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Rico Cassanovia
"Produksi ikan cakalang di PPN Palabuhanratu mencapai 34,92, tuna mata besar 30,66 , madidihang 26,74 dan albakora 7,66. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh klorofil-a dan SPL terhadap hasil tangkapan cakalang dan mengidentifikasi daerah potensial penangkapan cakalang di perairan Barat daya Palabuhanratu. Lokasi penelitian pada koordinat 06o 30,0 39; S - 07o 40,0 39; S dan bujur 105o 00 39;,0 T - 107o 00,0 39; T. Data yang digunakan citra SPL dan klorofil-a dari satelit Aqua MODIS melalui software SeaDAS, kemudian data CPUE cakalang dari PPN Palabuhanratu 2005-2011. Analisis data menggunakan regresi berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebaran SPL di perairan barat daya Palabuhanratu antara 23,81oC -29,40°C, rata-rata 27,70°C dengan suhu optimum 27,27 -29,35°C. Konsentrasi bulanan klorofil-a antara 0,001 mg/m3 - 4,835 mg/m3, rata-rata 0,623 mg/m3 dan optimum 0,190 - 0,648 mg/m3. Hasil regresi berganda menunjukan hubungan SPL dan klorofil-a terhadap CPUE cakalang positif 19,5 artinya sangat lemah. Variabel SPL dan klorofil-a secara parsial dan simultan tidak mempengaruhi CPUE cakalang hanya 3,80.
Peta daerah penangkapan ikan cakalang potensial berdasarkan parameter SPL dan klorofil-a terjadi pada musim peralihan Barat ke Timur April-Mei hingga pertengahan musim Timur Juni-Juli dan puncaknya terjadi bulan Mei. Secara spasial daerah penangkapan potensial cakalang berada di mulut Teluk Palabuhanratu, selatan Ujung genteng dan tenggara Tanjung Sodong.

Production of skipjack in Palabuhanratu fishing port reached 34.92 , 30.66 bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna 26.74 and Albakora 7.66. The research objective analyzed the influence of chlorophyll a and SPL to skipjack CPUE and identify of potential fishing ground mapping of skipjack in the southwestern Palabuhanratu waters. Latitude position at 06o 30.0 39 S 07o 40.0 39 S and longitude 105o 00 39, 0 T 107o 00.0 39 T. Data were used in the SPL and chlorophyll a from MODIS Aqua satellite through SeaDAS software, then skipjack CPUE data from Palabuhanratu 2005 2011 . Analysis of data using multiple regression.
The results showed the distribution of SPL in southwest Palabuhanratu waters between 23,81°C 29,40°C, average 27,70°C with optimum temperature 27,27 29,35oC. Monthly chlorophyll a concentration of between 0.001 mg m3 4.835 mg m3, an average of 0.623 mg m3 and optimum 0.190 to 0.648 mg m3. The results of multiple regression analysis shows the relationship SPL and chlorophyll a of skipjack CPUE 19.5 means that very low. Variable SPL and chlorophyll a partial and simultan does not influence to skipjack CPUE only 3.80.
Potential fishing ground mapping based on parameters of the SPL and chlorophyll a transition the west to the east season April May to middle east season June July and the peak occurred in May. Spatially potential skipjack fishing ground at the mouth of the Palabuhanratu bay, southern of Ujung genteng and southeast of Tanjung Sodong.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lalu Achmad Jani Qhadaffi
"Kabupaten Pandeglang adalah salah satu pusat produksi perikanan yang merupakan penghasil ikan ekonomis tinggi terbesar di Provinsi Banten. Salah satu spesies yang dominan tertangkap adalah jenis ikan kembung Rastrelliger spp . Produksi ikan kembung di Kabupaten Pandeglang mengalami fluktuasi diakibatkan kondisi daerah penangkapan ikan yang selalu berubah-ubah terkait kesuburan perairan. Kurangnya informasi kepada nelayan terkait daerah penangkapan ikan menyebabkan hasil tangkapan yang tidak menentu.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, mencari korelasi antara suhu permukaan laut SPL dan densitas klorofil-a serta mencari korelasi antara SPL, klorofil-a dan hasil tangkapan ikan kembung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan mengumpulkan data primer berupa data tangkapan dan posisi penangkapan di 50 titik lokasi daerah penangkapan ikan, serta data skunder berupa SPL dan Klorofil-a selama tahun 2015-2017 yang diambil dari citra satelit AQUA-MODIS level 3 dengan resolusi 4 Km.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan SPL tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap densitas klorofil-a perairan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien determinasi R2 sebesar 0.003 yang berarti hanya sebesar 0.3 variable klorofil-a dipengaruhi oleh SPL. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa bahwa SPL dan Klorofil-a sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai determinasi R2 sebesar 0.32 yang berarti variable independent mempengaruhi sebesar 32 terhadap hasil tangkapan.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi berganda di dapat persamaan ? = 1.834 9.850X1 0.264X2 dimana di dapatkan selisih rata-rata hasil tangkapan ikan kembung bertambah sebesar 9.8 Kg apabila terjadi penambahan densitas klorofil-a sebesar 1 mg/m3, dengan nilai variable lainnya tetap dan selisih rata-rata hasil tangkapan kembung bertambah sebesar 0.26 Kg apabila terjadi penambahan SPL sebesar 1°C.

Pandeglang Regency is the largest producer of high economic value of fish in Banten Province. One of the dominant species caught is mackerel Rastrelliger spp . Production of mackerel in Pandeglang Regency fluctuated due to the condition of fishing ground that are always changing related to water 39 s fertility. Lack of information associated with fishing areas to fisherman leads to erratic catches.
This study aims to analyze the relationship between Sea Surface Temperature SST and chlorophyill a density, also the correlation between SST, chlorophyll a and the mackerel 39 s catch. The method used in this research is survey method by means of collecting primary data of fifty 50 coordinates location of mackerel 39 s fishing ground.Secondary data of SST and chlorophyll a density during 2015 2017 were taken from AQUA MODIS satellite image level 3 with 4 Km resolution.
The results of this study showed that SST did not significantly affect the density of chlorophyll a, it is shown by the coefficient of determination R2 0.003, which means only 0.3 of the chlorophyll a variables is influenced by SST. The results also showed that SST and chlorophyll a greatly influence the catch, which was indicated by the determination value R2 0.32, which means the independent variable affects 32 of the catch variable.
Based on multiple regression analysis the equation obtained was 1.834 9.850X1 0.264X2 where there were difference of mackerel 39 s catch average. The catch increased by 9.8 kg with increasing of chlorophyll a by 1 mg m3 while other variables were constant. Secondly, average on mackerel 39 s catch increased by 0.26 Kg when temperature increased by 1°C.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurul Fahmi
Produk ekspor perikanan Indonesia mengalami peningkatan pada periode lima tahun terakhir, disisi lain kasus penolakan masih ditemukan, terutama untuk produk ekspor ke Amerika Serikat, terdeteksi kontaminasi bakteri Salmonella spp. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi adanya potensi resiko bahaya kontaminasi Salmonella spp., determinasi tingkat resiko Salmonella spp. rantai pasok ikan cakalang skala kecil, mengusulkan alternatif perbaikan dalam sistem pembinaan, pengendalian jaminan mutu dan keamanan hasil perikanan cakalang di PPN Palabuhanratu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapatnya potensi kontaminasi Salmonella spp. didapatkan dari rantai pasok di kapal adalah 18,5%, pendaratan/TPI 18,5%, dan pengumpul 7%. Persentase kontaminasi sampel didapatkan dari air/es adalah 11%, ikan cakalang 26% dan swab tangan pekerja 7%. Perhitungan jumlah koloni di kapal 46% (480 koloni/ml), pendaratan 34% (360 koloni/ml) dan pengumpul 20% (210 koloni/ml). Berdasarkan jenis sampel, air/es 28% (290 koloni/ml), ikan cakalang 61% (640 koloni/25g) dan swab tangan pekerja 11% (120 koloni/cm2). Alternatif sistem pengendalian di rantai pasok skala kecil adalah dengan memberikan pembinaan dan pengawasan dalam rangka perbaikan sistem cara penanganan ikan yang baik dan benar sesuai Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 52A/MEN-KP/2013.

Indonesian exports of fishery products have increased in the last five years, on the other hand, the case of rejection could still be found, especially for products that were exported to the United States of which Salmonella spp was detected frequently. The purposes of this study was to identify the potential hazards of Salmonella spp, to determine the risk level of Salmonella spp. Contamination of the small scale supply chains of skipjack, The study was carried out by determining to propose options for improvement in guidance and control systems to achieve quality and safety assurance of skipjack fisheries in the Pelabuhanratu fishing port. The result from this research shows that the percentage of Salmonella spp. contamination from supply chain 18,5% was collected on board, 18,5% was from the landing site, and, 7% was at the collection area of supplier’s handling space. While the percentage contamination of samples obtained from the water/ice (11%), skipjack (26%), and hand swabs of workers (7%). The expected colony counts of bacteria on board 46 % (480 colonies/ml), the landing site 34% (360 colonies/ml) and at the supplier 20% (210 colonies/ml). Based on the percentage of sample water/ice 28% (290 colonies/ml), skipjack 61% (640 koloni/25g) and hand swabs of worker 11% (120 colonies/cm2). The official control alternatives in small scale supply chain is to give guidance and supervision in order to provide a system improvement of good handling practices established according to the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. 52A/MEN-KP/2013."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elhad Soumeru
"Tuna landed in 2014 reached a production of 1,093,537 tons and has a peak production in September amounted to 182 350 tonnes. temporal mapping potential areas of skipjack fishing aqua MODIS image, is thought to have optimum levels of arrest occurred in August which has a density of 25 214 mg/m3. This study aims to: (1) identify skipjack capture result; (2) Analyze distribution and variations chlorophyl-a and SST in spatial and temporal from Aqua Modis Imagery satelite; (3) Analyze the relationship and influence between Chlorophyl-a and SST to CPUE skipjack; (4)Mapping potential area of catching skipjack in Banda Sea waters and arround Maluku Province."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Wibowo
"Salah satu sumberdaya perikanan di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan WPP 573 Samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa adalah ikan cakalang. Ikan tersebut merupakan ikan pelagis yang termasuk dalam ikan ekonomis penting. Pada tahun 2008 ndash;2016, hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang tertangkap di WPP 573 dan didaratkan pada PPN Palabuhanratu menunjukkan telah terjadi penurunan yang diduga mengalami eksploitasi berlebihan sehingga memengaruhi ketersediaan stok sumberdaya ikan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek ndash;aspek biologi, ekologi, dan perikanan serta menganalisis selektivitas penggunaan alat penangkap ikan cakalang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melalui pengambilan sampel secara acak ikan cakalang yang tertangkap dengan pancing tonda dan rawai tuna serta wawancara kepada nelayan.
Musim penangkapan ikan cakalang yang paling produktif, yaitu pada musim timur, ketika terjadi upwelling yaitu pada bulan Juni - Oktober di WPP 573. Secara umum ikan cakalang yang tertangkap telah melakukan pemijahan atau reproduksi, yaitu pada TKG III sebesar 44 dengan panjang cagak 41 ndash;45 cm. Nilai potensi lestari maksimum MSY dengan pancing tonda sebesar 230.813,9 kg/tahun dengan upaya penangkapan optimum fopt sebesar 228 trip dan CPUEopt sebesar 1.013,55 kg/trip serta tingkat pemanfaatan sebesar 91,69 . Pancing tonda masih dapat dikategorikan layak ramah lingkungan untuk penangkapan ikan cakalang dengan ukuran mata pancing nomor 6 panjang 5,2 cm dan lebar 2,2 cm .

One of fishery resources in Fishery Management Area 573 Indian Ocean, South of Java is skipjack tuna. The fish is a pelagic fish and economically importance. The catches showed decreasing tendency during period 2008 ndash 2016. This implied that there were overexploitation on skipjack tuna fishing, especially the ones that used the troll line fishing, so as affect the availability of fish resources. This study was conducted to know the selectivity fishing gear of skipjack tuna in June ndash August 2016. Some aspects of biology, ecology, fishery of skipjack tuna were analyzed.
The results showed that the fishing season of skipjack tuna occurred in Southeast monsoon, especially during upwelling time in June - October at Indian Ocean, South of Java Island. In general, skipjack tuna were caught in mature condition at 41 ndash 45 cm FL, it means that the fishes were already spawning before caught. The MSY of skipjack tuna found was about 230,813.9 kg year with CPUE optimum 1,013.55 kg trip, effort optimum were 228 trips and the utilization rate was about 91.69. It is suggested that troll line fishery for skipjack tuna still have a good opportunity environmentally friendly to be developed with hook size number 6 length 5,2 cm and width 2,2 cm.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Ashari
"Palabuhanratu merupakan lokasi penting bagi perikanan tangkap di daerah pantai selatan Jawa Barat. Salah satu hasil tangkapan yang dominan dan memiliki nilai ekonomis penting yang didaratkan di PPN Palabuhanratu yaitu ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis, 1758). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek penangkapan dan aspek biologi ikan cakalang. Aspek penangkapan meliputi; jenis alat tangkap, derah penangkapan, hasil per unit upaya, dan produksi. Aspek biologi meliputi; struktur panjang berat dan tingkat pemanfaatan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober ? Januari 2013. Sampling aspek penagkapan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Sampling aspek biologi dilakukan secara porposional pada tempat pendaratan ikan. Terdapat beberapa yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan cakalang antara lain; Jaring insang hanyut, payang dan pancing tonda. Pengoperasian alat ini dilakukan di sekitar rumpon. Terlihat dari data statistik perikanan PPN Palabuhanratu tahun 2005 - 2012 menunjukkan jumlah produksi penangkapan ikan cakalang mengalami penurunan setiap tahunnya sekitar 13,39%. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengelolaannya yang lebih serius antara lain dengan suatu alternatif memperluas daerah penangkapan ke arah selatan perairan Samudera Hindia yang diperkirakan di Lintang 90 LS - 110 LS dengan bujur antara 1050 BT ? 1060 BT. Adapun hasil analisis hubungan panjang dan berat diperoleh persamaan W = aLb yang berarti pola pertumbuhan allometrik negartif terlihat bahwa p-value pada selang kepercayaan 95%, dan juga apabila pendapat Rothschial (1967) kita terapkan pada hasil penelitian maka ikan cakalang ini lebih dari setengahnya telah berukuran lebih dari 40 cm berarti ikan yang tertangkap telah mengalami pemijahan sebelum tertangkap oleh nelayan.

Palabuhanratu an important location for the fisheries on the south coast of West Java. One of the dominant catch and has an important economic value landed in PPN Palabuhanratu ie tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758). Fishery statistics PPN Palabuhanratu years 2005-2012 indicates the number of tuna fishing production has decreased about 13.39% annually. Therefore we need an alternative to expanding the capture area to the south of the Indian Ocean is estimated at Latitude 90 LS - 110 LS with longitude between 1050 BT - BT 1060. The linear regression analysis of the relationship length and weight to estimate patterns of growth and age estimation it is seen that the p-value is smaller at the 95% confidence interval, it can be obtained that tuna regeresi coefficient of the regression models above differ significantly on the real level 0.05. Thus indicating that the growth pattern of the landed tuna is negative allometric means that the length of the tuna faster than the growth of its weight, and also if the opinion Rothschial (1967) we apply the research results tuna is more than half have larger than 40 cm means the fish are.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winnie Hertikawati
"Ikan cakalang merupakan salah satu sumberdaya ikan pelagis bernilai ekonomis yang didaratkan di PPN Palabuhanratu. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui aspek biologi, status keberlanjutan pengelolaan, dan menyusun model dan strategi pengembangan pengelolaan secara berkelanjutan. Metode pengambilan sampel ikan cakalang secara acak terhadap kapal pancing tonda yang mendarat di PPN Palabuhanratu. Sedangkan untuk analisis status keberlanjutan menggunakan Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH), dan untuk menyusun prioritas strategi menggunakan metode Proses Hirarki Analitik (AHP). Aspek biologi menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan bersifat allometrik negatif. Nisbah kelamin menunjukkan bahwa ikan betina lebih banyak dari pada ikan jantan. Ikan cakalang yang tertangkap kebanyakan pada TKG III sebesar 42%, dimana telah mengalami pemijahan. Hasil analisis potensial lestari (MSY) sebesar 741.039 kg/tahun, fmsy = 1.392 unit dan CPUEopt adalah 532.050 kg/unit; Status keberlanjutan pengelolaan perikanan tangkap ikan cakalang di PPN Palabuhanratu secara multidimensi dalam kondisi kurang berkelanjutan (nilai indeks 46,19). Strategi yang perlu dilakukan berdasarkan skala prioritas adalah 1) Pengaturan alat bantu penangkapan ikan, 2) Penentuan selektivitas alat penangkapan ikan, 3) Pembatasan upaya penangkapan ikan, 4) Peningkatan kualitas SDM, 5) Pengaturan perubahan target tangkapan sementara sesuai musim, 6) Pengelolaan hasil tangkapan sampingan (by catch), 7) Peningkatan pengawasan penangkapan ikan, 8) Pengembangan alat penangkapan ikan yang ramah lingkungan, 9) Meningkatkan nilai GDP, 10) Pengaturan kepemilikan sumberdaya, 11) Kebijakan dalam pengelolaan perikanan mempertimbangkan kearifan lokal nelayan setempat, 12) Meningkatkan Peran Sektor Perikanan, dan 13) Status konflik.

Skipjack tuna is one of the major pelagic fish resources which has economic value that landed on PPN Palabuhanratu. The research aims to determine the biological aspects, determine the status management of sustainability, and model and strategy of sustainability development management. Sampling methods is randomly collect the skipjacks tuna on the trolling ship that landed in PPN Palabuanratu. Moreover, in the purpose of analysis of sustainability status is using Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH), to arrange the strategic priorities is using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Biological aspects show allometric growth pattern is negative. Sex ratio showed that female fish are more than the male fish. Tuna were caught mostly on TKG III by 42%, which has undergone spawning. The results of the analysis of the sustainable potential (MSY) is 741.039 kg/year, fmsy = 1.392 units and CPUEopt is 532.050 kg/unit. The status of sustainability management in multidimension point of view, skipjack tuna fisheries activities in PPN Palabuhanratu is less sustainable condition (index value of 46.19). The strategies that need to do based on priority scale are: 1) setting up the fishing tools, 2) Determination of the selectivity of fishing tools, 3) Restriction of fishing activities, 4) improving the quality of human resources, 5) Settip up the changes of temporary target catch according to season, 6) Management of side catches value (by catch), 7) Improving monitoring of fishing, 8) Developing of fishing tools that are environmentally friendly, 9) Increase the value of GDP, 10) Admission of resource ownership, 11) Policy in fisheries management that considering the value of local fishermes, 12) Increase the Role of Fisheries Sector, and 13) Status of conflict.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Kamalia Mukhtar
Teluk Palabuhanratu merupakan salah satu lokasi di Indonesia dengan
sumber daya lobster yang tinggi. Namun, sampai sekarang studi spasial tentang identifikasi wilayah potensi penangkapan lobster belum pernah dilakukan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model spasial untuk melihat hubungan kondisi oseanografi dengan hasil tangkapan lobster, memprediksi hasil tangkapan lobster, serta memprediksi wilayah potensi penangkapan lobster di Teluk Palabuhanratu. Variabel yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah informasi oseanografi yang dapat diekstrak dari data penginderaan jauh dengan teknik penggabungan data penginderaan jauh dan survei lapangan maka nilai klorofil-a, salinitas, total suspended solid, dan suhu permukaan laut diketahui. Data penginderaan jauh yang digunakan adalah citra multispektral Landsat 8 yang diakses dan diolah menggunakan aplikasi online berbasis cloud computing yaitu Google Earth Engine. Regresi linear berganda antara variabel klorofil-a, salinitas, TSS dan SPL dengan
hasil tangkapan lobster digunakan untuk membangun model prediksi hasil tangkapan lobster serta melihat hubungan antar variabel. Selanjutnya, analisis ekstraksi informasi citra digunakan untuk melihat wilayah potensi penangkapan lobster. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terjadi hubungan simultan yang signifikan antara semua variabel terhadap hasil tangkapan lobster. Model prediksi hasil tangkapan lobster yang dihasilkan adalah Y= -56,155- (0,298*Chl)+(0,569*Salinitas)+(0,046*TSS)+(1,443*SPL) dengan nilai R2 sebesar 0,764. Dari penelitian ini diketahui wilayah potensi penangkapan lobster pada musim basah menyebar dengan cukup merata pada pesisir Teluk Palabuhanratu dengan luas wilayah sebesar 57,645 km2 dan wilayah potensi penangkapan lobster pada musim kering berada pada daerah perairan Kecamatan Cisolok dan Simpenan dengan luas wilayah sebesar 23,447 km2. Secara keseluruhan, wilayah potensi penangkapan lobster yang memiliki potensi tinggi dikedua musim terdapat pada
perairan Kecamatan Cisolok dan Simpenan.

Palabuhanratu Bay is one of the locations in Indonesia with high lobster
resources. However, until now spatial studies on identifying lobster fishing potential areas have never been done. This study aims to develop a spatial model to evaluate the relationship between oceanographic conditions with lobster catches, predict lobster catches, as well as predict lobster fishing potential areas in Palabuhanratu Bay. The variables used in this study are oceanography information extracted from remote sensing data and field survey which is chlorophyll-a, salinity, total suspended solid, and sea surface temperature. The remote sensing data used is multispectral imagery from Landsat 8 that is accessed and processed using a cloud computing-based online application, Google Earth Engine. To build the prediction model, multiple linear regression algorithm is tested between the lobster catches and the chlorophyll-a, salinity, TSS and SPL variables. Next, information extraction of images analysis is used to see the lobster fishing potential areas. The results of this study are a significant simultaneous relationship between all variables on lobster catches. The prediction model of the resulting lobster catches is Y= -56,155- (0,298*Chl)+(0,569*SSS)+(0,046*TSS)+(1,443*SST) with an R2 value of 0.764. From this study it is known that the lobster fishing potential area in the wet season is spread evenly on the entire coast of Palabuhanratu Bay with an area of 57,645 km2 and the lobster fishing potential area in the dry season is in the Cisolok and Simpenan waters with an area of 23,447 km2. Overall, the lobster fishing potential area that have high potential in both seasons are in Cisolok and Simpenan waters."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Wahyudi
"[Ikan layur merupakan salah satu komoditas penting dalam perikanan tangkap di Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan populasi dan potensi ikan layur. Metode yang digunakan ialah data surplus produksi. Data ikan dibutuhkan untuk menggambarkan dinamika suatu populasi ikan yang dipengaruhi oleh pertumbuhan, mortalitas, dan migrasi ikan. Dinamika populasi dianalisis dengan paket perangkat lunak FISAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan
model surplus produksi MSY. Hasil pengamatan Agustus-September 2014 menunjukkan perubahan kisaran panjang ikan dari kisaran 44,00?96,80 cm menjadi 47,00?97,99 cm dan berat rata-rata ikan berubah dari 285,33 gram menjadi 309,00
gram. Perubahan panjang ikan ini karena ikan mengalami proses pemijahan. Hasil estimasi pada waktu pengamatan memperlihatkan bahwa laju eksploitasi populasi ikan layur belum mencapai tangkap lebih (overfishing) dengan nilai batas tingkat penangkapan dibawah optimum 0,50. Dalam rangka mewujudkan perikanan layur berkelanjutan, disarankan menetapkan musim penangkapan, penambahan upaya dan wilayah tangkapan, serta pendataan berbasis spesies.

Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. This
study aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve these
objectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describe
the dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, and
migration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package and potential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplus model. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fish length range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period, the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The length changes are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, the estimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet to reach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts and fishing zone, also data collection based on species. Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. This study aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve these objectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describe the dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, and
migration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package and potential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplus model. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fish length range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period, the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The length changes are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, the estimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet to reach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts and fishing zone, also data collection based on species.;Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. This
study aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve these
objectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describe
the dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, and
migration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package and
potential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplus
model. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fish
length range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period,
the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The length
changes are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, the
estimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet to
reach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts and
fishing zone, also data collection based on species., Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. This
study aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve these
objectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describe
the dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, and
migration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package and
potential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplus
model. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fish
length range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period,
the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The length
changes are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, the
estimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet to
reach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts and
fishing zone, also data collection based on species.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dennisa Maghffira Tunjung
"Estuari merupakan wilayah terjadinya pencampuran antara masa air laut dengan air tawar dari daratan sehingga memiliki keunikan tersendiri karena pada estuari terbentuk air payau dengan salinitas yang berfluktuasi. Wilayah estuari sangat dinamis karena selalu terjadi perubahan lingkungan fisik maupun biologis. Penentuan zonasi perairan estuari di lapangan sulit untuk dilakukan sehingga penggunaan data penginderaan jauh lebih efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menganalisis nilai sebaran salinitas hasil algoritma penduga sebaran salinitas yang paling sesuai di estuari Teluk Ciletuh, menganalisis hubungan antara parameter fisik oseanografi dan salinitas, dan menganalisis batas zonasi estuari Teluk Ciletuh dengan sebaran salinitas permukaan perairan berdasarkan bulan basah dan bulan kering. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui nilai salinitas diperoleh dari pengolahan citra Sentinel-2 di tahun 2019 dan 2020 dengan membandingkan algoritma penduga sebaran salinitas yaitu algoritma Cilamaya dan algoritma Cimandiri. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah analisis statistik dengan melakukan uji korelasi untuk mendapatkan sebaran salinitas berdasarkan perhitungan algoritma yang cocok, analisis spasial untuk mendapatkan batas zonasi estuari berdasarkan bulan basah dan bulan kering, serta analisis statistik deskriptif untuk menganalisis sebaran salinitas berdasarkan faktor fisik oseanografi. Berdasarkan hasil validasi, didapatkan bahwa Algoritma Cilamaya lebih cocok digunakan di perairan Teluk Ciletuh. Pemetaan sebaran salinitas permukaan laut tersebut membentuk batas estuari. Curah hujan yang diklasifikasikan dalam bulan basah dan bulan kering mempengaruhi sebaran salinitas yang juga berpengaruh terhadap zonasi perairan dan batas wilayah estuari.

Estuary is an area where sea water is mixed with fresh water from the mainland so that it is unique because it forms brackish water with fluctuating salinity. The estuary area is very dynamic because there are always changes in the physical and biological environment. It is difficult to determine the zoning of estuary waters in the field so that the use of sensing data is much more effective. The aims of this study was to analyze the salinity distribution of the most suitable salinity distribution estimation algorithm in the estuary of Ciletuh Bay, to analyze the relationship between the physical parameters of oceanography and salinity, and to analyze the boundaries of the Ciletuh Bay area with the distribution of surface salinity based on wet months and dry months. The method used to measure the salinity value obtained from Sentinel-2 image processing in 2019 and 2020 is by comparing the spread of salinity estimation methods, namely the Cilamaya algorithm and the Cimandiri algorithm. The data analysis used is statistical analysis by conducting trials to obtain the distribution of salinity based on the calculation of a suitable algorithm, spatial analysis to obtain estuary zoning boundaries based on wet and dry months, and descriptive statistical analysis to analyze the distribution of salinity based on physical oceanographic factors. Based on valid results, it was found that the Cilamaya Algorithm is more suitable for use in the waters of Ciletuh Bay. Mapping the distribution of sea surface salinity forms the estuary boundary. Rainfall classified into wet months and dry months affects the distribution of salinity which also affects the zoning of waters and the boundaries of the estuary area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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