ABSTRAKDisertasi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika yang berlangsung antara
agen dan struktur dalam masyarakat nelayan di Desa Teluk, Labuan-Banten. Dengan
menggunakan teori strukturasi Anthony Giddens dan dilengkapi dengan konsep
pembangunan sosial berdasarkan struktur, kultur, dan proses, dalam melihat
dinamika relasi yang ada antara agen dan stuktur dalam masyarakat nelayan.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan strategi
grounded research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di dalam masyarakat
nelayan telah terjadi perubahan dalam struktur dari dominasi kelembagaan formal
menjadi dominasi kelembagaan non-formal. Kemiskinan yang ada pada struktur
yang lama ternyata direproduksi oleh struktur yang baru. Penelitian ini juga
menemukan kelemahan dari strukturasi Giddens yang menganggap bahwa struktur
dalam versi dualitas-nya, baik sebagai hasil dan sekaligus sarana (medium) praktik
sosial ternyata tidak selalu bersifat enabling atau memberdayakan. Pembangunan
kelautan dan perikanan, khususnya menyangkut tentang bagaimana mengatasi
kemiskinan masyarakat nelayan harus melihat pentingnya dinamika relasi yang
terjadi antara agen dan struktur agar perubahan yang dilakukan oleh negara, dalam
hal ini Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, tidak justru melahirkan kemiskinan
ABSTRACTThis dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.;This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.;This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty., This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.]"