"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai SIP Elektronik di Puskesmas Cipayung Kota Depok dan Puskesmas Tebet Jakarta Selatan. Kehadiran SIP Elektronik belum sesuai harapan karena masih mengalami beberapa kendala, seperti: pengolahan dan pengumpulan data belum terpusat ke dalam SIP, adanya aplikasi kesehatan lain yang belum terintegrasi dengan SIP membuat petugas kesehatan harus bekerja dua kali. Selain itu, gangguan jaringan internet menjadi kendala dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari gambaran dan faktor-faktor yang menjadi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan SIP Elektronik dilihat dari aspek manusia, organisasi, dan teknologi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian campuran yaitu penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam, studi dokumen, dan kuesioner.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa kesamaan pada kedua wilayah puskesmas yaitu keduanya belum bisa offline dan masih membutuhkan jaringan internet, belum terintegrasi dengan aplikasi kesehatan lain di puskesmas, menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan platform berupa open source, dan memiliki konten dua versi yaitu berbasis web dan android. Pemahaman pengguna SIP elektronik lebih banyak pada implementasi aplikasi dibandingkan dengan komputer beserta perlengkapannya. Adanya tugas lain yang bukan menjadi tugas utama mengakibatkan penambahan beban kerja pada petugas. Fitur pada SIP elektronik juga belum memenuhi kebutuhan, masih ditemukan Bug dan belum seluruh penyajian data secara elektronik, seperti data Register Kohort dan Asuhan Keperawatan.
This study discusses the Information System of Electronic-Based Public Health Center at the Cipayung Health Center in Depok City and Tebet Health Center in South Jakarta. The presence of Information System of Electronic-Based Public Health Center has not been as expected because it is still experiencing some obstacles, such as: data processing and collection has not been centralized into Information System of Public Health Center, other health applications that have not been integrated with Information System of Public Health Center have made health workers work twice. Moreover, internet network disruption is an obstacle in providing health services. This study aims to learn the images and factors that become obstacles in the implementation of Information System of Electronic-Based Public Health Center in terms of human, organizational, and technological aspects. The research method uses a mixed research approach that is qualitative research and quantitative research. Data collection by observation, in-depth interviews, document studies, and questionnaires. The results showed several similarities between Public Health Center, both of which cannot yet be offline and still need internet network, have not been integrated with other health applications in the Public Health Center, use the PHP programming language and open source platform, and have two versions of content, web-based and android. The comprehension of Information System of Electronic-Based Public Health Center on users is more in application implementation compared to computers and their equipment. Other tasks that are not the main task result in additional workload on the officer. The features of the Information System of Electronic-Based Public Health Center also do not meet the needs, still found bugs and not all the electronic data presentation, such as the Register of Cohort and Nursing Care."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020