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Amaliyatus Silmi
Latar Belakang: Konstriksi apikal adalah bagian sistem saluran akar dengan diameter terkecil dan merupakan titik acuan yang paling sering digunakan dokter gigi sebagai penghentian apikal untuk pembersihan, pembentukan, dan pengisian saluran akar untuk perawatan endodontik. Tujuan: Mengetahui variasi ukuran, lokasi, dan bentuk konstriksi apikal pada gigi premolar 1 mandibula dan gigi premolar 2 maksila. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 66 sampel gigi yang telah diekstraksi dengan akar telah terbentuk sempurna tanpa tanda-tanda resorpsi eksternal. Sampel dipindai menggunakan micro-CT Bruker SkyScan 1173 dengan resolusi 50 m. Gigi dibuat menjadi transparan untuk menampilkan morfologi sistem saluran akar secara tiga dimensi. Analisis ukuran, lokasi, dan bentuk konstriksi apikal dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak Fiji ImageJ, CT Vox, CT An, dan CT Vol. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji T satu sampel. Hasil: Rerata jarak antara konstriksi apikal dan foramen apikal pada gigi premolar 1 mandibula adalah 0,619 mm dan pada gigi premolar 2 maksila adalah 0,647 mm dengan lokasi konstriksi apikal terbanyak yaitu lebih ke apikal. Bentuk konstriksi apikal terbanyak pada gigi premolar 1 mandibula dan gigi premolar 2 maksila adalah konstriksi apikal konvergen dan konstriksi apikal bercabang dua. Kesimpulan: Variasi ukuran, lokasi, dan bentuk konstriksi apikal harus menjadi pertimbangan dokter gigi dalam melakukan perawatan endodontik.

Background Apical constriction is the smallest diameter of root canal system and also the most commonly used reference point by clinicians as the apical termination for cleaning, shaping, and obturation for root canal treatment. Objective This study aim to know the variation of size, location, and shape of apical constriction in mandibular first premolar and maxillary second premolar. Methods Total 66 samples of extracted premolar teeth with perfectly formed root and without sign of external resorption were collected. Each tooth was scanned using a Bruker Skyscan 1173 micro CT at a resolution of 50 m. The teeth were made transparent in order to reveal the root canal system morphology in three dimensions. The size, location, and shape of apical constriction was analyzed using Fiji ImageJ, CT Vox, CT An, and CT Vol software. Data were analyzed statistically by One sample T test. Result The average distance between apical constriction and apical foramen in mandibular first premolar is 0,619 mm and in maxillary second premolar is 0,647 mm with the most location of apical constriction inclining to apically. Most of apical constrictions shape in mandibular first premolar and maxillary second premolar is convergent apical constriction and branched apical constriction. Conclusion The variation of size, location, and shape of apical constriction should be considered by dentist in performing endodontic treatment."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buddiwati Punta
"It has been shown that more than 40 percent of the apical radiolucencies are radicular cyst, numerous endodontist claims that from 85 to 90 percent of apical lesions disappear or become reduced in size following conservative endodontic treatment and do not required surgical intervention. Maxillary anterior teeth are more frequently susceptible to trauma and there are numerous morphologic anomalies associated with maxillary incisors especially lateral incisors its call palato-radiocular groove (PRG), its caused non vital have been implicated in formation of periapical lesions. Periapical lesions can be cured by conventional endodontic treatment used Ca(OH)2 as an intracanal medication. One case with radicular cyst on the maxillary lateral incisors because of trauma 2 years ago will be presented. Fifteenth months during treatment showed that the cyst reduced in size and symptomless."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Wasis Sumartono
"A reimplantation case of maxillary second incisive with periapical (radicular) cyst is reported. A 37 years old female who suffered periapical cyst on her maxillary second incisive requested conventional endodontic treatment in order to avoid to avoid tooth extraction. The tooth was treated with a conventional root canal treatment at the first visit. After the first treatment, the patient suffered a post endodontic treatment pain but was afraid to be operated with apex resection. On the second visit, the maxillary second incisive was extracted. On the third visit the patient requested periapical cyst removal after she received advices from her older sister (who was a medical doctor) about the important of removing cyst capsule in order to avoid cyst recurrency. The patient also requested her tooth reimplantation. Following her request, on her extracted maxillary second incisive, root canal filling and apex resection were done out side her mouth, followed by periapical curettage in the maxillary second incisive region. Then reimplantation was finally performed. Seven months later, the patient told that since her maxillary second incisive apex resection and reimplantation, she never suffered from any pain or swelling. Pain on the tooth percussion and palpation were negative. Tooth mobility was on level 2. There was no sign that periapical radiolucency was growing wider, eventhough it was not getting smaller at that moment. We classified the result of our treatment as "not fail" since we still need a longer time ensure wether or not the result will be able to be classified as "successful". Eventhough radiographic healing was still "uncertain", there was a hope that the patient will gain a "complete healing" after 2 years."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Putri Arfianti
Bentuk oval pada sepertiga apikal saluran akar gigi premolar dua dan molar satu rahang atas serta molar satu rahang bawah seringkali tidak dapat terpreparasi dan dapat menyebabkan kegagalan. Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi variasi penampang melintang sepertiga apikal saluran akar gigi premolar dua dan molar satu rahang atas serta molar satu rahang bawah. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 80 sampel gigi, di-scan menggunakan micro-CT Bruker SkyScan 1173. Masing-masing sepertiga apikal saluran akar dipotong dengan perangkat lunak DataViewer. Rasio diameter maksimum dan minimum dihitung dengan perangkat lunak Fiji ImageJ dan dikategorikan: bulat, oval, long oval, flat. Hasil: Prevalensi penampang melintang saluran akar premolar dua rahang atas, oval 66,7 , long oval 24,6 , flat 7 , bulat 1,7 . Molar satu rahang atas akar mesiobukal, oval 68,2 , long oval 22,7 , flat 9,1 ; distobukal, oval 94,1 , long oval 5,9 ; palatal oval 100 . Molar satu rahang bawah akar mesiobukal, long oval 47,4 , oval 36,8 , dan flat 15,8 ; mesiolingual oval 100 ; dan distal, oval 68,4 , long oval 21,1 , flat 10,5 . Kesimpulan: Penampang melintang oval pada sepertiga apikal saluran akar gigi premolar dua dan molar satu rahang atas serta molar satu rahang bawah ditemukan paling banyak, kecuali pada akar mesiobukal gigi molar satu rahang bawah ditemukan long oval 47,4 .

Oval shaped in apical one third maxillary second premolars, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars often can rsquo t be cleaned and shaped, and could cause failure in the process. Objective To know the prevalence variation of apical one third cross section in root canals of maxillary second premolars, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars. Methods This research used 80 tooth samples, were scanned using micro CT Bruker SkyScan 1173. Each of apical one third root canal were sectioned using DataViewer software. Maximum and minimum diameter ratio was calculated using the Fiji ImageJ software and categorized round, oval, long oval, and flat. Results Prevalence of apical one third root canal cross section shape in maxillary second premolar, oval 66,7 , long oval 24,6 , flat 7 , round 1,7 . Maxillary first molar mesiobuccal root, oval 68,2 , long oval 22,7 , flat 9,1 distobuccal, oval 94,1 , long oval 5,9 and palatal oval 100 . Mandibular first molar mesiobuccal root, long oval 47,4 , oval 36,8 , flat 15,8 mesiolingual oval 100 and distal, oval 68,4 , long oval 21,1 , flat 10,5 . Conclusion Oval shape in cross section of apical one third in root canals of maxillary second premolars, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars were most found, except in mesiobuccal root in mandibular first molar was found long oval 47,4 . "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marceline Olivia
Latar Belakang: Gigi dengan saluran akar c-shape memiliki kompleksitas anatomi yang menjadikan perawatan saluran akar memiliki prognosis yang masih diperdebatkan akibat kesulitan untuk melakukan debridement dan obturasi yang adekuat. Kompleksitas ini mengakibatkan pengetahuan mengenai anatomi saluran akar c-shape penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan perawatan saluran akar. Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi dan variasi saluran akar c-shape pada gigi premolar pertama dan molar kedua rahang bawah. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan sampel 60 gigi premolar pertama dan 32 gigi molar kedua rahang bawah. Sampel dipindai menggunakan micro-CT Bruker SkyScan 1173 dengan resolusi 50 m. Pemotongan melintang untuk melihat bentuk saluran akar dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak DataViewer. Pengukuran sudut untuk menentukan klasifikasi c-shape dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak Fiji ImageJ. Hasil: Prevalensi c-shape pada gigi premolar pertama rahang bawah adalah 17 dengan prevalensi tipe C1 ditemukan paling besar pada tingkat pemotongan M, tipe C2 memiliki prevalensi terbesar pada AM, dan tipe C3 memiliki prevalensi terbesar pada tingkat pemotongan A 2. Tipe C4 mendominasi tingkat pemotongan CEJ-2 dan CM sedangkan tipe C5 hanya ditemukan pada tingkat pemotongan A 2. Prevalensi c-shape pada gigi molar kedua rahang bawah adalah 16,67 dengan klasifikasi yang paling banyak ditemukan pada kelima tingkat pemotongan adalah C1. Prevalensi konfigurasi tipe C2 terbesar ditemukan pada CM. Tipe C3 pada penelitian ini ditemukan pada tingkat O. Prevalensi tipe C4 paling besar ditemukan pada tingkat pemotongan A 2. Perubahan konfigurasi didapati terjadi sepanjang saluran akar. Kesimpulan: Prevalensi c-shape pada gigi premolar pertama rahang bawah adalah 17 sedangkan pada gigi molar kedua rahang bawah 16,67 . Terdapat variasi konfigurasi di sepanjang saluran akar.Kata kunci : c-shape, molar kedua rahang bawah, micro-CT, prevalensi, premolar pertama rahang bawah

Background A tooth with c shaped root canal has a complex anatomy, making root canal treatment prognosis questionable because of the difficulties in doing adequate debridement and obturation. This complexity also makes the knowledge about root canal anatomy important to improve endodontic treatment result. Objective The aim of this study is to know the prevalence and variation of c shaped canal in mandibular first premolars and second molars. Methods 60 mandibular first premolars and 32 mandibular second molars was scanned using micro CT Bruker SkyScan 1173 in 50 m resolution. Transverse sectioning of each tooth was performed using software DataViewer. Angle measurement for determining c shape classification was performed using software Fiji ImageJ. Result The Prevalence of c shaped canal in mandibular first premolars was 17 with type C1 most prevalence in M, type C2 in AM, and type C3 in A 2. Type C4 was the most common classification found in sectioning level CEJ 2 and CM while type C5 was only found in A 2. The Prevalence of c shaped canal in mandibular second molars was 16,67 with the most common classification found in five level of sectioning was C1. C2 was most prevalence in level CM, C3 was most prevalence in O and C4 was most prevalence in A 2. The alteration of configuration happened along the root canal. Conclusion The prevalence of c shape canal in mandibular first premolars was is 17 and in mandibular second molars was 16,67 with variation of root canal configuration happened along the root canal itself.Keywords c shape, mandibular second molar, mandibular first premolar, micro CT, prevalence"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Florentsia Hanum Nugroho
Latar Belakang: rasio mahkota-akar gigi adalah merupakan kondisi gigi yang penting dalam penentuan prognosis dan rencana perawatan kedokteran gigi. Belum ada data mengenai nilai ini pada populasi di Indonesia. Tujuan: mengetahui nilai rerata rasio mahkota-akar gigi insisif, premolar, dan molar permanen pada pasien laki-laki dan perempuan di RSKGM FKG UI rentang usia 15-25 tahun. Metode: panjang akar dan tinggi mahkota diukur menggunakan modifikasi metode Lind pada 196 radiograf panoramik digital. Uji realibilitas menggunakan uji technical error of measurement. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann-Whitney U. Hasil: nilai rerata mahkota-akar gigi terbesar pada kedua jenis kelamin dijumpai pada premolar dua rahang bawah laki-laki 1:2,12, perempuan 1:2,10 dan yang terkecil pada gigi molar satu rahang atas laki-laki 1:1,50, perempuan 1:1,44 . Rasio gigi rahang bawah lebih besar dibandingkan gigi rahang atas. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan rasio bermakna antara laki-laki dan perempuan p.

Background tooth crown root ratio is one of the most important condition in determining prognosis and treatment planning in dentistry. There are no data of this value in Indonesia. Purpose to obtain the average crown root ratio value on insisive, premolar, and molar permanent teeth of male and female aged 15 25 in RSKGM FKG UI. Method root length and crown height of teeth were measured by modified Lind method on 196 digital panoramic radiographs. Reliability test was assessed by technical error of measurement test. Independent t test and Mann Whitney U test was applied to test the hipotesis. Results the highest mean crown root ratio in both arches and sex was found in mandibular second premolar male 1 2,12, female 1 2,10 and the lowest in maxillary first molar male 1 1,50, female 1 1,44 . Ratio is higher in mandibule than in maxilla. There are no significant different in ratio between male and female p"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dominikus Fernandy Sartono Prasetyo
"Ekstraksi premolar dalam perawatan ortodonti membantu proses uprighting gigi molar 3 impaksi sehingga dapat erupsi dengan baik.
Tujuan: mengukur perubahan angulasi gigi molar 3 rahang bawah yang impaksi mesioangular sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti.
Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan 25 radiograf panoramik berusia 10-21 tahun sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti.
Hasil: uji Wilcoxon dan uji T berpasangan (p<0,05) menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan angulasi molar 3 yang bermakna pada kedua sisi (p>0,05) dan cenderung mengalami peningkatan angulasi dengan meskipun secara statistik perbandingan perubahan keduanya tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0,05). Peningkatan angulasi paling banyak terjadi pada kelompok usia dewasa (17-21 tahun).
Kesimpulan: ekstraksi premolar dalam perawatan ortodonti tidak memengaruhi angulasi gigi molar 3 impaksi secara bermakna.

Premolar extraction in orthodontic treatment helps uprighting process of impacted third molars so that they could erupt well.
Aim: to measure mesioangular impacted lower third molars angulation change during orthodontic treatment.
Methods: this study used 25 panoramic radiograph aged 10-21 years old before and after orthodontic treatment.
Result: Wilcoxon test and paired Ttest (p<0,05) showed there were no significant change in lower third molars angulation on both sides (p>0,05) and tended to experience the increase in angulation though statistically comparison between them were not significant (p>0,05). These increase happen the most in the adult group (17-21 years old).
Conclusion: premolars extraction in orthodontic treatment does not affect impacted third molars angulation significantly.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Nuryati Ramadhan
"Latar Belakang: Kista dentigerous merupakan hasil pembesaran folikel, berasal dari akumulasi cairan antara epitel email tereduksi dan email gigi impaksi. Mayoritas berhubungan dengan gigi yang paling sering impaksi, seperti molar tiga mandibula, kaninus maksila, molar tiga maksila, dan premolar dua mandibula. Setiap elemen gigi impaksi memiliki potensi yang sama mengalami pembentukan Kista Dentigerous. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut maka dibutuhkan perawatan yang tepat dan pencegahan sedini mungkin sehingga kemungkinan morbiditas lebih lanjut dapat dihindari. Berdasarkan tinjauan di atas, penulis ingin mengetahui data terbaru mengenai distribusi dan frekuensi Kista Dentigerous berdasarkan lokasi kelainan di Poli Gigi RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo periode 1 November 2002 - 31 Oktober 2008.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui regio yang paling sering mengalami Kista Dentigerous pada pasien Poli Gigi RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo periode 1 November 2002 - 31 Oktober 2008.
Metode: Penelitian ini berjenis observasi deskriptif dan merupakan studi retrospektif menggunakan data sekunder berasal dari kartu status pasien Poli Gigi RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo periode 1 November 2002 - 31 Oktober 2008 yang di dalamnya tercantum biodata, foto panoramik, dan hasil pemeriksaan histopatologis.
Hasil: Didapatkan 49 kasus dan 48 elemen gigi. Distribusi dan frekuensi menggunakan tabel dan pie chart yang menggambarkan berapa banyak kista dentigerous berdasarkan lokasi kelainan yang terjadi.
Kesimpulan: Distribusi dan frekuensi kista dentigerous paling banyak disebabkan oleh gigi Caninus maksila impaksi dan lokasi kelainan Kista Dentigerous paling banyak terjadi pada regio kaninus - kaninus maksila.

Backgroud: Dentigerous cyst is a result of folicle swelling, arise from fluid accumulation between the reduced enamel epithelium and the enamel of the impaction tooth. Most often they involve mandibular third molars, maxillary canines, maxillary third molars, and mandibular second premolars. Every single impaction tooth have same potency to grow a Dentigerous Cyst formation. In order to prevent a Dentigerous Cyts formation, we need a certain treatment and prevention must be done as soon as posible so that probability of next morbidity can be prevent. Based on the theory, the author wants to find the latest data about distribution and frequency of Dentigerous Cyst based on causing tooth element and location of cystic lesion in Poli Gigi RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo in period of November 1st 2002 - Oktober 31st 2008.
Aim: To know the most region that usually have Dentigerous Cyst formation in Poli Gigi RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo patients within Period November 1st 2002 - Oktober 31st 2008.
Method: The type of this study is descriptive observation - restrospective study by using secondary data from the dental record of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic patients in Poli Gigi RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo within November 1st 2002 - Oktober 31st 2008 period, which is the content of the dental records is patient`s demographic data, panoramic radiograph, and the result of histopathologic examination.
Results: There are 49 cases and involved 48 teeth. Distribution and frequensy use table and pie chart to describe the number of Dentigerous Cyst based on causing tooth element and location of cystic lesion.
Conclusions: In this distribution and frequency of Dentigerous Cyst study, the Dentigrous Cyst is usually involve maxillary canine impaction teeth and most often site of Dentigerous Cyst is canine to canine region on maxilla."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferry Joel Bolang
Latar Belakang: Diagnosis dari fraktur mandibula diperlukan pemeriksaan klinis dan evaluasi radiologi yang akurat. Pemeriksaan radiolografis diperlukan untuk pemeriksaan ketebalan tulang dan evaluasi dari kondisi tulang tersebut, sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko terjadinya kerusakan struktur anatomi tulang antara lain cedera akar gigi dan kanalis mandibula.CBCT merupakan radiografis teknologi digital tiga dimensi yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat kondisi tulang tersebut. Tujuan: Mengetahui ketebalan tulang kortikal bukal dan tulang bukal pada regio gigi C P1 P2, serta ketebalan tulang kortikal regio foramen mental yang diukur menggunakan CBCT pada pria jika dibandingkan dengan wanita. Metode Penelitian: 32 sampel penelitian terdiri dari 16 pria dan 16 wanita yang merupakan pasien di RSGM RE Martadinata Ladokgi. Hasil foto radiografis CBCT dilakukan pengukuran ketebalan tulang kortikal bukal, tulang bukal pada regio gigi C P1 P2, dan ketebalan tulang kortikal regio foramen mental. Hasil: Ketebalan tulang kortikal bukal dan tulang bukal regio gigi C P1 P2, serta ketebalan tulang kortikal regio foramen mental jika dibandingkan antara pria terhadap wanita terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (p<0,05) dimana pada pria menunjukkan nilai yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada wanita. Kesimpulan: Ketebalan tulang kortikal bukal dan tulang bukal regio gigi C P1 P2, serta ketebalan tulang kortikal regio foramen mental yang diukur menggunakan CBCT menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda antara pria dan wanita.

Background: Accurate clinical examinations and radiographic evaluations are required to construct a proper diagnosis for mandibular fractures. To reduce risks of anatomical bone damages such as injuries to dental roots or mandibular canal, radiographic examinations are suggested to determine bone thickness and evaluate bone conditions. CBCT is a digital 3D radiographic technology used in such circumstances. Aim: To determine mandibular buccal cortical bone and buccal bone thickness in canine, first premolar and second premolar region and cortical bone thickness in mental foramen region under gender differentiation using CBCT. Research Method: 32 subjects comprised of 16 male and 16 female patients from RSGM RE Martadinata Ladokgi Hospital; with CBCT radiographs analyzed to determine mandibular buccal cortical bone and buccal bone thickness in canine, first premolar and second premolar region and cortical bone thickness in mental foramen region. Results: There is a significant differences (p<0.05) between females? and males? thickness of mandibular buccal cortical bone and buccal bone in canine, first premolar and second premolar region and the thickness of cortical bone in mental foramen region. Male subjects was found to have greater number of thickness compared to those of females?. Conclusion: Determination of mandibular buccal cortical bone and buccal bone thickness in canine, first premolar and second premolar region and cortical bone thickness in mental foramen region under different gender using CBCT, showed a different result."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Revaldi
Pertumbuhan tulang maksila dan mandibula merupakan suatu hal penting untuk diketahui dokter gigi karena dapat dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam menegakkan diagnosis dan menentukan rencana perawatan yang tepat. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran dan perbedaan panjang maksila dan mandibula pasien pria dan wanita pada maloklusi skeletal kelas I, kelas II, dan kelas III. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 42 rekam medik dan sefalogram pasien berusia ge; 18 tahun. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan analisis McNamara. Hasil: Rerata panjang maksila dan mandibula untuk semua kelas maloklusi skeletal menunjukan pria lebih besar daripada wanita. Hasil uji T tidak berpasangan.

Background The growth of maxillary and mandibular bone is an important thing to know the dentist because it can serve as a guide in establishing the diagnosis and determine the proper treatment plan. Objective to know description and differences between maxillary and mandibular length of male and female patients at skeletal malocclusion class I, class II and class III Methods This study used medical records and sefalogram 42 patients aged ge 18. Measurement performed with McNamara rsquo s Analysis. Results The mean length of the maxillary and mandibular for all classes of skeletal malocclusion showed greater men than women. Results unpaired t test."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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