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Randy Raharja
Provinsi DKI Jakarta menjadi perhatian nasional dalam upaya pemenuhan perumahan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah akibat adanya program penataan kota. Berbagai cara dilakukan sebagai upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat melalui penyediaan fasilitas fisik dan non fisik. Di sisi lain, pembangunan perumahan rakyat harus memerhatikan kerangka pembangunan berkelanjutan pada rumah susun sederhana. Akan tetapi, dimensi sosial dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan belum banyak diteliti, sehingga penting untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang menyusun konsep keberlanjutan sosial. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang berfungsi dan mampu membangun sumberdaya saat ini hingga masa depan secara mandiri dalam jangka panjang. Penelitian ini meneliti 386 responden pada 14 rumah susun sederhana sewa di DKI Jakarta menggunakan metode analisis faktor. Hasil penelitian menemukan sepuluh faktor penyusun keberlanjutan sosial, yaitu 1 faktor keterjangkauan terhadap sarana publik, 2 faktor kepemilikan dasar di bidang ekonomi, sosial, kesehatan, dan lingkungan, 3 faktor inklusi dan kenyamanan, 4 faktor kualitas perumahan dan bentuk bangunan, 5 faktor wadah revitalisasi sosial, 6 faktor ikatan keluarga dan masyarakat, 7 faktor keamanan dan rasa aman, 8 faktor keterjangkauan perumahan layak huni, 9 partisipasi dalam penentuan kebijakan dan kegiatan masyarakat, dan 10 faktor sarana berekspresi dan kesehatan lingkungan. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembangunan perumahan rakyat yang mengarusutamakan keberlanjutan sosial.

Jakarta has become a national interest as its effort for fulfilling public housing for low income community due to the city 39 s renewal program. The efforts were established to meet the needs of the community through the provision of physical and non physical facilities. On the other hand, the development of public housing must build on a sustainable development framework. However, the social dimension of sustainable development is rarely to examine. Therefore, it rsquo s important to discover the factors of social sustainability to create a long term functioning of the community and afford to build up current resources and the future. This study examines 386 respondents from 14 simple flats in Jakarta and using factor analysis methods. The research finds ten factors, i.e. 1 factor accessibility to public facilities, 2 factor sense in economics, social, health, and environmental ownership, 3 factor inclusion and comfort, 4 factor housing and building quality, 5 factor social revitalization means, 6 factor family and community bonds, 7 factor security and feeling safety, 8 factor affordability of livable housing 9 factor participation in decision making and community activities, 10 factor space for freedom of expression and environmental health. Therefore, this study can be utilized for developing socially sustainable public housing.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurusysyifa Dwi Handayaningsih
"Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan aktivitas perkotaan seiring dengan meningkatnya timbulan limbah padat. Pemerintah DKI Jakarta baru dapat mengolah 1.000 ton per hari limbah padatnya (BPLHD DKI Jakarta, tanpa tahun) dari total 5.598 ton limbah padat per hari (BPS DKI Jakarta, 2012) dimana 51% limbah padat berasal dari rumah tangga (Damanhuri, 2010), termasuk rumah susun sederhana. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif analisis timbulan, komposisi, dan potensi reduksi limbah padat untuk menyusun rekomendasi pengelolaan limbah padat di rumah susun sederhana dengan studi kasus Rumah Susun Sederhana (Rusuna) Harum Tebet dan Rusuna Bendungan Hilir II. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan SNI 19-3964-1994 tentang Metode Pengambilan dan Pengukuran Contoh Timbulan dan Komposisi Sampah Perkotaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata timbulan limbah padat di Rusuna Harum Tebet adalah 0,299 kg/orang/hari dengan volume 2,69 L/orang/hari dan Rusuna Bendungan Hilir II adalah 0,210 kg/orang/hari dengan volume 1,91 L/orang/hari. Komposisi utama limbah padat Rusuna Harum Tebet adalah 76,30% organik, 9,89% plastik, dan 7,06% kertas. Selaras dengan hasil tersebut, komposisi utama limbah padat Rusuna Bendungan Hilir II adalah 66,30% organik, 13,23% plastik, dan 9,14% kertas.
Rekomendasi pengelolaan limbah padat meliputi pewadahan, pengumpulan, pengolahan, dan pengangkutan. Potensi reduksi limbah padat dengan aplikasi rekomendasi pengelolaan limbah padat melalui pengomposan dan daur ulang di Rusuna Harum Tebet adalah sebesar 71,72% sementara di Rusuna Bendungan Hilir II sebesar 65,81%. Potensi reduksi limbah padat yang cukup tinggi di kedua rumah susun dapat menjadi solusi keterbatasan lahan TPST Bantar Gebang. Aplikasi rekomendasi pengelolaan limbah padat tersebut harus didukung dengan tinjauan lebih lanjut mengenai aspek kelembagaan, peraturan, pembiayaan, dan peran serta masyarakat.

The increase of population and urban activity is accompanied by the increase of solid waste generation. Currently, the government of Jakarta can only process 1000 tons/day of its solid waste (the Local Environmental Management Agency of Jakarta (BPLHD), without year) from the total of 5.598 tons (Central Bureau of Statistics of Jakarta (BPS), 2012) in which 51% of the solid waste comes from household (Damanhuri, 2010), including from flats. This research is a quantitative analysis of the generation, composition, and potential of solid waste recycling to make recommendations for the management of solid waste in flats with case study of Harum Tebet Flats and Bendungan Hilir II Flats. Data collection for this research is in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard 19-3964-1994 about the Method for Sample Collection and Measurement of Urban Waste Generation and Composition.
The result of the research shows that the average generation of solid waste in Harum Tebet Flats is 0.299 kg/person/day with volume 2.69 L/person/day and 0.210/kg/person/day in Bendungan Hilir II Flats with volume 1.91 L/ person/day. The main composition of solid waste in Harum Tebet Flats is 76.30% organic waste, 9.89% plastic, and 7.06% paper. Similarly, the solid waste in Bendungan Hilir II Flats is also dominated by organic waste which constitutes 66.30% from the total volume of solid waste followed by 13.23% plastic, and 9.14% paper.
The recommendation for solid waste management includes containing, collection, processing, and transport. The potential of solid waste reduction with the application of the recommendation for solid waste management by composting and recycling in Harum Tebet Flats is 71.72% and 65.81% in Bendungan Hilir II Flats. The high potential of solid waste reduction in both flats can be the solution to the limited land of Bantar Gebang Integrated Garbage Disposal Place (TPST). The application of the recommendation must be supported by further review of institutional aspect, regulations, financing, and community participation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lestari Kurniati
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang pelayanan di Rusunawa Pulo Gebang, Kelurahan Pulo Gebang, Kecamatan Cakung, Jakarta Timur, ditinjau dari prinsip-prinsip good governance. Pelayanan Rusunawa Pulo Gebang dilaksanakan oleh UPRS Wilayah III Dinas Perumahan dan Gedung Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori good governance dalam pelayanan publik dengan pendekatan positivis dan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deksriptif terhadap dimensi-dimensi good governance.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa UPRS Wilayah III belum memenuhi prinsip-prinsip good governance dalam pelayanan publik di Rusunawa Pulo Gebang. UPRS Wilayah III juga mengalami kendala dalam mewujudkan prinsip good governance, yakni tidak adanya sistem elektronik pendukung dalam pelayanan, terutama dalam pelayanan administrasi sehingga menyebabkan penyimpangan di lapangan dan masyarakat mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses informasi mengenai pelayanan di Rusunawa Pulo Gebang. Selain itu, UPRS Wilayah III juga menghadapi kendala kekurangan SDM sebagai pengawas rusunawa, yakni penanggung jawab lokasi (penjalok).

This undergraduate thesis discusses about the services at Rusunawa Pulo Gebang, Kelurahan Pulo Gebang, Kecamatan Cakung, East Jakarta, reviewed by the principles of good governance. Rusunawa Pulo Gebang services performed by UPRS Region III in Agency of Housing and Local Government Buildings of DKI Jakarta Province. This study uses the theory of good governance in the public service with positivist approach and qualitative data collection techniques. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis technique of the dimensions of good governance.
The results of this study indicate that UPRS Region III has not comply the principles of good governance in service in Rusunawa Pulo Gebang. UPRS Region III also has a problem in realizing the principles of good governance, that is the absence of supporting electronic systems in services, especially in administrative services, causing irregularities in the implementation field and many people have difficulty in accessing information about services in Rusunawa Pulo Gebang. In addition, UPRS Region III also faces a lack of human resources as rusunawa supervisors, that is penanggung jawab lokasi (penjalok).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Ananda Bregita
"Jumlah pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkembangan kota yang terus meningkat akan memberikan dampak nyata pada DKI Jakarta. Dampak yang timbul adalah munculnya kawasan kumuh dan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan hunian. Oleh sebab itu, maka pemerintah harus menekankan kebijakan pembangunan perumahan bersubsidi, salah satu bentuk pembangunannya yaitu dalam bentuk rusunawa. Perumnas merupakan BUMN yang menjalankan peran pembangunan dan pengelolaan Rusunawa. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai Analisis Pengelolaan Rusunawa Sindang Koja, Jakarta Utara dengan post-positivist dengan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif yaitu wawancara mendalam, studi literatur, dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa Analisis Pengelolaan Rusunawa Sindang Koja, Jakarta Utara masih memiliki beberapa permasalahan. Hal ini dikarenakan masih terdapatnya beberapa dimensi dari pengelolaan rusunawa yang tidak berjalan dengan baik. Dimensi Administrasi Keuangan, masalah dalam ketersediaan dana yang terbatas dan tidak adanya dana taktis. Dimensi Teknis Sarana dan Prasarana, Perumnas dianggap banyak melakukan pembiaran dalam perawatan dan pemeliharaan. Dimensi Peersewaan, Pemasaran, dan Pembinaan Penghuni juga memiliki masalah dalam hal pembinaan penghuni yang tidak berjalan.

the number of population growth and city development that continues to increase will have a real impact on DKI Jakarta. The impact that arises is the emergence of slums and increased demand for shelter. Therefore, the government must emphasize the policy of subsidized housing development, one form of development that is in the form of low-cost housing. Perumnas is a BUMN that carries out the role of Rusunawa development and management. This thesis discusses Management Analysis of Rusunawa Sindang Koja, North Jakarta with post-positivists with qualitative data collection methods, namely in-depth interviews, literature studies, and documentation.
The results of this study show that the Management Analysis of Rusunawa Sindang Koja, North Jakarta still has several problems. This is because there are still a number of dimensions of the management of low-cost housing that are not going well. Dimensions of Financial Administration, problems in the availability of limited funds and the absence of tactical funds. Technical Dimensions of Facilities and Infrastructure, Perumnas is considered to have done a lot of neglect in care and maintenance. The Dimensions of Rental, Marketing, and Guidance of Residents also have problems in terms of coaching residents who are not runni.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucia Purbarini Soepardi
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada pola mobilitas yang dialami penghuni Rusunawa, seperti: tinggal dimana sebelum tinggal di rumah susun sewa, apakah memiliki rencana pindah dari rumah susun sewa atau cenderung menetap, kemana rencana tujuan pindahnya, faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi keputusan penghuni rumah susun sewa untuk melakukan mobilitas tempat tinggal ditinjau dari aspek demografi, sosial ekonomi, lokasi, fisik bangunan, pengelolaan serta perbedaan karakteristik antara penghuni yang memiliki rencana pindah dengan yang cenderung menetap. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan bantuan software statistik SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) dengan analisis statistik deskriptif tabulasi silang (crosstabs). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan dilengkapi dengan analisis kualitatif atas dasar pengamatan lapangan dan hasil wawancara. Analisis dilakukan dengan merujuk pada pendapat para peneliti tentang mobilitas tempat tinggal dan pendapat beberapa peneliti tentang ekonomi perkotaan, serta pengelolaan aset. Dari analisis terhadap data yang terkumpul dan hasil wawancara disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Secara umum, mobilitas penghuni Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa tidak memiliki pola baik ditinjau dari lokasi daerah asal maupun kecenderungan lokasi tujuan pindah; 2) faktor yang berhubungan dengan keputusan penghuni untuk melakukan mobilitas tempat tinggal, meliputi: status perkawinan, persepsi penghuni tentang hunian sebagai komoditi, ketersediaan fasilitas jalan, harga sewa, keamanan dari tindakan kriminalitas, penanganan terhadap gangguan atau kerusakan unit hunian, dan penanganan terhadap gangguan atau kerusakan benda bersama; 3) perbedaan karakteristik antara penghuni yang cenderung memutuskan pindah dengan yang menetap relatif tidak ada. Perbedaan karakteristik yang menonjol hanya pada persepsi tentang hunian sebagai komoditi. Kendala-kendala yang saya dihadapi adalah: 1) penelitian ini dilakukan di Rusunawa yang dikelola oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dengan biaya operasional yang masih disubsidi dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD). Secara tidak langsung kondisi ini berpengaruh pada psikologis penghuni dalam memberikan informasi yang diperlukan dalam penelitian, sehingga informasi yang diperoleh tidak optimal; 2) mengingat nilai-nilai budaya umumnya masih melekat erat dalam masyarakat Indonesia, maka jika penelitian ini dilengkapi dengan variabel faktor budaya, maka hasilnya akan lebih tajam dalam memberikan komplimasi pada kebijakan pembangunan rusunawa di masa mendatang. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, maka saya menyarankan bahwa sudah saatnya Pemerintah Provinsi Provinsi DKI Jakarta menyediakan perumahan yang bersifat ?transisi? bagi kelompok masyarakat yang berbeda sesuai keterjangkauan, didukung dengan kontrol pengelolaan sesuai aturan yang berlaku. Pengelolaan rumah susun memerlukan mekanisme anggaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan misalnya Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD). Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan BLUD (PPK-BLUD) memberikan fleksibilitas dalam pengelolaan keuangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasional, sehingga diharapkan tidak ada lagi stagnasi pembiayaan yang dapat berdampak pada penurunan nilai fisik Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa sebagai aset Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

This study is focused on mobility pattern of tenant, such as: their prior resident before living in rental low-income housing, their plans to move or to stay permanently, their destination to move, factors affected their mobility from the point of view of demographical aspect, socio-economy, location, building, management and different characteristics between tenants who have plan to move and who tend to stay permanently. This research use quantitative analysis methods and supported by SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) statistical software with crosstabs descriptive statistical analysis. The data is obtained by questionnaire and equipped by qualitative analysis based on field observation and interview result. The analysis is applied by referring to the researchers? opinion about the residential mobility and the researchers? opinion about the urban economy and asset management. Based the analysis to the obtained data and interview result it is concluded that: 1) generally, no have pattern tenants? mobility, based on their original location and their movement tendency location; 2) factors affected to tenants? mobility decisions are marital status, tenant perception about the resident as commodity, road facility, rental price, security toward criminality, handling toward disturbance or damage of flat units, and handling toward disturbance or damage of the public facilities; 3) the different characteristics between tenants who tend to move and the ones who stay permanently on each research location is relatively none. The prominent different characteristic is only on perception about the resident as commodity. The obstacles I have are: 1) this study is observed in rental low-income housing that is managed by Province Government of DKI Jakarta where the operational cost is subsided by Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD). This condition eventually affects to tenant phsycologically in giving information needed for the study, hence the obtained information is not optimum; 2) Considering that their cultural values are generally strictly stuck in Indonesian society, so if this study is complemented by variable of cultural factor, then the result would be accurate in giving the complement to the development policy of rental low-income housing in the future. Based on the study I have, I suggest that it is time for the Province Government of DKI Jakarta to provide resident with ?transitional? characteristic for different society according to their affordable, supported by management control according to the regulation prevailed. Furthermore, rental low-income housing management needs budget mecanism appropriate to necessity, for example Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD). Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan BLUD (PPK-BLUD) give flexibility budget managemet to fulfill their operational needs, so the expectation is no more expense stagnation that can impact to the decrease of rental low-income housing?s physical value as asset of the Government Province of DKI Jakarta."
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zareeva Haiva Assegaf
"Pariwata merupakan sektor penting di Indonesia. Akan tetapi, pariwisata di Indonesia masih belum didukung oleh infrastruktur yang baik, sehingga pariwisata di Indonesia masih belum dapat dikatakan berkelanjutan. Pada penelitian ini, akan dilakukan analisis infrastruktur pariwisata dalam aspek sosial dan lingkungan di daerah Karawang.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui infrastruktur apa yang baik untuk mendukung pariwisata di daerah Karawang menggunakan indikator-indikator infrastruktur pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam aspek sosial dan lingkungan. Metode yang akan digunakan adalah dengan melakukan tinjauan literatur dan studi kasus. Kata kunci: pariwisata, infrastruktur, indikator, berkelanjutan sosial, berkelanjutan lingkungan.

Tourism is an important sector in Indonesia. However, tourism in Indonesia is still not supported by decent infrastructures. Thus, tourism in Indonesia still can rsquo t be said sustainable. This research will analyze tourism infrastructure in the aspect of social and environment in Karawang.
The purpose of this research is to understand which infrastructure that is decent to support a tourism region using the indicators of sustainable tourism infrastructure. The methodologies used in this research are literature review and case study. Keywords tourim, infrastructure, indicator, Karawang, social sustainability, environment sustainability.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Muhadzab
"Rumah susun Angke merupakan perumahan alternative dalam rangka penataan lingkungan permukiman kumuh dan efisiensi lahan yang makin terbatas dan mahal, serta adanya tuntutan kebutuhan perumahan bagi penduduk dalam jumlah besar. Pemberdayaan pemuda yang belum optimal menjadi masalah awal dalam meningkatnya jumlah angka kemiskinan, pengangguran, dan kriminalitas di Jakarta khususnya dirumah susun, hal tersebut menjadi kekuatiran dalam meminimalisir angka kemiskinan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan tehnik wawancara mendalam interview indepth, observasi partisipasi dengan mengumpulkan data baik sekunder maupun primer dan menganalisis data program pemberdayaan pemuda.
Hasil penelitian ini akan lebih mengoptimalkan dalam evaluasi program pemberdayaan pemuda yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan komunitas pemuda, sehingga pemuda akan lebih berdaya dan produktif dalam membangun kreatifitas dan kemandirian dalam menjalankan program. Walaupun belum optimal pemerintah dan komunitas pemuda dalam melakukan evaluasi program pemberdayaan, tetapi evaluasi itu masih dilakukan dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas program kepemudaan.

Angke flat is an alternative housing in manajing the inveronment of the slum area and to make efficient of the land, couse the land get more exfensive as well as the almands of the housing needs of the population in large numbers. Youth empowerment that has not been optimal being a problem at first in the growing number of the poverty, unemployment and crime in Jakarta. Especially at Angke Tambora the flats. It is aconcern in minimizing the number of poverty. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative technique with in depth interviews, observation of participation by collective data both secondary and primary and analyze data on youth empowerment program.
The result of the research will further optimize in evalution the program empowering of youth conducted by government and youth community, so that youth will be more empowered and productive in developing creativity and in dependence in running the program. Although, it not optimal government and youth community in doing evaluation the empowerment program but the evaluation is still being done in aneffort to emprove the quality of the youth program.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadhli Tenrigangka
"Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas dari kima di Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu pada zona inti dan zona perlindungan meliputi kelimpahan kima, keanekaragaman kima, keseragaman kima dan dominansi kima, dan menganalisis perilaku sosial masyarakat terhadap kima di zona inti dan perlindungan. Pengambilan data kondisi habitat kima dilakukan pada 5 lokasi, yaitu Pulau Jagung, Belanda, Kayu Angin Bira, Nyamplung dan Penajliran Barat. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode bell transect dengan modifikasi under water visual census (UVC). Penilaian kondisi habitat mengacu pada parameter salinitas, kecerahan, derajat keasaman dan suhu. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa perairan zona inti dan perlindungan pada 5 lokasi tersebut terdapat 2 jenis kima, yaitu Tridacna squamosa dan Tridacna crocea. Secara keseluruhan pada lokasi pengamatan memiliki nilai keanekaragaman, kelimpahan dan keseragaman yang rendah. Dominasi Tridacna crocea memiliki nilai yang tinggi dan pada Tridacna squamosa memiliki nilai dominansi yang rendah. Pengambilan data sosial perilaku masyarakat di TNKpS dilakukan dengan metode wawancara mendalam dengan Teknik snowball sampling pada masyarakat TNKpS. Hasil dari analisis perilaku sosial masyarakat TNKpS menunjukan bahwa Tridacna squamosa masih diburu untuk diambil dagingnya untuk dikonsumsi terutama pada hari raya lebaran. Rekomendasi yang diberikan bagi Pengelola Kawasan adalah pembentukan daerah konservasi kima yang lebih terfokus pada zona inti dan perlindungan berdasarkan struktur komunitas dari kima.

This research was conducted to determine the community structure of giant clams in the Thousand Islands National Park in the core zone and protection zone including giant clam abundance, giant clam diversity, giant clam uniformity and clam dominance, and analyze the social behavior of the community towards giant clams in the core and protection zones. Data collection on clam habitat conditions was carried out at 5 locations, namely Corn Island, The Netherlands, Kayu Angin Bira, Nyamplung and West Penajliran. Data retrieval using the bell transect method with modified under water visual census (UVC). Assessment of habitat conditions refers to the parameters of salinity, brightness, acidity and temperature. The results showed that the waters of the core and protection zones at the 5 locations contained 2 types of clams, namely Tridacna squamosa and Tridacna crocea. Overall, the observation sites have low diversity, abundance and uniformity values. The dominance of Tridacna crocea has a high value and that of Tridacna squamosa has a low dominance value. Social behavior data collection in TNKpS was carried out by in-depth interview method with snowball sampling technique in TNKpS community. The results of the analysis of the social behavior of the TNKpS community show that Tridacna squamosa is still being hunted for its meat for consumption, especially on Eid holidays. The recommendation given to the Area Manager is the establishment of a clam conservation area that is more focused on the core zone and protection based on the community structure of the clam."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"An Analysis on the Quality Service of The Management of the Multiple-floored Low-Priced Housings (Case Study of the Multiple-floored Low-priced Housing at the Karang Anyar Village, Sawah Besar Sub District, of Central Jakarta District, in the Province of the Jakarta Capital City)The village Karang Anyar is one of many slum areas found in the Central Jakarta District. But not categorized as illegal housings, since the area has been inhabited for decades and passed on trough some generations, furthermore in the land with once was set in fire that devastate all the housings on it, many of the people living there are already granted with Certificate for the land they occupied.
The Development of the Multiple-floored Low-priced Housing provided by the Local Government of the Capital City of Jakarta is part of it's service to the public, in order to meet the need for homes for city inhabitants. It is expected that the management of the multiple-floored housings to provide good service quality for the satisfaction the occupants of the multiple-floored housings.
Service represents the implementation of the policy with has been formulated by the policy maker in this case, The Capital City of Jakarta Housing Agency. The service quality referred to including facility service implementation at the Multiple-floored Low-priced Housings at the Karang Anyar village, from unsatisfied up to extremely unsatisfied.
The above mentioned matter is due to the lack of personnel to undertake the task on the field as the Person In charge on the location, as will as the inadequate operational cost allocated for the maintenance of the Multiple-floored Low-priced housings, which is caused by the collected can not cover the operational cost need.
This research is finding out whether there is correlation or gap between the inhabitant's perception and expectation on the service quality of Multiple-floored housings management as well as the level of quality service implementation which is provided by the management of the Karang Anyar's Multiple-floored Low-priced housings.
This research is a descriptive analysis and a case study based, the analysis is performed quantitatively, which can describe clearly factors of the Multiple-floored housings services. The Quantitative analysis is used due to the inclusion of research variables which is aimed at resolving the existing current problem.
In this research the respondents are taken from some of the inhabitants of the Multiple-floored Housings involving 150 family heads out of totally 360 family heads occupied the housings.
The data collection method used in this research is the questionnaire method in the form of questions list addressed directly at the inhabitants of the Multiple-floored housing based o the accidental sampling technique for those taken as respondent in this research.
This kind of Data collection technique is applied to collect main data which '?ill be used to evaluate/answer questions in this research, besides by using study case . Since the case study method has variations can be either simple or even' complex . This case study can be implemented in one or more places at the same time.
The outcome of this research reveals description of gap between perceptions and expectations of the occupants against the level of service provided by the management of the Karang Anyar Multiple-floored Low-priced Housings. The highest gap level figure is earned at the reliability dimension measurement reading - 2.48 with satisfaction level scores 42 %. the inhabitants fail to be satisfied according to their expectations. While the occupants satisfaction level from all dimensions (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) stand at 47 °/o with gap level of -2.21. therefore there is a gap between perception and expectation of the inhabitants of the Multiple-floored Low-priced housings of 53%. Therefore an improvement is obviously needed on all dimension of quality service, in order to meet the expectations of the inhabitants as the user of the service provided.
Bibliography 60 books ( year 1973 - 2003 )"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sahrika Kosasih
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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