ABSTRACTLeadership becomes the mam factor contributing for a company to
increase its competitive advantage. In consulting company it has become the
nature that the profile of the leader with capability and style of the leadership will
give impact on company durability in rapidly changing and global competitive
environment. The research uses Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire-5X form to
determine correlation and relationship between transformational, transactional and
passive-avoidant-laissez-faire leadership style of the leader in PT. MUC Global
and the outcomes of the leadership (transformational, transactional and passive
avoidant laissez-faire). SPSS uses calculation and analysis of the research data
with descriptive statistics, regression and multcollineatity. SPPS process found
that transformational leadership especially inspirational motivation is the most
significant on extra effort and satisfaction. Transactional leadership especially
management by exception-active has the most significant on effectiveness."