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Auliani Regar
Novel Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata telah diterjemahkan ke dalam lebih dari tiga puluh bahasa. Dalam proses penerjemahan, istilah agama dapat menjadi kendala. Melalui metode deskriptif kualitatif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan penerjemahan istilah-istilah agama dalam novel Laskar Pelangi ke dalam bahasa Inggris yang kemudian diterjemahkan lagi ke dalam bahasa Belanda. Dari hasil analisis dapat diketahui prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan istilah-istilah agama tersebut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa prosedur penerjemahan yang paling banyak digunakan dalam penerjemahan istilah-istilah agama, baik ke dalam bahasa Inggris maupun Belanda, adalah couplets, yaitu penggabungan dua prosedur penerjemahan yang berbeda.

The novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata has been translated into more than thirty languages. In the process of translation, religious terms can cause translation problems. By using qualitative descriptive method, this research aims to describe the translation of religious terms in the novel Laskar Pelangi into English which is then translated into Dutch. From the analysis, translation procedures used by translators in translating the religious terms can be identified. The results show that the most widely used translation procedure for translating religious terms both into English and Dutch is couplets, which combine two different translation procedures."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Rahmawati
"Tesis ini adalah kritik atas terjemahan novel Laskar Pelangi ke bahasa Inggris. Kritik disusun menggunakan model analisis teks dan pencapaian skopos sebagai kriteria penilaian atas penggunaan strategi penerjemahan. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis faktor ekstratekstual dan intratekstual teks sumber (TSu) dan teks sasaran (TSa) untuk menentukan skopos. Untuk menilai ketercapaian skopos, analisis sampel data dilakukan dengan melihat penggunaan strategi penerjemahan.
Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa TSa diproduksi dengan motif komunikasi yang berbeda dengan TSu. TSu diproduksi sebagai persembahan untuk kedua guru dan sahabat yang paling dicintai pengarang novel itu, sedangkan TSa diproduksi untuk memenuhi ekspektasi pembaca. Penambahan dan penghilangan sebagai strategi utama yang digunakan berhasil membantu penerjemah menyiasati kesenjangan itu dan menghasilkan terjemahan yang sejalan dengan skopos. Akan tetapi, karena ditemukan banyak penambahan dan penghilangan, TSa dianggap tidak akurat.
Menurut sudut pandang aliran fungsional akurasi tidak menjadi prioritas utama karena TSu adalah novel populer. Yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah selera dan kenyamanan pembaca TSa. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kerjasama yang baik antara penerjemah, pengarang, penyunting, dan penerbit dapat menghasilkan terjemahan berkualitas yang mampu memenuhi fungsi komunikatif dalam situasi komunikasi yang baru.

This thesis is a criticism on the English version of Laskar Pelangi. The criticism is based on a model of text analysis using skopos fulfilment as the main criterion for successful application of translation strategies. The first step taken in this research is analysis of extratextual factors along with intratextual factors of both the source text (ST) and the target text (TT) to determine the skopos. The sample data are analyzed by identifying translation strategies to assess the fulfillment of skopos.
The finding of this research shows that TT is produced for different motive from ST. ST is produced as a tribute to the writer's most beloved teachers and best friends, while TT is produced to fulfill the reader?s expectation. The mainly used translation strategies, reduction and amplification, are successful in helping the translator to bridge the motive gap between TT and ST and produce a translation which is adequate to the skopos. Due to a lot of addition and omission, TT is deemed inaccurate.
According to the functional theory of translation, accuracy is not a main concern since ST is a popular fiction. What should be the main concern in the translation of popular fiction are target text readers' taste and comfort. This research has proved that a good cooperation among translator, ST writer, editor, and publisher can result in a high quality translation which can fulfill its communicative function in a new communicative situation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mike Nurjana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penerjemahan kata budaya dalam novel Laskar Pelangi ke bahasa Jepang, dalam novel Niji no Shoonentachi. Penelitian ini menggunakan ancangan deskriptif dengan model komparatif. Kata budaya dalam penelitian ini ditentukan berdasarkan klasifikasiyang dikemukakan oleh Newmark. Dalam penelitian ini telah dikumpulkan 186 data dari dua kategori unsur budaya saja, yaitu materi dan ekologi.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik simak, artinya membaca kedua teks itu. Analisis komparatif atas data menggunakan alat kerja berupa kamus baik cetak maupun daring. Sebagai hasilnya, ditemukan terjemahan 161 kata budaya yang sepadan dan 25 tidak sepadan.
Strategi yang digunakan oleh penerjemah adalah penerjemahan harfiah, kata umum, penyulihan budaya, kuplet, naturalisasi bahasa Indonesia, penghilangan, deskriptif, naturalisasi bahasa Inggris, dan kalki. Sementara itu, gaya bahasa penerjemah cenderung mengikuti gaya bahasa pengarang atau mempertahankan nilai estetis teks sumber. Dengan begitu, penerjemah menerjemahkan Laskar Pelangi berdasarkan ideologi penerjemahan pengasingan dan telah menghasilkan terjemahan yang berkualitas.

This research aims to clarify the method and technique of the translation of cultural words in ldquo Laskar Pelangi rdquo into Japanese novel, ldquo Niji no Shoonentachi. rdquo This research uses descriptive approach with comparative models. Cultural words in this study are determined based on the classification proposed by Newmark rsquo s models. In this research 186 data have been collected according to the two cultural categories, namely, material one and ecological one.
The data collection is done by comparing Japanese the target language, and Indonesian the source language. This comparative analysis of the data uses work tools such as dictionaries, both prints and online.As a result, there are 161 equivalences and 25 not equivalences found out of the 186 data in the translation.
The strategy used by the translator consists of literal translation, using general words, cultural substitution, couplet, naturalization from Indonesian, omission, descriptive, naturalization from English and calque. Meanwhile, style of a translator tends to follow that of literal expression of an author, trying to bring out the aesthetic value of the source language. Following this tendency and attitude, the translator of ldquo Laskar Pelangi rdquo has produced the quality of translation.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Wardini
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat problematika penerjemahan cerita rakyat lokal Indonesia dari Bahasa Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa Inggris. Obyek penelitian ini adalah empat buah cerita rakyat lokal Indonesia yang berdwibahasa, yakni Timun Emas, Jaka Tarub, Keong Emas dan Putri Tandanpalik. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan beberapa teori, seperti teori penerjemahan, teori trangresif, teori analisis wacana, teori folklor, dan teori sintaksis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan bahwa perbedaan bahasa dan budaya dalam dua bahasa dapat menyebabkan kesalahpahaman, prasangka dan serta kendala dalam penyampaian nuansa yang mengandung nilai tradisional dan budaya yang melatarbelakangi bahasa dan budaya bersangkutan karena tidak adanya latar belakang pengetahuan bersama antara pembaca sumber dan pembaca sasaran.

This study aims to look at the problem of the translation of Indonesian local folklore which is in Indonesian and English. The subjects of this study are four Indonesian folklores in bilingual texts, which are Golden Cucumber, Jaka Tarub, Golden Snail, and Princess Tandanpalik. Furthermore, this study is a qualitative study that uses several theories, such as translation theory, transgressive theory, theory of discourse analysis, theory of folklore, and theory of syntax. This study has generated a conclusion that the differences between language and culture in two languages can lead to misunderstanding, prejudice and obstacles in delivering nuances of the traditional and cultural values underlying the language and culture used because of the absence of shared knowledge background between the source readers and the target readers."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pangaribuan, R. Sumiati
"Masalah yang dikemukakan dalam skripsi ini adalah padanan ungkapan akibat bahasa Perancis dalam bahasa Indonesia, pergeseran yang terjadi dalam penerjemahan ungkapan akibat bahasa Perancis ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan probabilitas perpadanan ungkapan akibat bahasa Perancis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Konsep-konsep yang digunakan dalam analisis mencakup konsep perpadanan, pergeseran dan probabilitas perpadanan. Wawasan sintaksis mencakup satuan-satuan gramatikal dan ungkapan akibat bahasa Perancis dan bahasa Indonesia. Setelah melakukan analisis data yang terkumpul, penulis ini berkesimpulan bahwa padanan ungkapan akibat BP dalam BI yang terbanyak adalah sehingga dan dalam penerjemahan ungkapan akibat BP ke dalam BI terjadi pergeseran kelas kata."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriel Darren
"Beberapa tahun kebelakang, NBA telah memperluas mereknya secara global. Akibatnya, berita tentang NBA dikonsumsi setiap hari oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Kemudian, berita tersebut diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa sasaran untuk memastikan bahwa penutur bahasa sasaran dapat memahami isi berita dengan sempurna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetukan prosedur penerjemahan yang dipakai untuk menerjemahkan istilah bola basket dalam artikel berita tentang NBA dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia dan prosedur penerjemahan yang tidak dapat diterapkan untuk menerjemahkan istilah bola basket. Untuk menemukan jawabannya, artikel berita yang diterbitkan di situs resmi NBA dan MainBasket telah digunakan. Selanjutnya, istilah bola basket yang ada di artikel berita telah diidentifikasi dan dianalisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis tekstual. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah transposisi, modulasi, pemadanan berkonteks, eksplisitasi, penambahan, pengurangan, naturalisasi, dan penerjemahan kata pungutan. Prosedur penerjemahan yang tidak dapat diterapkan adalah pergeseran tingkat, pergeseran intrasistem, penerjemahan metafora, dan penerjemahan idiom. Prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan membuat istilah yang diterjemahkan menjadi akurat, serupa, dan mudah dipahami oleh pembaca bahasa sasaran baik penggemar maupun bukan penggemar bola basket. Tetapi, ada satu kesalahan dalam memilih prosedur penerjemahan untuk satu istilah. Namun, secara keseluruhan, prosedur penerjemahan yang dipilih tetap berhasil menyampaikan pesan yang benar dari teks sumber, menandakan penerjemahan yang baik.

Over the years, the NBA has been expanding its brand globally (Gardner & O’Brien, 2005). As a result, news regarding the NBA is consumed daily by people all over the world. The news is then translated into the target languages in order to ensure that the target language speakers understand the content of the news perfectly. This research aims to determine the translation procedures used in translating basketball terms in news articles about the NBA from English to Indonesian and the translation procedures that are inapplicable for translating basketball terms. To find the answer, news articles published on the NBA and MainBasket official websites were used. Then, the basketball terms that are included in the news articles were identified and analyzed. The research is conducted by using the textual analysis method. The research found that the translated procedures used are transposition, modulation, contextual conditioning, explicitation, addition, omission, naturalization, and borrowing. The translation procedures that are inapplicable are level shift transposition, intersystem transposition, metaphoric translation, and idiomatic translation. The applied translation procedures made the translated terms accurate, close, and easy to understand for the readers of the target language whether they are basketball fans or non-basketball fans. However, there is one mistake in choosing the translation procedure to translate a term. Yet, overall, the selected translation procedures still managed to successfully convey the correct message of the source text in the target text, indicating a good translation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raffiza Zahra Mulyadihardja
"Webtoon Eggnoid memiliki visualisasi yang menarik serta gaya cerita yang memasukkan unsur jenaka. Unsur jenaka yang berkaitan dengan berbagai faktor ini menarik untuk diteliti, terlebih terjemahannya ke dalam bahasa Belanda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bagaimana penerjemahan teks humor webtoon Eggnoid ke dalam bahasa Belanda. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan teori penciptaan humor Berger (1997) dan teori penerjemahan Molina & Albir (2002). Data yang digunakan adalah webtoon Eggnoid versi bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Belanda episode 1-6. Dari 261 tuturan, 18 tuturan di antaranya mengandung humor. Teks humor tersebut tercipta dari unsur pembangun humor yang termasuk ke dalam kategori humor bahasa, logika, dan identitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik melebih-lebihkan dari kategori bahasa merupakan unsur pembangun humor yang sering digunakan. Adapun teknik penerjemahan yang banyak digunakan adalah teknik generalisasi dan transposisi. Hal tersebut dilakukan karena tidak adanya padanan leksikal yang memadai dalam bahasa sasaran ataupu karena perbedaan struktur gramatika antara BSu dan BSa.

The Eggnoid webtoon has an appealing visualization and narrative style that incorporates humorous elements. The humorous elements related to various factors make this research interesting to study, especially in the Dutch translation version. This study aims to understand how humorous texts are translated, particularly in the Dutch version of the Eggnoid webtoon. This research is a descriptive analysis research with observation and note-taking methods. Molina and Albir's (2002) translation theory and Berger's (1997) theory of humor are used to support the research. The data used are the Indonesian and Dutch versions of the Eggnoid webtoon episodes 1-6. Based on analysis, out of 261 utterances that appear, only 18 utterances are classified as humorous. The humor text is composed of humor elements that fall into three categories: language, logic, and identity. Results show that the exaggeration technique of language category is a frequently used to build humor. As for the translation process, the translator mostly uses generalization and transposition techniques as there are neither equivalents nor adequate sentence structures in the target language."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trisna Dewy
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terjemahan dengan anotasi. Dalam
penelitian ini saya melakukan terjemahan novel Various Pets Alive & Dead
karangan Marina Lewycka dan melakukan anotasi terhadap beberapa bagian TSu
yang saya anggap sulit dan menantang. Dalam menerjemahkan novel ini, saya
menggunakan metode penerjemahan semantis dan komunikatif. Metode
penerjemahan semantis saya gunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa dan
kalimat yang erat kaitannya dengan budaya, bahasa dan karakter dalam novel,
misalnya saja pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang salah oleh orang asing di Inggris
serta istilah asing. Sedangkan metode penerjemahan komunikatif saya gunakan
untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa atau kalimat yang memiliki padanan yang sama
atau mirip dalam budaya sasaran, contohnya istilah lembaga pemerintahan, dan
istilah budaya. Dalam melakukan anotasi, saya menggunakan serangkaian strategi
penerjemahan dari Newmark.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa judul TSu dapat diterjemahkan ke
dalam BSa jika judul tersebut berpotensi tidak menarik bagi pembaca sasaran.
Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menyarankan untuk mempertahankan kesalahan dalam
penggunaan bahasa oleh tokoh yang merupakan orang asing di dalam novel ini.
Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penghilangan makna kata, frasa atau
kalimat dapat dilakukan jika makna kata, frasa dan kalimat tersebut berpotensi
membingungkan pembaca karena tiba-tiba muncul dan penghilangan itu tidak
memengaruhi jalan cerita novel itu. Selanjutnya penelitian ini juga menemukan
bahwa penerjemah dapat memilih padanan yang sedekat mungkin dengan TSu
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xvi Universitas Indonesia
jika tidak ada padanan yang sama dengan TSu misalnya council diterjemahkan
menjadi dewan kota.

This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota., This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Paramesti Rahayu
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai analisis penerjemahan idiom bahasa Indonesia
dalam novel Laskar Pelangi ke dalam bahasa Korea. Penelitian ini adalah
penelitian kualitatif dengan desain analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui teknik apa yang digunakan oleh penerjemah ketika
menerjemahkan idiom bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa
Korea sebagai bahasa sasaran, serta menganalisis apakah ada kesepadanan makna
dan pergeseran bentuk untuk menjaga kesepadanan maknanya. Dari hasil analisis,
diperoleh simpulan berupa enam data idiom BSu diterjemahkan menjadi BSa;
delapan data Idiom BSu diterjemahkan menjadi bukan idiom BSa; empat data
idiom BSu tidak diterjemahkan dalam BSa; dan dua data bukan idiom BSu
diterjemahkan menjadi idiom BSa.

The focus of this study is the analysis of Indonesian idiom?s translation within
Laskar Pelangi into Korean. This study is a qualitative study using analysis
deskriptive design. The purpose of this study is to know what techniques are used
by the translator when translating idioms in Indonesian as a source language into
Korean as a target language, analyze whether is there a meaning equivalence and
translation shift to maintain it?s meaning equivalence. The result is six source
language idioms translated to target language idioms; eight source language
idioms translated no into target language idioms; four source language idioms
were not translated into target language; and two non source language idioms
were translated into target language idioms."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arie Andrasyah Isa
Disertasi ini menyingkap strategi, ideologi, metode, dan teknik penerjemahan ungkapan sapaan bahasa Inggris-Amerika dan ungkapan sapaan bahasa Indonesia serta budaya kebahasaan yang terlibat di dalam penerjemahan. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan tiga novel Amerika beserta terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya dan wawancara dengan penerjemah serta narasumber lain. Didukung oleh teori penerjemahan, ungkapan sapaan, dan budaya kebahasaan, penelitian ini menemukan dua ideologi penerjemahan yang berhulu pada strategi penerjemahan pemancaan (foreignization) dan pelokalan (domestication). Di samping itu, juga ditemukan tujuh metode penerjemahan dan dua puluh empat teknik penerjemahan serta budaya kebahasaan yang menyangkut kuasa (power) dan solidaritas (solidarity).

This dissertation reveals the translation strategies, ideologies of translation, translation methods, and translation techniques of American-English forms of address into their Indonesian translations within linguistic culture involved in the translation. This qualitative research employs three American novels with their translation versions and interviews with their translators and other resource persons. Through the theories of translation, forms of address theories, and linguistic culture, the research findings indicate that two ideologies of translation: foreignization and domestication. Besides, it is also found that there are seven methods of translation with twenty four techniques of translation and linguistic culture relating to power and solidarity."
Depok: 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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