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Sarah Naura Irbah
"Latar Belakang: Anemia diketahui sebagai salah satu komplikasi pada penyakit TB. Konsentrasi hemoglobin yang rendah diasosiasikan dengan keterlambatan waktu konversi kultur sputum pada pasien TB namun hubungannya pada pasien TB MDR masih belum diketahui. Konversi kultur sputum pasien TB MDR dari positif menjadi negatif merupakan prediktor utama indicator keberhasilan pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kondisi anemia pada pasien TB MDR dapat memperlambat waku konversi sputum.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kohort retrospektif dengan metode total sampling untuk memperoleh data pemeriksaan hematologis, status klinis, dan status demografis dari rekam medis pasien TB MDR di RSUP Persahabatan selama tahun 2016. Data mengenai waktu konversi sputum diperoleh dari database online Indonesia, e-TB-Manager, di bawah pengawasan pihak yang berwenang di RSUP Persahabatan.
Hasil: Dari seluruh 363 rekam medis, terdapat 201 data yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan keterangan sebanyak 83/118 41.3 mengalami anemia. Analisis data dengan uji kesintasan menunjukkan bahwa status anemia memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keterlambatan konversi sputum, sedangkan klasifikasi dan jenis anemia tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap proses konversi sputum.
Kesimpulan: Kondisi anemia meningkatkan risiko konversi sputum yang lebih lama pada pasien TB MDR dibandingkan dengan pasien tanpa diserta anemia. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya upaya perbaikan status gizi dan profil hematologis pada pasien TB MDR yang disertai dengan anemia.

Background: Anemia was known to be the complication of Tuberculosis TB . Low hemoglobin concentration was associated with prolonged time of culture sputum conversion in TB but the association in MDR TB is still unknown. Sputum culture conversion in MDR TB was the main predictor of successful therapy outcome. This study aims to understand whether anemia amongs MDR TB patients could prolong the time for sputum conversion.
Method: This retrospective cohort study used total sampling method to obtain hematological laboratory data, clinical status, and demographic status from medical records of MDR TB patients in Persahabatan Hospital during the year of 2016. The time of sputum conversion was obtained from Indonesian online database e TB Manager under supervision of Persahabatan Hospital authorized staffs.
Result: Of the 363 medical records within a year, only 201 datas fitted into inclusion criteria in which 83 of 118 MDR TB patients 41.3 have anemia. Survival analysis rate showed a significant rate difference in conversion time based on the anemic status. However, there is no significant relation of classification and types of anemia towards the conversion time.
Conclusion: Anemia increased the risk of prolonged time in spuum conversion in MDR TB patients compared to those without anemia. Therefore, there should be an effort in improving the nutritional status and hematological profile in MDRt TB patients with anemia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miptah Farid Thariqulhaq
"Penyakit TB MDR merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi yang prevalensinya semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun di Indonesia dengan angka keberhasilan pengobatan 45%. Konversi kultur sputum merupakan suatu prediktor kuat dari awal keberhasilan terapi. Waktu konversi yang lambat akan memperpanjang periode penularan dan memprediksi tingkat kegagalan pengobatan yang tinggi. Terdapat beberapa faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan konversi kultur sputum pasien TB MDR. Penelitian terkait faktor risiko kadar albumin dengan waktu konversi kultur sputum masih sangat terbatas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar albumin dengan waktu konversi kultur sputum di poli MDR terpadu RS Paru Dr M Goenawan Partowidigdo tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi cohort retrospektif dengan sampel yang diambil dari catatan rekam medis dan SITB pasien poli MDR. Variabel yang diteliti adalah kadar albumin < 3,5 gram/dl dan ≥ 3,5 gram/dl dengan variabel covariat usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, index masa tubuh, status merokok, gradasi sputum bta, komorbid, regimen pengobatan, dan kepatuhan minum obat . Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis multivariat menunjukkan kadar albumin < 3,5 mg/dl memiliki kecepatan waktu konversi 41,8% lebih lambat dengan (HR=0,582, 95% CI 0.344-0.984) untuk mengalami konversi dibanding dengan pasien TB MDR dengan kadar albumin ≥ 3,5 mg/dl setelah memperhitungkan status merokok dan kepatuhan minum obat. Perlunya memperbaiki kadar albumin yang rendah pada pasien TB MDR di rumah sakit dan memberikan penyuluhan kepada keluarga pasien agar turut berpartisipasi memantau asupan makan pasien yaitu makanan yang mengandung tinggi protein seperti ikan gabus serta ekstra putih telur untuk membantu meningkatkan kadar albumin pasien yang dapat berguna untuk terjadinya konversi kultur sputum.

MDR TB disease is an infectious disease whose prevalence is increasing from year to year in Indonesia with a treatment success rate of 45%. Sputum culture conversion is a strong predictor of initial therapeutic success. Slow conversion time will prolong the period of transmission and predict a high rate of treatment failure. There are several risk factors associated with sputum culture conversion in MDR TB patients. Research related to risk factors for albumin levels and sputum culture conversion time is still very limited. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between albumin levels and sputum culture conversion time at the integrated MDR polyclinic at Dr M Goenawan Partowidigdo Pulmonary Hospital in 2022. This study used a retrospective cohort study with samples taken from medical records and SITB patients at poly MDR. The variables studied were albumin levels < 3.5 mg/dl and ≥ 3.5 mg/dl with the covariate variables age, sex, education, body mass index, smoking status, sputum gradation, co-morbidities, medication regimens, and drinking adherence drug . The results of the study based on multivariate analysis showed that albumin levels < 3.5 mg/dl had a 41.8% slower conversion time (HR=0.582, 95% CI 0.344-0.984) to experience conversion compared to MDR TB patients with albumin levels ≥ 3.5 mg/dl after taking into account smoking status and medication adherence. It is necessary to improve low albumin levels in MDR TB patients at the hospital and provide counseling to the patient's family to participate in monitoring the patient's food intake, namely foods that contain high protein such as snakehead fish and extra egg whites to help increase the patient's albumin levels which can be useful for the occurrence of sputum culture conversion."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Filly Mandalie
Latar Belakang : Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah penyakit infeksi menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosiss (MTB) dan merupakan masalah kesehatan utama didunia.1World Health Organization (WHO) pada tahun 2018 melaporkan 10 juta orang terdiagnosis TB di seluruh dunia. Indonesia merupakan negara dengan insiden TB tertinggi ketiga di dunia, terjadi peningkatan kasus baru sebesar 70% dari 331.703 menjadi 563.879 antara tahun 2015-2018 dan kasus TB MDR/TB RR, rata-rata 8.8 per 100.000 populasi, 2.4 % merupakan kasus baru dan dan 13% merupakan TB pengobatan ulang.2
Berdasarkan data WHO tingkat kegagalan pengobatan pada pasien TB MDR cukup besar (lebih dari 50%), juga terjadi di Indonesia yang disebabkan tinggi nya angka kematian (17%) dan loss to follow up (26%). Kegagalan pengobatan mengakibatkan pengobatan dihentikan dan diperlukan penggantian rejimen. Komorbiditas, Efek samping obat, resistensi obat merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan pengobatan dan dinilai melalui konversi sputum yang merupakan indikator respons pengobatan dan digunakan sebagai indikator keberhasilan pengobatan atau kegagalan pengobatan.
Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan konversi sputum pasien TB MDR dengan berbagai faktor non genetic dan genetic yang terjadi selama fase intensif yang sedang diobati di RS paru DR.M.Goenawan Partowidigdo.
Metode: Data diambil secara kohort retrospektif melalui rekam medis TB MDR (1 Oktober 2018 sampai 31 Maret 2019). Data yang terkumpul dilakukan uji statistik.
Hasil : SP yang mendapat terapi jenis STR memiliki karakteristik rerata usia sebesar 35,11 tahun dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki sedikit lebih banyak dibanding perempuan (57,9% vs 42,1%), sebagian besar memiliki riwayat pengobatan TB sebelumnya (84,2%) namun tidak memiliki riwayat kontak dengan pasien TB aktif (87,7%). Terdapat 32 SP yang tidak memiliki riwayat pengobatan dan tidak memiliki riwayat kontak tetapi terinfeksi kuman TB MDR sebanyak sepertiga SP memiliki komorbiditas DM.
SP yang mendapat terapi jenis konvensional memiliki karakteristik rerata usia sebesar 40,22 tahun, lebih banyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki (61,5%), dengan riwayat pengobatan TB sebelumnya (73,5%) namun tidak memiliki riwayat kontak dengan pasien TB aktif (86,3%), sebanyak sepertiga SP memiliki komorbiditas DM
Subjek yang tidak mememiliki komorbiditas dan tidak konversi sputum sebesar 18,4% sedangkan yang tidak memiliki komorbiditas dan tidak konversi sputum sebesar 55,2% dimana hasil ini bermakna secara statistik (p=0,016, RO 2,23 IK95% 1,15 - 4,32). SP dengan DM memiliki risiko 2,23 kali untuk tidak terjadi konversi sputum. Jumlah efek samping obat anti tuberkulosis lebih dari 2 jenis yang mengalami konversi sputum sebesar 43,1 % sedangkan yang jumlah efek sampingnya ≤ 2 mengalami konversi sputum sebesar 23,6 % dimana hasil ini bermakna secara statistik (p<0,001, RO 0,11 IK95% 0,05 -0,25). Pada akhir bulan keenam dan dilakukan kultur dan DST dan LPA lini dua didapatkan perubahan sifat resistensi, bisa akibat mutasi atau pasien terinfeksi oleh 2 strain yang berbeda.
Kesimpulan: Konversi kultur sputum yang tertunda mengakibatkan waktu pengobatan yang diperpanjang dan beresiko kegagalan pengobatan. DM, efek samping onat dan resistensi adalah salah satu Faktor yang menyebabkan waktu konversi sputum lebih lama, sehingga resiko kegagalan terapi menyebabkan resiko mortalitas meningkat.

Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and is a main health problem in the world.1 The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018 reported 10 million people diagnosed with TB worldwide. Indonesian is country with the third highest incidence of TB in the world, an increase in new cases is 70% from 331,703 to 563,879 between 2015-2018 and MDR TB cases an average of 8.8 per 100,000 population, 2.4% is a new cases and 13% is a re-treatment of TB cases.2
Based on WHO data, the treatment failure rate in MDR TB patients is quite large (more than 50%), also occurring in Indonesia which causes high mortality (17%) and loss to follow-up (26%). Treatment failure causes the treatment being stop and replacement regimen are needed. Many factors that influence treatment and approved through sputum conversion which is an indicator of treatment response and is used as an indicator of treatment success or treatment failure.
Objective: To know the relation of sputum conversion in patients with various factor non genetic and genetic that occur during intensive phase while in the process of treatment in pulmonary hospital of Dr. M. Goenawan Partowidigdo.
Methods: Data were collected in retrospective cohort through MDR TB medical records (1 October 2018 until 31 March 2019). The data collected is done by statistical tests.
Results: SP who received STR type therapy had characteristic a mean age of 35.11 years with sex of male more slightly than female (57.9% vs 42.1%), most had a history medication of previous treatment TB (84, 2%) but do not have a contact history with active TB patients (87.7%). There were 32 SPs who had no history of treatment and had no contact history but were infected with MDR TB as much as one third of SP have comorbid DM.
SP who received individua type of therapy had a mean age of 40.22 years, most are male (61.5%), with a history of previous TB treatment (73.5%) but had no contact history with active TB patients (86.3%), as many as one third of SP have comorbid DM.
Subjects who did not have comorbidity and no sputum conversion were 18.4% while those who did not have comorbidity and had no sputum conversion were 48.9% where these results were statistically significant (p = 0.016, RO 2.23 IK95% 1.15 - 4 , 32). SP with DM has a risk of 2.23 times for not occur sputum conversion. The number of side effects of anti tuberculosis drugs more than 2 types be through sputum conversion was 43.1% while the number of side effects ≤ 2 be through sputum conversion was 23.6% where these results were statistically significant (p <0.001, RO 0.11 IK95 % 0.05 - 0.25). At the end of the sixth month and culture had be done and DST and LPA line two, there was a change of characteristic resitence, it could be due to mutations or the patient was infected by 2 different strains.
Conclusion: Delayed conversion of sputum culture causes the time extended of treatment and risk treatment failure. DM, drugs side effects and resistance are one of the factors that cause a longer sputum conversion time, so the risk of therapy failure causes an increased risk of mortality."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Puji Pratiwi
"Malnutrisi meningkatkan risiko kegagalan pengobatan dan kematian pada penderita TB-MDR. Oleh karena itu, deteksi malnutrisi secara cepat dan tepat sangat diperlukan dalam penatalaksanaan TB-MDR. Salah satu alat skrining status gizi yang cepat dan sederhana adalah Malnutrition Screening Tool MST. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dengan menggunakan MST dan bacterial load pada penderita TB-MDR. Studi cross sectional ini dilaksanakan di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta pada bulan Juni-Oktober 2017 dengan subjek sebanyak 81 penderita TB-MDR yang belum mendapatkan pengobatan TB-MDR. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, pengukuran antropometri, dan pemeriksaan laboratorium. Dari 81 subjek, 54 subjek berisiko malnutrisi dan 47 subjek mempunyai IMT kurang dari 18 kg/m2. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara MST dan bacterial load pada penderita TB-MDR p=0,923. Walaupun begitu, perbedaan proporsi bacterial load positif antara kelompok berisiko dan tidak berisiko malnutrisi mencapai 11,2. Selain itu, pada kelompok berisiko malnutrisi, bacterial load cenderung positif.

Malnutrition in patients with MDR TB may increase the risk of treatment failure and death. Therefore, rapid and precise malnutrition detection is essential in the management of MDR TB. One of the fastest and simplest nutritional screening tools is the Malnutrition Screening Tool MST. This study aims to determine the association between nutritional status using MST and bacterial load in patients with MDR TB. This cross sectional study was conducted in RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta in June October 2017 with the subject of 81 MDR TB patients who had not received MDR TB treatment. Data were collected using questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and laboratory examination. Of 81 subjects, 54 subjects at risk of malnutrition and 47 subjects have BMI less than 18 kg m2. Bivariate analysis showed that there is no association between MST and bacterial load in patients with MDR TB p 0.923. However, the difference in the proportion of positive bacterial loads between the at risk and non risk groups of malnutrition is 11,2. In addition, at risk group of malnutrition, bacterial load tends to be positive."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Prawiro Tantry
"Penanganan tuberkulosis (TB) di Indonesia masih dihadapkan pada keterlambatan pendeteksian terapi yang tidak adekuat. Secara klinis, kenaikan berat badan dianggap sebagai salah satu indikasi perbaikan klinis penderita TB yang praktis. Namun, apakah kenaikan berat badan benar berhubungan dengan kesembuhan klinis pasien TB masih perlu dibuktikan. Oleh karena itu, dalam upaya menilai potensi berat badan sebagai indikator klinis terapi TB, dilakukan riset yang bertujuan untuk melihat asosiasi antara penambahan berat badan dengan konversi sputum pada akhir fase inisial pengobatan anti-TB dengan kategori 1. Studi ini menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder dari rekam medis pasien di RS Persahabatan pada tahun 2009 (n=102).
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 75,49% (n=77) pasien TB mengalami konversi sputum pada akhir fase inisial. Penambahan berat badan ditemukan pada sekitar setengah sampel dari grup dengan konversi sputum (51,95%) dan juga pada hampir setengah dari grup tanpa konversi sputum (dua belas dari 25). Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan berat badan tidak memiliki asosiasi yang signifikan dengan konversi sputum pada akhir fase inisial pengobatan anti-TB dengan kategori 1 selama dua bulan di RS Persahabatan (p= 0.732), namun studi lebih lanjut disarankan untuk meneliti asosiasi tersebut pada periode terapi yang lebih lama dan juga dengan mempertimbangkan IMT pasien.

Tuberculosis (TB) management in Indonesia was facing delayed detection of inadequate therapies. Clinically, weight gain was considered as one of the simple indicators pointing towards clinical improvement of TB patients. However, whether weight gain was really associated with clinical recovery of TB patients was yet to be proven. Therefore, as an effort to assess the possibility of observing weight gain to evaluate anti-TB therapy, a research was conducted aiming to assess the association between weight gain and sputum conversion at the end of initial phase category 1 anti-TB therapy. This study used a retrospective cohort design by collecting secondary data from the medical records of TB patients in Persahabatan hospital in 2009 (n=102).
Results showed that 75.49% (n=77) of TB patients underwent sputum conversion at the end of second month of therapy. Regardless of sputum conversion, weight gain was observed in approximately half of both groups with (51.95%) and without (twelve out of 25) sputum conversion. This study revealed that weight gain was not significantly associated with sputum conversion at the end of two months initial phase category 1 anti-TB therapy in Persahabatan hospital (p= 0.732), however future studies were encouraged to explore the association in longer therapy period and with considering patients BMI.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Luthfi
"Tuberkulosis merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan global. Terdapat banyak pasien tuberkulosis memiliki status gizi kurang saat awal diagnosis yang berdampak pada penurunan daya tahan tubuh pasien tersebut, sehingga meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kegagala dapn konversi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi pasien tuberkulosis pada awal diagnosis dengan keberhasilan konversi sputum.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang didapat dari Kartu Pasien TB.01 di UPT Puskesmas Sukmajaya, UPF Puskesmas Villa Pertiwi dan UPF Puskesmas Abadi Jaya n=131. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 93,2 pasien dengan status gizi kurang BMI0,05 antara status gizi pasien tuberkulosis saat awal diagnosis dengan keberhasilan konversi sputum setelah pengobatan fase intensif dilakukan RR 1,016 ,95 CI,0,932-1,108.

Tuberculosis is one of global health problem. There is many tuberculosis patients who have low nutritional status in the initial of diagnosis that can lower the immune system of the patients and increase the risk of conversion failure. The aim of this study is to evaluate the correlation between the nutritional status of tuberculosis patient in the initial of diagnosis and the success of sputum conversion after an intensive phase of treatment been performed.
This study used a retrospective cohort design using secondary data which obtained from Kartu Pasien TB.01 in UPT Puskesmas Sukmajaya, UPF Puskemas Villa Pertiwi and UPF Puskesmas Abadi Jaya n 131. In this study, 93,2 patients with low nutritional status BMI 0,05 between the nutritional status of tuberculosis patients in the initial of diagnosis and the success of sputum conversion after an intensive phase of treatment been performed RR 1.016, 95 CI, 0.932 to 1.108.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ikes Dwiastuti
"[Munculnya berbagai tantangan baru dalam pengendalian TB, salah satunya multidrug resistant tuberculosis (TB MDR). TB MDR adalah salah satu jenis resistensi TB yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang tidak merespon (resisten), setidaknya, isoniazid dan rifampicin yang merupakan dua jenis obat yang paling efektif pada lini pertama obat anti TB (OAT). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya
konversi kultur sputum pada pasien TB Paru MDR. Penelitian dilakukan di dilakukan di RSUD Labuang Baji Kota Makassar dimulai dari bulan April 2015-Juni 2015. Desain penelitian adalah kohort retrospektif. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini yakni 183 pasien, 139 pasien (76,0%) yang mengalami konversi kultur sputum, 4 pasien (2,2%) yang tidak mengalami konversi kultur sputum, dan 40 pasien (21,8%) yang loss to follow up. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa probabilitas konversi kultur sputum pasien TB paru MDR sebesar 95,52%. Hasil
analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa interupsi pengobatan (HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), status diabetes melitus (DM) sebelum 33 hari (HR:0,75; 95%CI: 0,29- 1,95) dan setelah 33 hari yakni (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), serta riwayat pengobatan yang pernah mendapatkan OAT lini I (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90) serta yang pernah mendapatkan OAT lini II (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77). Diperlukan penanganan secara intensif dan lengkap pada pasien TB paru MDR di Poli TB MDR dengan memperhatikan interupsi pengobatan, status DM, dan riwayat pengobatan sebelumnya;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line. This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April 2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study. There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75; 95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment., One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Vidiast
Tuberkulosis multi-drug resistant TB-MDR merupakan penyakit menular yang menjadi beban global karena sulit diobati dan mudah ditransmisikan. Indonesia termasuk ke dalam negara dengan prevalensi TB-MDR yang tingggi dengan 2.293 kasus yang tercatat pada 2016. Pengobatan yang merlukan waktu lebih lama dan jenis obat yang lebih berat menimbulkan beban ekonomis selama proses mencapai proses kesembuhan. Derajat sakit pasien TB-MDR dapat tergambar melalui berbagai manifestasi klinis, di antaranya adalah nilai bacterial load dan adanya lesi kavitas pada paru. Kedua hal tersebut memiliki hubungan dengan kondisi imun penderitanya. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu menemukan adanya peran penting sel limfosit T CD4, sebagai faktor imun, dalam progresivitas penyakit TB-MDR. Namun, pemeriksaan sel limfosit T CD4 belum dapat diterapkan dalam praktik klinis di Indonesia. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengatahui apakah kadar limfosit, yang pemeriksaannya telah rutin dilakukan dalam pratik klinis, berhubungan dengan bacterial load dan bentuk lesi pasien TB-MDR yang menggambarkan derajat kesakitan. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dan menggunakan 99 sampel yang dicapai dengan cara konsekutif. Data kadar limfosit, bacterial load, dan bentuk lesi didapatkan dari rekam medis dan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan chi square. Hasil menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kadar limfosit dengan bacterial load p=0,008 sementara tidak terdapat hubungan dengan bentuk lesi p=0,854 .

Multi drug resistant tuberculosis MDR TB is communicable disease which burdened global health due to its difficult treatment and transmission rate. Indonesia is one of the most prevalent MDR TB. There are 2.293 cases registered in 2016. The longer treatment duration and advanced drugs needed give rise to economic burden for the patient. Disease severity represented in various clinical manifestation, as well as bacterial load and lesion form. Both is known to be associated with patients immunity. Former researches have shown a great role of CD4 T lymphocyte in the disease progressivity. However, measuring CD4 T lymphocyte is still beyond Indonesian clinical practice. This study aims to analyze whether the regularly done lymphocyte levels measurement has association with bacterial load and lesion form as disease severity representations. This study uses cross sectional design and 99 subjects from consecutive sampling. Lymphocyte levels, bacterial load, and lesion form was obtained from medical record then analyzed using the chi square. The result show that lymphocyte levels has association with bacterial load p 0.008 but lesion form p 0.854."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eni Iswati
Nama : Eni IswatiProgram Studi : Epidemiologi KomunitasJudul : Hubungan Konversi Kultur Sputum Pada 3 Bulan Pengobatan denganSukses Pengobatan Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis TB MDR diIndonesia Tahun 2014-2015 Analisis data e-TB Manager SubditTuberculosis Kemenkes RI Pembimbing : Prof. dr. Nuning Maria Kiptiyah, M.PH, Dr.PHMulti Drug Resistant Tuberculosis TB MDR adalah tuberkulosis yang resistant terhadapobat anti tuberkulosis paling efektif yaitu isoniazid dan rifampisin. Kemenkes RI 2017 menyebutkan bahwa sukses pengobatan TB resisten obat di Indonesia tahun 2016 sebesar65 dan target sukses pengobatan TB resisten obat tahun 2020 adalah 75 . Salah satufaktor yang berhubungan dengan sukses pengobatan TB MDR adalah konversi kultursputum pada 3 bulan pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuihubungan konversi kultur sputum pada 3 bulan pengobatan dengan sukses pengobatanTB MDR di Indonesia tahun 2014-2015. Desain penelitian ini adalah cohortretrospective. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah kasus TB MDR yang teregistrasi padaaplikasi eTB Manager tahun 2014-2015 yaitu 1.219 kasus. Hasil analisis menunjukkanbahwa variabel riwayat pengobatan TB sebelumnya berinteraksi dengan waktu yaitu padabulan ke-26 sehingga HR pada kasus yang memperoleh hasil pengobatan sebelum 26bulan berbeda dengan HR pada kasus yang memperoleh hasil pengobatan 26 bulan ataulebih. Hasil analisis multivariat dengan cox extended menunjukkan bahwa hubungankonversi kultur sputum pada 3 bulan dengan sukses pengobatan TB MDR memiliki HR4,245 95 CI: 1,347-13,373 setelah dikontrol oleh HIV dan interaksi riwayatpengobatan TB sebelumnya dengan konversi kultur pada 3 bulan pengobatan. Tidakadanya riwayat pengobatan TB menambah efek konversi kultur sputum pada 3 bulansebagai indikator sukses pengobatan TB MDR.Kata kunci:Konversi Kultur, Sukses Pengobatan, TB MDR

Name Eni IswatiStudy Program Epidemiologi KomunitasTitle Association of Sputum Culture Conversion at 3 MonthsTreatment with Success Treatment of Multi Drug ResistantTuberculosis MDR TB in Indonesia in 2014 2015 DataAnalysis of e TB Manager Subdit Tuberculosis Ministry ofHealth of RI Counsellor Prof. dr. Nuning Maria Kiptiyah, M.PH, Dr.PHMulti Drug Resistant Tuberculosis MDR TB is tuberculosis that resistant to the mosteffective anti tubeculosis drugs isoniazid and rifampicin. Kemenkes RI 2017 mentionedthat success treatment of resistant TB in Indonesia in 2016 is 65 and target of successtreatment of resistant TB in 2020 is 75 . One of the factors associated with successfulMDR TB was sputum culture conversion at 3 months of treatment. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the relationship between sputum culture conversion at 3 monthsof treatment with success of MDR TB treatment in Indonesia in 2014 2015. The designof this study was a restrospective cohort. Population in this research is MDR TB casesregistered in e TB Manager application in 2014 2015 that is 1,219 cases. The resultshowed that previous history TB has interaction with time in 26th months so HR in casesthat get outcome before 26 months different with HR in casesthat ger outcome in 26thmonths or more. Multivariate analysis with extended cox showed that association ofsputum culture conversion at 3 months with successful outcome HR 4,245 95 CI 1,347 13,373 after adjusted with HIV and interaction of TB treatment history and cultureconversion at 3 months. The absence of TB treatment history increase sputum cultureconversion effect as indicator success treatment of MDR TB.Key words Culture conversion, success treatment, MDR TB"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Suyanto
"Pendahuluan: Kadar obat yang rendah dalam darah pasien TB paru diduga berhubungan dengan respon pengobatan yang buruk seperti kegagalan konversi sputum mikroskopis, yang merupakan risiko terjadinya kegagalan pengobatan. Namun berbagai penelitian menunjukan hasil kontroversial, sebagian menunjukan terdapat hubungan antara kadar obat dengan konversi sputum akhir intensif, sebagian lagi menunjukan respon terapi yang sama baiknya untuk kadar normal maupun kadar rendah. Faktor yang diduga menyebabkan perbedaan hasil ini adalah perbedaan MIC rifampisin dan isoniazid terhadap Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) pada pasien-pasien TB di setiap wilayah.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan kadar rifampisin dan isoniazid darah dengan konversi, serta hubungan rasio kadar puncak rifampisin dan isoniazid darah terhadap MIC (Cmax/MIC) dengan konversi sputum pasien TB paru di akhir fase intensif.
Metode: Desain penelitian adalah kasus kontrol dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 40 orang, yang terbagi dalam kelompok kasus (tidak konversi, n=20) dan kelompok kontrol (konversi, n=20). Kadar rifampisin dan isoniazid darah diukur pada dua jam setelah minum obat yang merupakan perkiraan kadar puncak rifampisin dan isoniazid, menggunakan metode LC/MS-MS. Data MIC diambil dari 20 isolat kultur MTB sputum pasien TB paru kasus baru di RSP dr. H.A Rotinsulu Bandung menggunakan metode MGIT.
Hasil: Dari 40 pasien didapatkan rerata kadar rifampisin 5,58±2,41 mg/L dengan 36 pasien (90%) diantaranya memiliki kadar puncak di bawah normal. Untuk isoniazid didapatkan median kadar 1,46 (0,40-6,10) mg/L dengan 32 pasien (80%) diantaranya memiliki kadar puncak isoniazid di bawah normal. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan MIC rifampisin 0,25 mg/L dan MIC isoniazid 0,05 mg/L, lebih rendah dibanding kadar kritis masing-masing obat.

Introduction: Low plasma drug concentration in pulmonary TB patients are thought to be associated with poor treatment outcomes such as microscopic sputum conversion failure, which is a risk of treatment failure. However, various studies showed controversial results, some showed that there was an association between drug concentration with sputum conversion at the end of intensive phase, while others showed the same good outcome for normal and low concentrations. Factors thought to cause these controversial in results are the differences in the MIC of rifampicin and isoniazid against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in TB patients in each region. This study aims to determine the association between blood rifampicin and isoniazid concentratiom with sputum conversion, as well as the association between the ratio of peak blood concentration of rifampicin and isoniazid to MIC (Cmax/MIC) with sputum conversion of pulmonary TB patients at the end of the intensive phase.
Methods: The study design was a case-control study with a sample size of 40 subjects, which were divided into a case group (non-conversion, n=20) and a control group (conversion, n=20). The blood concentration of rifampicin and isoniazid were measured two hours after taking the drug which is an estimate of the peak concentrations of rifampicin and isoniazid, using the LC/MS-MS method. MIC data were taken from 20 MTB sputum culture isolates from new cases of pulmonary TB patients at RSP dr. H.A Rotinsulu Bandung using the MGIT method.
Results: Of the 40 patients, the mean concentration of rifampicin was 5.58 ± 2.41 mg/L with 36 patients (90%) of whom had peak concentrations below normal. For isoniazid, the median concentration was 1.46 (0.40-6.10) mg/L with 32 patients (80%) of whom had peak concentration of isoniazid below normal. In this study, the MIC of rifampicin 0.25 mg/L and MIC of isoniazid 0.05 mg/L were lower than the critical concentration of each drug. There was no association between blood rifampicin concentration (OR: 11.18; 95% CI: 0.20-223.00, p= 0.106), blood isoniazid concentration (OR: 3.86; 95% CI: 0.67-22 .22, p= 0.235), and the Cmax/MIC ratio of rifampicin (OR: 0.474; 95% CI: 0.039-5.688, p=1.00) with intensive final sputum conversion. However, there was an association between low concentration of both drugs simultaneously (OR: 6.00; 95% CI: 1.08-33.27, p = 0.028), and the Cmax/MIC ratio of isoniazid (OR: 4.333; 95% CI: 1.150). -16,323, p= 0.027) with sputum conversion at the end of the intensive phase.
Conclusion: There was no association between blood rifampicin concentration, blood isoniazid concentration, and the Cmax/MIC ratio of rifampicin with microscopic sputum conversion at the end of the intensive phase. However, there was an association between low concentration of both drugs and the Cmax/MIC ratio of isoniazid and sputum conversion at the end of the intensive phase.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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