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"Kontrak Pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap oleh PT PLN Persero mempunyai tujuan untuk mewujudkan pembangunan yang tepat kualitas, kuantitas, waktu, tempat, tujuan sosial ekonomi, dan tepat harga, untuk menghindari risiko tidak tercapainya tujuan kontrak sebagaimana tersebut di atas, maka diperlukan adanya jaminan yang diberikan oleh penerima kerja kepada pemberi kerja. PT PLN Persero dalam pedoman pengadaan barang dan jasa menggunakan instrumen jaminan pelaksanaan berupa bank garansi, namun dalam prakteknya bank garansi sering mengalami permasalahan dalam klaim pencairannya.
Tesis ini membahas mengenai aspek hukum bank garansi sebagai jaminan pelaksanaan dalam kontrak pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap di PT PLN Persero. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, dengan fokus pada ketentuan penjaminan kontrak pekerjaan konstruksi berdasarkan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia, ketentuan Jaminan Pelaksanaan dalam bentuk Bank Garansi yang digunakan oleh PT PLN Persero, dan perlindungan hukum pencairan klaim terhadap Jaminan Pelaksanaan dalam bentuk bank garansi dalam kontrak pembangunan PLTU di PT PLN Persero.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kontrak-kontrak pengadaan utamanya pekerjaan konstruksi di Indonesia mensyaratkan adanya jaminan pelaksanaan dalam bentuk bank garansi, begitu juga berlaku dalam pedoman pengadaan barang/ jasa di PT PLN Persero, namun meskipun bank garansi mencantumkan klausula pencairan tanpa syarat, namun karena sifat dasar bank garansi sebagai perjanjian accessoir yang melekat pada perjanjian pokoknya, maka ada celah hukum yang dapat dijadikan alasan tidak dicairkannya bank garansi sebelum ada pembuktian wanprestasi. Oleh karena itu untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap pemberi kerja selaku pemilik investasi, Standby Letter of Credit dapat dijadikan alternatif penjaminan karena mempunyai sifat yang independen dan tidak diperlukan pembuktian wanprestasi untuk pencairan jaminan dalam hal kontraktor wanprestasi.

Contract of construction service, especially for coal fire Steam Power Plant Construction, has the objective to meet the requirements of quality, quantity, time, place, socio economic objectives, and the right price in accordance with the expectation contained in the agreement. To avoid the risk of failing to achieve those objectives as mentioned above, in term of developing, bank guarantee should be provided by the contractor. PT PLN Persero, in the rule of procurement using the Bank Guarantee as a Performance Bond, however, Bank Guarantees has many problems in the liquefaction process.
This thesis discusses the legal aspect of the bank guarantee as a Performance Bond in the Coal Fire Steam Power Plant Construction Contract at PT PLN Persero. This Research is descriptive by using Normative Juridical Method.
The Result of the research shows that although bank guarantee includes unconditional demand clause, but due to the nature of the bank guarantee as accessory agreement inherent underlying agreement, then there is a legal loophole which can be used as an excuse not to be realized before there is actual default. Therefore to provide protection to the owner of the investment, standby Letter of Credit can be used as an alternative guarantee because it has an independent and does not need proof of actual default for Demand in case of the contractor default.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasmin Anggun Lestari
"Wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang dijamin oleh Bank terkait perjanjian pokoknya dengan sebuah perusahaan listrik negara (PLN), dalam klausulanya, diperintahkan bahwa Bank harus segera mencairkan Bank Garansi. Tesis ini menganalisa mengenai kedudukan hukum PLN sebagai Penerima Bank Garansi pada saat terjadi wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh Kontraktor sebagai Pihak yang dijamin oleh Bank penerbit Bank Garansi, terhadap isi Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Sipil Proyek PLTU 2 Sumatera Utara (2x200 MW) nomor: 242PJ/041/DIR/2007. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode yuridis normatif dan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan wawancara dengan praktisi perbankan guna mendapatkan pandangannya terkait penelitian. Hasil penelitian yaitu, berdasarkan pasal 1338 dan 1339 KUH Perdata PLN berhak atas pencairan Bank Garansi No. 773/J.Pel/10/Jkt/2008 dan No. 774/J.Pel/10/Jkt/2008 karena Kontraktor telah melalaikan kewajibannya, dan Bank penerbit Bank Garansi harus menyegerakan proses pencairan Bank Garansi tersebut setelah menerima bukti terjadinya wanprestasi berupa berita acara dan asli warkat. guna melindungi kepentingan PLN, maka PLN harus dengan teliti menginventarisir segala risiko perselisihan yang mungkin terjadi dimasa yang akan datang, kemudian menyiapkan mitigasi/upaya antisipasi dari risiko-risiko yang telah diinventarisir tersebut ke dalam bentuk klausula-klausula di dalam kontrak.

A bank guarantee is a promise from a bank or other lending institution that if a particular borrower defaults on a loan, the bank will cover the loss. In this specific case, a borrower defaulted a loan and thus violating the agreement between the borrower and a government-owned corporation, PLN, resulting the Bank have to release the guarantee immediately. As the Contract Agreement Project PLTU 2 North Sumatera (2x200 MW) No 242 PJ/041/DIR/2007 obliged. The research done by juridical normative method. The data collected from reference study and interviews with practitioners to obtain their specific knowledge about the case in order to complete the research. The research has found that referring to Article Number 1338 and Article Number 1339 Indonesian Civil Code Law, PLN reserves the right to obtain the Bank Guarantee Letter Number 773/J.Pel/10/Jkt/2008 and Number 774/J.Pel/10/Jkt/2008 as an obligation concerning the default of the borrower. The bank have to release the bank guarantee letter to PLN immediately as the default proved by authentic letter. To prevent future risks and to create a good agreement, PLN should be careful when drafting an agreement. Good clauses will protect not just one party, but all, to whom it bonds."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arifandy Refrawan
"Skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai pelaksanaan bank garansi dalam kegiatan perjanjian jual beli batubara di Indonesia, tinjauan umum mengenai perjanjian jual beli dan Letter of Credit, tinjauan umum hukum jaminan serta tinjauan secara mendalam terhadap bank garansi dikaitkan dengan perjanjian jual beli batubara. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah normatif yuridis dan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan melihat permasalahan yang ada terkait implementasi dari pemberian bank garansi sebagai jaminan atas terbitnya janji bayar (L/C). Permasalahan tersebut khususnya mengenai peranan bank garansi dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli Batubara terkait pelaksanaan dan klaim pembayaran apabila terjadi wanprestasi, serta karakteristik daripada perjanjian jual beli batubara itu sendiri.

This thesis describes about implementation of Guarantee Bank in Coal Sale and Purchase Contract in Indonesia, general review of purchase agreement and Letter of Credit, also general review about legal guarantees and specific review about guarantee bank as coal sale and purchase contract activity. The thesis applies the juridical normative form of study, with the literature research to find the problem in the implementation of guarantee bank as guarantees to issues letter of credit. Specifically the problem consist about the role of guarantee bank in coal purchase agreement, concern about performance and claims payment if default occurs, with the characteristic of coal sale and purchase contract itself.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Mahaputra
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Oktavia
Bank Garansi ini merupakan salah satu produk pemerintah dalam menumbuhkan
iklim sehat pada dunia perbankan. Produk ini mendukung dalam meningkatkan
penyaluran dana kepada masyarakat. Resiko Bank Garansi muncul jika nasabah
melakukan perbuatan wanprestasi atau tidak memenuhi segala kewajiban kepada
penerima jaminan. Hingga kini masih terdapat pencairan Bank Garansi tidak tepat
sasaran sesuai dengan resiko yang terkandung didalamnya. Pencairan Bank
Garansi dilakukan saat terpenuhinya unsur wanprestasi. Oleh karena itu, tesis ini
akan membahas mengenai dua hal, yaitu kelayakan pencairan Bank Garansi dalam
hal telah dilaksanakannya prestasi oleh Prinsipal dan Akibat hukum yang terjadi
ada Prinsipal yang telah melakukan prestasi dengan adanya pencairan Bank
Garansi tersebut dengan contoh pada kasus Proyek Pembangunan 12 Unit Rumah
Bank Indonesia di Jalan Panglima Polim I dan VI, Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta
Selatan. Dalam kasus ini terdapat empat pihak yaitu PT Bank DKI sebagai
penerbit Bank Garansi atau jaminan, Bank Indonesia selaku Obligee atau Pemilik
Proyek, PT Elti Prima Raya selaku Kontraktor atau Prinsipal yang bertugas dalam
pelaksanaan proyek dan PT Wisma Kosgoro selaku subkontraktor. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil dari penelitian atas kasus
Proyek Pembangunan 12 Unit Rumah Bank Indonesia ini menyatakan bahwa
Bank Garansi layak dicairkan dalam hal telah dilaksanakannya prestasi oleh
Prinsipal, hal ini terbukti Pada saat Bank Garansi berpegang pada prinsip
Unconditional atau First Demand. Dengan prinsip ini berarti bank akan segera
mencairkan jaminan jika diminta oleh Obligee (tanpa harus membuktikan
kegagalan/wanprestasi/default Principal dan/atau kerugian yang diderita Obligee).
Akibat Hukum yang terjadi pada Prinsipal yang telah melakukan prestasi dengan
adanya Pencairan Bank Garansi tersebut adalah Kontraktor dinyatakan Lalai,
Kontraktor akan menderita kerugian sebesar nilai pencairan Bank Garansi,
Kontraktor menderita kerugian sebesar yang telah dilakukan prestasi, Kontraktor
menderita kerugian berupa keuntungan yang seharusnya didapat dari pelaksanaan
prestasi, Kontraktor masuk dalam daftar hitam perusahaan dan tidak dapat
mengikuti proyek pengadaan barang/jasa sesuai PerPres No. 54 Tahun 2010
tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintahan, Kontraktor menderita kerugian
berupa ongkos, kerugian, bunga dan biaya perkara pengadilan.

Bank Guarantee is one of the products of government in fostering a healthy
climate in the banking world. This product is in support of the improvements in
the distribution of funds to the public. Risks of Bank Guarantee arise should a
customer defaults or does not meet all the obligations to the insured. There is, as
yet, an ineffective disubrsement of Bank Guarantee in accordance with the risk
entailed therein. Disbursement of Bank Guarantee is made should there be
elements of default. Therefore, this thesis will discuss about two things, namely
the feasibility of disbursement of Bank Guarantee in terms of performance having
been implemented by the Principal and the legal consequences arising after
Principals having discharged performance with the disbursement of Bank
Guarantee One of the cases that will be highlighted is the case of 12 housing units
of Bank Indonesia on Jalan Panglima Polim I and VI, Kebayoran Baru ? Jakarta
Selatan. In this case, there were four parties, namely PT Bank DKI as the issuer of
Bank Guarantee or warranty, Bank Indonesia as the obligee or the Project Owner,
PT Elti Prima Karya as the Contractor or the Principal in charge of the
implementation of the project and PT Wisma Kosgoro as the subcontractor.
Normative juridical research was in use in this research. The result of the research
on the Construction Project of 12 Housing Units of Bank Indonesia shows that the
bank guarantee is worth disbursing in terms of the performance having been
implemented by the Principal. It is obvious that Bank Guarantee adheres to the
principle of unconditional or first demand. With this principle, it means that the
bank will immediately disburse the guarantee if requested by the obligee (without
having to prove the failure / default / default Principal and / or the loss suffered by
the obligee). The legal consequences that occur on the Principal having
implemented performance with the disbursement of Bank Guarantee are that the
Contractor is declared to be negligent, the Contractor suffers a loss of as much as
the value of the disbursement of Bank Guarantee, the Contractor suffers a loss in
terms of the profits that should have been obtained from the implementation of
the performance, the Contractor?s company is blacklisted and incapable of
participating in the project procurement of goods / services in accordance with the
Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / Services for
Government, the Contractor suffers a loss in the form of fees, interest and
litigation costs.;Bank Guarantee is one of the products of government in fostering a healthy
climate in the banking world. This product is in support of the improvements in
the distribution of funds to the public. Risks of Bank Guarantee arise should a
customer defaults or does not meet all the obligations to the insured. There is, as
yet, an ineffective disubrsement of Bank Guarantee in accordance with the risk
entailed therein. Disbursement of Bank Guarantee is made should there be
elements of default. Therefore, this thesis will discuss about two things, namely
the feasibility of disbursement of Bank Guarantee in terms of performance having
been implemented by the Principal and the legal consequences arising after
Principals having discharged performance with the disbursement of Bank
Guarantee One of the cases that will be highlighted is the case of 12 housing units
of Bank Indonesia on Jalan Panglima Polim I and VI, Kebayoran Baru ? Jakarta
Selatan. In this case, there were four parties, namely PT Bank DKI as the issuer of
Bank Guarantee or warranty, Bank Indonesia as the obligee or the Project Owner,
PT Elti Prima Karya as the Contractor or the Principal in charge of the
implementation of the project and PT Wisma Kosgoro as the subcontractor.
Normative juridical research was in use in this research. The result of the research
on the Construction Project of 12 Housing Units of Bank Indonesia shows that the
bank guarantee is worth disbursing in terms of the performance having been
implemented by the Principal. It is obvious that Bank Guarantee adheres to the
principle of unconditional or first demand. With this principle, it means that the
bank will immediately disburse the guarantee if requested by the obligee (without
having to prove the failure / default / default Principal and / or the loss suffered by
the obligee). The legal consequences that occur on the Principal having
implemented performance with the disbursement of Bank Guarantee are that the
Contractor is declared to be negligent, the Contractor suffers a loss of as much as
the value of the disbursement of Bank Guarantee, the Contractor suffers a loss in
terms of the profits that should have been obtained from the implementation of
the performance, the Contractor?s company is blacklisted and incapable of
participating in the project procurement of goods / services in accordance with the
Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / Services for
Government, the Contractor suffers a loss in the form of fees, interest and
litigation costs., Bank Guarantee is one of the products of government in fostering a healthy
climate in the banking world. This product is in support of the improvements in
the distribution of funds to the public. Risks of Bank Guarantee arise should a
customer defaults or does not meet all the obligations to the insured. There is, as
yet, an ineffective disubrsement of Bank Guarantee in accordance with the risk
entailed therein. Disbursement of Bank Guarantee is made should there be
elements of default. Therefore, this thesis will discuss about two things, namely
the feasibility of disbursement of Bank Guarantee in terms of performance having
been implemented by the Principal and the legal consequences arising after
Principals having discharged performance with the disbursement of Bank
Guarantee One of the cases that will be highlighted is the case of 12 housing units
of Bank Indonesia on Jalan Panglima Polim I and VI, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta
Selatan. In this case, there were four parties, namely PT Bank DKI as the issuer of
Bank Guarantee or warranty, Bank Indonesia as the obligee or the Project Owner,
PT Elti Prima Karya as the Contractor or the Principal in charge of the
implementation of the project and PT Wisma Kosgoro as the subcontractor.
Normative juridical research was in use in this research. The result of the research
on the Construction Project of 12 Housing Units of Bank Indonesia shows that the
bank guarantee is worth disbursing in terms of the performance having been
implemented by the Principal. It is obvious that Bank Guarantee adheres to the
principle of unconditional or first demand. With this principle, it means that the
bank will immediately disburse the guarantee if requested by the obligee (without
having to prove the failure / default / default Principal and / or the loss suffered by
the obligee). The legal consequences that occur on the Principal having
implemented performance with the disbursement of Bank Guarantee are that the
Contractor is declared to be negligent, the Contractor suffers a loss of as much as
the value of the disbursement of Bank Guarantee, the Contractor suffers a loss in
terms of the profits that should have been obtained from the implementation of
the performance, the Contractor’s company is blacklisted and incapable of
participating in the project procurement of goods / services in accordance with the
Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / Services for
Government, the Contractor suffers a loss in the form of fees, interest and
litigation costs.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hapsari Putri
"Bank Garansi merupakan produk bank yang memiliki karakteristik yang unik sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia selaku otoritas perbankan yaitu apabila terjadi cidera janji/wanprestasi langsung dapat dieksekusi tanpa perlu pembuktian terlebih dahulu di muka Hakim (Prinsip Unconditional/tanpa bersyarat). Bank Garansi merupakan salah satu bentuk dari Penanggungan Utang yang diatur dalam Bab 17 Buku III Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata dari Pasal 1820 sampai dengan Pasal 1850. Melalui pelaksanaan Bank Garansi yang seringkali dirasakan memberatkan pihak Principal karena adanya keharusan menyimpan hartanya (cash collateral) yang bersifat mudah dicairkan di Bank sebagai jaminan, dimana harta tersebut dapat digunakan untuk modal kerja Principal. Dari pelaksanaan ini dilihat oleh Surety Company/Perusahaan Asuransi sebagai pangsa pasar besar sebagai jaminan, sehingga diciptakan produk yang merupakan modifikasi/produk turunan dari Surety Bond yaitu Kontra Bank Garansi melalui mekanisme kerjasama dengan Bank. Dalam Kontra Bank Garansi, Principal cukup membayar premi/service charge kepada Surety Company. Sehingga inti dari Kontra Bank Garansi adalah pihak Surety Company menjamin Bank Garansi yang diterbitkan oleh Bank terhadap Principal. Sifat dan kultur dari Kontra Bank Garansi yang juga mengadopsi kultur Bank Garansi pada pelaksanaannya di lapangan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip dasar hukum Asuransi terutama jika terjadi klaim dari pihak Obligee (prinsip Indemitas dan Subrogasi) dimana seharusnya pembayaran klaim sebesar nilai kerugian yang benar-benar diderita oleh Obligee. Padahal Kontra Bank Garansi dianggap sebagai produk asuransi, sehingga seharusnya mengikuti kultur dari Surety Bond yang merupakan produk asuransi.

Bank Guarantee is one of bank products that has unique characteristics as stipulated by Bank Indonesia as the banking authorities in Indonesia in case of breach of contract/breach of contract can be executed directly without need of proof in front of the Judges (Unconditional clause). Bank Guarantee is form of the Debt Guarantee as stipulated in Chapter 17 Book III of the draft Civil Code from Article 1820 to Article 1850. Through the implementation of the Bank Guarantee which is often perceived aggravating the Principal because of necessity to save his money (cash collateral) which is easily in the bank as collateral, where the property can be used for working capital Principal later. This implementation is seen by the Surety Company/Insurance Company as a large market share as a collateral, so that they created the product that is modified from Surety Bond product which is derived from the Contra Bank Guarantee through the mechanism of cooperation with the Bank. In Contra Bank Guarantee, Principal sufficient to pay premiums / service charge to the Surety Company. So the core of the Contra Bank Guarantee means that the Surety Company guarantees Bank Guarantees issued by Bank of Principal. The culture of the Contra Bank Guarantee is that Bank Guarantee also adopted the culture of their implementation in the field not in accordance with basic principles of insurance law, especially if there is a claim from the Obligee (Indemnity Principles and Subrogation) where should the payment of claims amounting to the value of losses actually suffered by the Obligee. Thus the Contra Bank Guarantee insurance product, it should follow the culture of the Surety Bond which is an insurance product."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Gunawan Tirtoutomo
Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia saat ini memerlukan dukungan pasokan energi yang handal termasuk tenaga listrik. Kebutuhan tenaga listrik akan semakin meningkat sejalan dengan perkembangan ekonomi dan pertumbuhan penduduk. Dengan asumsi pertumbuhan ekonomi sepuluh tahun mendatang rata-rata 6,3 per tahun, proyeksi rata-rata pertumbuhan kebutuhan mencapai 6.86 konsumsi tenaga listrik RUPTL 2018 s/d 2017 . Penambahan kapasitas transmisi direncanakan untuk memperoleh keseimbangan antara kapasitas pembangkitan dan kebutuhan beban, meningkatkan keandalan sistem, dan memenuhi kriteria mutu tegangan tertentu. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangakan model bisnis kerja sama PLN dan Badan Usaha Non-PLN dalam penyediaan transmisi tenaga listrik. Metode survei dan analisis risiko diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini. Model bisnis Independent Power Transmission IPT dapat dikembangkan dalam kerja sama PT. PLN Persero dan Badan Usaha Non-PLN dalam penyediaan transmisi tenaga listrik di Indonesia.

Indonesia 39 s current economic growth requires the support of reliable energy supplies including electricity. The need for electricity will increase in line with economic development and population growth. Assuming the economic growth of the next ten years averages 6.3 per year, the average projection of demand growth reaches 6.86 electricity consumption RUPTL 2018 s d 2017 . Additional transmission capacity is planned to achieve a balance between generation capacity and load requirements, improve system reliability, and meet certain voltage quality criteria. Therefore, this study aims to develop business models of cooperation PLN and Non PLN Enterprises in the provision of electric power transmission. Methods of survey and risk analysis were applied in this study. The business model of Independent Power Transmission IPT can be developed in cooperation of PT. PLN Persero and Non PLN Enterprises in supplying power transmission in Indonesia."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azhar Rahadiyan Anwar
"Tujuan Perbankan di Indonesia adalah untuk mendukung perkembangan dan stabilitas perekonomian Indonesia. Untuk mencapai hal itu, Bank memiliki 2 (dua) fungsi utama yaitu menghimpun dana dari warga dan menyalurkan dana kepada warga. Fungsi semacam ini disebut sebagai fungsi intermediasi Bank. Salah satu produk Bank mengenai penyaluran dana kepada masyarakat yang diwujudkan dalam Bank Garansi. Bank Garansi adalah produk Bank yang bertujuan untuk memberikan jaminan kepada penerima bahwa prinsipal yang meminta Bank Garansi kepada Bank akan melaksanakan pekerjaan sesuai dengan kewajiban kontraktual antara penerima dan prinsipal. Berangkat dari ketentuan UU No. 2 tahun 2017 tentang Jasa Konstruksi, Kementerian PUPR dalam membuat Perjanjian Pekerjaan dan Jasa Konstruksi mewajibkan agar Kontraktor dapat menyerahkan Jaminan baik dalam proses pengadaan maupun dalam pelaksanaan Perjanjian kepada Kementerian PUPR. Bank Garansi merupakan salah satu instrument yang dapat digunakan oleh Kontraktor sebagai Jaminan tersebut. Dalam praktiknya, Bank Garansi sebagai Jaminan dalam Perjanjian Pekerjaan dan Jasa Konstruksi seringkali diartikan sama dengan Jaminan dalam Konteks Hukum Jaminan dalam KUHPerdata. Secara khususnya, Bank Garansi disamakan dengan Perjanjian Penanggungan atau Borgtocht yang memiliki sifat buntut atau accesoir. Namun dalam praktiknya, pemahaman tersebut dapat dikatakan kurang tepat dikarenakan terdapat perbedaan yang mendasar terkait dengan sifat dari Bank Garansi dan Perjanjian Penanggungan. Oleh karenanya, dalam penelitian ini isu atau rumusan masalah yang akan dibahas berkaitan dengan penggunaan dari Bank Garansi sebagai jaminan dalam Perjanjian Pekerjaan dan Jasa Konstruksi antara Kementerian PUPR dan Kontraktor serta Kedudukan dari Bank Garansi dalam Perjanjian Pekerjaan dan Jasa Konstruksi antara Kementerian PUPR dan Kontraktor.

The purpose of banking in Indonesia is to support the development and stability of the Indonesian economy. To achieve this, the Bank has 2 (two) main functions, namely collecting funds from citizens and channeling funds to citizens. This kind of function is referred to as the Bank's intermediary function. One of the Bank's products regarding the distribution of funds to the public is realized in the Bank Guarantee. Bank Guarantee is a Bank product that aims to provide assurance to the recipient that the principal who requests the Bank Guarantee to the Bank will carry out the work in accordance with the contractual obligations between the recipient and the principal. Departing from the provisions of Law No. 2 of 2017 concerning Construction Services, the Ministry of PUPR in making Work and Construction Services Agreements requires that Contractors can submit Guarantees both in the procurement process and in the implementation of the Agreement to the Ministry of PUPR. Bank Guarantee is one of the instruments that can be used by the Contractor as a guarantee. In practice, the Bank Guarantee as a Guarantee in the Work and Construction Services Agreement is often interpreted as the same as the Guarantee in the Context of Guarantee Law in the Civil Code. In particular, the Bank Guarantee is equated with a Coverage Agreement or Borgtocht which has a tail or accesoir nature. However, in practice, this understanding can be said to be less precise because there are fundamental differences related to the nature of the Bank Guarantee and the Insuring Agreement. Therefore, in this research, the issues or problem formulations that will be discussed relate to the use of Bank Guarantees as collateral in the Work and Construction Services Agreement between the Ministry of PUPR and the Contractor and the Position of the Bank Guarantee in the Work and Construction Services Agreement between the Ministry of PUPR and the Contractor."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In banking practice, fiduciary system was no longer restricted to security of movable goods but the use of immovable goods. This fiduciary system was not only be developed by a demand arising from the social needs, but also by the enforcement of Agrarian Law Mo. 5 of 1960, this system was compatible with the social needs because of straightforward, flexible, fast and inexpensive procedure. In the enforcement of Agrarian Law No. 5 of 1960, this system was also applicable to immovable goods on state owned land with the right of lease and business use. The application was proved by Fat Law No. 16 of 1985."
342 JPIH 18:VI (1998)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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