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Muhammad Nazal Fawwaz
"Fenomena terorisme dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir telah menjadi fiturgerakan sosial yang sangat memprihatinkan di berbagai belahan duniaDeradikalisasi merupakan upaya yang dilakukan untuk memutus hubunganradikal baik secara ideologis maupun tindakan kelompok radikal yangmenjadi binaan di Indonesia. Pentingnya Program DeradikalisasiNarapidana Tindak Pidana Terorisme diharapkan bisa menjadi solusi bagiindoktrinisasi narapidana tindak pidana terorisme. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kasus EksNarapidana Arief Budi Setyawan, pemilihan narasumber dengan teknikpurposive sampling. Lokasi penelitian di BNPT, Densus 88 AT, dan LapasSalemba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama, Maksud Arief Tubandalam melakukan aksi terornya adalah untuk membantu perjuanganfisabilillah melawan musuh ndash; musuh Islam diluar agama Islam, yangmemerangi umat Muslim dan juga termasuk didalamnya adalahpemerintahan Indonesia yang sah. Kedua, Proses deradikalisasi yangdilakukan terhadap Arif Tuban dimulai dari awal proses penyidikan yangdilakukan oleh pihak Detasemen Khusus 88 Anti Teror, pentingnya 7x24jam masa penangkapan, proses penuntutan dan peradilan sampai di LapasSalemba dan Ketiga, Dampak program deradikalisasi terhadap Arief BudiSetyawan ini meliputi aspek sosial kemasyarakatan dengan adanya interaksisosial dengan pihak ndash; pihak lain, aspek ideologi berbangsa dan bernegarayang ditemukan masih adanya pola pikir dan ideologi yang cukup militant,aspek ekonomi dan kemandirian.

Implementation of deradicalized programs on napi ex criminal action of terrorism case study ex Prisoner Arief Budi Setyawan. The phenomenon of the emergenceof terrorism in the last decade has been a feature of social movements that arevery apprehensive in various parts of the world. Deradicalization is an attemptmade to break the radical relations both ideologically and the actions of radicalgroups that were built in Indonesia. The Importance of the Program for theDeradicalization of Prisoners of Criminal Acts of Terrorism is expected to be asolution for the indoctrination of inmates of criminal acts of terrorism. Thisresearch uses descriptive qualitative approach with case study of Ex PrisonerArief Budi Setyawan, selection of resource by purposive sampling technique.Research location in BNPT, Densus 88 AT, and Salemba Prison. The results showthat first, Arief Tuban 39 s intention in doing the terror act is to help the fisabilillahstruggle against the enemies of Islam outside of Islam, which are fighting theMuslims and also includes the legitimate Indonesian government. Second,Implementation of deradicalization process carried out on Arif Tuban is startedfrom the beginning of the investigation process conducted by the SpecialDetachment 88 Anti Terror, the importance of 7x24 hours of arrest, prosecutionand judicial process until inside Panitentiary of Salemba and Third, the impact ofderadicalization program given to Arief Budi Setyawan this includes socialaspects with the social interaction with other parties, the aspect of the ideology ofthe nation and the state that found still the mindset and ideology that is quitemilitant, the economic aspect and independencenapi arief budi setyawan."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Golose, Petrus Reinhard
Jakarta: Yayasan Pengembangan Kajian Ilmu Kepolisian, 2009
303.625 GOL d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Surya Bakti
Jakarta: Daulat Press, 2014
363.325 AGU d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Karolina
"Terorisme di Indonesia saat ini semakin marak terjadi. Meskipun sebelumnya telah terdapat Undang-Undang Anti Terorisme tetapi tidak serta-merta menghentikan para pelaku terorisme. Undang-Undang tersebut tidak mengatur secara tegas dalam hal pencegahan, sehingga aparat penegak hukum tidak bisa bertindak untuk mencegah, menghentikan bahkan menindaklanjuti segala sesuatu yang dicurigai berhubungan dengan aksi terorisme. Pengajuan revisi terhadap UU Anti Terorisme yang tertunda hampir dua tahun lamanya pada akhirnya disahkan oleh DPR RI menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2018 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme. Hal ini merupakan sebuah capaian kebijakan strategis dalam sektor keamanan nasional yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam mencegah terjadinya aksi terorisme di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada Implementasi pencegahan terorisme melalui program deradikalisasi dalam rangka early detection dan strategi deradikalisasi yang tepat untuk digunakan sebagai upaya pencegahan terorisme di Indonesia. Penulis melakukan penelitian melalui pendekatan kualitatif dari sumber-sumber data yang berkompeten dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap narasumber dan analisa dokumen dari fenomena yang terjadi. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa deradikalisasi dapat menjadi early detection bagi aparat penegak hukum khususnya fungsi intelijen sebagaimana yang diteorisasikan oleh Hank Prunckun yaitu dapat menjadi sumber informasi dan media untuk mempengaruhi rekan-rekannya yang masih radikal agar kembali tidak radikal. Salah satu strategi deradikalisasi yang tepat dilakukan pemerintah yaitu BNPT dan Kementerian/Lembaga terkait harus menyusun grand strategy nasional deradikalisasi baik strategi maupun target untuk jangka pendek, jangka menengah, dan jangka Panjang karena Kementerian/Lembaga pelaksana saat ini belum dapat melakukan secara integratif dan koordinatif.

Today Terrorism in Indonesia is increasing rapidly. Although there was an Anti-Terrorism law it did not stop the terrorists. This law does not explicitly regulate in terms of prevention, thus law enforcement officials cannot act to prevent, stop or even to investigate any suspicious activity by personal or organization which related to acts of terrorism. Submission of revisions to the Anti-Terrorism Law which has been delayed for almost two years has finally been ratified by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia into Law No. 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Crime of Terrorism. This is a strategic policy achievement in the national security sector that can be utilized by the government and society in preventing acts of terrorism in Indonesia. This research focuses on the implementation of the prevention of terrorism through deradicalization programs in the framework of early detection and appropriate deradicalization strategies to be used as an effort to prevent terrorism in Indonesia. The author conducts research through a qualitative approach from competent data sources by conducting interview the interviewees and documents analyzing from the phenomena that have occured. In this study, it was found that deradicalization used as early detection for law enforcement officers, especially intelligence functions, as documented by Hank Prunckun, which can be a source of information and media to influence his radical counterparts to return to being not radical. One of the appropriate deradicalization strategies carried out by the government, namely BNPT and related Ministries / Agencies must form a national grand strategy for deradicalization in short-term, medium-term and long-term strategies and targets due to the current Ministries / Implementing Agencies have not been succesfully able to carry out the integrative and coordinative process."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pardede, Satya Dharma
"The Agency of National Counterterrorism (BNPT) is an institution that is concerned about terrorism as a result of radicalism. Based on information from the BNPT, of the approximately 600 ex-convict terrorist who have been released, some of them have returned to committing acts of terrorism. This is of particular concern to the security apparatus, particularly the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri), in preventing acts of terrorism. In addition, several areas have become locations for the realization of acts of terrorism, one of them is in the province of North Sumatera. This research aims to analyze and describe the intelligence conditioning activities for ex-terrorism convicts (Napiter) by related parties in preventing the spread of radicalism that leads to acts of terrorism in North Sumatera. The method used in this research is the theory of intelligence conditioning approaches, deradicalization theory, and synergies theory. Data was collected through interviews and observations, then was analyzed using NVIVO as a tool to categorize and make it easier to describe problems and draw conclusions. The results showed that intelligence conditioning for ex-convict terrorists have collaborated with several parties in the implementation of State Intelligence in the regions, including the BIN, TNI, Polri, and the regional government. In its implementation, terror convicts are given counseling and socialization related to nationalism, national insight, religion, and entrepreneurship. These activities are carried out while in the Correctional Institution (LP) by the LP and the police as well as after leaving the prison with monitoring from BIN, TNI, Polri, and regional governments. Besides, the process of intelligence conditioning when ex-convict terrorists are free will still have special attention through hospitality to terror convictions with persuasive communication by local officials. Furthermore, they are also given entrepreneurship assistance and independent business by local governments, as well as socialization related to the dangers of hoaxes in the digital world either from gadgets or other media. BNPT has fundamentally implemented deradicalization by synergizing all parties from other institutions. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it becomes a consideration and a concrete example that intelligence conditioning can prevent the spread of radicalism and acts of terrorism in society."
Bogor: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2020
355 JDSD 10:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Santy Karsa
"Penulisan makalah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan ancaman radikalisme dan terorisme yang telah menjadi salah satu ancaman paling nyata serta berdampak pada stabilitas keamanan nasional Indonesia. Untuk menyelesaikan persoalan terorisme, Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan dua strategi pendekatan yang harus dijalankan secara beriringan yakni melalui pendekatan hard approach dengan mengedepankan metoda penindakan dalam rangka penegakan hukum dan kedua melalui pendekatan soft approach yang diantaranya menggunakan metoda kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi. Menyikapi hal tersebut maka sangatlah penting bagi Satuan Komando Kewilayahan (Satkowil) TNI AD sebagai bagian dari TNI untuk ikut andil dalam upaya mengatasi persoalan ancaman radikalisme dan terorisme tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan kontribusi pemikiran bagi pimpinan TNI dan semua stakeholder terkait pada tataran kebijakan tentang pentingnya strategi pembinaan territorial Satkowil TNI AD pada kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi guna mencegah aksi terorisme dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas keamanan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil wawancara yang dikombinasikan dengan studi literatur berupa buku, tulisan/jurnal ilmiah yang relevan. Proses analisa terhadap data dan fakta penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori tentang radikalisme, terorisme dan deradikalisasi, Teori Keamanan Nasional serta Teori tentang Pembinaan Teritorial TNI AD serta beberapa kajian Pustaka yang relevan dengan topik yang dibahas. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaran bahwa secara umum metode Binter TNI AD sangat tepat diterapkan oleh Satkowil pada kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi terorisme namun demikian dalam implementasinya masih terdapat beberapa kendala yang menghambat pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut dilapangan yakni: terbatasnya regulasi pemerintah, tidakadanya dukungan program dan anggaran dari pemerintah kepada Satkowil untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi terorisme serta terbatasnya kualitas SDM aparat territorial Satkowil,. Berdasarkan hasil analisa peneliti, penerapan metode Binter pada kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi terorisme masih dapat dioptimalkan dengan dengan melakukan pembentukan Peraturan Presiden, melakukan pemenuhan dukungan program dan anggaran serta melakukan peningkatan kualitas SDM aparat Satkowil TNI AD khususnya pada kemampuan yang mendukung pelaksanan kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi.

The background for writing this paper is the development of the threat of radicalism and terrorism which has become one of the most real threats and has an impact on the stability of Indonesia's national security. To solve the problem of terrorism, the Government of Indonesia has established two strategic approaches that must be carried out simultaneously, namely through hard approach by prioritizing methods of prosecution in the context of law enforcement and secondly through a soft approach which includes using counter-radicalization and deradicalization methods. In response to this, it is very important for the Indonesian Army's Regional Command Unit (Satkowil) as part of the TNI to take part in efforts to overcome the problem of the threat of radicalism and terrorism. The purpose of this research is to contribute ideas to TNI leaders and all relevant stakeholders at the policy level regarding the importance of the territorial development strategy of the Satkowil TNI AD on counter-radicalization and deradicalization activities to prevent acts of terrorism in order to maintain national security stability.This study uses a qualitative method. Research data were obtained from interviews combined with literature studies in the form of books, relevant scientific writings/journals. The process of analyzing research data and facts was carried out using theories about radicalism, terrorism and deradicalization, National Security Theory and Theory of Territorial Development of the Indonesian Army as well as several literature studies relevant to the topics discussed. From the results of the research, it was obtained an illustration that in general the Binter TNI AD method was very appropriate to be applied by the Satkowil in counter-radicalization and deradicalization of terrorism activities, however, in its implementation there were still several obstacles that hindered the implementation of these activities in the field, namely: limited government regulations, there is no program and budget support from the government for the Satkowil to carry out activities to counter radicalization and deradicalization of terrorism and the limited quality of human resources for the Satkowil territorial apparatus. Based on the results of the researcher's analysis, the application of the Binter method to counter-radicalization and deradicalization of terrorism activities can still be optimized by establishing a Presidential Regulation, fulfilling program and budgetary support and improving the quality of human resources for the Satkowil TNI AD, especially in capabilities that support the implementation of counter-radicalization activities and deradicalization."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danny Dwi Wulandari
"Penelitian ini merupakan studi mengenai Analisis Potensi Ancaman dan Program Deradikalisasi yang Dilaksanakan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) terhadap Warga Negara Indonesia yang Terindikasi Terkait Foreign Terrorist Fighters. Kompleksitas permasalahan pada WNI yang terindikasi terkait dengan FTF dapat memunculkan potensi ancaman keamanan, dimana BNPT telah melaksanakan upaya penanganan melalui deradikalisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi literature. Penelitian bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa potensi ancaman yang berasal dari Warga Negara Indonesia yang terindikasi terkait dengan FTF; dan (2) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa upaya-upaya deradikalisasi yang dilaksanakan oleh BNPT terhadap Warga Negara Indonesia yang terindikasi terkait dengan FTF. Teori dan konsep yang digunakan adalah teori Deradikalisasi, radikalisasi dan Stratejik Intelijen.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Potensi ancaman yang dapat ditimbulkan dari WNI yang terindikasi terkait dengan FTF antara lain melakukan serangan teror di dalam maupun luar negeri baik secara individual/kelompok, merencanakan dan mengarahkan serangan teror, menjadi relocators, merekrut jaringan baru atau memperkuat organisasi teroris yang ada di Indonesia; (2) Hasil analisis terhadap upaya deradikalisasi yang dilaksanakan oleh BNPT terhadap WNI yang terindikasi terkait dengan FTF menunjukkan BNPT tidak memiliki strategi deradikalisasi yang komprehensif terkait penanganan WNI yang terindikasi terkait dengan FTF, BNPT juga memainkan peran yang belum optimal dalam melaksanakan dan mengkoordinasikan deradikalisasi terhadap WNI yang terindikasi terkait dengan FTF.

This research is a literature study on the Analysis on Threat Potential and Deradicalization Program Conducted by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) against Indonesian associated with Foreign Terrorist Fighters. The complexity of the problems with Indonesian associated with FTF can lead to potential security threats, where the BNPT has carried out efforts to address them through deradicalization. This study uses a qualitative approach to data collection through interviews and literature studies. The research aims to (1) identify and analyze potential threats from Indonesian associated with FTF; and (2) identifying and analyzing the de-radicalization program conducted by BNPT towards Indonesian associated with FTF. Theories and concepts used are Deradicalisation, Radicalization and Strategic Intelligence.
The results of this study are (1) Potential threats that may arise from Indonesian associated with FTF, including carrying out terrorist attacks at home and abroad both individually/in groups, planning and directing terror attacks, becoming relocators, recruiting new networks or strengthening terrorist organizations in Indonesia; (2) The results of the analysis of the deradicalization program conducted by BNPT towards Indonesian associated with FTF shows that BNPT does not have a comprehensive deradicalization strategy related to handling Indonesian associated with FTF, BNPT also plays a role that has not been optimal in implementing and coordinating the deradicalization of Indonesian associated with FTF."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Erkahadi
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan strategi penanganan tindakpidana terorisme oleh Detasemen Gegana Satbrimob Polda Metro Jaya pada peristiwaBom Thamrin tahun 2016. Permasalahan yang diteliti mengenai implementasipenerapan strategi Detasemen Gegana Satbrimob Polda Metro Jaya dalam menanganitindak pidana terorisme ldquo;Bom Thamrin rdquo; pada tahun 2016 serta dampak daripenerapannya tersebut yang akan dibahas dengan menggunakan beberapa teori dankonsep sebagai pisau analisis, antara lain Konsep Implementasi, Teori Strategi, TeoriPilihan Rasional, Teori Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana, Teori Koordinasi.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun sumber data atauinformasi didapatkan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan telaah dokumen.Selanjutnya, data yang telah dihimpun dianalisis dengan melakukan tahapan reduksidata, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian dan analisis yang telah dilakukan menyebutkan bahwaimplementasi penanganan tindak pidana terorisme oleh Detasemen GeganaSatbrimob Polda Metro Jaya belum optimal karena belum sesuai dengan apa yangsudah diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Kapolri Nomor 172 Tahun 2014 tentangPenanganan Tempat Kejadian Perkara Bom. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agardilaksanakan sosialisasi Surat Keputusan Kapolri Nomor 172 Tahun 2014 tentangPenanganan Tempat Perkara Bom, membentuk pasukan yang bersifat mobile danundercover atau tidak menggunakan seragam dinas,melatih peran first responderdalam kejadian active shooter dan/atau peledakan bom, penggunaan teknologimutakhir secara maksimal, serta perlunya mempelajari dan mengikuti perkembangandan pola serangan teror yang terjadi di seluruh belahan dunia untuk antisipasikejadian yang sama terjadi di masa yang akan datang.

This study discusses about the implementation of the strategy in handlingterrorism by Detachment Gegana Satbrimob Polda Metro Jaya on ldquo Bom Thamrin rdquo Case in 2016. The problems examined about the implementation of strategy ofDetachment Gegana Satbrimob Polda Metro Jaya in handling terrorism case BomThamrin in 2016 and the impact of its implementation.This research uses qualitative approach. Data source or information isobtained by using interview techniques, observation, and document review. Furthermore, the data have been analyzed by using three steps data reduction steps,data presentation, and conclusions.The results of research showed that the implementation in handling terrorismcase by the Detachment Gegana Satbrimob Polda Metro Jaya was not optimalbecause it has not been applied based on the Decree of the Chief of Police Number172 Year 2014 concerning Handling of Bomb Crime Scene. This study suggest tosocialize the Decree of the Chief of the National Police Number 172 of 2014concerning the Handling of Bomb Crime Scene establishing mobile and undercoverforces not using uniforms training the first responder role in active shooter and orbombing incident and analyzing the development and patterns of terror attacksaround the world to set the anticipation facing the same case occur in the future."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfredo Benhard Pattiwaellapia
"Ancaman terorisme yang berbasiskan ideologi transnasional telah  masuk melalui penetrasi atau infiltrasi budaya dan agama. Dalam upaya pencegahan radikalisasi, Pemerintah Indonesia mengembangkan program deradikalisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi deradikkalisasi Densus 88 AT Polri terhadap para mantan pelaku tindak pidana terorisme pada yayasan HWI 19. Program deradikalisasi di Indonesia memiliki empat pendekatan utama, yaitu re-edukasi, rehabilitasi, resosialisasi, dan reintegrasi. Program deradikalisasi yang dilakukan oleh Densus 88 AT Polri pada Yayasan HWI 19 tersebut maka akan berimplikasi pada penurunan angka ancaman terorisme di Indonesia. Namun hal tersebut harus dibarengi dengan kerjasama seluruh stakeholder terkait guna bisa mewujudkan re-integrasi dan re – sosialisasi kepada eks narapidana terorisme untuk bisa diterima kembali ditengah – tengah masyarakatPenelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara terhadap beberapa pihak – pihak yang berkompeten dalam upaya program deradikalisasi oleh Densus 88 AT pada yayasan HWI 19

The threat of transnational ideological-based terrorism has entered through the penetration or infiltration of culture and religion. In an effort to prevent radicalization, the government of Indonesia is assigned to develop deradicalization programs. This research aims to analyze the deradicalization strategies of Densus 88 AT (Special Counterterrorism Unit) of the Indonesian National Police towards former perpetrators of terrorism crimes at the HWI 19 Foundation. Deradicalization programs in Indonesia have four main approaches: re-education, rehabilitation, resocialization, and reintegration. The deradicalization program conducted by Densus 88 AT of the Indonesian National Police at the HWI 19 Foundation will have implications for reducing the threat of terrorism in Indonesia. However, this must be accompanied by the collaboration of all relevant stakeholders in order to achieve reintegration and resocialization of former terrorism convicts to be accepted back into society. This research uses a qualitative research method with data collection techniques such as interviews with several competent parties involved in the deradicalization program by Densus 88 AT at the HWI 19 Foundation"
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zaim Cholil Mumtaz
Sejak lebih dari satu dekade yang lalu, persoalan radikalisme dan terorisme terus mendapatkan sorotan publik dari hampir seluruh penjuru dunia. Terorisme telah menimbulkan banyak kerusakan bagi kehidupan manusia. Oleh karena itu, perlu upaya deradikalisasi untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut. Seluruh elemen masyarakat Indonesia pada dasarnya bertangguung jawab atas upaya deradikalisasi, bukan hanya BNPT saja. Terlebih, BNPT terbukti memiliki berbagai kendala yang tidak bisa dihadapi sendiri. Salah satu elemen masyarakat yang bisa mengambil peranan penting dalam hal ini adalah Lembaga non-pemerintah.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa peran dan efektivitas deradikalisasi oleh lembaga non-pemerintah, dengan mengambil studi kasus Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian dan Search for Common Ground, dua lembaga yang aktif bergerak dalam upaya deradikalisasi.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara terstruktur, observasi dan studi literatur. Dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa dua lembaga non-pemerintah tersebut memiliki tingkat penerimaan yang lebih tinggi oleh narapidana terorisme, daripada program deradikalisasi yang dijalankan oleh BNPT. Namun demikian, masalah koordinasi dengan pemerintah, minimnya sumber daya, dan lemahnya monitoring masih memberi hambatan dalam upaya deradikalisasi.

For more than a decade, the issue of radicalism and terrorism continues to get the public's attention from almost all corners of the world. Terrorism has caused a lot of damage to human life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly address the problem. Every element of Indonesian society is basically responsible for efforts to de-radicalization, not just BNPT. Moreover, BNPT has proven to have various obstacles that cannot be faced alone. One element of society that can take an important role in this case is non-governmental institutions.

This study aims to analyze the role and effectiveness of deradicalization by non-governmental institutions, by taking a case study of Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian and Search for Common Ground, two institutions that are actively engaged in deradicalisation efforts.

This research was conducted with qualitative methods through structured interviews, observation and literature studies. In this study it was known that the two non-government institutions had higher levels of acceptance by prisoners of terrorism, rather than the deradicalisation program run by BNPT. However, the problem of coordination with the government, lack of resources, and weak monitoring still provide obstacles in efforts to de-radicalization.


Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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