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Ditemukan 167749 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Prayitno Ramelan
Jakarta: Grasindo, 2017
363.325 PRA a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Abimanyu
Jakarta: Grafindo Khazanah Ilmu, 2005
303.625 Abi t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Poltak Partogi, 1963-
Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2017
363.32 NAI a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Belum hilang dari ingatan kita saat terbongkarnya pablik ekstasi dan sabu terbesar ketiga di dunia di daerah Cikande, Serang, Banten pada 11 Nopember 2005 yang lalu, kemudian pada tanggal 27 Januari 2006 aparat kembali menemukan pabrik sejenis yang jaraknya hanya sekitar 5 km dari lokasi semula. Lokasi tersebut berada di kampung Citawa, Ds Kibin, Kecamatan Kabin, Serang Banten. ...."
IKI 2:12 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rully Chairul Azwar
"UNDANG-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 memberi kedudukan dan peranan sangat penting bagi partai politik, utamanya dalam rekruitmen pejabat eksekutif dan legislatif. Sayangnya, secara internal kondisi partai politik sebagai infrastruktur politik dinilai belum sepenuhnya berhasil menjalankan fungsi-fungsi idealnya sehingga output dalam bentuk suprastuktur politik (Presiden dan DPR) juga dianggap kurang memuaskan. Ditengarai, disfungsionalitas itu disebabkan partai di Indonesia saat ini tengah digerogoti dua macam “virus”. Pertama, “virus” oligarki dimana partai secara internal dikelola dan dikuasai oleh segelintir elit penguasa modal yang memiliki tujuan-tujuan politik pragmatis jangka pendek. Kedua, sebagai akibat yang pertama, dalam perilaku eksternalnya, partai terjangkiti “virus” “politik kartel” dimana partai-partai berperilaku layaknya sebuah kartel yang bergabung secara kolektif dalam satu kelompok dengan tujuan pragmatis menjaga kelangsungan hidup partai lewat perburuan rente (rentseeking) sumber-sumber keuangan negara. Jika kedua “virus” Parpol ini dibiarkan, akibatnya tidak saja membahayakan nasib Parpol itu sendiri namun juga sistem demokrasi secara keseluruhan. Diperlukan semacam “vaksin” yaitu aturan kepartaian dan Pemilu yang bisa mengantisipasi penyakit yang ditimbulkan dua “virus” ini."
Jakarta: Lembaga Pangkajian MPR RI, 2017
342 JKTN 005 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Poltak Partogi, 1963-
"Sebagai poros maritim dan negara kepulauan yang strategis dari perspektif geopolitik, Indonesia telah menetapkan tiga jalur ALKI untuk lintas damai pelajaran International, yang dijamin keberadaannya oleh hukum International. Hasil penelitian mengungkap beberapa tipe ancaman keamanan terkini yang cukup kompleks yang dihadapi Indonesia sebagai sebuah negara kepulauan dan juga maritim, yang datang dari meningkatnya ketegangan dan ekkalasi konflik di laut China Selatan, serta terorisme global, intervensi asing, dan beragam kejahatan transnasional"
Sekretariat Jenderal Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat RI, {s.a.}
324 KAJ 20:3 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perang telah mengalami revolusi dari zaman ke zaman akibat perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, serta menimbulkan ancaman terhadap keamanan nasional suatu bangsa. Salah satu bentuk evolusi perang di era modern saat ini adalah cyber war dimana skala ancaman tidak hanya ditargetkan pada sistem komputer semata namun dapat menargetkan infrastruktur kritis dalam suatu negara. Oleh sebab itu, untuk menanggapi ancaman cyber maka suatu negara membutuhkan pengelolaan keamanan cyber melalui regulasi kebijakan di bidang cyber security and cyber defense. Dalam konteks ini, Indonesia sebagai slaah satu negara dengan tingkat populasi dan pengguna internet terbesar di dunia akan membutuhkan pertahanan dan keamanan cyber baik dari segi regulasi maupun badan khususyang menangani permasalahan cyber. Dengan demikian, kebutuhan pengelolaan keamanan cyber sangat penting dan Indonesia juga perlu belajar dari pengalaman beberapa negara di dunia yang telah menerapkan kebijakan terkait keamanan cyber. Disamping itu, Indonesia juga membutuhkan kerjsama internasional di bidang cyber diplomacy dalam rangka mengatasi berbagai kemungkinan datangnya ancaman cyber."
DIPLU 7:4 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1987
333.7 STA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Setiawan
"Measles immunization has been introduced since 1960, thereby markedly reducing the number of cases in developed countries. However, measles epidemics still occur even in developed countries. In the United States, in 1988-1992 an increase in the number of measles cases reaching 50,000 cases was reported. Some of these cases occurred in previously immunized patients. This was thought to be caused by genetic mutation of the measles virus, aside from weaknesses of the vaccine and low immunization coverage.
Since measles immunization was employed in Indonesia, the number of measles patients has decreased. However, epidemics are still frequently reported. About 15-30% of reported cases occurred in those previously immunized, raising the question of whether a genetic difference exists between the wild-type measles virus circulating in Indonesia and the vaccine virus being used. Such a difference may lead to the differences in the antigenicity of the wild-type and vaccine viruses, rendering the resulting antibody incapable of neutralizing the wild-type viruses. Based on the above, this study is aimed to demonstrate the extent of genetic and antigenic differences between the wild-type and vaccine measles viruses.
We conducted an experimental laboratory study to sequence the N, H, and F genes of the wild-type measles viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 vaccine virus. To show antigenic differences, the wild-type viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 and Schwarz viruses were injected to BALB/c mice. Serum antibodies of the mice were analyzed using ELISA, cross-neutralization test, and immunoblotting using antigens from the respective viruses.
Results of this study showed that the wild-type and the vaccine viruses differ in the sequence of the N gene by 73-79 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 17-24 residues; the H gene by 60-99 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 13-29 residues; the F gene by 71-88 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 4-3 I residues. Differences between the wild-type and the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses were also found in the epitope site of the CTL and antibodies, which are important to virus antigenicity.
We conclude that a significant difference in antigenicity exists between the wild-type measles viruses circulating in Indonesia with the CAM-70 measles virus. We also found the immunogenicity of the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses to be lower than that of the wild-type viruses."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Setiawan
"Measles immunization has been introduced since 1960, thereby markedly reducing the number of cases in developed countries. However, measles epidemics still occur even in developed countries. In the United States, in 1988-1992 an increase in the number of measles cases reaching 50,000 cases was reported. Some of these cases occurred in previously immunized patients. This was thought to be caused by genetic mutation of the measles virus, aside from weaknesses of the vaccine and low immunization coverage.
Since measles immunization was employed in Indonesia, the number of measles patients has decreased. However, epidemics are still frequently reported. About 15-30% of reported cases occurred in those previously immunized, raising the question of whether a genetic difference exists between the wild-type measles virus circulating in Indonesia and the vaccine virus being used. Such a difference may lead to the differences in the antigenicity of the wild-type and vaccine viruses, rendering the resulting antibody incapable of neutralizing the wild-type viruses. Based on the above, this study is aimed to demonstrate the extent of genetic and antigenic differences between the wild-type and vaccine measles viruses.
We conducted an experimental laboratory study to sequence the N, H, and F genes of the wild-type measles viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 vaccine virus. To show antigenic differences, the wild-type viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 and Schwarz viruses were injected to BALB/c mice. Serum antibodies of the mice were analyzed using ELISA, cross-neutralization test, and immunoblotting using antigens from the respective viruses.
Results of this study showed that the wild-type and the vaccine viruses differ in the sequence of the N gene by 73-79 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 17-24 residues; the H gene by 60-99 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 13-29 residues; the F gene by 71-88 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 4-3 I residues. Differences between the wild-type and the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses were also found in the epitope site of the CTL and antibodies, which are important to virus antigenicity.
We conclude that a significant difference in antigenicity exists between the wild-type measles viruses circulating in Indonesia with the CAM-70 measles virus. We also found the immunogenicity of the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses to be lower than that of the wild-type viruses."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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