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Arief Hadianto
"Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis isi kebijakan penyelenggaraan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah dan implementasinya di Kota Tegal dan Kabupaten Tegal serta untuk merumuskan arah kebijakan jangka panjangnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan post-positivistme dan metode kualitatif. Pendekatan model implementasi Grindle dipandang tepat untuk digunakan karena mampu memotret secara komprehensif proses implementasi yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi disharmoni antar peraturan perundangan dan inkonsistensi kebijakan karena ketidaktegasan pembuat kebijakan aktor kebijakan dan isi kebijakan. Terkait implementasi kebijakan dari aspek content of policy, belum efektifnya implementasi disebabkan belum adanya komitmen dari aktor yang terlibat karena benturan kepentingan confict of interest untuk kepentingan politik. Manfaat dari SPIP belum dirasakan secara optimal yaitu dari opini atas laporan hasil audit BPK terhadap laporan keuangan daerah dan masih banyaknya temuan hasil audit BPK atas kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan. Aspek perubahan yang diharapkan dari SPIP yaitu terwujudnya internal control culture masih jauh dari kenyataan. Faktor kepemimpinan yang kondusif belum terwujud. Faktor yang terakhir dari content of policy adalah lemahnya komitmen dari pimpinan dan seluruh pegawai karena rendahnya translation ability dan asumsi bahwa SPIP hanya tugas dari aparat pengawasan serta keterbatasan wewenang dan kapasitas BPKP serta perlunya restrukturasi BPKP dalam pembinaan SPIP. Dari aspek context of policy kekuasaan yang besar dari kepala daerah mengamankan kepentingan politis dengan melemahkan pengendalian, adanya pola hubungan patron dan klien antara pejabat politik dengan birokrasi yang mempengaruhi program dan kegiatan, belum adanya mekanisme penegakan aturan dalam penyelenggaraan SPIP, belum ada sistem yang dapat mendorong pelaksana kebijakan tergerak untuk mengimplementasikan SPIP serta belum adanya program yang dapat menciptakan internal control culture sebagai syarat terwujudnya lingkungan pengendalian yang baik.

The purpose of this research is analyzing the content of Government Internal Control System Policy and its implementation at the City and Regency of Tegal and formulating its long term policy direction. The research is using the post positivism and qualitative method. Grindle implementation model is appropriate because it can depict responsively the implementation. There has been a disharmony between regulatuions and a policy inconsistency due to indecisiveness policymakers and the obscurity of policy content. From the content of policy aspect, the ineffectiveness of the implementation is caused by the absence of commitment from the involved actor because of a conflict of interest for political interests. The benefit of SPIP has not been felt optimally from the opinion of BPK to the regional financial report and there are still many findings of the compliance BPK results to legislative regulation. The expected changing from SPIP is far from a reality. The leadership conducive factor has not been realized yet. The last is the weak commitment from the leader and all employees by the poor translation ability and the assumption that SPIP is only a job from inspectorate and the limited authority and BPKP capacity as well as the needs for restructuring in the SPIP supervision. From a context aspect of policy there is the great power of the regional heads secures political interests by weakening control, the existence of patterns of patron and client relationships between political officials and bureaucracies that affect programs and activities, the absence of rules enforcement mechanism in the SPIP implementation, there is no system that could lead the executor policy to implement the SPIP and also there is no program to create the internal control culture as the conditions of a good environmental control."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor kebijakan pemda di bidang transportasi yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan Angkutan umum. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus pada 2 kota yaitu Kota Cirebon dan Tega! dengan melakukan wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisa data diolah dengan statistik dibantu komputer program SPSS versi 15.0. Untuk menentukan faktor-faktor kebijakan dan kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum digunakan pendapat pakar dan ahli yaitu anggota DPRD dan Dinas perhubungan dikota studi. Untuk analisa pengaruh variabel kebijakan transportasi terhadap variabel kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik analisa statistik non parametrik korelasi Spearman.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh faktor-faktor kebijakan di bidang transportasi di kota Cirebon dan Tegal adalah nilai kepedulian, sikap, keadilan dan kepentingan umum, sedangkan faktor-fektor kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum adalah berwujud, keandalan, keresponsifan, jaminan, dan empati. Diperoleh hasil pula bahwa kebijakan transportasi secara umum cukup berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum di kedua kota tersebut Untuk memperbaiki kekurangan dan kelemahan dari segi kebijakan diperlukan peraturan daerah yang khusus mengatur tentang standar kualitas pelayanan yang harus diberikan oleh pemerintah, ataupun pihak swasta.

This study purpose to explain the factors of local government policies at department of transportation which have effects on Service quality of public transportation. The research method which used is a case study in 2 cities both Cirebon and Tegal by doing interviews and questionairs. Data analysis was processed by statistic and using Computer program of SPSS version 15.0. This study used the opinions of experts such as DPRD members and department of transportation at district where study have been done to determine the factors, policies and public transportation quality. Analysis of effects between transportation policy variables and Service quality of public transportation variables. This study used non parametric statistical analysis techniques by Spearman correlation.
Based on study result found that policy factors at department of transportation in district of Cirebon and Tegal were the values of awareness, attitudes, justice and public interest, while the factors of Service quality of public transportation were tangible, reliability, responsive, assurance, and empathy. Study result also found that in general transportation policy was enough effect for Service quality of public transportation the quality of public transport both of cities. It was suggested to improve the deficiency and weakness in policy tenns was required district rules which managing a special regulation on Standard Service quality which should be given by government or private instituton.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor kebijakan pemda di bidang transportasi yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan Angkutan umum. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus pada 2 kota yaitu Kota Cirebon dan Tegal dengan melakukan wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisa data diolah dengan statistik dibantu komputer program SPSS versi 15.0. Untuk menentukan faktor-faktor kebijakan dan kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum digunakan pendapat pakar dan ahli yaitu anggota DPRD dan Dinas perhubungan dikota studi. Untuk analisa pengaruh variabel kebijakan transportasi terhadap variabel kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik analisa statistik non parametrik korelasi Spearman.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh faktor-faktor kebijakan di bidang transportasi di kota Cirebon dan Tegal adalah nilai kepedulian, sikap, keadilan dan kepentingan umum, sedangkan faktor-faktor kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum adalah berwujud, keandalan, keresponsifan, jaminan, dan empati. Diperoleh hasil pula bahwa kebijakan transportasi secara umum cukup berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum di kedua kota tersebut. Untuk memperbaiki kekurangan dan kelemahan dari segi kebijakan diperlukan peraturan daerah yang khusus mengatur tentang standar kualitas pelayanan yang harus diberikan oleh pemerintah, ataupun pihak swasta.

This study purpose to explain the factors of local government policies at department of transportation which have effects on service quality of public transportation. The research method which used is a case study in 2 cities both Cirebon and Tegal by doing interviews and questionairs. Data analysis was processed by statistic and using computer program of SPSS version 15.0. This study used the opinions of experts such as DPRD members and department of transportation at district where study have been done to determine the factors, policies and public transportation quality. Analysis of effects between transportation policy variables and service quality of public transportation variables. This study used non parametric statistical analysis techniques by Spearman correlation.
Based on study result found that policy factors at department of transportation in district of Cirebon and Tegal were the values of awareness, attitudes, justice and public interest, while the factors of service quality of public transportation were tangible, reliability, responsive, assurance, and empathy. Study result also found that in general transportation policy was enough effect for service quality of public transportation the quality of public transport both of cities. It was suggested to improve the deficiency and weakness in policy terms was required district rules which managing a special regulation on standard service quality which should be given by government or private instituton.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Kurnia Sari
"Rendahnya kontribusi penerimaan pajak sarang burung walet di Kabupaten Tegal memerlukan tinjauan ulang terkait pemenuhan asas revenue productivity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan pajak sarang burung walet yang ditinjau dari asas revenue prodoductivity dan tantangan dalam pemungutan pajak sarang burung walet di Kabupaten Tegal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif post positivist dan teknis analisis data kualitatif. Hasilnya adalah pajak sarang burung walet tidak memenuhi asas revenue productivity dan terdapat beberapa tantangan yang menghambat dalam pemungutan pajak sarang burung walet di Kabupaten Tegal, yaitu terdiri dari lingkungan habitat burung walet yang harus memiliki ketenangan sehingga BP2D tidak dapat masuk ke dalam bangunan sarang burung walet, domisili pengusaha sarang burung walet yang mayoritas tidak berada di wilayah yang sama dengan objek pajak, dan tingkat kepatuhan dan tertutupnya kelompok sasaran. Saran untuk pemerintah, yaitu dapat tetap menerapkan kebijakan pajak sarang burung walet dengan mengoptimalkan penerimaan pajak sarang burung walet atau kebijakan alternatif lainnya, pemerintah dapat melakukan policy termination sesuai dengan Pasal 2 ayat 4 Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2009 dan membuat kebijakan lain, yaitu kebijakan retribusi izin pengelolaan dan pengusahaan sarang burung walet seperti yang telah diterapkan di daerah lain.

The low contribution of tax revenue of swallow nest in Tegal regency needs a review related to the fulfillment of the principle of revenue productivity. This research aims to analyze swallow nest tax policy in terms of the principle of revenue productivity and the challenge of collecting swallow nest tax in Tegal regency. This research was conducted with quantitative post positivist approach and technical analysis of qualitative data. The result is swallow nest tax does not meet the principle of revenue productivity and there are some obstacles obstruct the collection of swallow nest tax in Tegal regency. The obstacles consist of swallow birds habitat must have quiet place which affect BP2D can not get into the swallow nest building, swallow nest entrepreneurs domicile are mostly not in the same area as the tax object, the level of obedience and closed target group. Suggestions for the government is to keep applying the swallow nest tax policy by optimizing the revenue of the swallow nest tax or other alternative policy the government be able to perform policy termination comply with Article 2 paragraph 4 of Regulation Number 28 Year 2009 about Regional Taxes and User Charges and make other policies, namely user charges permit for management and exploitation of swallow nest policy as has been applied in other areas.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Yunus Habibi
"Hal yang menjadikan alasan diperlukannya perencanaan strategis : SI/TI di PEMDA yaitu surat edaran Menteri Kominfo no.65/M/KOMINFO/III/2002 tanggal 22 maret 2002, serta kebijakan dan strategi nasional pengembangan e-Government yg dituangkan dlaam Instruksi Presiden No.3 Tahun 2003. Hal lain yang memperkuat kebutuhan terhadap perencanaan strategis sistem informasi, antara lain adalah sistem yang tidak terintegrasi, sehingga memicu terjadinya duplikasi data yang menyebabkan inaccurancy dan tidak adanya keterkaitan sumber informasi. Rendahnya manajemen informasi disebabkan oleh hal berikut, y.i unavailability, inconsistent, inaccurate, kondisi investasi SI/TI yang telah dilakukan di masa lalu yang kurang bermanfaat bagi tujuan organisasi. Kurang bermanfaatnya investasi SI/TI bagi organisasi disebabkan karena rencana strategis SI/TI yang lebih fokus pada teknologinya bukan berdasarkan kebutuhan bisnis. Permasalahan yg disebabkan investasi SI/TI dapat menyebabkan konflik antar bagian didalam organisasi. Dari hasil survey, Pemda Kabupaten Tegal belum optimal dalam upaya pemanfaatan TI untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah dilingkungan Pemda Kabupaten Tegal, belum adanya koordinasi serta penyimpanan data dan informasi yg sifatnya masih pulau-2, dimana setiap bidang mengembangkan kebutuhan sistem informasinya sendiri-2, tanpa mengacu pada suatu portofolio atau rencana pemanfaatan TI yang terpadu dan menyeluruh, sehingga kebutuhan informasi lintas bidang tdk dpt diperoleh secara cepat. Hal inilah yang menjadi kelemahan koordinasi anar bagian dilingkungan Pemda Kabupaten Tegal. Dari bebagai permasalahan yang terjadi, maka penelitian ini akan mengkaji Perencanaan Strategis SI/TI untuk meningkatkan keselarasan strategi bisnis dengan strategi informasi dengan pemanfaatan TI secara optimal. Penelitian ini akan melakukan pendekatan melalui metodologi Price WaterHouse, dari penelitian ini akan menghasilkan suatu perencanaan strategis untuk sistem informasi dan dpt diperoleh portofolio aplikasi yang baik dan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagi pengembangan SI/TI di Pemerintah Kabupaten Tegal.
The reason was need the strategic planning for Information Systems in local government in a special delivey letter from Kominfo Minister no.65M KominfoIII/2002, date March 22,2002 and policy and national strategy development E-Government social by Inpres No.3, 2003.Beside that, the systems in not integrated, cause inaccurancy and irrelevant with information source. Weakness of information management is caused by unavailability, inconsisten, inaccurate. Leak of invest one of the reason which is obstructed the implementation of strategic of system information. Based on the survey result, Tegal Local Government is not optimum to use technology of information to solve the problem in Tegal Local Government environment. This is one of the weakness of Tegal Local Government. There is lack of coordination, then data and information is not saved in one place. Each department develop information system need themselves without referred to portofolio application or IT need planning, so we can not get fast information need. This is the caused of lack coordination between department in Tgal Local Government. From anykind problems happened. So this research will study IS/IT strategic planning for increase aligment organization strategy with information strategy with IT used optimum. The research will use Price Waterhouse methodology, the result of this research will get strategic planning for information system and we can get portofolio application and from the result it can make rereremced fpr IS/IT development in Tegal Government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Tesis ini menganalisis tentang Implementasi Kebijakan Perubahan Fungsi Sebagian Kawasan Cagar Alam Guci Menjadi Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam di Kabupaten Tegal dan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa usulan perubahan fungsi kawasan Cagar Alam Guci oleh Bupati Tegal sudah memenuhi persyaratan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Pasal 41 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 10 Tahun 2010 tentang Tata Cara Perubahan Peruntukan dan Fungsi Kawasan Hutan, sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 2012, dan Pasal 8 ayat (2) Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor: P. 34/Menhut-II/2010 tentang Tata Cara Perubahan Fungsi Kawasan Hutan. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kebijakan Perubahan Fungsi Sebagian Kawasan Cagar Alam Guci Menjadi Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam
di Kabupaten Tegal ini adalah tata batas, kependudukan, perubahan kondisi biofisik kawasan hutan, kondisi sosial ekonomi penduduk kawasan, jangka benah, dan cakupan luas. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar Pemerintah Kabupaten Tegal
mempersiapkan dengan lebih baik pelaksanaan Kebijakan Perubahan Fungsi Sebagian Kawasan Cagar Alam Guci Menjadi Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam di Kabupaten Tegal yang masih berjalan sampai saat ini dan kebijakan tersebut dapat
terintegrasi dengan penanganan masalah sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat desa sekitar.

This thesis analyzes the policy implementation of alteration of function on part of the Guci Nature Reserve Area into a Natural Tourism Area in Tegal Regency and the factors influencing the policy This research adopts a qualitative method which results descriptive data collected through observation and field study literature study and document study as well as audio visual and indepth interview with interviewees from the related government intergrated team members Guci Nature Reserve local vendors and Rembul village residents The research result shows that the Tegal Regent's proposal on alteration of function of Guci Nature Reserve complies with all requirements The factors influencing the policy implementation of alteration of function on part of the Guci Nature Reserve Area into a Natural Tourism Area in Tegal Regency are boundaries population the shift of the biophysical condition of forest area the socio economic condition of local residents reform period and broad coverage The research result suggests that Tegal regional government needs to immediately compose a short and long term management plan based on the consideration of i heavy topography and height ii unnatural vegetation needs to be restored and iii Maintaining the existence of TWA by taking advantage of the intensive utilizatrion of 0 7 ha area as done today .;This thesis analyzes the policy implementation of alteration of function on part of the Guci Nature Reserve Area into a Natural Tourism Area in Tegal Regency and the factors influencing the policy This research adopts a qualitative method which results descriptive data collected through observation and field study literature study and document study as well as audio visual and indepth interview with interviewees from the related government intergrated team members Guci Nature Reserve local vendors and Rembul village residents The research result shows that the Tegal Regent rsquo s proposal on alteration of function of Guci Nature Reserve complies with all requirements The factors influencing the policy implementation of alteration of function on part of the Guci Nature Reserve Area into a Natural Tourism Area in Tegal Regency are boundaries population the shift of the biophysical condition of forest area the socio economic condition of local residents reform period and broad coverage The research result suggests that Tegal regional government needs to immediately compose a short and long term management plan based on the consideration of i heavy topography and height ii unnatural vegetation needs to be restored and iii Maintaining the existence of TWA by taking advantage of the intensive utilizatrion of 0 7 ha area as done today , This thesis analyzes the policy implementation of alteration of function on part of the Guci Nature Reserve Area into a Natural Tourism Area in Tegal Regency and the factors influencing the policy This research adopts a qualitative method which results descriptive data collected through observation and field study literature study and document study as well as audio visual and indepth interview with interviewees from the related government intergrated team members Guci Nature Reserve local vendors and Rembul village residents The research result shows that the Tegal Regent rsquo s proposal on alteration of function of Guci Nature Reserve complies with all requirements The factors influencing the policy implementation of alteration of function on part of the Guci Nature Reserve Area into a Natural Tourism Area in Tegal Regency are boundaries population the shift of the biophysical condition of forest area the socio economic condition of local residents reform period and broad coverage The research result suggests that Tegal regional government needs to immediately compose a short and long term management plan based on the consideration of i heavy topography and height ii unnatural vegetation needs to be restored and iii Maintaining the existence of TWA by taking advantage of the intensive utilizatrion of 0 7 ha area as done today ]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Permata Sari
"Tesis ini merupakan studi empiris yang fokus utama analisisnya adalah pengaruh kebijakan publik terhadap penerimaan pajak riil pemerintah pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Pertumbuhan penerimaan pajak riil relatif lambat, karena relatif tingginya laju inflasi; (2) Rasio pajak pemerintah pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota, sudah meningkat; (3) sampai saat ini, rasio pajak semakin rendah bila tingkat pemerintahan semakin rendah; dan (4) peranan penerimaan pajak dalam APBN dan APBD (PAD) sudah semakin besar, yang menyiratkan semakin baiknya tingkat kemandirian fiskal. Dengan menggunakan model ekonometrika dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak kebijakan publik terhadap penerimaan pajak di Indonesia tidaklah besar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak kebijakan-kebijakan publik yang diputuskan terhadap perbaikan efisiensi dan efektifitas pemungutan pajak, maupun peningkatan potensi pajak, khususnya perluasan basis pajak belum seperti yang diharapkan.

This thesis is an empirical study that the main focus of analysis is to influence public policy on real tax revenue of central government, provinces and districts/cities in Indonesia. Based on descriptive analysis concluded that: (1) real tax revenue growth is relatively slow, because of relatively high inflation rate, (2) The ratio of central government taxes, provincial and district/city, have increased, (3) until recently, the lower the tax rate when the lower levels of government; and (4) the role of tax revenue in the State Budget (APBN) and Regional Budget/APBD (PAD) has been getting larger, which implies the good level of fiscal independence. By using the econometric model can be concluded that the impact of public policies on tax revenue in Indonesia was not large. This shows that the impact of public policies that decided to improve efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection, as well as potential tax increase, particularly the expansion of tax base has not been as expected."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Satria Perdana
"Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Sektor Perdesaan dan Perkotaan (PBB-P2) merupakan salah satu sumber penerimaan daerah Kota Tegal yang harus dipungut dan diadministrasikan sebaik mungkin. Demi mencapai target pendapatan, Pemerintah Kota Tegal menggunakan pendekatan yang berbeda dengan Pemerintah Daerah lainnya, yakni dengan mengimplementasikan kebijakan apresiasi terhadap Wajib PBB-P2 dan aparat pemungut PBB-P2 di tingkat Kelurahan. Skripsi ini mendeskripsikan implementasi kebijakan yang diejawantahkan dalam dua program utama: Program Tahunan Undian Berhadiah bagi Wajib PBB-P2 dan Program Perlombaan Tahunan Kelurahan Pemungut PBB-P2 Terbaik. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, peneliti mendeskripsikan proses implementasi kedua program tersebut yang bertujuan untuk memotivasi baik Wajib PBB-P2 maupun aparat pemungut PBB-P2 di Kota Tegal agar mendukung proses pemungutan dan pengadministrasian PBB-P2 di Kota Tegal. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah deskripsi mengenai kebijakan apresiasi terhadap Wajib PBBP2 Kota Tegal dan aparat pemungut PBB-P2 Kota Tegal.

Land and Building Tax Rural and Urban Sector (PBB-P2) is one source of local revenue Tegal to be collected and administered as possible. To achieve the target revenue, the City of Tegal using different approaches with other regional governments, namely by implementing appreciation policy towards PBB-P2 taxpayers and PBB-P2 collector apparatus at the Village level. This thesis describes the implementation of the policy embodied in the two main programs: Annual Program Lottery for the PBB-P2 Taxpayers and Annual Competition Program for PBB-P2 Best Collector Apparatus. By using a qualitative approach, researcher describe the process of implementation of these two programs aimed at motivating both PBB-P2 taxpayers and PBB-P2 collector apparatus in Tegal to support the process of collecting and administrating PBB-P2 in Tegal. The result of this research are qualitative description about appreciation policy towards Tegal City Land and Building Taxpayers and Tegal City Land and Building Tax Collectors."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Disertasi menguraikan tentang implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama di Sekolah Katolik Kota Blitar ditinjau dari aspek Content of Policy, Context of Implementation, aspek kegagalan, dan dampak kegagalan implementasi kebijakan. Penelitian menggunakan paradigma postpositivisme, dengan metode kualitatif dan tipe deskriptif.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan: Pertama, aspek content of policy menunjukkan bahwa rumusan kebijakan pendidikan agama dinilai tidak mewakili agregasi kepentingan kelompok sasaran, sehingga mengalami kegagalan dalam implementasi. Kedua, aspek context of implementation menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama tidak semata proses administrasi, namun dipengaruhi oleh 'interpenetrasi’ faktor politik dan nilai ideologi keagamaan. Ketiga, kegagalan implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama disebabkan oleh adanya penolakan halus secara sistemik (sistemic subtle rejection), pendiaman pemegang kebijakan terhadap kendala implementasi (government silent on implementation gap), dan tidak adanya evaluasi terhadap kendala implementasi. Keempat, dampak kegagalan implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama meliputi dampak pembelajaran, dampak psikologis dan dampak substansi nilai keagamaan.
Implikasi teoritik penelitian ini adalah bahwa nilai ideologi keagamaan (ideological values) merupakan faktor determinan dalam keseluruhan proses kebijakan publik semenjak formulasi, implementasi dan evaluasi. Konteks Indonesia, pada kasus dalam penelitian, ketaatan kepada agama lebih besar daripada ketaatan terhadap kebijakan negara. Nilai ideologi dalam hal implementasi kebijakan selama ini lebih menekankan pada dimensi ideologi politik. Sehingga ideologi dalam konteks keagamaan menjadi ruang koreksi bagi teori implementasi kebijakan.
Berkaitan dengan temuan penelitian, maka sebuah proses implementasi kebijakan memerlukan langkah-langkah. Pertama, optimalisasi sosialisasi isi kebijakan dengan harapan terjadi peningkatan respon masyarakat (citizens partisipation), baik dalam pemahaman rumusan kebijakan maupun partisipasi dalam implementasi sehingga agregasi kepentingan masyarakat maupun nilai-nilai yang berkembang dalam masyarakat terakomodir dalam sebuah proses kebijakan; Kedua, Implementasi kebijakan publik perlu mempertimbangkan pola hubungan struktural antar instansi (the structure of intergovermental relation) agar tidak terjadi konflik kewenangan. Ketiga, Implementasi kebijakan perlu merumuskan strategi pencapaian tujuan sesuai dengan karakteristik lingkungan implementasi dengan pola sintesis yaitu gabungan pendekatan top-down dan bottom up dan melakukan evaluasi dalam setiap tahapan kebijakan.;The dissertation describes the implementation of religious education policy in Catholic schools Blitar review of aspects: Content of Policy, Context of Implementation, aspect failure, and the impact of the failure of policy implementation. This research using postpositivisme paradigm, the qualitative and descriptive methods.
The research produce some finding: First, aspects of the content of the policy indicates that the religious education policy formulation is not considered to represent the interests of the target group aggregation, so that a failure in implementation. Second, aspects of the context of implementation indicate that the implementation of the policy of religious education is not only the administrative process, but were influenced by the 'interpenetration' political factors and the value of religious ideology. Third, religious education policy implementation failure caused by subtle rejection systemically (systemic subtle rejection), the standing of the constraints of implementation of the policy holder (government silent on implementation gap), and the absence of an evaluation of the implementation constraints. Fourth, the impact of policy implementation failure religious education includes learning impact, psychological impact and effects of the substance of religious values.
Theoretical implication of this study is that the value of religious ideology (ideological values) is a determinant factor in the whole process of public policy since the formulation, implementation and evaluation. The case study of Indonesian context, adherence to religion is greater than adherence to state policy. Value of ideology in terms of policy implementation has been more emphasis on the dimension of political ideology. So the ideology in religious context become a space correction to the theory of policy implementation.
In connection with the research findings, a process of policy implementation requires some steps. First, the optimization of content dissemination policy in the hope of an increase in the response community (citizens partisipation), both in understanding participation in policy formulation and implementation so that the aggregation of the interests of society and the values that flourish in a society accommodated in the policy process; Third, policy implementation need to formulate strategies to achieve goals in accordance with the implementation of the environmental characteristics of the pattern of synthesis of a combined top-down and bottom-up evaluation in all stages of policy., The dissertation describes the implementation of religious education policy in Catholic schools Blitar review of aspects: Content of Policy, Context of Implementation, aspect failure, and the impact of the failure of policy implementation. This research using postpositivisme paradigm, the qualitative and descriptive methods.
The research produce some finding: First, aspects of the content of the policy indicates that the religious education policy formulation is not considered to represent the interests of the target group aggregation, so that a failure in implementation. Second, aspects of the context of implementation indicate that the implementation of the policy of religious education is not only the administrative process, but were influenced by the 'interpenetration' political factors and the value of religious ideology. Third, religious education policy implementation failure caused by subtle rejection systemically (systemic subtle rejection), the standing of the constraints of implementation of the policy holder (government silent on implementation gap), and the absence of an evaluation of the implementation constraints. Fourth, the impact of policy implementation failure religious education includes learning impact, psychological impact and effects of the substance of religious values.
Theoretical implication of this study is that the value of religious ideology (ideological values) is a determinant factor in the whole process of public policy since the formulation, implementation and evaluation. The case study of Indonesian context, adherence to religion is greater than adherence to state policy. Value of ideology in terms of policy implementation has been more emphasis on the dimension of political ideology. So the ideology in religious context become a space correction to the theory of policy implementation.
In connection with the research findings, a process of policy implementation requires some steps. First, the optimization of content dissemination policy in the hope of an increase in the response community (citizens partisipation), both in understanding participation in policy formulation and implementation so that the aggregation of the interests of society and the values that flourish in a society accommodated in the policy process; Third, policy implementation need to formulate strategies to achieve goals in accordance with the implementation of the environmental characteristics of the pattern of synthesis of a combined top-down and bottom-up evaluation in all stages of policy.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alexander Rubi Satyoadi
"[Tesis ini bertujuan menguji efektivitas Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah Kota Tangerang untuk mencegah korupsi berupa suap atau gratifikasi. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan keuangan BPK untuk Tahun Anggaran 2009-2013, Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Kota Tangerang selalu mendapatkan penilaian tertinggi dengan predikat Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian, namun korupsi berupa suap atau gratifikasi masih saja terjadi pada proses pelayanan publik berupa SIUP, IMB, KTP, Puskesmas, dan PBJ di Pemerintah Kota Tangerang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan evaluasi deskriptif terutama atas data-data sekunder berupa Laporan Penilaian Tingkat Maturitas Penyelenggaraan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah Kota Tangerang Tahun 2014 dari BPKP, dan Buku Integritas Sektor Publik Tahun 2009-2013 yang diterbitkan KPK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah Kota Tangerang telah efektif untuk menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang handal, namun belum efektif untuk mencegah korupsi berupa suap atau gratifikasi, karena masyarakat pengguna layanan publik memiliki kebiasaan memberikan suap atau gratifikasi kepada petugas layanan meskipun mengetahui bahwa pemberian suap atau gratifikasi adalah perbuatan yang dilarang dan perbuatan yang tercela.

This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities. Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013 published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited and reprehensible actions;This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited and reprehensible actions;This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited and reprehensible actions.;This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System
Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang
City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but
corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in
the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City
Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive
approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity
Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City
Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang
City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is
not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because
people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers
of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited
and reprehensible actions, This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System
Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang
City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but
corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in
the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City
Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive
approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity
Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City
Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang
City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is
not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because
people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers
of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited
and reprehensible actions]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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