was recommended that the governmental and
hotel businessman increase the four factors which induced the positive impact on Regional Natural
Revenue, job creation and public welfare."
330 JUREKO 15:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chatarina Rusmiyati
Yogyakarta: Badan Penelitian dan pengembangan kesejahteraan sosial, 1994
361 CHA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Ari Wibowo
Kabupaten Gunungkidul mempunyai 46 pantai, jumlah terbanyak se-DIY. Namun,
penelitian ini hanya mengambil 7 pantai yaitu Pantai Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak dan Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur nilai
kesejahteraan (welfare) yang diperoleh wisatawan pada kondisi lingkungan Tujuh
Pantai Dalam Satu Kawasan (TPDSK) di Gunungkidul saat ini yang diukur dengan
nilai consumer surplus serta perubahan nilai kesejahteraan jika terjadi perubahan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang diukur dengan nilai compensating surplus. Metode
yang digunakan adalah Travel Cost Method serta Choice Modelling. Kesimpulan
penelitian adalah nilai consumer surplus pada kondisi lingkungan TPDSK saat ini
sebesar Rp 303.236,00 per kunjungan. Perubahan welfare akibat perubahan kondisi
lingkungan TPDSK yang menurun sebesar ? Rp 279.687,50 per kunjungan . Sedangkan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang meningkat menyebabkan perubahan welfare sebesar
Rp 273.437,50 per kunjungan. Kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh stake holder
adalah 1) minimal mempertahankan kondisi saat ini/status quo, 2) melakukan prioritas
program peningkatan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang terdiri atas jangka pendek
berupa peningkatan kebersihan pantai, jangka menengah berupa peningkatan kuantitas
dan kualitas fasilitas penunjang, jangka panjang berupa pengurangan abrasi pantai, 3)
peningkatan harga tiket masuk dapat dipertimbangkan setelah dilakukan perbaikan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK.

Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions., Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Nugroho
"Penelitian ini berangkat dari pemikiran bahwa kemiskinan tidak akan teratasi tanpa mengedepankan peranan masyarakat sebagai agen perubahan. Peranan ini ditandai dengan seberapa besar kelompok/organisasi swadaya melakukan kinerja. Dengan menguatnya paradigma pembangunan sosial yang berorientasi pada `community based activity', maka kinerja kelompok/organisasi swadaya menjadi salah satu indikator keberhasilan pembangunan. Sementara itu, kegagalan Proyek Bantuan Kesejahteraan Sosial adalah ketidakmampuannya mewujudkan target yang ingin dicapai, yaitu sebesar 50% pada akhir pelita VII ternyata hanya sekitar 3 % yang menunjukkan keberhasilannya. Penelitian ini berusaha menelusuri sasaran yang dianggap berhasil. Dengan mempergunakan pemikiran dari Schler dan R. Batten sebagai piranti analisisnya, permasalahan yang diungkap adalah (1) kinerja Proyek Bantuan Kesejahteraan Sosial (2) pengaruh Proyek terhadap kinerja Kelompok usaha bersama (3) kinerja Kelompok Usaha Bersama dalam memperbaiki kesejahteraan masyarakat (4) intervensi yang dilakukan dan hasilnya.
Jenis Penelitian adalah deskirptif dengan -pendekatan kualitatif dan anggota Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) di Desa Wonorejo sebagai sasaran. Dari penelitian terungkap, bahwa Proyek Bantuan Kesejahteraan sosial tidak `sustainable'. Pendekatan yang digunakan lebih direktif, Strateginya adalah membangun kelompok usaha bersama sebagai sarana keswadayaan. Peranan petugas sangat dominan. Sementara masyarakat kurang memperoleh kesempatan untuk melakukan pilihan dalam pemecahan masalah, karena merupakan `paket', Keberadaan Kelompok Usaha Bersama dikatakan efektif jika diukur dari daya tahan (survival), walaupun tingkat perkembangannya berbeda. Indikator keberhasilan proyek baru mencapai 25%. Faktor keberhasilan (a) pengetahuan dan komitmen (b) Peranan ketua (b) fasilitas (c) reward (d) Peranan Pendamping dan campur tangan Kepala Desa. Kelompok yang memiliki `otonomi' justru menunjukkan perkembangan lebih lamban. Temuan lainnya adanya persaingan yang tidak sehat' antar KUB yang secara potensial menimbulkan konflik. Intervensi lanjutan ternyata mampu memperbaiki kondisi tersebut dengan menghasilkan insitutusi baru yang berperan sebagai 'social safety net'.
Kekhasan Pengembangan keswadayaan masyarakat (a) diawali intervensi pihak luar. (b) terbentuknya institusi sosial baru (c) keanggotaan kelompok swadaya yang bersifat heterogen dan didukung oleh kekuatan lain menyebabkan tetap survival (d) penerapan pengembangan masyarakat secara sustainable telah mempercepat proses keswadayaan."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nyi Mas Dita Annissa Choir Pratiwi
Skripsi ini membahas faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat untuk memilih tempat bertahan tinggal di lokasi rawan bencana. Urbanisasi yang terjadi pada Indonesia khususnya Jakarta membuat banyak masyarakat urban yang tidak mampu bersaing, tidak mempunyai pilihan untuk tinggal di daerah rawan akan bencana seperti di bantaran sungai. Banyak munculnya permukiman di bantaran sungai merupakan salah satu yang berperan penting akan terjadinya bencana banjir. Bencana yang secara umum selalu merugikan masyarakat namun kenyataan membuat masyarakat terbiasa untuk menghadapinya. Ada banyak faktor yang menyebabkan masyarakat untuk tetap bertahan disana. Faktor sosial dan psikologis, serta faktor lingkungan menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhinya.

This paper discusses about the factors that influence societies to choose still hold out to live in a location vulnerable of disaster. Urbanization that happened in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, made many of urban societies who disable to compete have no choice to live on area vulnerable of disaster sych as near river. Appeared many residential near river constitute one of have a main role harmfull societies, however in reality makes them accustomed to face flood disaster. Many factors that causes societies still hold out there. Social and psychology, environment became a factor that influence it."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triyana Sulistari
"Skripsi ini menggambarkan mengenai bagaimana peran solidaritas sosial dalam menjamin kesejahteraan pekerja sektor informal, dengan kasus dua usaha warung makan yang berada di Kober, Kelurahan Pondok Cina, Depok. Hasil temuan lapangan menggambarkan bahwa solidaritas sosial suku bangsa menimbulkan tanggung jawab moral yang pada akhirnya mendorong pemilik warung makan untuk memperhatikan kesejahteraan karyawannya, yaitu berupa pemenuhan terhadap kebutuhan pangan, pakaian, perumahan, sarana kesehatan, transportasi, pendidikan, rekreasi, tabungan, dan jaminan sosial, serta kesejahteraan spiritual.

This thesis is describing the phenomenon about how is the role of the social solidarity in assuring the welfare for the informal workers sector, with a case study of two eating place in Kober, Pondok Cina, Depok. And the result shows that the social solidarity of ethnics creating a moral responsibility that finally driven the owner to give attention to their worker's welfare, in a forms of providing them food, clothes, a place to stay, health care, education, transportation, recreation, saving, worker's social security, and spiritual walfare."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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