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Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 2017
615.892 AKU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Newanda Mochtar
Latar belakang:Migren adalah serangan nyeri kepala primer, bersifat spesifik,
paroksismal, dengan atau tanpa aura, dengan manifestasi subjektif baik sebelum
maupun sesudah serangan, merupakan nyeri kepala tipe kronik dengan gejala rekurensi,
menyerang usia produktif dan dapat menyebabkan penurunan produktivitas kerja hingga
80%, sehingga akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup dan kehidupan perekonomian dan
pendidikan secara global yang mengarah kepada kerugian bagi penderita migren dan
institusi tempat penderita migren bersekolah ,bekerja serta dalam kehidupan keluarga
penderita. Dengan tingginya angka prevalensi dan disabilitas pada penderita migren,
dilain pihak sampai saat ini pengobatan yang tepat terhadap migren belum didapatkan
secara maksimal maka diperlukan pendalaman dalam pengobatan maupun pencegahan
migren sangat dibutuhkan., dan sampai saat ini belum didapatkan obat yang pasti, baik
terhadap pencegahan dan pengobatan, sehingga perlu dikembangkan terapi yang dapat
memberikan pertolongan yang lebih akurat pada penderita migren
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai keberhasilan dalam penatalaksanaan migren dalam
mengurangi frekuensi serangan, mengurangi intensitas serangan dan mengurangi durasi
serangan dari minggu ke-0,ke-4 hingga ke-8. Metode: Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal
dengan kontrol dilakukan terhadap 34 subjek dengan migren yang dialokasikan secara
acak kedalam kelompok manual akupunktur (n=17), serta kelompok medikamentosa
(n=17). Penilaian menilai frekuensi, durasi dan intensitas serangan migren yang dinilai
pada saat sebelum perlakuan, minggu ke-4 dan minggu ke-8 dari baseline. Hasil: Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok pada
rerata jumlah frekuensi (p=0,040), durasi (p=0,012) dan intensitas (p=0,003) serangan
migren pada minggu ke-4 dibandingkan dengan medikamentosa. Serata terdapat
perbedaan yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok pada rerata jumlah jumlah frekuensi
(p=0,029), durasi (p=0,001) dan intensitas (p<0,001) serangan migren pada minggu ke-
8. Kesimpulan: Intervensi akupunktur manual dapat menurunkan frekuensi, durasi dan
intensitas serangan migren lebih baik dibandingkan dengan preventif farmakologi asam
valproat pada minggu ke-4 dan minggu ke-8.

Migraine is a primary headache attack, specific, paroxysmal, with or without aura, with subjective manifestations both before and after the attack, a chronic
type of headache with symptoms of recurrence, attacks at productive age and can cause a decrease in work productivity up to 80%, so that it will affect the quality of life, economic life and education globally which leads to losses for migraine sufferers and
institutions where migraine sufferers attend school, work and in the lives of sufferers
families. With the high prevalence and disability rates for migraine sufferers, on the
other hand, the right treatment for migraine has not yet been obtained to the maximum,
it is necessary to deepen the treatment and prevention of migraine is needed, and until
now there has been no definitive cure, both for prevention and treatment, so it is
necessary to develop therapies that can provide more accurate relief for migraine
sufferers. The purpose of this study is to assess the success in managing migraine in
reducing the frequency of attacks, reducing the intensity of attacks and reducing the
duration of attacks from weeks 0, 4 to 8. Methods: A randomized controlled trial with
control was conducted on 34 subjects with migraine who were randomly allocated into
the manual group of acupuncture (n = 17), as well as the medicine group (n = 17). The
assessment of frequency, duration and intensity of migraine attacks assessed at the time
before treatment, at the fourth and eight week from baseline. Results: The results
showed there were significant differences between the two groups in the mean number
of frequencies (p = 0.040), duration (p = 0.012) and intensity (p = 0.003) of migraine
attacks at the fourth week. There were significant differences between the two groups in
the average number of frequencies (p= 0.029), duration (p=0.001) and intensity
(p<0.001) of migraine attacks at the eight week. Conclusion: Manual acupuncture
interventions can reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of migraine attacks
better than the use of valproic acid in the fourth and eight week."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nila Marwiyah
Nyeri dan kecemasan merupakan hal yang normal ketika ibu menghadapi
persalinan, namun jika mengalami nyeri dan kecemasan yang berlebihan akan
menimbulkan komplikasi selama proses persalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh paket Touching, Massage, Acupressure (T.M.A) oleh
keluarga terhadap nyeri persalinan dan proses persalinan. Penelitian ini
merupakan operasional research. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 94 ibu hamil yang
dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 47 orang sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 47
kelompok kontrol yang diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling.
Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner FPRS, FAS, lembar observasi proses
persalinan dan wawancara. Hasil wawancara keluarga mengatakan bahwa
pengetahuan keluarga bertambah dan adanya manfaat setelah penerapan paket
T.M.A. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan Chi Square menunjukan bahwa
ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada proses persalinan (power, p=0,028);
passanger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048; psikologis p=0,000)
dan nyeri persalinan (p=0,003) antara kedua kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Hal
ini menunjukan bahwa pendampingan keluarga dengan menggunakan paket
T.M.A berpengaruh terhadap proses persalinan dan nyeri persalinan. Paket T.M.A
diharapkan menjadi intervensi non farmakologis dalam keperawatan untuk
menurunkan nyeri dan kecemasan pada ibu bersalin.

Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal.;Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal.;Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal., Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edith Anggina
Detrusor underactivity DU adalah berkurangnya kekuatan dan/atau durasi kontraksi yang mengakibatkan pengosongan kandung kemih yang memanjang atau inkomplit. Sebanyak enam pasien dengan diagnosis DU diinklusikan dalam penelitian ini. Akupunktur tanam benang dilakukan dengan menggunakan polydioxanone PDO yang ditusukkan di titik akupunktur BL33 dan CV3 dengan teknik penetrating needling. Akupunktur tanam benang dilakukan sebanyak satu kali. Transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation TTNS dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali seminggu selama 4 minggu. Hasilnya penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara rerata volume berkemih sebelum 72,00 70,48 dan setelah 158,17 139,58 akupunktur tanam benang dan TTNS, p = 0,115, namun didapatkan peningkatan dengan rerata 86,17 110,80. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara nilai PVR sebelum 164,00 173,69 dan setelah 74,83 126,28 terapi, p = 0,151, namun didapatkan penurunan sebesar 89,17 129,07. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara rerata Qmax sebelum 4,12 3,28 dan setelah 12,35 9,20 , p = 0,085, namun didapatkan peningkatan sebesar 8,23 9,41. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara skor kualitas hidup sebelum dan setelah terapi dengan p = 0,017. Kesimpulan : akupunktur tanam benang dan TTNS dapat meningkatkan volume berkemih, menurunkan PVR, dan meningkatkan Qmax penderita DU, dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas hidup penderita DU secara signifikan. ABSTRACT
Detrusor underactivity DU is a contraction of reduced strength and/or duration resulting in prolonged and/or incomplete bladder emptying. A total of six DU patients were included in this research. We did thread-embedding acupuncture by inserting polydioxanone PDO into BL33 and CV3 acupuncture points with penetrating needling techniques. Thread-embedding acupuncture was given once. Transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation TTNS was given 3 times in a week during 4 weeks. The results showed no significant differences between before and after treatment on voided volume 72,00 70,48 and 158,17 139,58 , p = 0,115, but there was improvement with mean 86,17 110,80. There was no significant difference between before and after treatment on PVR 164,00 173,69 and 74,83 126,28 , p = 0,151, but there was improvement with mean 89,17 129,07. There was no significant difference between before and after treatment on Qmax 4,12 3,28 and 12,35 9,20 , p = 0,085, but there was improvement with mean 8,23 9,41. There was significant difference between before and after treatment on quality of life scoring with p = 0,017. Conclusion : thread embedding acupuncture and TTNS increase voided volume, and Qmax, decrease PVR, improve quality of life in in detrusor underactivity patients significantly "
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UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Aniela Bintoro
"Pendahuluan: Salah satu efek samping kemoterapi yang paling sering terjadi dan meresahkan pada pasien anak adalah Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). Akupunktur merupakan suatu pendekatan non farmakologi yang telah terbukti dapat menurunkan gejala CINV. Namun, aplikasi pada anak sering kali terkendala rasa takut akan jarum. Salah satu modalitas yang minimal invasif dan dapat diaplikasikan pada anak adalah press needle. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai efektivitas akupunktur press needle dalam mengurangi gejala CINV yang dinilai berdasarkan skor Rhodes index of nausea, vomiting, and retching (RINVR) pada pasien kanker anak yang menjalani kemoterapi.
Metode: Desain studi ini adalah uji klinis acak terkontrol tunggal dengan kontrol sham. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 60 pasien kanker anak yang menjalani kemoterapi. Subjek penelitian dialokasikan secara acak ke dalam kelompok perlakuan (n=30) dan kontrol (n=30). Pada kelompok perlakuan dilakukan pemasangan press needle pada titik PC6 Neiguan dan ST36 Zusanli, dilanjutkan dengan perangsangan akupresur minimal 3 kali sehari, sementara pasien pada kelompok kontrol mendapatkan press needle sham Plesterin® tanpa diikuti perangsangan apapun. Selama penelitian seluruh subjek tetap mendapatkan terapi anti emetik standar. Pemasangan press needle dilakukan sebelum kemoterapi dan dipertahankan hingga 3 hari pasca kemoterapi. Evaluasi mual muntah dilakukan setiap hari hingga 6 hari pasca kemoterapi menggunakan kuesioner Rhodes index of nausea, vomiting, and retching.
Hasil: Terjadi penurunan skor RINVR yang signifikan antara hari kemoterapi dengan 3 hari pasca kemoterapi pada kelompok perlakuan ( p = 0,005 ). Skor RINVR pada hari pemberian kemoterapi, 3 hari dan 6 hari pasca kemoterapi pada kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok kontrol, namun perbedaan kedua kelompok tidak berbeda bermakna (p = 0,525, p = 0,506, p = 0,284).
Kesimpulan: Akupunktur press needle mampu menurunkan skor RINVR pada pasien anak yang menjalani kemoterapi dan dapat diaplikasikan pada pasien anak karena efek sampingnya yang minimal, namun perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui waktu terapi yang sesuai.

Background: Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are the most prevalent yet disturbing side effects of chemotherapy. Acupuncture is a non-pharmalogical approach that has been shown to reduce CINV symptoms. However, acupuncture in children is often constrained by a fear of acupuncture needles. Press needle is minimally invasive modalities that might be applied. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of press needle acupuncture in reducing CINV according to Rhodes index of nausea, vomiting, and retching (RINVR) score in pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Method: The study design was a single randomized controlled trial with sham control. A total of 60 subjects were randomly allocated into treatment ( n = 30 ) and control ( n = 30) groups. Subjects in treatment group will received press needle at PC6 Neiguan and ST36 Zusanli, followed by acupressure stimulation at least 3 times a day, while patients in the control group received press needle sham Plesterin® without any further stimulation. During the study all subjects continued to receive standart anti-emetic therapy. The insertion of the press needle was performed before chemotherapy and retained up to 3 days after chemotherapy. Nausea and vomiting was evaluated everyday up to 6 days after chemotherapy using a Rhodes index of nausea, vomiting, and retching questionnaire.
Result: The RINVR score decreased significantly between the days of chemotherapy and 3 days post chemotherapy (p = 0,005) in treatment group. Comparation of RINVR score on chemotherapy days, 3 , and 6 days after chemotherapy was lower in treatment group but not significantly different between two groups ( p = 0,525, p = 0,506, p = 0,284).
Conclusion: Press needle acupuncture might be effective in reducing CINV in pediatric cancer patiens and was feasible due to its minimal side effects. Further research is needed to determine the appropriate treatment time.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andy Ishak
"Luka bakar didefinisikan sebagai kerusakan jaringan yang terjadi akibat aksi panas baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Meskipun telah banyak kemajuan yang dibuat dalam terapi luka bakar, namun penyembuhan luka yang lambat masih menjadi tantangan dalam perawatan luka bakar. Akupunktur manual dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka bakar melalui efek anti-inflamasi, meningkatkan re-epitelisasi dan angiogenesis. Sedangkan laser akupunktur merupakan terapi yang menggunakan laser enersi rendah untuk merangsang titik akupunktur. Penelitian ini menilai pengaruh akupunktur manual dan laser akupunktur terhadap kecepatan penyembuhan luka bakar yang diamati secara makroskopik dan mikroskopik. Tiga puluh enam tikus Wistar jantan dibagi secara acak kedalam kelompok kontrol (n=12), kelompok akupunktur manual (n=12), dan kelompok laser akupunktur (n=12). Setelah dilakukan induksi luka bakar, pengukuran luka dan perlakuan diberikan setiap dua hari sekali selama 14 hari. Separuh jumlah dari setiap kelompok diterminasi pada hari ke-7 dan separuh sisanya diterminasi pada hari ke-14 untuk dilakukan pengamatan mikroskopik. Pada pengukuran penutupan luas luka hari ke-14, didapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,009) antara kelompok akupunktur manual (66,96 ± 9,17) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (49,93 ± 9,15), dan perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0,009) antara kelompok laser akupunktur (72,48 ± 14,62) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Namun tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,451) antara kelompok akupunktur manual dan laser akupunktur. Pada penilaian skoring mikroskopik hari ke-14 didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p<0,001) antara kelompok akupunktur manual (16,17 ± 1,17) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (10,33 ± 1,21), dan perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0,004) antara kelompok laser akupunktur (17,83 ± 1,47) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Namun tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,058) antara kelompok akupunktur manual dan laser akupunktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik terapi akupunktur manual ataupun laser akupunktur dapat digunakan sebagai terapi tambahan untuk mempercepat penyembuhan luka bakar.

Burns are defined as tissue damage that occurs as a result of the direct or indirect action of heat. Although many advanced treatments have been made in burn therapy, slow wound healing remains a challenge in burn treatment. Acupuncture can accelerate burn healing through its anti-inflammatory effect, increasing re-epithelialization and angiogenesis. While laser acupuncture is a therapy that uses low energy lasers to stimulate acupuncture points. This study assessed the effect of manual acupuncture and laser acupuncture on the speed of wound healing which were observed macroscopically and microscopically. Thirty-six male Wistar rats were randomly divided into control group (n=12), acupuncture group (n=12), and laser acupuncture group (n=12). After burn induction, wound measurements and treatments were given every two days for 14 days. Half of the numbers from each group were terminated on the 7th day and the remaining half were terminated on the 14th day for microscopic observation. On the 14th day of measurement of wound closure, there was a significant difference (p=0.009) between the acupuncture group (66.96 ± 9.17) compared to the control group (49.93 ± 9.15), and a significant difference (p =0.009) between laser acupuncture group (72.48 ± 14.62) compared to control group. However, there was no significant difference (p=0.451) between acupuncture and laser acupuncture groups. On the 14th day of microscopic scoring, there was a significant difference (p<0.001) between the acupuncture group (16.17 ± 1.17) compared to the control group (10.33 ± 1.21), and a significant difference (p = 0.004) between the laser acupuncture group (17.83 ± 1.47) versus the control group. However, there was no significant difference (p=0.058) between acupuncture and laser acupuncture groups. The results showed that either acupuncture therapy or laser acupuncture could be used as an adjunct therapy to accelerate burn healing."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robin Martilo Djajadi
"Pendahuluan: Peningkatan kadar kolesterol didalam plasma darah atau hiperlipidemia merupakan faktor predisposisi terjadinya aterosklerosis. Faktor risiko diet tinggi lemak amat mempengaruhi tingginya kadar kolesterol darah. Permasalahan kepatuhan dalam perubahan diet dan efek samping obat penurun kolesterol menjadi alasan perlunya terapi pilihan lain yang aman dan efektif. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa elektroakupunktur pada titik ST40 Fenglong dapat digunakan sebagai terapi untuk memperbaiki kadar kolesterol darah. Salah satu modalitas akupunktur yang sedang berkembang adalah laser akupunktur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas laser akupunktur dibandingkan dengan elektroakupunktur pada titik ST40 Fenglong dalam memperbaiki kadar kolesterol otal, indeks aterogenik, dan berat lemak dinding abdomen pada tikus model diet tinggi lemak.
Metode: Desain studi ini adalah studi eksperimental dengan randomised control group posttest only. Dua puluh empat tikus Wistar jantan, usia 10 minggu dengan berat badan 200–250 gram dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu: kelompok diet normal, kelompok diet tinggi lemak tanpa perlakuan akupunktur, kelompok diet tinggi lemak dengan elektroakupunktur dan kelompok diet tinggi lemak dengan laser akupunktur. Elektroakupunktur dan laser akupunktur dilakukan 3 kali seminggu dengan total 12 sesi. Dilakukan pengukuran kadar kolesterol total, indeks aterogenik, dan berat lemak dinding abdomen setelah 12 sesi.
Hasil: Rerata kadar kolesterol total, indeks aterogenik, dan berat lemak dinding abdomen pada kelompok tikus model diet tinggi lemak yang mendapat laser akupunktur lebih rendah dibandingkan pada kelompok tikus model diet tinggi lemak yang mendapat elektroakupunktur, namun tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik (p > 0,05).
Kesimpulan: Laser akupunktur memiliki kecenderungan lebih baik dalam mencegah peningkatan kolesterol total, indeks aterogenik, dan peningkatan berat lemak dinding abdomen akibat konsumsi diet tinggi lemak dibandingkan dengan elektroakupunktur
Introduction: Hyperlipidemia is an increased concentration of fat in blood plasma and is a predisposing factor for atherosclerosis. Risk factor such as high-fat diet greatly affect blood cholesterol levels. The problem of adherence to diet changes and cholesterol medication side effects are reasons to look for other alternative therapies that are safe and effective. Research shows that electroacupuncture at the ST40 Fenglong point can be used as a therapy to improve blood cholesterol levels. One of the acupuncture modalities is laser acupuncture. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of laser acupuncture compared to electroacupuncture at the ST40 Fenglong point for improving total cholesterol levels, atherogenic index, and abdominal wall fat weight in high fat diet model rats.
Methods: This study was an experimental study with posttest only randomized control group. Twenty-four male Wistar rats, aged 10 weeks with a body weight of 200–250 grams were divided into 4 groups: the normal diet group, the high-fat diet without acupuncture treatment group, the high-fat diet with electroacupuncture group and the high-fat diet with laser acupuncture group. Electroacupuncture and laser acupuncture treatments were performed 3 times a week for a total of 12 sessions. Total cholesterol levels, atherogenic index, and abdominal wall fat weight were measured after 12 sessions.
Results: The mean total cholesterol levels, atherogenic index, and weight of abdominal wall fat in the high-fat diet model group which received laser acupuncture treatment was lower than that in the high-fat diet group which received electroacupuncture group, but did not significantly differ (p> 0.05).
Conclusion: Compared to electroacupuncture, laser acupuncture has a better tendency at preventing increases in total cholesterol level, atherogenic index, and abdominal wall fat weight due to high-fat diet consumption."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pendahuluan: COVID-19 merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus SARS-CoV-2. Gejala klinis COVID-19 yang paling sering dialami adalah demam dan batuk. Infeksi SARS-CoV-2 ke dalam tubuh pejamu akan menimbulkan respon imun dari pejamu yang akan menyebabkan terjadinya inflamasi sistemik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan berbagai penanda inflamasi, salah satunya adalah C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Saat ini belum ada terapi spesifik yang efektif untuk mengatasi COVID-19. Akupunktur yang merupakan modalitas terapi non-farmakologi yang telah terbukti dapat memberikan efek anti-inflamasi. Saat ini belum ada penelitian uji klinis akupunktur yang meneliti penanda inflamasi terhadap pasien COVID-19 yang telah dipublikasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas akupunktur dalam menurunkan kadar CRP dan memperbaiki gejala batuk yang dialami pasien COVID-19 gejala ringan-sedang.
Metode: Sebuah penelitian pilot dengan desain studi uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal. Dua puluh dua pasien COVID-19 terkonfirmasi melalui pemeriksaan RT-PCR yang memiliki gejala ringan-sedang yang sedang dirawat inap di rumah sakit dikelompokan dalam dua kelompok: kelompok perlakuan yang mendapat terapi standar dan intervensi akupunktur manual dan kelompok kontrol yang mendapat terapi standar. Intervensi akupunktir manual dilakukan setiap 2 hari dengan total 6 sesi terapi. Sebelum intervensi dilakukan pengukuran kadar CRP dan penentuan onset batuk dan setelah 6 sesi akupunktur dilakukan dilakukan pengukuran kadar CRP dan penentuan periode lama batuk.
Hasil: Terjadi penurunan rerata kadar CRP pada kedua kelompok (p=0,397). Penurunan kadar CRP pada kelompok perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Gejala batuk lebih singkat pada kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan pada kelompok kontrol dan perbedaan ini bermakna secara statistik (p = 0,01).
Kesimpulan: Kombinasi akupunktur manual dan terapi standar menurunkan kadar CRP dan penurunannya lebih besar dibandingkan dengan terapi standar. Namun, penurunan kadar CRP tidak bermakna secara statistik. Dan mempersingkat gejala batuk yang dialami pasien COVID-19 gejala ringan-sedang secara bermakna.

Introduction: COVID-19 is a disease that caused by infection of SARS-CoV-2. The most common clinical symptoms of COVID-19 are fever and cough. SARS-CoV-2 infection into the host's body will cause an immune response which will cause systemic inflammation. This can be seen from the increase in various inflammatory markers, one of which is C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Currently there is no specific therapy that is effective for curing COVID-19. Acupuncture is a non-pharmacological therapeutic modality that has been shown to provide anti-inflammatory effects. Currently, there are no published studies of acupuncture clinical trials examining inflammatory markers in COVID-19 patients. The purpose of this study was to determine how effective acupuncture in reducing CRP levels and improving cough symptoms experienced by COVID-19 with mild-moderate symptoms patients.
Methods: A pilot study with an experimental study design single blind randomized clinical trial. Twenty-two COVID-19 patients confirmed by RT-PCR examination who had mild-moderate symptoms who were being hospitalized were divided into two groups: the treatment group who received standard therapy and manual acupuncture intervention and the control group who received standard therapy. Manual acupuncture intervention was performed every 2 days for a total of 6 therapy sessions. Before the intervention, the CRP level was measured and the onset of the cough was determined and after 6 acupuncture sessions, the CRP level was measured and the period of cough was determined.
Results: There was a decrease in the mean of CRP levels in both groups (p = 0.397). The decrease in CRP levels in the treatment group was greater than the control group. Cough symptoms were shorter in the treatment group than in the control group and this difference was statistically significant (p = 0.01).
Conclusion: The combination of manual acupuncture and standard therapy reduced CRP levels and the decrease was greater than that of standard therapy. However, the reduction in CRP levels was not statistically significant. And shorten the cough symptoms experienced by mild-moderate COVID-19 patients significantly.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"By comparing the publications on acupuncture by Korean and by Chinese researchers in ISI databases, this study analyses the number of the number of the publications, frequency of citations, the impact factors of the publication journals, the researchers' outputs and cooperation among institutes, document types and the subject areas which the publications belong to...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nyimas Rodiah
"Umumnya penelitian akupunktur pada hipertensi menggunakan kombinasi akupunktur tubuh dan telinga yang dibandingkan dengan obat atau plasebopunktur dan belum ada yang membandingkan efektivitas antara akupunktur tubuh dengan akupunktur telinga. Selain itu di Indonesia belum ada yang meneliti efek akupunktur terhadap kadar nitrit oksida (NO) serum pada penderita hipertensi esensial.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan efek antara akupunktur telinga dengan akupunktur tubuh terhadap tekanan darah (TD) serta apakah penusukan titik akupunktur tubuh dan akupunktur telinga memiliki efek meningkatkan kadar NO serum pada penderita hipertensi esensial.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah uji klinis acak terkontrol. Penelitian dilakukan pada 32 pasien hipertensi esensial yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok A (akupunktur telinga) dan kelompok B (akupunktur tubuh).
Hasil menunjukkan rerata penurunan TD sistolik dan diastolik serta kadar NO serum antara kedua kelompok tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0.916; p=0.592; p=0.576). Dengan demikian akupunktur telinga dan akupunktur tubuh memiliki efek yang sebanding dalam menurunkan TD pada pasien hipertensi esensial meskipun hal tersebut tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan kadar NO serum.

Generally the study of acupuncture on hypertension using a combination of the body and ear acupuncture compared with medication or placebopuncture. The study comparing of efficacy body acupuncture with ear acupuncture not performed yet. In Indonesia no one has studied the effects of acupuncture on levels of nitric oxide (NO) serum in patients with essential hypertension.
This study aims to determine the comparative effects of ear acupuncture with body acupuncture on blood pressure (BP) thus whether the insertion of the acupuncture points of the body acupuncture and ear acupuncture has the effect of increasing levels of serum NO in patients with essential hypertension.
On this study used randomized clinical trial method. The research was conducted on 32 patients with essential hypertension and divided into two groups which are group A (ear acupuncture) and group B (body acupuncture).
From the results show that there were no significant differences between the ear acupuncture with body acupuncture on reducing systolic and diastolic BP and serum NO levels (p=0.916; p=0.592; p=0.576). Thus ear acupuncture and body acupuncture have the same effect in lowering blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension although this effect was not accompanied by increased levels of serum NO.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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