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"The book examines the extent to which Coser's (1956) 16 propositions can apply to tourism impact studies and, where possible, to enhance, deepen and challenge the original theory, using evidence from communities in China that differ from the context used by Coser. The combination of ethnographic description and sociologically-oriented analysis, drawing upon both Chinese and western paradigms that are, at times very different in their underlying value system, challenges several of Coser's suppositions. The book will also draw upon subsequent publications by the authors, both severally and separately. These publications have utilised different concepts and paradigms, including for example the use of Valene Smith's concept of the "culture broker" and Turner's concepts of marginalised peoples, and the paradigms of constructionism and interpretive research work used in other studies by the authors. The sum of the work, it is suggested,adds to our canon of knowledge about social conflict in tourismdevelopment as well as impacts of tourism on disadvantaged ethniccommunities in China. "
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Mardhana Ksatrya
"Gempa Bumi Besar Jepang Timur (bencana 3/11) menyebabkan kerusakan, namun juga memunculkan potensi untuk memanfaatkan lokasi yang terpengaruh bencana untuk pariwisata melalui dark tourism. Pro dan kontra muncul terutama pada keberadaan kapal Kyotokumaru 18 yang terbawa ke daratan kota Kesennuma pasca bencana.
Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana pengunjung dan juga masyarakat setempat kota Kesennuma memaknai dark tourism di kota tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa meskipun keberadaan kapal sebagai objek dark tourism di Kesennuma dapat menjadi mediator kematian bagi pengunjung dan masyarakat, namun hal tersebut tidak terjadi setelah penolakan dari masyarakat membuatnya harus dihancurkan.
Great East Japan Earthquake (3/11 disaster) brings destruction, but also bring a potential to harness the location affected by disaster for tourism through dark tourism. There are pro and contra especially in the existence of Kyotokumaru 18, a ship stranded in the city of Kesennuma because of the disaster. This research discusses how visitor and the local interpret dark tourism in Kesennuma city. This research finds that although Kyotokumaru 18 existence can be a mediator of mortality for both the visitor and locals, the rejection from locals that resulted in the scrapping of the ship shows that it didn't happen."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Gladys Benedicta
"Pariwisata budaya merupakan salah satu bentuk pariwisata yang selalu menampilkan keunikan dan keeksotisan suatu kebudayaan melalui warisan budaya yang disajikan dengan narasi indah yang melengkapinya. Sedangkan pariwisata kelam menawarkan sisi lain dari warisan budaya dengan mengekspos narasi yang kelam. Meskipun nampak berlawanan, pariwisata budaya dan pariwisata kelam memiliki hubungan yang tumpang tindih. Ada anggapan bahwa tidak semua pariwisata budaya memiliki sisi kelam, akan tetapi tetapi semua wisata kelam merupakan bagian dari pariwisata budaya. Di sisi lain juga muncul anggapan bahwa warisan budaya memiliki signifikansi yang berbeda bagi kelompok yang berbeda sehingga setiap warisan budaya pasti memiliki sisi kelamnya masing-masing. Pada tulisan ini saya akan menyajikan bibliografi beranotasi dari artikel-artikel yang terkait dengan pariwisata budaya dan pariwisata kelam dan mencoba melihat hubungan keduanya antara satu dengan yang lain dan keterkaitannya dengan kebudayaan yang mendasari pembentukan nilai narasi mengenai warisan tersebut.
Cultural tourism is a form of tourism that always displays the uniqueness and exoticism of a culture through cultural heritage presented with a beautiful narrative that complements it. Meanwhile, dark tourism offers another side of cultural heritage by exposing dark narratives. Despite their apparent contradictions, they have an overlapping relationship. There is an assumption that not all cultural tourism has a dark side, but all dark tourism is part of cultural tourism. On the other hand, there is also an assumption that cultural heritage has different significance for different groups so that each cultural heritage must have its own dark side. In this paper I will present an annotated bibliography of articles related to dark tourism and tourism and examine the relationships between one another and their relationship with culture that underlies the formation of value and narrative of this heritage."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Reggina Diah Ayuningtyas
"Dark tourism merupakan wisata dengan berkunjung ke tempat terjadinya kekejaman dan pembunuhan yang berhasil menarik minat wisatawan. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh keunikannya yang tidak didapatkan oleh wisatawan jika berkunjung ke jenis wisata lain. Oleh karena itu, wisata ini berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut, terlebih lagi Indonesia memiliki banyak daya tarik wisata dark tourism, salah satunya yaitu Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, seperti Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Museum Sejarah Jakarta, dan Toko Merah. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui tingkat kekelaman dark tourism sebagai daya tarik utama, potensi wisata, serta upaya pengembangan wisata di Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode skoring pada penilaian tingkat kekelaman dan potensi wisata. Sementara itu, pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan studi pustaka. Selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif keruangan dan analisis spasial komparatif. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian spektrum dark tourism, diketahui bahwa Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa tergolong ke dalam tingkatan light-dark, sedangkan Museum Sejarah Jakarta dan Toko Merah tergolong ke dalam tingkatan dark. Sementara itu, berdasarkan penilaian potensi wisata, Toko Merah tergolong ke dalam potensi sedang, sedangkan Museum Sejarah Jakarta dan Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa memiliki potensi yang tinggi.
Dark Tourism is a tour by visiting places of atrocities to murders that have succeeded in attracting tourism, because of its uniqueness that tourists will not get when visiting other types of tourism. Therefore, dark tourism has the potential to be developed further, especially Indonesia has a lot of dark tourism attractions, in the Kota Tua Jakarta, such as Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Museum Sejarah Jakarta, and Toko Merah. The purpose of this study is to determine the dark level of dark tourism as the main attraction, tourism potential, and tourism development efforts. The approach used in this study is a qualitative using the scoring method in assessing the dark level of dark tourism and assessing tourism potential. Meanwhile, data collection was obtained through interviews, field observations, and literature studies. Furthermore, the data analysis in this study is descriptive analysis with a spatial approach, and comparative spatial analysis. Based on the results of the dark tourism spectrum assessment, it is known that Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa belongs to the light-dark level, while the Museum Sejarah Jakarta and Toko Merah belong to the dark level. Meanwhile, based on the assessment of tourism potential, Toko Merah dan is classified as a medium potential to be developed, while the Museum Sejarah Jakarta and Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa have high potential value."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Handijaya Dewantara
ABSTRAKSeminyak tourism area is now one of the favorite tourist destinations for foreign tourists as an alternative to Kuta tourism area. However; the existence of Seminyak area to accommodate the tourists who are not acommodated in Kuta which in fact is stagnant, raises several new problems. In other words, sustainable tourism is difficult to realize in this district. There are many positive consequences of tourism that can be increased if tourism is implemented and practiced in a more sustainable and appropriate way. Involving social aspects and customs is essential. Indigenous people of Seminyak must always be involved in planning and implementing tourism so that it leads to a more positive attitude. One of the key elements of sustainable tourism is community development, which is the process and capacity to make decisions considering a long-term, ecological, and equilibrium economy among all communities."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2019
330 ASCSM 46 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bristol: Channel View Publications, 2017
338.479 1 TOU
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilya Faradisa
ABSTRAKKepulauan Seribu memiliki kekayaan alam berupa sumber daya kelautan yang menjadi salah satu objek wisata bagi para wisatawan, tidak terkecuali pada Kecamatan Kepulauan Seribu Selatan. Jaraknya yang tidak jauh dari daratan DKI Jakarta menjadi salah satu alasan dari tingginya kunjungan wisatawan. Dengan adanya objek wisata tentunya akan memberikan pengaruh pada kondisi ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai pengaruh objek wisata terhadap kondisi ekonomi masyarakat. Kondisi ekonomi yang diteliti adalah mata pencaharian, pendapatan, dan fungsi bangunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan unit analisis grid dengan ukuran 100x100 m. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan analisis spasial dibantu dengan analisis statitik berupa Chi Square dan Contingency Coefficient untuk mengetahui apakah adanya hubungan variabel kondisi ekonomi yang akan diteliti dengan jarak dari objek wisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengaruh objek wisata terhadap kondisi ekonomi terlihat pada pulau dengan kegiatan pariwisata yang baru berkembang. Variabel yang paling terpengaruh oleh adanya objek wisata adalah mata pencaharian dan fungsi bangunan baik secara spasial maupun statistik. Jika dikaitan dengan faktor jarak, semakin mendekati objek wisata fungsi bangunan sekitar memiliki fungsi sebagai fasilitas pendukung wisata. Sedangkan pada mata pencaharian semakin dekat jaraknya dengan objek wisata, masyarakat dominan memiliki mata pencaharian pada bidang pariwisata.
ABSTRACTThe Thousand Islands has valuable natural asset consisiting of marine resources which is one of the tourist attractions, especially in the South Thousand Islands District. One of the reason why South Thousand Islands District became tourist attractions because the distance is not far from the mainland of DKI Jakarta. A large number of visitor and with the existence of a tourist attractions, it will certainly influence on the economic conditions of the local community. This research is to obtain information about the influence of tourist attractions on the economic conditions of the community. The economic conditions in this study are livelihoods, income, and function of buldings. In this research grid with a size of 100x100 m is used for analysis unit. The analytical method used is spatial analysis with statistical analysis consisting of Chi Square and Contingency Coefficientsis to find out whether there is a relationship of variables between the variables of economic conditions associated with the distance from tourist attraction. The results of the study show the effect of tourist attraction on economic conditions seen on the island with newly developed tourism activities. The variables that most affected by the presence of tourist attraction are the livelihoods and functions of buildings both spatially and statistically. If it is linked to the distance factor, the closer the tourist attraction to the function of the surrounding has to function as a tourist support facility. Whereas in the livelihoods, the closer the tourist attraction is, the dominant community has a livelihood in the tourism sector."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Adams, Fred
"This book explores the subject in the context of quantum gravity. A novel approach to uncover the dark faces of the standard model of cosmology. The possibility that dark energy and dark matter are manifestations of the inhomogeneous geometry of our universe. On the history of cosmological model building and the general architecture of cosmological modes. Illustrations on the large scale structure of the universe. A new perspective on the classical static Einstein cosmos. Global properties of world models including their topology. The arrow of time in a universe with a positive cosmological constant. Exploring the consequences of a fundamental cosmological constant for our universe. Exploring why the current observed acceleration of the universe may not be its final destiny. Demonstrating that nature forbids the existence of a pure cosmological constant. Our current understanding of the long term (in time scales that greatly exceed the current age of the universe) future of the universe. And the long term fate and eventual destruction of the astrophysical objects that populate the universe, including clusters, galaxies, stars, planets, and black holes."
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Salma Azizah
"Dark comedy atau komedi gelap dalam serial animasi sering digunakan untuk menjelaskan atau menyampaikan pernyataan tentang masalah serius sehingga kebanyakan orang dewasa dapat lebih mudah terhubung daripada anak-anak karena orang dewasa adalah audiens target untuk jenis genre ini di dunia produksi animasi. Seringkali genre komedi gelap dalam suatu seri mencakup masalah serius, seperti kematian, kelaparan, dan bahkan dogmatisme keagamaan dalam masyarakat. Dalam Moral Orel (2005-2008), sindiran tentang masalah keagamaan dibangun berdasarkan bagaimana karakter menunjukkan perilaku menyimpang yang bertentangan sebagai seorang pria penganut agama Kristen yang berjuang untuk menjaga nilai-nilai altruistik Kristen sembari menahan nafsu pribadinya. Dengan menerapkan analisis tekstual dan pendekatan psikoanalisis Freud, makalah ini menyimpulkan bahwa karakter Clay Puppington dalam Moral Orel (2005-2008) digunakan untuk menunjukkan dengan cara satir bagaimana seorang individu berjuang untuk menjaga nilai-nilai altruistik Kristen sambil menahan nafsu pribadinya.
Dark comedy in animation series has been frequently utilised to explain or make a statement about serious subjects so that most adults could relate to them more quickly than children because adults are the target audience for this type of genre in the animation production world. Many times, the genre of dark comedy in one series covers serious subjects, such as death, famine, and even religious dogmatism in society. In Moral Orel (2005-2008), a satire on a religious issue is built upon how a character demonstrates a contradicting deviant behavior as a Christian man who struggles to maintain Christian altruistic values while at the same time represses his self-indulgent gratification. Applying textual analysis and Freud’s psychoanalytical approach, this paper concludes that the character Clay Puppington in Moral Orel (2005-2008) is used to show in a satirical way how one struggles to maintain Christian altruistic values while repressing self-indulgence gratification."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny Octavian
"Konten TikTok memiliki konten beragam jenis, salah satunya adalah konten tempat wisata. Penelitian ini ingin mencari tahu mengenai terdapat dampak dari konten yang telah dipersonalisasi khusus terhadap pengguna serta faktor lain berupa kualitas dari konten seperti konten yang menghibur, kreatif, dapat dipercaya, dan informatif dapat membuat seseorang merasa takjub dan merasa berguna yang memicu seseorang ingin mendatangi tempat tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed methods dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online melalui media sosial dan wawancara kepada 6 responden kuesioner yang terpilih. Penelitian ini mendapatkan jumlah responden yang valid sebanyak 590 responden. Pengolahan kuantitatif pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) serta Partial Least Square Multi Group Analysis (PLS-MGA) menggunakan SmartPLS 3. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan konten yang dipersonalisasi kepada pengguna mempengaruhi entertainment, creativity, informativeness, credibility dan visit intention pengguna. Sementara itu entertainment dan creativity pada suatu konten membuat pengguna merasa kagum terhadap konten dan informativeness dan credibility pada suatu konten membuat pengguna merasa konten tersebut berguna, serta pengguna merasa kagum dan konten berguna mempengaruhi visit intention seseorang. Hasil PLS-MGA menjelaskan terdapat perbedaan moderasi antara generasi Z dan Milenial pada personalisasi konten terhadap tingkat kreativitas konten, serta rasa berguna dari konten terhadap visit intention.
TikTok has various types of content, one of which is content on tourist attractions. This research wants to find out about the impact of personalized content specifically on users and other factors in the form of quality content such as entertaining, creative, credibility, and informative content that can make someone feel amazed and useful to then trigger someone to want to visit that tourist attraction. This study used mixed methods by distributing questionnaires online through social media and interviewing 6 selected questionnaire respondents. This study obtained a valid number of respondents as many as 590 respondents. Quantitative processing in this study uses the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method and Partial Least Square Multi Group Analysis (PLS-MGA) using SmartPLS 3. The results of this study show that personalized content influences entertainment, creativity, informativeness, user credibility and visit intention. Meanwhile, entertainment and creativity in a content make users feel “wow” at the content and informativeness and credibility in a content make users feel the content is useful, and users feel “wow” and useful content affects someone's visit intention. The PLS-MGA results explain that there are differences in moderation between generation Z and Millennials in content personalization to the level of content creativity, as well as the usefulness of content related to visit intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library