"he study on the community structure of bamboo was done at sub district
Srumbung Magelang Central Java Province. This study has been held on October
2010. Fourty plots have been made at sub district Srumbung. The research was done
by using purposive sampling technique. From this study, it is shown that were 51
species of bamboo and non bamboo. There are 10 species of bamboo found in these
plots. The highest frequency of bamboo Gigantochloa apus (0,5). The highest
density is also Gigantochloa apus (2567,5 culm/ha) but Dendrocalamus asper (137,5
clump/ha). The highest density based on clump/ha is Gigantochloa apus (0,320
culm/ha) and Dendrocalamus asper (0,222 clump/ha). When the important value was
calculated for clump/ha. The highest dominance is Gigantochloa apus (0,019
culm/ha), and Dendrocalamus asper (0,016 clump/ha). When the dominancy was
calculated based on clump/ha. The diversity index showed a low diversity when
calculated for culm/ha. The dispersal of bamboo culm and clump is colony and
aggregate. The highest culm diameter is Dendrocalamus asper. The highest clump
diameter is Gigantochloa atter."