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Stets, Jan E.
"New Directions in Identity Theory and Research has twenty-three chapters that address new theoretical, methodological, and substantive work in identity theory in sociological social psychology. The work emerged out of a 2014 national conference that brought together researchers who were working in different but interrelated strands of identity theory: the perceptual control and social structural programs. One goal of the conference was to more fully integrate these research programs, thus creating a more unified theory moving forward. A second goal of the conference was to honor and continue to develop the scholarly contributions of Peter J. Burke upon his retirement. His significant contributions to social psychology and his development of identity theory leave a rich set of ideas for the next generation of scholars. The work in this volume from over thirty-five scholars presents a wide array of research on such issues as the neurological processing of identities, identity change, racial/ethnic identities, stigmatized identities, identities and emotions, and identities in our digital age."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Sekartaji
Tesis ini menganalisis karya sastra drama yang berjudul OvertonesA karya Alice
Gerstenberg (1916) dengan menggunakan teori Feminis Psikoanalisa. Melalui
drama Overtones, Alice Gerstenberg menyoroti isu beban domestik perempuan
pada awal abad 20 yang berat sehingga berdampak bagi kondisi psikis mereka;
perempuan dikondisikan untuk tidak memiliki hak atas diri dan suaranya sendiri
sehingga mereka rentan terhadap keretakan diri. Hal tersebut diungkap melalui
dua tokoh perempuan Harriet dan Margaret sebagai cultured woman; sebuah hasil
konstruksi diri patriarki yang harus tampil dengan sikap tidak murni sedangkan
suara dan keinginan mereka yang murni, yang disebut sebagai primitive self, tidak
diizinkan untuk tampil ke permukaan. Melalui Feminis Psikoanalisa milik Nancy
Chodorow terungkap bahwa masalah psikis perempuan yang berpotensi
meretakkan diri perempuan telah dimulai sejak perempuan sejak masih kanak–
kanak, bukan karena penis–envy melainkan dikarenakan adanya dominasi
patriarki yang konstruktif terhadap diri perempuan. Hal ini menyebabkan
perempuan tidak dapat mencapai identitas diri mereka sendiri dan malah
menghasilkan diri perempuan yang manipulatif serta obsesif .

This thesis analyzes a one – act drama entitled Overtones by Alice Gerstenberg
(1916) using Feminist Psychoanalysis theory. Overtones by Alice Gerstenberg
highlight the issue of women's domestic burden in the early 20th century that
made women were vulnerable to the mental health issue. In this matter, women
were conditioned not to have the right for their own voice even for their own
selves. This situation lead them to the splitting self and it was revealed by two
female characters Harriet and Margaret as cultured woman – a self constracted
by patriarchy – should appear without pure desire. Unlike the pure desire, which
is referred to primitive self, was not allowed to come out to the surface. Nancy
Chodorow sees this problem through her theory, Feminist Psychoanalysis. She
discovered that women psychic is vulnerable to such problem as it started since
the younghood, not the penis – envy; women had experienced a sever constructive
self under the patriarchy domination. This problem stands as a major point
toward the failure on women self identity achievement."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rothman, Jay, editor
"Through proper engagement, identity-based conflict enhances and develops identity as a vehicle to promote creative collaboration between individuals, the groups they constitute and the systems they forge. This handbook describes the specific model that has been developed as well as various approaches and applications to identity-conflict used throughout the world."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kroger, Jane, 1947-
London: Routledge, 2004
155.518 KRO i
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilman Rizaldi Ruswin
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prediksi orientasi dominansi sosial SDO dan identitas sosial terhadap intoleransi politik di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian korelasional. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Skala Orientasi Dominansi Sosial dan Skala Intoleransi Politik Putra, 2007 serta adaptasi dari Alat Ukur Identitas Sosial Kusumawardhani, 2010 . Penelitian dilakukan pada 772 mahasiswa S1/D4 yang dilakukan dengan accidental sampling dengan mengisi kuesioner daring melalui tautan http://lurus.in/niatnya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa SDO dapat memprediksi kemunculan intoleransi politik = 0,260, p < 0,05 , dan identitas sosial memiliki pengaruh yang kecil dalam memprediksi kemunculan intoleransi politik = 0,138, p < 0,05.

This study aims to predict social dominance orientation SDO and social identities religion and ethnicity on political intolerance. This study used correlational method, and examine SDO with Skala Orientasi Dominansi Sosial Putra, 2007 , political intolerance with Skala Intoleransi Politik Putra, 2007 , and social identity with Alat Ukur Identitas Sosial Kusumawardhani, 2010 . The researcher used online questionnaire http lurus.in niatnya with 772 undergraduate students as sample with accidental sampling. The researcher found that SDO predicts political intolerance 0,260, p 0,05 and a small contribution of social identity to predict political intolerance 0,138, p 0,05."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widi Satrio Wibowo
Prancis adalah salah satu negara dengan populasi orang kulit hitam yang cukup besar di Eropa. Orang kulit hitam di Prancis kerap kali dilekatkan dengan prasangka dan stereotipe negatif oleh masyarakat. Melalui karya seni khususnya musik rap, stereoritpe dan prasangka negatif dapat dikukuhkan atau sebaliknya, karena di dalamnya mengandung subjektivitas dan sudut pandang pengarang mengenai suatu hal. Tak terkecuali dengan lagu, yaitu Sur Ma Route dan Force d rsquo; tre karya seorang rapper terkenal Prancis Black M. Menggunakan teori representasi dan identitas Stuart Hall, penulis berusaha menelusuri bagaimana identitas orang kulit hitam direpresentasikan dalam larik lagu rap karya Black M. Artikel ini memperlihatkan identitas orang kulit hitam yang berlawanan dengan stereotipe masyarakat. Orang kulit hitam dalam dua lagu tersebut direpresentasikan sebagai sosok yang tangguh dan membanggakan. Musik rap Black M hadir untuk mengekspresikan opini dan kritiknya dengan memaparkan kisah hidupnya sebagai role model orang kulit hitam yang berhasil melawan stereotipe negatif masyarakat.

France is one of the countries with large black people population in Europe. French black people are often attached to negative prejudgement and stereotypes by society. Through art, especially rap music, negative stereotypes and prejudices could be reinforced or vice versa, because they contain the creator rsquo s subjectivity and point of view about something. No exception to these rap songs titled Sur Ma Route and Force d rsquo tre by a famous French rapper Black M. Using the theory of representation and identity by Stuart Hall, the author tries to explore how the identity of black people are represented in the lyrics of rap songs by Black M. This article shows the identity of black people as opposed to community stereotypes. The black people in these two songs are represented as a formidable and proud figure. Black M 39 s rap music came to express his opinions and criticisms by describing his life story as a role model of black people who succeeded against the negative stereotypes of society."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arimbi Putri
Penelitian ini membahas tentang negosiasi identitas yang dilakukan oleh musisi klasik di tengah gempuran budaya dominan dalam industri musik yakni musik populer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivisme kritis dan ditempuh melalui analisis resepsi khalayak dari Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa informan remaja yang berada pada posisi ldquo;pembacaan rdquo; negosiasi dan oposisi terhadap negosiasi identitas Isyana Sarasvati justru merupakan informan dari musisi klasik itu sendiri. Musik klasik sebagai budaya subordinat dalam penelitian ini pun pada arena tertentu menjadi musik yang dominan, sebaliknya musik populer juga pada arena tertentu menjadi musik subordinat. Sehingga, budaya dominan dan populer merupakan sesuatu yang relatif dan dapat saling bertukar tempat. Peneliti mengidentifikasi musisi seperti Isyana Sarasvati ini sebagai ldquo;musisi posmodern rdquo; di mana identitasnya cair, tidak tetap, parsial, dan terfragmen, serta bisa berada pada posisi dominan dan subordinat sekaligus.

This research is discussing about identity negotiation of classical musician in the middle of dominant culture in music industries, which refers to popular music omnipresence. The research is conducted by using qualitative methods with critical constructivism approach and is undergone by Stuart Hall rsquo s 1980 reception analysis. The results show that youth informants who are in negotiated and oppositional ldquo reading rdquo positions surprisingly come from classical musician themselves. Classical music, which in this paper belongs to subordinate culture, in certain arena becomes dominant culture, and vice versa. Hence, what is defined by dominant and subordinate culture are interchangeably and contextual. This research is identifying some kind of ldquo Isyana Sarasvati rdquo musician as a ldquo postmodern musician rdquo , which has fluid, flexible, partial, unsecured, and fractured identities, also possibly become dominant and subordinate as well."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moran, Marie
"Against the common supposition that identity always mattered, this book shows that what we now think of routinely as 'personal identity' actually only emerged with the explosion of consumption in the late-twentieth century. It also makes the case that what we now think of as different social and political 'identities' only came to be framed as such with the emergence of identity politics and new social movements in the political landscapes of capitalist societies in the 60s and 70s. Marie Moran provides an important new exploration of the articulation of the idea of identity to the social logic of capitalism, from the 'organised capitalism' of the mid-twentieth century, up to and including the neoliberal capitalism that prevails today. Drawing on the work of Raymond Williams, the cultural materialist approach developed here provides an original means of addressing the political debates about the value of identity in contemporary capitalist societies"
Los Angeles: SAGE, 2015
155.2 MOR i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hughes, Christina
London: Sage, 2002
305.42 HUG k
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
""We live in an ever-changing social world, which constantly demands adjustment to our identities and actions. Advances in science, technology and medicine, political upheaval, and economic development are just some examples of social change that can impact upon how we live our lives, how we view ourselves and each other, and how we communicate. Three decades after its first appearance, identity process theory remains a vibrant and useful integrative framework in which identity, social action and social change can be collectively examined. This book presents some of the key developments in this area. In eighteen chapters by world-renowned social psychologists, the reader is introduced to the major social psychological debates about the construction and protection of identity in face of social change. Contributors address a wide range of contemporary topics - national identity, risk, prejudice, intractable conflict and ageing - which are examined from the perspective of identity process theory"--"
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016
305 IDE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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