"Three-dimensional (3D) transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a powerful visual tool which the novice or experienced echocardiographer, cardiologist, or cardiac surgeon can use to achieve a better understanding and assessment of normal and pathological cardiac function and anatomy. A complement to traditional 2D imaging, 3D TEE enables visualization of any cardiac structure from multiple perspectives. For the echocardiographer, it demands a different set of skills for image acquisition and manipulation.
Real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography is a practical illustrated step-by-step guide to the latest in 3D technology and image acquisition. Each chapter systematically focuses on different cardiac structures with practical tips to image acquisition.
Features :
Synoptic presentation of essential “how-to” and relevant clinical information
More than 300 color figures
Practical fundamentals, including altered knobology, and how to acquire and manipulate image datasets
Systematic identification of special diagnostic issues
Normal and abnormal cardiac pathology
Supplemented by the Virtual TEE Perioperative Interactive Education (PIE) website which provides free access to online resources for teaching and learning TEE : http://pie.med.utoronto.ca/TEE