"Pendahuluan: Mahasiswa kedokteran klinik mengalami banyak tantangan selama studinya yang membuat mereka rentan mengalami burnout. Burnout adalah keadaan kelelahan fisik, emosional dan mental karena keterlibatan jangka panjang dalam situasi yang menuntut. Di antara faktor-faktor yang dapat berkontribusi pada pengembangan burnout, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jenis kelamin, tahun pendidikan klinik, dan kepribadian dengan burnout pada mahasiswa klinis Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang pada 187 mahasiswa klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Kepribadian akan dinilai oleh kuesioner Big Five Inventory (BFI) dan burnout akan dideteksi oleh kuesioner Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). Data yang terkumpul akan dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 24. Hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan tahun pendidikan klinik dianalisis menggunakan Independent T-Test dan hubungan antara kepribadian dengan burnout dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil: Prevalensi burnout Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia mencapai 30,5%, dengan skor lebih tinggi pada perempuan (44,08 ± 13,47) dibandingkan laki-laki (39,20 ± 15,55) dan lebih tinggi pada mahasiswa tahun pertama (44,11 ± 14,03) dibandingkan tahun kedua. mahasiswa klinis (39,90 ± 14,82). Terdapat korelasi positif yang tinggi antara neuroticism dengan burnout (r = 0,61, p = 0,00), korelasi negatif yang rendah antara conscientiousness dengan burnout (r = -0,358, p = 0,00), korelasi negatif yang rendah antara extraversion (r = - 0,223, p = 0,003), dan korelasi negatif yang sangat rendah antara agreeableness dengan burnout (r = -0,175, p = 0,017). Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi: Pada penelitian ini ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin, tahun pendidikan klinik, dan kepribadian (neuroticism, conscientiousness, extraversion, dan agreeableness). Oleh karena itu, kelompok rentan burnout pada mahasiswa kedokteran klinik dap
Introduction: Clinical medical student experienced many challenges during their studies which made them prone to experience to burnout. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion due to long term involvement in demanding situations. Among the factors that may contribute to the burnout development, this study is aiming to know the association between gender, clinical year, and personality with burnout in clinical students of Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. Method: This is a cross-sectional study among 187 clinical student of Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. Personality will be assessed by Big Five Inventory (BFI) questionnaire and burnout will be detected by Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). The collected data will be analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciencess (SPSS) version 24. Association between gender and clinical year were analyzed using Independent T-Test and association between personality and burnout were analyzed using Spearman’s correlation test. Results: The burnout prevalence of Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia reach 30.5%, with higher score in female (44.08 ± 13.47) compared to male (39.20 ± 15.55) and higher in first clinical year students (44.11 ± 14.03) compared to second year clinical student. (39.90 ± 14.82). There is a high positive correlation between neuroticism with burnout (r = 0.61, p = 0.00), a low negative correlation between conscientiousness with burnout(r = -0.358, p = 0.00), a low negative correlation between and extraversion with burnout (r = -0.223, p = 0.003), and a very low negative correlation between agreeableness with burnout (r = -0.175, p = 0.017). Conclusion and Recommendation: This study revealed a significant correlation between gender, clinical year, and personality (neuroticism, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness). Hence, vulnerable groups of clinical medical student can be detected and given more attention. Stress management and clinical year preparation materials could also be given to the students before entering clinical year, so they are more prepared mentally. Further research regarding job-related burnout in clinical year medical student can be established to explore the situational factors of burnout"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022