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Yuliana Mukti R.
"Hubungan orang tua dan anak tercermin dalam kualitas attachment merupakan hal yang penting bagi aspek perkembangan anak di masa depan. Anak yang memiliki kualitas attachment berbeda, antara lain secure, avoidant dan ambivalent attachment, memiliki cara berbeda ketika menghadapi lingkungan karena proses mental yang bekerja dalam pikiran mereka berbeda. Proses mental tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh executive function EF, proses neurokognitif yang memfasilitasi anak dalam mengatur perilaku untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang terbagi menjadi dua domain, cool EF dan hot EF. Penelitian sebelumnya membuktikan bahwa kualitas attachment memprediksi kemampuan EF anak. Meski demikian, masih ditemukan ketidakkonsistenan temuan terkait domain EF yang terprediksi oleh kualitas attachment anak yang berbeda. Selain itu, figur ayah membuktikan kontribusinya pada aspek perkembangan anak, termasuk kemampuan EF anak. Namun, sejauh pengetahuan peneliti, penelitian mengenai kualitas attachment anak dengan ayah pada kemampuan EF masih terbatas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat perbedaan kemampuan cool EF dan hot EF anak diantara kualitas secure, avoidant dan ambivalent attachment anak dengan ibu dan ayah mereka serta interaksi kombinasi kualitas attachment anak dengan kedua orang tuanya. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 128 anak berusia 4-6 tahun. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan observasi menggunakan battery-test EF dan ASCT Attachment Story Completion Task. Analisis data menggunakan ANCOVA dengan usia dan jenis kelamin sebagai kovariat. Hasil membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan cool EF yang signifikan dan kemampuan hot EF yang tidak signifikan antara kualitas attachment anak yang berbeda. Penjelasan hasil diulas pada bagian diskusi. Temuan penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya hubungan harmonis orang tua dan anak yang memfasilitasi proses mental anak untuk mengatur perilaku.

Parent child relationship which reflected in attachment quality was crucial for child development in subsequent phase of life. A child who have different attachment quality, among others were secure, avoidant, ambivalent attachment that have different way to response their environment because they have different mental process which worked differently in their mind. The work of mental process was supported by executive function EF , a neurocognitive process that facilitated the children to regulate their behavior to solve the problem which divided into two domain, cool EF and hot EF. Previous research found that attachment quality could predicted child's EF skills. However, there were inconsistencies in their result related with which domain that being predicted with the different quality of attachment. Moreover, research related father figure found it contribution to child developmental aspects, including child's EF. Nevertheless, to our knowledge little is known about child's attachment quality with father in predicting child's EF.
The aim of this current research was to investigate the differences in child's cool and hot EF between child secure, avoidant and ambivalent attachment with mother and father and the interaction of the combination of child attachment quality with their parent. The participant of this research were 128 preschoolers aged from 4 6 year old. This research used observational measurement with battery test EF and ASCT Attachment Story Completion Task . The data analysis using ANCOVA with child's age and gender become covariates. This research found that there was a significant differences in cool EF and non significant differences in hot EF between different child attachment quality. The finding will be discussed in discussion. This research presented important finding about parent child quality who could facilitated the child's mental process to regulate their behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Nurbatari
"Usia dini merupakan periode emas dimana banyak perkembangan terjadi secara pesat, tidak terkecuali pada fungsi kognitif tingkat tinggi yakni Executive Function (EF). Dalam upaya pengoptimalan kemampuan EF, berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui hal-hal apa saja yang dapat memengaruhi kemampuan EF, salah satunya adalah kelekatan. Namun, penelitian mengenai kelekatan dan EF diketahui masih inkonsisten. Selain itu, kebanyakan penelitian mengenai kelekatan hanya melibatkan ibu saja, padahal diketahui bahwa peran ayah turut berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan anak. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut apakah secure attachment antara ayah dan ibu dengan anak dapat memprediksi kemampuan hot dan cool EF anak usia prasekolah. Untuk mengetahui mengenai informasi secure attachment antara ayah dan ibu terhadap anak dan anak, kedua orangtua diminta untuk mengisi Parent Child Reunion Inventory PCRI . Untuk mengetahui kemampuan EF, anak akan diberikan serangkaian tes EF. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 85 pasang orangtua beserta dengan anak mereka yang berusia 4-6 tahun. Dengan mempertimbangkan SES keluarga, usia, dan jenis kelamin anak, hasil memperlihatkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara secure attachment ayah dan ibu dengan kemampuan EF anak. Faktor-faktor lain selain attachment seperti autonomy support dan scaffolding perlu dipertimbangkan untuk mencapai kemampuan EF anak usia prasekolah yang optimal.

Early childhood known as a golden period where our developmental as a human being develop rapidly, not to mention our Executive Function (EF) skill. In order to optimized EF skills, many research had been conducted to investigate factors that associate to EF skills. It revealed that one of the factor that have association with EF is attachment. Research found that the association between attachment and EF remain inconsistent. On top of that, several studies related to attachment and EF focused only on mother figures without considering fathers. This study investigated prospective associations between father rsquo s and mother rsquo s secure attachment and hot and cool EF skills in preschoolers. In attempt to investigate these topics, parents were administered Parent Child Reunion Inventory PCRI and to investigate EF, the children were administered a battery of EF tasks. 85 parents with their 4 6 years old kid were participated in this study. The results indicated that neither father child attachment nor mother child attachment were significantly related to child performance on EF tasks above and beyond family socioeconomic status SES , child age, and sex. Factors other than attachment, such as autonomy support and scaffolding need to be considered in order to optimize preschooler rsquo s EF skill."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Kristina
"Kompetensi sosial anak prasekolah perlu dioptimalkan karena interaksi sosial yang terjalin semakin beragam. Beberapa studi menunjukkan cool executive function yaitu working memory, inhibitory control, dan cognitive flexibility berkontribusi pada perkembangan kompetensi sosial, tetapi sayangnya masih sedikit intervensi yang menyasar executive function dan kompetensi sosial. Penelitian bertujuan melihat efektivitas intervensi cool executive function untuk meningkatkan kompetensi sosial anak prasekolah di masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode convenience sampling dan snowball sampling digunakan untuk merekrut partisipan. Penelitian eksperimental ini terdiri dari 1 sesi pretest, 5 sesi intervensi, dan 1 sesi posttest berdurasi sekitar 40 menit dan dilakukan secara daring. Terdapat 33 partisipan di kelompok eksperimen dan 31 partisipan di kelompok kontrol yang terbagi secara acak. Orang tua partisipan diminta mengisi kuesioner Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale – Skala A pada sesi pre-test dan post-test sebagai pengukuran. Data dianalisis menggunakan analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) dengan mengontrol skor pre-test kompetensi sosial partisipan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh intervensi yang signifikan setelah mengontrol efek dari skor pre-test kompetensi sosial. Disimpulkan bahwa intervensi yang disusun belum dapat meningkatkan kompetensi sosial anak prasekolah. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat memberikan kesempatan interaksi kepada anak secara langsung dan mengukur peningkatan cool executive function dengan alat ukur performance yang dapat diadministrasikan secara daring.

Preschool children's social competence needs to be optimized because of the increasing variety of social interactions. Several studies have shown cool executive functions (working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility) influenced the development of social competence, but unfortunately there’s only few interventions targeting executive function and social competence. The purpose of this study was examining the effectiveness of cool executive function intervention to improve preschool children’s social competence during pandemic COVID-19. Convenience and snowball sampling method were used to recruit the participants. This exeperimental research consist of 1 pretest, 5 intervention, and 1 posttest session conducted online within approximately 40 minutes long. There were 33 participants in experiment group and 31 participants in control group clustered randomly. Parents were asked to fill Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale – Scale A questionnaire. Data were analyzed with analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) by controlling the social competence pretest scores. Result showed there was no significant effect of the intervention and concluded that the intervention has not been able to improve the social competence. Further research is expected to provide opportunities for direct social interaction among children and could measure the increase of cool executive function with performance measurement tools that can be administered online."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambun, Jubilate Edward Iruanto
"Latar Belakang: Fungsi eksekutif adalah kemampuan kognitif untuk melakukan tugas-tugas eksekutif yang kompleks dengan baik dalam mencapai tujuan sehingga berhubungan erat juga dengan aspek perilaku. Setiap orang termasuk anak, memiliki kapasitas fungsi eksekutif yang berbeda dan tidak sepenuhnya dipengaruhi oleh status sosial maupun ekonomi. Gangguan fungsi eksekutif pada anak SD cukup tinggi. Defisit fungsi eksekutif dapat menyebabkan masalah yang serius pada anak. Pada anak usia sekolah dasar (SD), defisit fungsi eksekutif yang tidak teridentifikasi dapat meningkatkan risiko seorang anak mengalami hambatan dalam perilaku sehari-hari dan performa akademik sehingga menimbulkan kebingungan dan kecemasan pada orang tua dan guru. Anak dengan fungsi eksekutif rendah cenderung kesulitan mengenali tanda-tanda sosial, kesulitan mengatur perilaku, dan bermasalah pada kemampuan belajar. Oleh karena itu, intervensi terhadap fungsi eksekutif pada anak menjadi sesuatu yang penting untuk dilakukan. Intervensi berupa pelatihan fungsi eksekutif menggunakan gim berbasis komputer merupakan intervensi yang banyak dikembangkan belakangan ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektivitas intervensi prototipe gim berbasis komputer Indonesia terhadap peningkatan fungsi eksekutif anak SD.
Metode: Penelitian ini berbentuk kuasi-eksperimental yang menggunakan desain penelitian time series. Subjek penelitian akan dilakukan penilaian menggunakan BRIEF-BI format guru sebanyak 4 kali, yaitu pre-intervensi, post 5 sesi intervensi, post 10 sesi intervensi, dan 1 bulan pasca intervensi. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan uji non-parametrik Friedman dilanjutkan dengan analisis post-hoc dengan uji Bonferroni.
Hasil: Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 14 orang anak SD berusia 11-12 tahun. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan peningkatan di seluruh ranah fungsi eksekutif yang diukur dengan membandingkan skor BRIEF sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Perubahan skor GEC setelah intervensi (p<0,001), skala inhibisi (p<0,001), skala adaptasi (p<0,001), skala kontrol emosional (p=0,003), skala inisiasi (p<0,001), skala memori kerja (p<0,001), skala perencanaan (p<0,001), pengorganisasian material (p<0,001), dan monitor (p<0,001). Hasil analisis post-hoc menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan fungsi eksekutif secara umum terjadi setelah 10 sesi intervensi dan tetap bertahan pada pengukuran satu bulan setelah selesai intervensi.
Simpulan: Pelatihan dengan intervensi Prototipe Gim Berbasis Komputer Indonesia dapat meningkatkan fungsi eksekutif anak SD yang bukan GPPH pada seluruh ranah fungsi eksekutif yang dinilai dengan BRIEF-BI format guru. Peningkatan fungsi eksekutif pada anak SD bertahan setelah satu bulan pasca pelatihan.

Background: Executive function is the cognitive ability to perform complex executive tasks well in order to achieve a goal, so that it is also closely related to behavioral aspects. Every person, including children, has a different capacity of executive functions and is not entirely affected by social or economic status. Impaired executive functions in elementary school children remain high. Executive function deficits can cause a serious problem in children. In elementary school-aged children, an unidentified executive function deficit can increase the risk of hindrance in daily behavior and academic performance, causing confusion and anxiety in parents and teachers. Children with weak executive functions tend to have difficulties in recognizing social signs, controling behavior, and have problems with learning abilities. Therefore, intervention on executive function in children is important to be performed. Inteventions in the form of executive function training using computer-based games have been developed recently. This study aims to determine the effectivity of Indonesian computer-based game protoype intervention in improving the executive function of elementary school children.
Methods: This study was conducted using a quasi-experimental design with time-series analysis. Research subjects was assessed using BRIEF-BI teacher format in a total of 4 times, including pre-intevention, post-5 intervention sessions, post-10 intervention sessions, and 1-month post-intervention. Statistical analysis was performed using Friedman non-parametric test followed by post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni test.
Results: The subjects of this study were 14 children in elementary school aged 11-12 years old. Results from the analysis showed improvement in all areas of executive function measured by comparing BRIEF score before and after the intervention. Changes in GEC score after intervention (p<0.001), the inhibit scale (p<0.001), the shift scale (p<0.001), the emotional control scale (p=0.003), the initiate scale (p<0.001), the working memory scale (p<0.001), the plan/organize scale (p<0.001), the organization of materials scale (p<0.001), and the monitor scale (p<0.001). Results of the post-hoc analysis showed that the improvement of executive function generally occured after 10 intervention sessions and persisted in the measurement of one month after the intervention has been completed.
Conclusion: Training with the intervention of Indonesian computer-based game prototype can improve the executive function of elementary school children without ADHD in all areas of executive function measured by the BRIEF-BI teacher format. The improvement of executive function in elementary school children persisted after one month post-intervention.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Cahyadi
"Latar belakang: Nilai Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) merupakan alat evaluasi nyeri untuk pasien unit perawatan intensif (UPI) yang tidak sadar dan menggunakan ventilasi mekanik. BPS dikembangkan oleh Payen pada tahun 2001 dalam bahasa Inggris. Penerjemahan BPS ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dilakukan untuk mempermudah sosialisasi dan pemahaman mengenai kriteria dalam BPS. Sebelum suatu alat ukur yang diterjemahkan dapat diterapkan pada populasi, harus dilakukan penilaian kesahihannya terlebih dahulu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai kesahihan BPS pada pasien UPI Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Metode: Studi observasional, potong lintang dengan pengukuran berulang dilakukan terhadap pasien yang dirawat di UPI RSCM Maret-Mei 2013. Kesahihan BPS dinilai dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Keandalan dinilai dengan Cronbach α dan Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Ketanggapan dinilai dengan besar efek. Hasil: Selama penelitian terkumpul 56 pasien yang tidak sadar dan menggunakan ventilasi mekanik di UPI RSCM. BPS memiliki kesahihan yang baik dengan nilai korelasi bermakna secara berurutan 0.376, 0.403 dan -0.147 untuk laju nadi, tekanan arteri rata-rata dan nilai Ramsay. Keandalan yang baik dengan nilai ICC 0.941 p = <0.001 dan nilai cronbach α 0.907. Ketanggapan BPS juga baik dengan besar efek antara 2.32-2.82 antara pagi sampai dengan malam.

Background: Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) score is a tool to evaluate pain for unconscious patient whom using mechanical ventilation in intensive care unit (ICU). BPS has been developed by Payen in English language. Translation BPS into Indonesian language was done to make a better understanding about criteria in BPS. However, this tool need to be validated before it use in populations. The aim of this study was to validate BPS score in the intensive care unit (ICU) Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital population. Methods: An Observational, cross sectional, repeated measures was done to patients hospitalized in the ICU Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from March to May 2013. Validation was assessed by Spearman Correlation test while reliability was analyzed using Cronbach α and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Responsiveness was assessed by effect size. Results: A total of 56 unconscious patients using mechanical ventilation were included in this study. BPS score has a good validation with significant correlation 0.376, 0.403 and -0.147 for heart rate, MAP and Ramsay Score consecutively. Good reliability with ICC score 0.941, p = <0.001 and cronbach α 0.907. Responsiveness for BPS is good with effect size between 2.32-2.82 within morning until night group."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Putri Hertyas
"Pengasuhan merupakan salah satu faktor yang krusial dalam perkembangan executive function EF anak usia dini. Meskipun demikian, penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya hanya fokus kepada figur ibu dan mengabaikan peran dari pengasuhan ayah. Selain itu, masih sangat sedikit penelitian yang mempelajari peran pengasuhan ibu dan ayah secara bersamaan dalam kaitannya dengan performa EF anak di periode usia dini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari kontribusi pengasuhan autonomy support dan control dari ibu dan ayah terhadap performa EF anak usia 4-6 tahun. Sebanyak 108 anak bersama kedua orang tuanya mengikuti kegiatan penelitian ini. Keterampilan EF anak diukur melalui 3 tes performa sementara kualitas pengasuhan ibu dan ayah diobservasi melalui kegiatan interaksi bersama anak dalam mengerjakan balok dan puzzle. Autonomy support ibu memprediksi keterampilan EF anak, dengan mengontrol variabel usia anak, tingkat pendidikan orang tua dan tingkat ekonomi keluarga. Di sisi lain, control ayah memberikan kontribusi negatif kepada EF anak setelah mengontrol kovariat dan pengasuhan ibu. Pengaruh pengasuhan ibu dan ayah terhadap komponen-komponen EF secara terpisah juga ditemukan. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi penting tentang pentingnya pengasuhan ibu dan ayah terhadap perkembangan EF anak di periode usia prasekolah.

Parenting is one of the crucial factors in the early children executive function EF development. Nonetheless, numerous researches realetd to EF children development, had focused only on the mother figures, omitting that of father's. On top of that, there is still a limited number of studies covering the uprearing of both mothers and fathers in relation to the EF performance in early aged children. The current study investigated the contribution of mothers and fathers rsquo autonomy suppot and control to 4 6 year old children's EF performance. 108 chilren with both their parents participated in this study. Children's EF performance were measured using 3 performance tests, while the parenting styles from mother and father were observed thorugh their interaction in block and puzzle activities. It was revealed that mother's autonomy support could predict children's EF, taking into account their age, parents rsquo education level, and family social economic status. On the other hand, father's control had a negative contribution to children's EF after controlling covariate variables and mother's parenting styles. The impact of mother and father parenting styles to separated EF components were also found. This study gave new insights regarding the importance of mother and father parentings to EF development in preschool children. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanani Amiratul Adilah Amini
"Perilaku berbohong prososial pada anak usia 6-12 tahun diteliti dengan melihat hubungannya dengan executive functions dan gaya pengasuhan orang tua. Perilaku berbohong prososial diobservasi menggunakan disappointing gift paradigm, executive functions diukur menggunakan tugas kognitif seperti stroop task dan digit span task, serta gaya pengasuhan orang tua diukur menggunakan self report. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji korelasi dan uji regresi. Dari total 76 partisipan, diketahui bahwa persentase truth-tellers sebesar 49% (37 orang) dan prosocial liar sebesar 51% (39 orang). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa gaya pengasuhan conformity berhubungan secara negatif dengan perilaku berbohong prososial sedangkan variabel executive functions (working memory dan inhibitory control) serta variabel gaya pengasuhan autonomy tidak berhubungan dengan variabel berbohong prososial dan bukan merupakan prediktor variabel berbohong prososial. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa anak usia 6-12 tahun yang orang tuanya menggunakan pola pengasuhan conformity memiliki kecenderungan yang rendah untuk melakukan perilaku berbohong prososial dan semakin besar kemungkinan untuk menjadi truth-tellers. Penelitian lanjutan mengenai faktor-faktor lain yang mendasari perilaku berbohong prososial perlu dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan budaya di negara-negara Asia.

Prosocial lying behavior in children aged 6-12 years was examined in relation to executive functions and parenting styles. Prosocial lying behavior was observed using the disappointing gift paradigm, executive functions were measured using cognitive tasks such as the Stroop task and digit span task, and parenting styles were measured using self-report measures. Statistical analyses were conducted using correlation and regression tests. Out of a total of 76 participants, it was found that 49% (37 individuals) were truth-tellers and 51% (39 individuals) were prosocial liars. The study found that conformity parenting style negatively correlated with prosocial lying behavior, while executive functions variables (working memory and inhibitory control) and autonomy parenting style variables were not correlated with prosocial lying behavior and were not predictors of prosocial lying behavior. Additionally, it was found that children aged 6-12 years whose parents employed a conformity parenting style had a lower tendency to engage in prosocial lying behavior and were more likely to be truth-tellers. Further research on other factors underlying prosocial lying behavior is necessary to account for cultural variations in Asian countries."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Planning. Attention. Memory. Self-regulation. These and other core cognitive and behavioral operations of daily life comprise what we know as executive functioning (EF). But despite all we know, the concept has engendered multiple, often conflicting definitions, and its components are sometimes loosely defined and poorly understood. The Handbook of Executive Functioning cuts through the confusion, analyzing both the whole and its parts in comprehensive, practical detail for scholar and clinician alike. Background chapters examine influential models of EF, tour the brain geography of the executive system, and pose salient developmental questions. A section on practical implications relates early deficits in executive functioning to ADD and other disorders in children, and considers autism and later-life dementias from an EF standpoint. Further chapters weigh the merits of widely used instruments for assessing executive functioning and review interventions for its enhancement, with special emphasis on children and adolescents. Featured in the Handbook: The development of hot and cool executive function in childhood and adolescence. A review of the use of executive function tasks in externalizing and internalizing disorders. Executive functioning as a mediator of age-related cognitive decline in adults. Treatment integrity in interventions that target executive function. Supporting and strengthening working memory in the classroom to enhance executive functioning. The Handbook of Executive Functioning is an essential resource for researchers, scientist-practitioners, and graduate students in clinical child, school, and educational psychology; child and adolescent psychiatry; neurobiology; developmental psychology; rehabilitation medicine/​therapy; and social work. "
New York: Springer, 2014
612.8 HAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisrina Putri Anandiva
"Regulasi diri merupakan keterampilan yang penting untuk dimiliki oleh anak usia prasekolah. Walaupun sejumlah penelitian membuktikan bahwa regulasi diri anak dapat diprediksi oleh parenting self-efficacy melalui peran mediasi oleh faktor-faktor yang melekat pada orang tua, namun apakah hubungan keduanya diperantarai oleh faktor-faktor yang dimiliki anak masih belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran salah satu faktor kognitif anak, yaitu executive function, sebagai mediator hubungan antara parenting self-efficacy dan regulasi diri anak. Sebanyak 441 orangtua yang memiliki anak usia 48 hingga 72 bulan tanpa riwayat masalah perkembangan maupun psikologis mengikuti penelitian ini. Adapun alat ukur yang digunakan, yaitu Me as a Parent (MaaP) untuk mengukur parenting self-efficacy, Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (CHEXI) untuk mengukur masalah executive function anak yang dipersepsikan orangtua, dan Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) untuk mengukur regulasi diri anak yang juga dipersepsikan oleh orangtua. Analisis PROCESS Hayes menunjukkan hasil bahwa executive function anak secara partial memediasi hubungan antara parenting self-efficacy dan regulasi diri anak usia 48 hingga 72 bulan. Hasil penelitian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa upaya untuk meningkatkan parenting self-efficacy dan executive function anak penting untuk dilakukan agar regulasi diri anak dapat berkembang secara optimal.

Self-regulation is an important skill for preschoolers to have. Although a number of studies have proven that children's self-regulation can be predicted by parenting self-efficacy through the mediation role of factors attached to parents, whether the relationship between the two is mediated by factors owned by children is still unknown. This study aims to look at the role of one of the children's cognitive factors, namely executive function, as a mediator of the relationship between parenting self-efficacy and children's self-regulation. A total of 441 parents of children aged 48 to 72 months without a history of developmental or psychological problems participated in this study. The measurement tools used are Me as a Parent (MaaP) to measure parenting self-efficacy, the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (CHEXI) to measure children's executive function problems perceived by parents, and the Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) to measure self-regulation. children who are also perceived by parents. Hayes' PROCESS analysis showed that children's executive function partially mediates the relationship between parenting self-efficacy and self-regulation in children aged 48 to 72 months. The results of this study imply that efforts to increase parenting self-efficacy and executive function of children are important so that children's self-regulation can develop optimally."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khansa Citra Ronna
"Sebanyak 75% anak di Indonesia mengalami sibling rivalry. Sibling rivalry yang tidak ditangani dapat berdampak negatif bagi perkembangan anak. Dalam proses pengasuhan anak, peran ayah sangat berarti bagi perkembangan anak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara keterlibatan ayah dalam proses pengasuhan dan kejadian sibling rivalry pada anak usia prasekolah di Kecamatan Beji. Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada peran ayah sebagai faktor yang mungkin memengaruhi dinamika hubungan antara saudara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara acak di beberapa kluster yang mewakili berbagai kelurahan di Kecamatan Beji. Penelitian ini melibatkan 112 ayah sebagai responden. Data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen penelitian Fatherhood Scale dan kuesioner kejadia sibling rivalry. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara keterlibatan ayah dalam proses pengasuhan dan kejadian sibling rivalry pada anak usia prasekolah dengan nilai signifikansi p-value menggunakan uji chi square sebesar 0,001 (<0,05). Semakin terlibat ayah dalam proses pengasuhan anak, maka akan mengurangi kejadian sibling rivalry pada anak usia prasekolah. Pengasuhan ayah yang optimal pada anak usia prasekolah akan membantu perkembangan kecerdasan emosi anak sehingga anak dapat mengatasi risiko terjadinya sibling rivalry. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat menambahkan faktor motivasi, tempat tinggal, dan kepuasan pernikahan dalam mengasuh anak.

As many as 75% of children in Indonesia experienced sibling rivalry. Untreated sibling rivalry could have had a negative impact on a child's growth and development. In the process of raising children, the father's role was very important for the child's growth and development. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between father involvement in the parenting process and the incidence of sibling rivalry in preschool children in Beji District. The focus of this research was on the role of the father as a factor that might have influenced the dynamics of the relationship between siblings. The research method used was quantitative with a cross-sectional research design. The sampling technique used in this research was cluster random sampling. Data collection was carried out randomly in several clusters representing various sub-districts in Beji District. This research involved 112 fathers as respondents. Data was collected through the Fatherhood Scale research instrument and sibling rivalry incidence questionnaire. The results of this study found a significant relationship between father involvement in the child care process and the incidence of sibling rivalry in preschool children with a significant p-value using the chi-square test of 0.001 (<0.05). The more involved fathers were in the child-rearing process, the greater the incidence of sibling rivalry in preschool-age children. Optimal paternal care for preschool children would help develop children's emotional intelligence so that children could overcome the risk of sibling rivalry. Future research could add factors of motivation, place of residence, and marital satisfaction in raising children."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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