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Mareta Putri Listiandini
Era yang semakin terbuka dengan informasi memunculkan berbagai tren fashion yang menggeser fungsi utama fashion yang semula hanya sebagai penutup dan pelindung tubuh berubah menjadi lambang status maupun identitas dalam kehidupan sosial bagi sebagian orang, khususnya bagi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakteristik lokasi belanja pakaian mahasiswa UI yang terdiri dari image pusat perbelanjaan, klasifikasi fungsi jalan, jumlah trayek angkutan umum, dan jarak dari stasiun KRL berdasarkan motivasi belanja yang diterdiri dari utilitarian dan hedonis. Dalam mencapai tujuan penelitian, digunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan Microsoft Excel dan analisis kuantitatif dengan uji chi square SPSS dari hasil penyebaran kuisioner dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah motivasi belanja mahasiswa dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik lokasi belanjanya, sehingga ada kecenderungan perbedaan karakteristik lokasi belanja pakaian menurut motivasi belanjanya. Motivasi utilitarian yang didominasi oleh mahasiswa laki-laki dengan pendapatan sedang yang memilih pusat perbelanjaan dengan image, murah, jumlah trayek angkutan umum yang sedang, dan dekat dari stasiun KRL. Sedangkan pada motivasi hedonis didominasi oleh mahasiswa perempuan dengan pendapatan tinggi yang memilih pusat perbelanjaan dengan image, elite, jumlah trayek angkutan umum yang rendah dan berjarak jauh dari stasiun KRL.

The ever expanding era with information spawned a variety of fashion trends that shifted the ultimate fashion functionality that was merely a cover and a body protector transformed into a symbol of status and identity in social life for some, especially for students. This study aims to determine how the characteristics of clothing shopping location UI students consisting of the type of shopping center, the classification of road functions, the number of public transport routes, and distance from KRL stations based on spending motivation from utilitarian and hedonis. In achieving the purpose of research, used descriptive analysis method with Microsoft Excel and quantitative analysis with chi square SPSS test of the results of questionnaire distribution by purposive sampling technique. The results obtained from this study is the motivation of student spending is influenced by the characteristics of shopping location, so there is a tendency of differences in the characteristics of clothing shopping location according to the motivation of shopping. A utilitarian motivation dominated by male students with medium income who choose shopping centers with cheap rdquo image, medium number of public transport route, and near from KRL station. While the hedonic motivation is dominated by female students with high income who choose shopping center with ldquo elite rdquo image, the number of public transport route is low and far from KRL station."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rilisia Ardini
"One of many activities that human do within a space is consumption. Presently, the life style trend of the community has become more hedonistic as well as consumptive. This, in turn, has created the shopaholic phenomenon. The purpose of this research is to know where are the shopping regions of the shopaholics among University of Indonesia’s female student based on hedonic shopping motivations which includes adventure shopping, gratification shopping, value shopping, social shopping, idea shopping and role shopping. The analysis used in this research is spatial and descriptive analysis.
The result showed that shopping region of the adventure shopping shopaholics tended to be clumped on the heart of Jakarta with the type of shopaholics who preferred shopping location closer to their living area. Meanwhile, shopping regions of other shopaholic types are more scattered. The gratification shopping, social shopping and value shopping shopaholics preferred shopping locations that are far from their living area. The role shopping shopaholics chose shopping locations with moderate distance from their living area. Meanwhile some of the idea shopping shopaholics chose shopping locations close to their living area and some preferred shopping locations far from their living area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sasqia Azizah Maulani
"Hari Belanja Online Nasional (Harbolnas) sebagai festival belanja online terbesar yang paling banyak diminati oleh konsumen di Indonesia menjadi salah satu strategi yang dilakukan pemasar untuk meningkatkan gross merchandise value (GMV). Dengan menginduksi nilai belanja utilitarian dan hedonis ke konsumen ketika Harbolnas maka dapat menciptakan niat konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian impulsif. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi utilitarian browsing dan hedonic browsing dan pengaruhnya terhadap niat untuk melakukan pembelian impulsif dalam menggunakan aplikasi belanja online. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka S-O-R dengan variabel interpersonal influence, visual appeal, dan portability sebagai stimulus, utilitarian browsing dan hedonic browsing sebagai organisme, dan urge to buy impulsively sebagai respons. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu konklusif deskriptif dengan metode single cross sectional. Survei dilakukan kepada 737 responden warga negara Indonesia yang mengetahui Harbolnas Shopee 12.12, memiliki teman yang menggunakan aplikasi Shopee, dalam waktu 1 minggu terakhir telah membuka aplikasi Shopee, serta pernah melakukan pencarian dan pembelian produk melalui aplikasi Shopee ketika Shopee 12.12 Day. Survei dilakukan secara online dengan metode judgmental sampling yang kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan teknik Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling PLS SEM. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah interpersonal influence, visual appeal, dan portability memiliki pengaruh terhadap utilitarian browsing dan hedonic browsing; serta utilitarian browsing dan hedonic browsing memiliki pengaruh terhadap urge to buy impulsively. Implikasi manajerial serta saran untuk penelitian di masa mendatang dibahas lebih lanjut pada penelitian ini.

National Online Shopping Day (Harbolnas) as the largest and most demanded online shopping festival in Indonesia, is one of the strategies undertaken by marketers to increase their gross merchandise value (GMV). By inducing the utilitarian value and hedonic value to consumers during Harbolnas, it is hoped to create consumer intentions to make impulsive purchases. Study was conducted to analyze the factors that affect utilitarian browsing and hedonic browsing towards urge to buy impulsively using online shopping applications. This study uses the S-O-R framework with interpersonal influence, visual appeal, and portability as stimulus; utilitarian browsing and hedonic browsing as organisms; and urge to buy impulsively in response. The research design used is descriptive-conclusive with single cross sectional method. Survey was conducted on 737 respondents of Indonesian citizens who knew Harbolnas Shopee 12.12, had friends who used the Shopee App, within the past week had opened the Shopee App, and had searched and purchased products through the Shopee App when Shopee 12.12 Day. The survey was conducted online with judgmental sampling method which was then processed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results obtained are interpersonal influence, visual appeal, and portability positively influences utilitarian browsing and hedonic browsing; utilitarian browsing and hedonic browsing positively influences consumers urge to buy impulsively. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed further in this study."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kania Oktarianti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh motivasi belanja utilitarian dan motivasi belanja hedonic terhadap purchase intention pada konsumen belanja online. Partisipan penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa yang pernah berbelanja online, sejumlah 289 orang. Motivasi belanja utilitarian dan motivasi belanja hedonic diukur dengan alat ukur Utilitarian Motivation dan Hedonic Motivation yang disusun oleh Tsao dan Chang (2010). Purchase intention diukur dengan alat ukur Purchase Intention yang disusun oleh Topaloglu (2012).
Hasil utama penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belanja utilitarian dan motivasi belanja hedonic memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap purchase intention pada konsumen belanja online. Walaupun kedua motivasi ini memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan, motivasi belanja utilitarian lebih mempengaruhi purchase intention pada konsumen belanja online dibandingkan motivasi belanja hedonic.

This research aimed to examine the influence of utilitarian and hedonic shopping motivations on purchase intention among online shopping consumer. Participants of this research were undergraduate students who have online shopping experience, with the amounts of 289 participants. Utilitarian and hedonic shopping motivations were measured using Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivation measurement items developed by Tsao and Chang (2010). Purchase intention was measured using Purchase Intention measurement items developed by Topaloglu (2012).
The main result of this research showed that utilitarian and hedonic shopping motivations have significant impact on purchase intention among online shopping consumer. While both of these motivations have significant impact, utilitarian shopping motivation has more influence on purchase intention than hedonic shopping motivation among online shopping consumer.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bela Shinta Dewi
"Saat ini banyak muslimah muda yang terlihat berhijab ketika menjalani rutinitas harian. Dengan berhijabnya ini maka sudah tentu terbentuk kebutuhan berpakaian yang harus menutup aurat dan dipenuhi dengan cara belanja pakaian. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana pola keruangan yang terbentuk dari aktivitas belanja pakaian mahasiswi berhijab. Studi ini dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif yang melibatkan 31 mahasiswi berhijab dari Universitas Indonesia yang pernah berbelanja pakaian secara langsung ke toko formal.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswi berhijab terbagi menjadi 2 tipikal berdasarkan gaya berbusana hijabnya: hijaber dan jilbaber. Hijaber adalah kelompok mahasiswi dengan gaya busana: hijab, pakaian atasan dan celana yang cenderung terbuka pada perkembangan fesyen. Sedangkan jilbaber adalah kelompok mahasiswi dengan gaya busana: jilbab, pakaian atasan dan rok atau gamis yang cenderung menekankan pada pakem berhijab. Pola keruangan belanja pakaian mahasiswi berhijab terlihat berbeda dari kedua tipikal berhijab. Mahasiswi hijaber mampu bergerak ke berbagai arah tempat belanja dan berbagai tema toko pakaian wanita di ruang-ruang publik dan tidak selalu mengandalkan kedekatan sosial. Sedangkan pola keruangan belanja mahasiswi tipikal jilbaber cenderung mengandalkan kedekatan sosial yang ada dalam ruang komunitas rohani islam. Namun hijaber dan jilbaber tetap mampu berbagi ruang belanja pakaian dalam ruang ritel publik, hanya saja sub-tipe dari jilbaber yakni jilbaber warna gelap tidak mampu berbagi ruang belanja pakaian dengan tipikal hijaber karena ketersediaan model pakaiannya yang masih ekslusif dalam ruang komunitas disamping adanya faktor kedekatan sosial komunitas mereka.

Today many young muslim women are seen wearing hijab as a daily routine. By wearing hijab, then formed some dressed needs covering the aurat that fulfilled by shopping ways. This research was done to see how the spatial patterns formed from the activity of shopping clothes by the veiled student. This study was conducted with qualitative methods that involved 31 veiled student from the University of Indonesia who bought their clothes directly into the formal shop.
The results showed that the veiled student was divided into 2 type based on their style of dress: hijber and jilbaber. Hijaber is a group of student with fashion style: hijab, clothing top and pants that tend to be openly with the trend of fashion. While jilbaber is a group of student with fashion style: jilbab, dress with skirts or robe tops that tend to emphasize the hijab grip they was kept. The spatial pattern of clothes shopping were look different at both typical hijab. Hijaber student was able to move different directions of shopping, to a variety of themes in the women’s clothing store. The hijaber where did not always rely on social closeness. And the jilbaber tend to rely on social closeness that exists in a spiritual community of islam. Both hijaber and jilbaber was still be able to share space in a public shopping center, but it just a sub-type of the jilbaber: dark colour jilbaber, who could not be able to share a room with the typical of hijaber, due to the availability of the product hijab are exclusively found within the community, and in addition to the social closeness.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahri Razaly Aziz
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu pengaruh dari motivasi belanja hedonic, motivasi belanja utilitarian, dan motivasi belanja social terhadap purchase intention pada konsumen pembeli skin di game Mobile Legends. Secara spesifik, partisipan penelitian ini adalah pengikut akun twitter @MLBBFESS yang pernah membeli skin di game Mobile Legends, sejumlah 130 orang. Motivasi belanja hedonic, motivasi belanja utilitarian, motivasi belanja social, dan purchase intention diukur menggunakan alat ukur yang disusun oleh Chang, dkk (2019). Hasil utama penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belanja hedonic dan social memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap purchase intention pada konsumen pembeli skin game Mobile Legends. Di mana motivasi hedonic dianggap lebih berpengaruh dibandingkan motivasi social. Sedangkan motivasi utilitarian dianggap tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap purchase intention pada konsumen pembeli skin game Mobile Legends

This research aimed to examine the influence of hedonic, utilitarian, and social shopping motivations on purchase intention among Mobile Legends skin consumer. Specifically, the participant in this research were 130 people who have skin shopping experience and following @Mlbbfess Twitter account. In this research, the three shopping motivations – hedonic, utilitarian, social, and purchase intention was developed by Chang et al., (2019). The main result of this research showed that hedonic and social shopping motivations have significant impact on purchase intention among skin consumers on Mobile Legends game. Where hedonic motivations tend to be more impactful than social motivations. On the other hand, the result showed that there is no significant impact between utilitarian motivations on purchase intention among skin consumers on Mobile Legends Game."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Qoriyanti
"Penelitian ini merupakan adaptasi dari penelitian yang sebelumnya pernah dilakukan di Pakistan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi konsumen terhadap konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan. Data dikumpulkan melalui self-administrated questionnaire kepada responden yang berdomisili di DKI Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, dan Makassar yang pernah berbelanja di fashion store di pusat perbelanjaan modern (mall).
Peneliti menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari nilai belanja hedonis dan utilitarian, fashion involvement, pro-environmental attitude, dan religuisitas terhadap konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah hanya nilai belanja utilitarian, pro-environmental attitude, dan religiusitas intrapersonal yang memengaruhi konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan. Sedangkan, religiusitas hanya meningkatkan pengaruh positif dari fashion involvement dan pro-environmental attitude terhadap konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk pelaku bisnis fashion agar dapat memprioritaskan aspek keberlanjutan dalam proses produksinya.

This study is adopted from previous study was conducted in Pakistan. This study aims to determine factors those affect consumer to sustainable fashion consumption. Data was collected from self-administrated questionnaire within DKI Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, and Makassar who had bought at a fashion store in a modern shopping center (mall).
This research using a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze the effect of hedonic and utilitarian shopping value, fashion involvement, pro-environmental attitude and religiosity on sustainable fashion consumption.
The results of this study that only the utilitarian shopping value, pro-environmental attitude, and religiosity that affect sustainable fashion consumption. However, religiosity is only a positive increase from the fashion involvement and a pro-environmental attitude towards sustainable fashion consumption. The results of this study can be used as a reference for business clothing in order to prioritize sustainability aspects in the production process.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nindya Iswari Hayuningrum
Industri ritel modern saat ini berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah home and garden specialty retail seperti Ace Hardware Indonesia. Melihat peluang kedepan maka salah satu aspek yang harus diperhatikan oleh ritel modern adalah atmosfir toko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh dari persepsi atmosfir toko yang dirasakan konsumen yang mempengaruhi nilai belanja utilitarian dan hedonik serta kepuasan pelanggan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang dalam 6 bulan terakhir telah melakukan kunjungan ke gerai ritel Ace Hardware di wilayah Jabodetabek. Data yang diterima diolah menggunakan metode analisis Structural Equity Modelling (SEM). Hasilnya, atmosfir toko memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap nilai belanja hedonik dan utilitarian memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kepuasaan pelanggan.
Modern retail industry is currently growing rapidly in Indonesia. One of them is home and garden specialty retail such as Ace Hardware Indonesia. By seeing an opportunity in the future, one of the aspects to be aware of by modern retail stores is the atmosphere. This research aims to see how the influence of the store atmosphere perception perceived by the consumers affects utilitarian and hedonic shopping value and customer satisfaction. The sample are consumers who in the past 6 months has made visits to Ace Hardware retail outlets in Jabodetabek area. The received data are processed using the analytical method of Structural Equity Modelling (SEM). As a result, the store atmosphere has a positive influence on the hedonic and utilitarian shopping value and on customer satisfaction."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheila Firda Annisarahma
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hadirnya fitur belanja pada media sosial populer seperti Instagram Shopping dan TikTok Shop di Indonesia selama masa pandemi Covid-19 sebagai alternatif baru social commerce terhadap perilaku belanja impulsif dan kompulsif produk apparel. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengkaji pengaruh media sosial, motivasi hedonis, kondisi berbelanja online selama pandemi Covid-19 serta peran iklim sosial komunitas pengikut social media influencer terhadap perilaku belanja impulsif dan kompulsif. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode variance based Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) secara cross-sectional kepada 475 responden untuk menguji keterkaitan variabel Social Media Influence, Social Commerce, EWOM of Social Commerce, Hedonic (Happiness), Hedonic (Fun), Shopping in the Times of Covid-19, dan variabel moderasi Social Climate terhadap variabel dependen Impulsive Buying dan Compulsive Buying. Hasilnya, didapatkan bahwa Hedonic (Happiness) dan Shopping in the Times of Covid-19 memiliki hubungan signifikan positif terhadap perilaku Impulsive dan Compulsive buying. Hedonic (Fun) serta peran moderasi Social Climate berhubungan signifikan positif dengan Impulsive Buying. Sedangkan variabel lainnya tidak memiliki hubungan signifikan yang positif terhadap variabel Impulsive Buying dan Compulsive Buying.

This study aims to determine the effect of the presence of shopping features on popular social media namely Instagram Shopping and TikTok Shop in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic as a new social commerce alternative which could affecting impulsive and compulsive shopping behavior for apparel products. In this study, the impact of social media, hedonic motivation, shopping in the times of Covid-19, and social climate of social media influencers community are observed towards impulsive and compulsive shopping behavior. The study used variance-based partial least squares structural equational modelling (PLS-SEM) on a cross-sectional study conducted on 475 respondents observing the association of several variables: Social Media Influence, Social Commerce, EWOM of Social Commerce, Hedonic (Happiness), Hedonic (Fun) variables, Shopping in the Times of Covid-19 and Social Climate as a moderating variable towards the Impulsive Buying and Compulsive Buying as the dependent variables. The study result show that Hedonic (Happiness) and Shopping in the Times of Covid-19 had a significant positive relationship to Impulsive and Compulsive buying behavior. Hedonic (Fun) and the moderating role of Social Climate had a significant positive relationship with Impulsive Buying. Whilst the other variables do not have a positive significant relationship to the Impulsive Buying and Compulsive Buying variables."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahligai Mecca
"Penelitian ini mengungkapkan pengaruh Approach dan Avoidance motivation terhadap konsumsi hedonis. Sejauh ini banyak penelitian yang berusaha mengungkap penyebab sikap positif terhadap retail seperti berlama-lama di dalam toko, intensintas belanja kembali yang tinggi dan sebagainya. Serta meneliti apa yang memicu sikap negatif terhadap toko seperti tidak betah, enggan mengunjungi toko, dsb.
Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkapkan apakah ada pengaruh antara dua sifat dasar manusia terhadap konsumsi hedonis. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan perbedaan antara pria dan wanita. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa approach motivation benar mempengaruhi hedonic shopping value konsumen department store. Sedangkan avoidance motivation tidak mempenagruhi hedonic shopping value konsumen department store.

This study reveals the influence of approach and avoidance motivation for hedonic consumption. So far a lot of research trying to uncover the cause of a positive attitude towards retail such as lingering in the store, shopping intensity, etc. As well as examining what triggered negative attitude toward the store such as uncomfortable feeling while shopping, reluctant to visit the store, etc.
This study tried to reveal whether there is influence between two basic human motivations to hedonic consumption. This study also shows the differences between men and women in hedonic shopping. The results of this study indicate that the approach motivation really affect hedonic shopping value in department store customers. Otherwise avoidance motivation does not affect hedonic shopping value.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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