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Ibnu Wibowo
"Pada era globalisasi, persaingan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia antar negara semakin ketat. Pendidikan formal sampai saat ini masih menjadi sarana utama terwujudnya bangsa mandiri yang memiliki daya saing tinggi. Salah satu bentuk dari pendidikan formal adalah universitas. Berhubungan dengan ini, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Creative Self-Efficacy CSE, motivasi intrinsik, dan prestasi akademik pada mahasiswa. Creative self-efficacy memiliki dua dimensi yaitu, Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy CTSE, dan Creative Performance Self-Efficacy CPSE. Pengukuran CSE menggunakan alat ukur Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II Abbot, 2010. Pengukuran motivasi intrinsik menggunakan Academic Motivation Scale khususnya pada dimensi motivasi intrinsik yang dikembangkan oleh Vallerand dan Bissonnette 1992, serta prestasi akademik dilihat melalui indeks prestasi kumulatif IPK pada mahasiswa. Responden penelitian berjumlah 245 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Dari hasil uji statistik Pearson Correlation membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara motivasi intrinsik dan prestasi akademik r=0,199.

In the era of globalization, the competition among countries to improve the quality of its human resource seems to be more competitive. Until now, formal education is still the main source for the realization of an independent nation with high competitiveness. One form of a formal education is university. Correspondingly, this present study was conducted to examine the relationship between creative self efficacy CSE, intrinsic motivation, and academic achievement in college students. There are two dimensions of CSE, which include Creative Thinking Self Efficacy CTSE and Creative Performance Self Efficacy CPSE. To measure CSE, the Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II instrument was used Abbot, 2010. To measure intrinsic motivation, Academic Motivation Scale particularly in the dimension of intrinsic motivation developed by Vallerand dan Bissonnette 1992 was used, and academic achievement was measured using grade point average GPA. The study participants consisted of 245 college students enrolled in Universitas Indonesia. Pearson Correlation analysis revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between intrinsic motivation and academic achievement r 0,199."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brahmanditha Ardian Mahatma
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan self-efficacy dengan prestasi akademik. Kecerdasan emosi adalah kemampuan untuk mengenali perasaan kita sendiri dan perasaan orang lain, memotivasi dan mengelola emosi dengan baik pada diri sendiri dan dalam hubungan dengan orang lain (Goleman, 1999). Self-efficacy merupakan keyakinan yang dimiliki seseorang mengenai kemampuannya untuk mengatur dan melaksanakan tindakan dalam mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu (Bandura, 1997). Menurut KBBI, prestasi akademik adalah hasil pencapaian seseorang yang diperoleh dari kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah atau perguruan tinggi yang biasanya ditunjukan dengan nilai angka atau simbol. Kecerdasan emosi diukur menggunakan Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EII) dan self-efficacy diukur menggunakan College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 178 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia angkatan 2012, 2013, 2014, dan 2015. Data penelitian diolah menggunakan teknik statistik Pearson Correlation & Multiple Correlation.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kecerdasan emosi dan prestasi akademik, self-efficacy dengan prestasi akademik, maupun kecerdasan emosi dan self-efficacy secara bersama-sama mempunyai hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dengan prestasi akademik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan kepada seluruh sivitas akademik terutama psikologi pendidikan, untuk mempertimbangkan aspek kecerdasan emosi dan self-efficacy demi pencapaian prestasi akademik mahasiswa yang lebih baik.

This study aimed to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy with academic achievement. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize our own feelings and the feelings of others, motivating and managing emotions well in ourselves and in relationships with others (Goleman, 1999). Self-efficacy is the belief that one has the ability to organize and carry out actions in achieving a particular goal (Bandura, 1997). According KBBI, academic achievement is the achievement of an individual derived from teaching and learning activities in schools or colleges that usually indicated by the value of numbers or symbols. Emotional intelligence was measured using the Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EII) and self-efficacy was measured using the College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES). This study was conducted on 178 students of the University of Indonesia class of 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. Data were analyzed using statistical techniques Pearson Correlation and Multiple Correlation.
The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement, self-efficacy with academic achievement, as well as emotional intelligence and self-efficacy together have a positive and significant relationship with achievement. The results of this study can be input to all academic faculty primarily educational psychology, to consider aspects of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy for the sake of academic achievement of students better.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvida Syifa Madita
"Self-efficacy perguruan tinggi penting untuk diperhatikan pada masa-masa awal perkuliahan karena menentukan kegigihan dan keberhasilan akademik siswa kedepannya. Kemanjuran diri perguruan tinggi didefinisikan oleh Solberg et al. (1993) sebagai tingkat kepercayaan siswa memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas terkait dengan perkuliahan. Studi ini melihat hubungan antara efikasi diri perguruan tinggi dengan melibatkan welas asih, yaitu wujud kepedulian individu dalam caring dirinya saat dia kurang, membuat kesalahan, gagal, atau mengalami situasi menyakitkan dalam hidup (Neff, 2003). Analisis statistik digunakan adalah korelasi Pearson. Sebanyak 213 siswa berusia 18-21 tahun tahun pertama (perempuan = 157 dan laki-laki = 56) menjadi peserta dalam penelitian ini ini. Belas kasihan diukur menggunakan SCS-26 dan kemanjuran diri perguruan tinggi diukur menggunakan CSEI. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif yang signifikan antara belas kasihan dan efikasi diri perguruan tinggi pada siswa tahun pertama (r (213) = .498, p <.001), sehingga dapat dikatakan semakin tinggi rasa kasih sayang yang dimiliki siswa tahun pertama semakin tinggi kemanjuran diri perguruan tinggi yang dimiliki.

Higher education self-efficacy is important to pay attention to in the early days of lectures because it determines the persistence and academic success of students going forward. College self-efficacy defined by Solberg et al. (1993) as the level of confidence students have the ability to do tasks related to lectures. This study looked at the relationship between college self-efficacy and involving compassion, which is a form of individual care in caring for himself when he is lacking, makes mistakes, fails, or experiences painful situations in life (Neff, 2003). The statistical analysis used was Pearson correlation. A total of 213 students aged 18-21 years of the first year (girls = 157 and boys = 56) participated in this study. Compassion was measured using the SCS-26 and college self-efficacy was measured
using CSEI. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between compassion and college self-efficacy in first-year students (r (213) = .498, p <.001), so it can be said that the higher the feeling of affection that year students have. first, the higher the self-efficacy of the university.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Almalia Rahmadini
"Mahasiswa rentan mengalami stres, tidak terkecuali mahasiswa keperawatan. Stres yang umum dialami oleh mahasiswa keperawatan adalah stres akademik. Stres akademik adalah stres yang berasal dari kegiatan akademik. Stres akademik diakibatkan oleh faktor internal yaitu efikasi diri dan faktor eksternal yaitu dukungan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara efikasi diri dan dukungan sosial dengan stres akademik pada mahasiswa keperawatan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional dengan metode pengambilan sampel stratified random sampling terhadap 246 mahasiswa keperawatan. Instrumen yang digunakan antara lain General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), Multidimensional Scale Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), dan Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PASS). Penelitian ini telah lolos uji etik fakultas dengan nomor registrasi KET-060/UN2.F12.D1.2.1/PPM.00.02/2023. Analisis uji statistik yang digunakan yakni uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan stres akademik (p value = 0,000) serta adanya hubungan antara dukungan sosial dengan stres akademik (p value = 0,000). Institusi keperawatan diharapkan dapat memberikan edukasi serta pelatihan mengenai stres akademik, salah satunya dengan cara memberikan intervensi untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri dan memaksimalkan dukungan sosial yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa keperawatan.

Students are prone to stress, and nursing students are no exception. Stress that is commonly experienced by nursing students is academic stress. Academic stress is stress that comes from academic activities. Academic stress is caused by internal factors, namely self-efficacy and external factors, namely social support. This study aims to identify the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with academic stress in nursing students. This study is a type of quantitative research and uses a cross-sectional research design with a stratified random sampling method of 246 nursing students. The instruments used include the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), Multidimensional Scale Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PASS). This research has passed the faculty ethics test with registration number KET-060/UN2.F12.D1.2.1/PPM.00.02/2023. The statistical test analysis used was the chi-square test. The results showed a relationship between self-efficacy and academic stress (p value = 0.000) and a relationship between social support and academic stress (p value = 0.000). Nursing institutions are expected to provide education and training on academic stress, one of which is by providing interventions to increase self-efficacy and maximize social support owned by nursing students."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabiah Firdausiah
"Sekarang ini perusahaan membutuhkan karyawan dengan perilaku kerja inovatif, oleh karenanya sangat penting untuk mempersiapkan karyawan memiliki perilaku ini sejak mereka masih mahasiswa. Penelitian korelasional ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara efikasi diri kreatif dan perilaku kerja inovatif pada mahasiswa. Efikasi diri kreatif diukur dengan alat ukur yang dibuat oleh Tierney dan Farmer (2002). Perilaku kerja inovatif diukur dengan alat ukur yang dikembangkan oleh Janssen (2000) yang kemudian item-itemnya dimodifikasi agar sesuai dengan keadaan responden yaitu mahasiswa. Responden penelitian yang datanya dapat dianalisa berjumlah 539 mahasiswa jenjang sarjana S1 di Universitas Indonesia dan merupakan mahasiswa yang minimal sedang menempuh semester empat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik statistik Pearson Correlation. Ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara efikasi diri kreatif dan perilaku kerja inovatif pada mahasiswa, r(538) = 0,67, p= 0,00 (p < 0,01, one-tailed). Effect size untuk analisis ini dapat dikatakan termasuk large effect karena r> 0,5. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa semakin tinggi efikasi diri kreatif mahasiswa, maka semakin tinggi pula perilaku kerja inovatif mereka. Hasil ini dari penelitian ini bisa memberikan manfaat yaitu, menambah literatur tentang perilaku kerja inovatif pada mahasiswa dan memberikan masukan kepada pihak kampus untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri kreatif mahasiwanya agar perilaku kerja inovatifnya bisa meningkat pula, dengan mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan program pelatihan.

Nowadays, companies need employees with innovative work behavior. Therefore, it is very important to prepare employees to have this behavior since they are still in college. This correlational research was then conducted to look at the relationship between creative self-efficacy and innovative work behavior among college students. Creative self-efficacy is measured by a measurement by Tierney and Farmer (2002). Innovative work behavior is measured by a measurement by Janssen (2000), the items were modified to correspond with the condition of college students. The data that can be analyzed were from 539 undergraduate students at Universitas Indonesia and were at least taking their fourth semester. This research is a quantitative study, using the Pearson Correlation statistical technique the researcher found that there is a positive and significant relationship between creative self-efficacy and innovative work behavior among college students, r(538) = 0.67, p= 0.00 (p<0.01, one-tailed). The effect size for this analysis can be included as a large effect, because r> 0.5. Thus, it can be said that the higher the students' creative self-efficacy, the higher their innovative work behavior. These results can provide benefits such as adding literature on innovative work behavior among college students and providing input for the universities to improve the students' creative self-efficacy so that their innovative work behavior can also improve, by joining extracurricular activities and training programs."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathurridho Muhtaddin
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran mengenai hubungan antara openness to experience personality trait dan creative self-efficacy CSE pada mahasiswa jurusan musik. Pengukuran openess to experience personality trait menggunakan IPIP NEO-PI-R yang telah diadaptasi oleh Johnson 2014 dan pengukuran CSE menggunakan alat ukur Revised Model of Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy CTSE II and Creative Performance Self-Efficacy CPSE II inventories Abbott, 2010 yang telah diadaptasi oleh Anastiani 2014 . Partisipan pada penelitan ini berjumlah 58 mahasiswa jurusan musik. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan dengan teknik statistik Pearson Correlation, ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara openess to experience personality trait dengan kedua dimensi CSE, yaitu CTSE r = 0,632; p = 0,000, signifikan pada L.o.S 0,000 dan CPSE r = 0,468; p = 0,000, signifikan pada L.o.S 0,000 . Hasil ini mengartikan bahwa semakin tiggi keterbukaan mahasiswa jurusan musik terhadap pengalaman, semakin tinggi pula CSE mereka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan bagi perguruan tinggi jurusan musik untuk semakin mengembangkan metode pembelajaran yang selaras dengan karakteristik openess to experience personality trait dalam upaya meningkatkan CSE mahasiswanya. Penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk memperbanyak jumlah partisipan yang melibatkan perguruan tinggi jurusan musik di seluruh Indonesia, dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih representatif.

This research was conducted to find the correlation between openness to experience personality trait and creative self efficacy CSE among college students who are taking the major of music. Openness to experience personality trait was measured using IPIP NEO PI R adapted by Johnson 2014 and CSE was measured using Revised Model of Creative Thinking Self Efficacy CTSE II and Creative Performance Self Efficacy CPSE II inventories Abbott, 2010 adapted by Anastiani 2014 . Participants of this research were 58 music college students. Based on the conducted analysis using Pearson Correlation statistic technique, this research showed that openness to experience personality trait correlates significantly with both CSE dimensions, CTSE r 0.632 p 0.000, significant at L.o.S 0.000 and CPSE r 0.468 p 0.000, significant at L.o.S 0.000 . This results explained that students with higher openness to experience will have higher CSE. Based on the research result, it suggests that college of music majors to develop more learning method that at the same time corresponds to characteristic of opennes to experience personality trait in terms of improving students CSE. It is suggested for future research to increase number of participants that involve college arround Indonesia, in terms to obtain more representative results."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghea Saraswati Kusuma
"Universitas menjadi wadah untuk dapat mengembangkan diri agar mahasiswa dapat menghasilkan performa akademik yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran antara mindfulness dan academic self-efficacy terhadap performa akademik mahasiswa. Mindfulness diukur menggunakan alat ukur Mindfulness Awareness and Attention Scale MAAS dari Brown dan Ryan 2003 . Academic Self-Efficacy diukur menggunakan alat ukur College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale CASES dari Owen dan Froman 1988. Performa akademik diukur menggunakan skor Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif IPK pada mahasiswa. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 194 Mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perhitungan simple regression dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peran yang positif dan signifikan antara mindfulness R=.160.

University becomes a place for college students to be able to develop themselves in order to produce good academic performance. This study aims to examine the role between mindfulness and academic self efficacy with students academic performance. Instrument used in this study are Mindfulness Awareness and Attention Scale MAAS from Brown and Ryan 2003 and College Academic Self Efficacy Scale CASES from Owen and Froman 1988. Academic performance is measured using the GPA Grade Point Average students score. Participants of this study amounted to 194 undergraduate students from Universitas Indonesia. Simple Regression analysis result, there is positive and significant role between mindfulness R .160.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulinda Dwintasari
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara traits dan creative selfefficacy (CSE) pada guru TK. Traits adalah dimensi dari perbedaan kecenderungan individu untuk menunjukan pola pemikiran, perasaan dan tindakan yang konsisten (McCrae dan Costa, 2003). Sementara itu, CSE merupakan keyakinan yang sementara pada individu mengenai kemampuan dirinya untuk melakukan tugas spesifik tertentu yang membutuhkan produksi solusi-solusi baru, orisinal, atau sesuai.
Pengukuran traits menggunakan alat ukur IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) dan pengukuran CSE menggunakan alat ukur Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy (CTSE) II & Creative Performance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott, 2010) yang telah diadaptasi oleh peneliti. Partisipan berjumlah 112 orang guru TK yang berusia 20-60 tahun.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan negatif signifikan antara trait neuroticism dan CTSE, serta terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara trait extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, dan conscientiousness dengan CTSE dan CPSE. Namun demikian, pada trait neuroticism tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan dengan CPSE. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu dilakukan screening kepribadian ketika perekrutan guru TK. Selain itu, guru TK juga dapat diberi intervensi sejak dini untuk meningkatkan CSE.

This research was conducted to find the correlation between nature traits and creative self-efficacy (CSE) in kindergarten teachers. Traits is dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings and actions (McCrae & Costa, 2003). Meanwhile CSE is an individual's state-like belief in his or her own ability to perform the specific tasks required to produce novel original, or appropiate solutions (Abbott, 2010).
Traits was measured using an adaptation instrumen named IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) and CSE was measured using an adaptation instrument named Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy (CTSE) II & Creative Performance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott, 2010). The respondent of this research are 112 kindergarten teachers.
The results of this research show that trait neuroticism negative correlated significantly with CTSE and the trait extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness positive correlated significantly with CTSE and CPSE. But there is no significant correlation between trait neuroticism and CPSE. Based on these results, kindergarten ought to held a personality screening in teacher's recruitment and give intervention, such as training or seminar to teachers that can increase creative self-efficacy.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abraham Purnomo
"Pengangguran dan pekembangan sistem persaingan organisasi menunjukkan sistem daya saing baru pada level dunia kerja. Kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia yang siap untuk berubah menunjukkan dibutuhkannya individu dengan kesiapan untuk berani memberikan keputusan dan memimpin, setidaknya dimulai dari diri sendiri. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya kepemimpinan dan kesiapan diri pada mahasiswa sebagai salah satu calon sumber daya manusia dalam dunia kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat self-leadership melalui creative self-efficacy CSE mahasiswa. Creative self-efficacy yang didefinisikan sebagai keyakinan individu atas kemampuan dirinya untuk melakukan suatu tugas spesifik dalam menciptakan hal yang baru, orisinil, dan solusi yang sesuai Abbot 2010. Dalam creative self-efficacy terdapat dua dimensi penyusunnya, yaitu creative thinking self-efficacy CTSE dan creative performance self-efficacy CPSE. Self-Leadership didefinisikan sebagai proses dimana individu mengontrol perilaku mereka sendiri, mempengaruhi dan mengarahkan diri mereka melalui penggunaan strategi perilaku dan kognitif. Strategi tersebut disusun oleh dimensi behaviour-focused strategies, natural reward strategies, dan constructive thought pattern strategies. Pengukuran terhadap CSE diukur melalui Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II Inventories yang dikembangkan oleh Abbot 2010, sementara self-leadership diukur melalui Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire yang dikembangkan oleh Houghton dan Neck 2002. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan sampel partisipan yang berada di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia N=146. Analisis statistik pearson correlation menunjukkan hubungan yang positif secara signifikan terdapat pada creative thinking self-efficacy dan self-leadership r = 0,394, p = 0,000, signifikan pada LoS 0,01 dan creative performance self-efficacy dan self-leadership r = 0,561, p = 0,000, signifikan pada LoS 0,01. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa creative self-efficacy yang semakin baik atau tinggi mahasiswa, maka semakin baik atau tinggi juga self-leadership nya. Selain itu, hasil penelitian korelasi terhadap creative self-efficacy dan dimensi self-leadership menunjukkan bahwa constructive pattern though strategies memiliki hubungan terkuat dibandingkan dimensi lainnya.

Unemployment and development of an organization 39s competitive system show a new competitiveness system at the world level of work. The need for ready to change human resources demonstrates the need for an individual with the readiness to dare to make decisions and lead, at least starting with oneself. This shows the importance of leadership and readiness of the students as one of the candidates of human resources in the world of work. This research is conducted to see self leadership through student self efficacy CSE. Creative self efficacy is defined as the individual 39 s belief in his or her ability to perform a specific task in creating the novel, original, and appropriate solutions of Abbot 2010. In creative self efficacy there are two dimensions of the compilers, namely creative thinking self efficacy CTSE and creative performance self efficacy CPSE. Self Leadership is defined as the process by which individuals control their own behavior, influence and direct themselves through the use of behavioral and cognitive strategies. The strategy is structured by the dimensions of behaviour focused strategies, natural reward strategies, and constructive thought patterns strategies. Measurements of CSE were measured through the Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II Inventories developed by Abbot 2010, while self leadership was measured through the Revised Self Leadership Questionnaire developed by Houghton and Neck 2002. This research was conducted with sample of participants who were in University of Indonesia N 146. Pearson correlation statistic analysis showed a positive correlation significantly in creative thinking self efficacy and self leadership r 0,394, p 0,000, significant at LoS 0,01 and creative performance self efficacy and self leadership r 0,561, p 0,000, significant at LoS 0.01. This shows that the creative self efficacy of the better or higher the student, the better or higher also his self leadership. In addition, the results of a correlation study on creative self efficacy and the self leadership dimension show that constructive patterns though strategies have the strongest relationship compared to other dimensions. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Julianti

Berbagai penelitian sebelumnya menyoroti kreatifitas sebagai komponen utama dalam industri kreatif termasuk televisi. Peningkatan kreatifitas telah menjadi kebutuhan perusahaan pada industri ini. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh motivasi baik instrinsik dan ekstrinsik terhadap kinerja kreatif karyawan perusahaan televisi berita dengan moderasi dari creative self efficacy danreward importance. Hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa kedua variabel tersebut tidak memiliki efek moderasi atas pengaruh motivasi ekstrinsik yakni rewardsterhadap creative performance. Sementara motivasi intrinsik memiliki pengaruh yang tinggi terhadap kinerja kreatif individu. Analisa ini memperkaya penelitian sebelumnya yang menyimpulkan moderasi creative self efficacyhanya terjadi terhadap karyawan yang memiliki high creative self efficacy. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 202 karyawan yang berasal dari tujuh perusahaan televisi berita di Indonesia, termasuk kepada karyawan dari divisi business operation dan business strategic. 



Creativity has been a discussion as creative performance being one of the most important matters in creative industry. Companies tries to improve their creativity as it is a necessity especially for those who enggaged in this industry. Despite the pro cons of reward effectiveness, many companies put reward as their tools to enhanced their employees performance. This study focused on the influence of both instrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the creative performance of news television company employees. Creative self efficacy and reward importance placed as the moderating variable of  extrinsic motivation or rewards. Result found that these two variables did not have a moderating effectthe influence of reward for creative performance, meanwhile intrinsic motivation highly influence individual creative performance. This analysis enriches previous research which conclude that the moderation of creative self efficacy only occurs on employees who have high creative self efficacy ( Malik et al., 2015). The study was conducted on 202 employees of 7 news television companies in Indonesia who worked not just a journalist, but also supporting role such as business operation and business strategic. 

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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