ABSTRAKIn recent years, land development in many suburban and rural counties has been impeded by the combined lack of municipal sewers and soil conditions necessary for conventional septic tank and soil absorption systems. Prince William County, Virginia, is such a county. When faced with an influx of population and commercial enterprises, it became obvious that some alternative, and innovative, on-site sanitary wastewater management system was required for many areas of the county.
In 1974, the Prince William County Department of Public Health undertook the evaluation of one alternative and innovative on-site wastewater management system. The test site was a major oil company's full service gasoline station in Gainesville, Virginia.
After five years of close observation, the conclusion is that the system can provide an effective and environmentally sound method for on-site wastewater treatment. This article summarizes the evaluation criteria used, data collection parameters, and analysis results. A presentation was made to the NEHA annual conference in Charleston, S.C.