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Anna Amalia
Peat forest are unique and sensitive ecosystems, have complex hydrological systems and bear important economic service function. In Southeast Asian countries, peatland degradation has been increasingly severe in the last decade due to the exploitation of natural resources, which concerns the structure and function of the system. Ecological rehabilitation, includign hydrological restoration, is believed to be useful for restoring the function of forest/peat swamp systems. Protection of critical areas in the form of National Park is also applied to reduce disturbance and further degradation of the area. A literature review is conducted to analyze the extent to which ecological restoration can achieve system resilience, especially socio-ecological resilience as a 'complex-adaptive system' using resilience concepts. The linkage between the ecological function of peat forest restoration by restoring hydrological systems, the diversity of flora and fauna, and enhancing social resilience with social networking and community livelihood is and important key in achieving resilience. Area Protection (in the form of National Park) needs to pay attention to interconnection systems in the "panarchy" model, not for system isolation, but directed to strengthening effective adaptation governance. The study of the selected Sebangau peatland forest in Central Kalimantan, which implemented hydrological restoration and post-Mega Rice Project (MRP) National Park to restore 85% of the damaged land. Sebangau peatland ' socio-ecological resilience' is assessed to increase after the restoration and determination of the national park, although peatland clearance still continues. Strengthening governance of national park and controlling on the main variables on the main variables of peat and 'sustainable livelihood' is essential to improve resilience."
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2018
330 BAP 1:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riezdqhy Amalina Farahiyah Al Husna
Lanskap sosio-ekologi di wilayah penelitian terbentuk karena aktifitas manusia pada lingkungan fisik yang memiliki struktur adat, kekeluargaan, kolektivitas dan modal untuk sustainability. Terdapat lanskap pertanian agriculture and mosaics berbasis kearifan lokal pada wilayah ketinggian 0-100 mdpl, agroforestri other dominant natural landcover berbasis pengetahuan ekologi tradisional pada wilayah ketinggian 101-600 mdpl, dan hutan forest berbasis hukum adat pada wilayah ketinggian 601-1000 mdpl. Metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem tenurial yang paling sering terganggu berada pada lanskap agroforestri ketinggian 100-600 mdpl dimana tersedia jalan-jalan kantung produksi sebagai sarana mobilisasi masyarakat dari permukiman ke hutan dan dominasi kebun pribadi di dalam kawasan hutan milik negara.

Socio ecological landscape is formed by human activities in the physical environment shows customary, familial, collectivity and capital structure for sustainability. There are 3 types of socio ecological landscape based on altitude local wisdom based agricultural landscapes at altitude 0 100 masl, traditional ecological knowledge based agroforestry landscapes at altitude 101 600 masl, and customary law based forest landscapes at altitude 601 1000 masl. This study documents sacred places protected by indigenous community, customary law relevancies, and the perception of forest tenure. Quantitative and qualitative method result disturbed tenure system often found in agroforestry landscapes altitudes of 100 600 masl where crop production road wage mobilization from settlement to forest area and there is a dominance of private owned garden within state forest areas. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrew Rizky Prabowo
"Presbytis rubicunda merupakan satwa endemik Kalimantan dengan status konservasi vulnerable (VU) pada tahun 2020, yang sebelumnya berada pada status konservasi least concerned (LC) pada tahun 2008. Perubahan status konservasi ini diakibatkan oleh adanya kerusakan habitat alaminya, yaitu hutan gambut. Upaya telah dilakukan untuk menanggulangi atau mencegah kerusakan hutan gambut. Katingan Mentaya Project (KMP) merupakan usaha restorasi dan konservasi ekosistem gambut yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Tengah. KMP berusaha untuk mewujudkan pemulihan fungsi ekologis lahan gambut sebagai habitat alami bagi satwa-satwa salah satunya Ordo Primata. Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai deteksi keberadaan P. rubicunda di wilayah selatan kawasan restorasi gambut KMP untuk mengetahui lokasi titik-titik perjumpaan dan jumlah P. rubicunda di wilayah tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode line transect yang dikombinasi dengan metode-metode lainnya, seperti penggunaan camera trap dan melakukan wawancara dengan beberapa responden. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 8 titik dengan frekuensi jumlah individu mencapai 11 individu dengan total effort line transect sejumlah 72.800 m. Selain itu, terdapat hasil deteksi P. rubicunda menggunakan camera trap. Penggunaan camera trap dinilai kurang efektif karena mekanisme pemasangan dan pelepasan camera trap cukup sulit dilakukan dan memiliki banyak risiko kerusakan atau gagal, serta data yang didapatkan sedikit. Wawancara dengan beberapa staff KMP dilakukan untuk membandingkan effort dalam menjumpai P. rubicunda.

Presbytis rubicunda is a Kalimantan endemic animal with a vulnerable conservation status (VU) in 2020, which was previously in the least concerned conservation status (LC) in 2008. This change in conservation status was caused by damage to its natural habitat, namely peat forests. Efforts have been made to mitigate or prevent damage to peat forests. The Katingan Mentaya Project (KMP) is an effort to restore and conserve peat ecosystems located in Central Kalimantan. KMP is trying to realize the restoration of the ecological function of peatlands as a natural habitat for animals, one of them is Order of Primate. Research has been carried out on the detection of P. rubicunda in the southern region of the KMP peat restoration area to determine the location of the encounter points and the number of P. rubicunda in the area. The research was conducted using the line transect method in combination with other methods, such as using camera traps and conducting interviews with several respondents. The results show that there are 8 points with a frequency of up to 11 individuals with a total effort line transect of 72,800 m. In addition, there are results of P. rubicunda detection using camera traps. The use of camera traps is considered ineffective because the mechanism for attaching and removing camera traps is quite difficult to do and has a lot of risk of damage or failure, and less data is obtained. Interviews with several KMP staff were conducted to compare efforts in finding P. rubicunda."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miqdad Anwarie
Hidrologi hutan rawa gambut merupakan faktor penting yang menjadi kunci keberadaan dan kelestarian gambut itu sendiri. Perubahan hidrologi pada gambut terutama yang diakibatkan oleh kanalisasi mengakibatkan adanya fluktuasi tinggi muka air tanah yang dapat berdampak pada peningkatan pelepasan CO2, kekeringan yang berakibat kebakaran dan banjir yang lebih cepat terjadi sehingga perlu adanya upaya mitigasi untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut. Pengolahan citra Landsat TM dan ETM serta SPOT 4 menggunakan teknik klasifikasi segmentasi
berbasis objek yang dipadukan dengan hasil pengukuran tinggi muka air dan elevasi permukaan tanah dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pola perubahan genangan air hutan rawa gambut di SubDAS Bakung, Kalimantan Tengah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pola perubahan genangan air sebagian besar terjadi di bagian hilir subDAS dengan faktor pengontrol berupa ketinggian dan lereng. Analisis multitemporal dari tahun 1998 – 2012 menjelaskan bahwa parameter curah hujan yang paling tinggi pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan genangan air adalah curah hujan dua bulanan sebelumnya dengan R sebesar 0,669. Adapun kerapatan aliran lebih berpengaruh terhadap genangan air di bagian hulu SubDAS Bakung.

Hydrology of peat swamp forest is an important factor that is a key to the existence and preservation of the peat. Therefore, with the change in the hydrology of peat mainly caused by canalization it may result in fluctuations in ground water level that can impact on increasing the release of CO2, resulting in drought and peat fires, and early flood so it is need mitigation effort to reduce the risk. Processing of Landsat TM and ETM and SPOT 4 imagery using object-based classification technique are performed to produce pattern of water body change of peat swamp forest in Bakung Sub-watershed, Central Kalimantan. According to analysis, water body change pattern mostly occur in downstream area with
controlled factor is topography. analysis conducted by multi-temporal in 1998 - 2012 found that rainfall parameters that influence the changes in water body is 2-monthly rainfall before observation time with R of 0.669. In addition, drainage density is more influence for occurring water body changes in the upstream area of Bakung Sub-watershed., Hydrology of peat swamp forest is an important factor that is a key to the
existence and preservation of the peat. Therefore, with the change in the
hydrology of peat mainly caused by canalization it may result in fluctuations in
ground water level that can impact on increasing the release of CO2, resulting in
drought and peat fires, and early flood so it is need mitigation effort to reduce the
risk. Processing of Landsat TM and ETM and SPOT 4 imagery using object-based
classification technique are performed to produce pattern of water body change of
peat swamp forest in Bakung Sub-watershed, Central Kalimantan. According to
analysis, water body change pattern mostly occur in downstream area with
controlled factor is topography. analysis conducted by multi-temporal in 1998 -
2012 found that rainfall parameters that influence the changes in water body is 2-
monthly rainfall before observation time with R of 0.669. In addition, drainage
density is more influence for occurring water body changes in the upstream area
of Bakung Sub-watershed.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galdikas, Birute M.F
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1994
R 639.95 GAL g
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malaysia : Forest Research Institute, 2007,
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadzil, Kamal Solhaimi
Kepong Slangor: UNDP , 2006
557.68 FAD w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manalu, Dame
"Sebagai salah satu negara dengan jumlah gunung api aktif terbanyak di dunia Indonesia berisiko tinggi pada ancaman letusan vulkanik Berdasarkan penelitian hampir 60 dari total populasi hidup di 16 kawasan gunung api aktif di berbagai wilayah kepulauan di Indonesia Masyarakat yang tinggal di wilayah gunung api dan masih mempraktekkan cara hidup tradisional dianggap memiliki risiko tinggi karena praktik tradisional dapat mempengaruhi resiliensi mereka untuk menghadapi ancaman bencana Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor ekologi sosial yang berkontribusi terhadap usaha resiliensi masyarakat yang tinggal di kawasan rawan bencana Gunung Api Rokatenda Palue untuk menuju kemampanan Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif Teori sistem ekologi sosial dalam perspektif resiliensi menjelaskan kompleksitas hubungan yang dinamis antara manusia dan lingkungan terutama pada masyarakat adat yang hidupnya bergantung pada sumber daya alam Teori ini digunakan dalam mengidentifikasi kerentanan dan mengkaji aspek ekologi sosial yang mendukung dan menghambat resiliensi masyarakat adat di Dusun Koa yang tinggal di kawasan rawan bencana Gunung Rokatenda di Kabupaten Sikka NTT Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa aspek ekologi sosial yang terdapat pada masyarakat adat sangat berpengaruh pada kerentanan dan kapasitas dalam menghadapi potensi ancaman letusan gunung api.

As one of the countries with the largest number of active volcanoes in the world Indonesia is at high risk of the threat of volcanic eruption Based on previous studies it was stated that nearly 60 of the total population living in 16 areas of active volcano in various islands of Indonesia People who live in the area of the volcano and still practice the traditional way of life considered as high risk community because it may affect their resilience to face the threat of disaster This study aims to analyze social ecological factors that contribute to resilience efforts toward sustainability of the community living in disaster prone area of Rokatenda Volcano in Palu 39 e Island This study applied a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive method Social ecological systems theory in the perspective of resilience explains the complexity of the dynamic relationship between man and the environment especially in the indigenous communities whose life depend on natural resources The theory is applied in identifying the risks and analyzing social ecological aspects as supporting and hindering factors for community resilience in indigenous people of Koa who live in the disaster prone area of Mount Rokatenda This study showed that social ecological aspects existing in an indigenous community was highly influence the vulnerability and capacity of the community to face a potential threat of volcanic hazard."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusi Rosalina
Penelitian di areal konservasi di PT National Sago Prima bertujuan untuk
mendapatkan informasi terbaru komposisi floristik, struktur, dan kandungan
karbon di hutan rawa gambut, sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan kawasan
konservasi kedepannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada Janauari-Februari 2012 dan
dilakukan pada 25 kuadrat berukuran 20 m x 20 m dengan total luasan
pengamatan 1 hektar. Lokasi penelitian merupakan hutan rawa gambut sekunder
dengan nilai keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan dan kandungan karbon yang
tinggi. Total spesies yang ditemukan di areal penelitian adalah 73 spesies dari 38
famili. Spesies tingkat pohon diidentifikasi sebanyak 50 spesies (30 famili),
kerapatan 550 individu/ha, dominansi 18,32 m2/ha, dan Indeks keanekaragaman
Shannon-Wiener 3,05 (keanekaragaman spesies tinggi). Spesies tingkat pohon
dengan Nilai Kepentingan (NK) tertinggi adalah Pandanus atrocarpus Griff.
(NK= 45,86%). Tiga famili dengan NK tertinggi adalah: Pandanaceae (45,86%),
Myrtaceae (40,37%), dan Dipterocarpaceae (39,20%). Struktur hutan
didominasi oleh pohon dengan diameter di bawah 20 cm sebanyak 408 pohon/ha
(74,05% ). Tinggi pohon dominan menempati stratum bawah D dan E dengan
tinggi di bawah 20 m sebanyak 431 pohon/ha (78,36 %). Ditemukan 11 spesies
yang masuk ke dalam red list IUCN 2012, tiga diantaranya adalah: Shorea rugosa
(Critically endangered), Shorea tesymanniana (Endangered), dan Gonystylus
bancanus (Vulnerable). Biomassa dan kandungan karbon (C) di atas permukaan
tanah sebesar 149,18 ton/ha dengan 70,12 ton C/ha. Pohon (D > 10 cm)
memberikan nilai terbesar (56,29%) dari total biomassa dan kandungan karbon di
atas permukaan tanah sebesar 83,97 ton/ha dengan 39,47 ton C/ha. Biomassa dan
kandungan karbon di tingkat belta sebesar 20,69 ton/ha dengan 9,72 ton C/ha
(13,87%), tingkat semai dan tumbuhan bawah 0,03 ton/ha dengan 0,01 ton C/ha
(0,02%), nekromassa berkayu 24,06 ton/ha dengan 11,31 ton C/ha (16.13%), serta
serasah sebesar 20,44 ton/ha dengan 9,61 ton C/ha (13,70%). Persamaan alometri
yang dibuat khusus untuk Pandanus atrocarpus memberi nilai biomassa dan
kandungan karbon sebesar 5,16 ton/ha dengan 2,42 ton C/ha. Karbon di bawah
permukaan tanah sebesar 464.895,94 ton C/ha, dengan kedalaman gambut rerata
5,5 m, bobot isi tanah rerata 0,18 g/cm3, serta kandungan C organik rerata 46,6 %.
Di seluruh koridor hutan konservasi penyangga kubah gambut seluas 541 ha, total
biomassa dan kandungan karbon di atas permukaan tanah adalah 80.708,64 ton
dan 37,934 ton C, dan total kandungan karbon di bawah permukaan tanah adalah
238,96 juta MT C.
Study of the floristic composition, structure, and estimation of carbon storage of
the peat swamp forest in PT National Sago Prima, aims to get the latest
information of the subject as a basis for future management of the conservation
area. The research was conducted in January - February 2012 using the 25
quadrats measuring 20 m x 20 m ach, covering sampled area of 1 hectare. The
results showed that the study site is a regenerating peat swamp forests having high
plant species diversity and high carbon stock content. Total species found in the
study area were 73 species of 38 families. Tree species recorded about 50 species
(30 families), tree density was 550 individuals/ha, and total tree basal area was
18.32 m2/ha. The Shannon-Wiener’s Diversity Index for tree of 3.05 (high species
diversity). Tree species with the highest Importance Values (IV) was Pandanus
atrocarpus Griff. (IV= 45.86%). The tree families with the highest IV were
Pandanaceae (45.86%), Myrtaceae (40.37%), and Dipterocarpaceae (39.20%).
Forest structure dominated by trees with diameter below 20 cm amonting to 408
trees/ha (74.05%). The forest canopy was dominated by trees in the D and E
strata with height of less than 20 m, and density of 431trees/ha (78.36%). Eleven
species can be included in the IUCN red list e.i.: Shorea rugosa F. Heim
(Critically Endangered), Shorea tesymanniana Dyer ex Brandis (Endangered), and
Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Vulnerable). The total aboveground biomass
and carbon (C) storage was 149.18 ton/ha with 70.12 ton C/ha. Tree biomass and
carbon content was the highest component (56.29%) of aboveground biomass and
carbon content about 83.97 ton/ha with 39.47 ton C/ha. Biomass and carbon
content of saplings about 20.69 ton/ha with 9.72 ton C/ha (13.87%), seedlings and
undergrowth plants 0.03 ton/ha with 0.01 ton C/ha (0.02%), woody necromass
24.06 ton/ha with 11.31 ton C/ha (16.13%), and littter 20.44 ton/ha with 9.61 ton
C/ha (13.70%). The allometric equation specially developed for Pandanus
atrocarpus gave the total biomass and carbon content of 5.16 ton/ha with 2.42 ton
C/ha. Mean peat soil depth was 5.5 m, mean bulk density of 0.18 g/cm3, and
mean organic C of 46.6 %. The estimated C content in one hectare of peat soil in
the study site was 464,895.94 MT C/ha. In the entire forest corridor of peat dome
buffer zone constituting the conservation area of 541 ha, the total aboveground
biomassand carbon storage were estimated to be 80,708.64 ton and 37,934.00 ton
C, while the total underground carbon was 238,96 million MT C."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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