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Nada Mahardhika
Korupsi bukan hanya menjadi masalah suatu negara saja, tetapi sudah berkembang sebagai masalah transnasional karena melibatkan berbagai negara. Contohnya adalah banyak koruptor di Indonesia yang melarikan diri dan aset hasil kejahatannya ke luar negeri, terutama negara-negara yang menjadi safe haven. Salah satu negara yang sering menjadi tempat penyimpanan aset hasil korupsi Indonesia adalah Singapura. Indonesia dan Singapura telah meratifikasi United Nations Convention Against Corruption UNCAC. UNCAC memuat berbagai strategi penting untuk penanganan korupsi baik di level nasional maupun internasional. Salah satu terobosan penting dalam UNCAC adalah kerjasama internasional dalam asset recovery yang dapat dilakukan melalui mutual legal assistance MLA. Meskipun Indonesia dan Singapura sama-sama sudah meratifikasi UNCAC, akan tetapi Indonesia menghadapi kesulitan dalam menerapkan kerjasama MLA terkait asset recovery dengan Singapura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana kerjasama MLA terkait asset recovery antara Indonesia dan Singapura menurut kerangka UNCAC dipengaruhi oleh perilaku dan faktor domestik di antara kedua negara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerjasama MLA antara Indonesia dan Singapura dalam upaya pengembalian asset hasil korupsi belum efektif karena adanya tantangan dari faktor politik domestik serta perbedaan eksternalitas isu pemberantasan korupsi yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku masing-masing negara. Tantangan-tantangan tersebut terdiri dari tantangan internal yang berasal di Indonesia yaitu: 1 political will kurang didukung oleh aktor-aktor di level domestik, 2 masalah harmonisasi UNCAC dengan peraturan nasional, 3 system kerahasiaan bank, 4 kemampiuan teknis yuridis yang dialami dalam proses pembuatan MLA, serta 5 masalah kapasitas dan koordinasi antar lembaga penegak hukum yang terlibat dalam MLA dan asset recovery, terutama Kemenkumham sebagai otoritas pusat. Selain itu, Indonesia juga menghadapi tantangan dari segi eksternal, yaitu: 1 kepentingan Singapura terkait investasi asing, 2 lack of trust, dan 3 prinsip dual criminality.

Corruption is not only a state solution, but it develops as a transnational problem because of various countries. An example is a lot of corruptors in Indonesia who are the result of their crimes abroad, especially the countries that become safe haven. One of the countries that is often the place where Indonesia 39s corruption is stored is Singapore. Indonesia and Singapore have ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption UNCAC. UNCAC is an important step for both national and international handling. One of the key breakthroughs in UNCAC is to assist in the recovery of assets that can be done through mutual legal assistance MLA. Although Indonesia and Singapore have both ratified UNCAC, Indonesia is facing difficulties in implementing MLA cooperation related to asset recovery with Singapore. This study aims to analyze how MLA cooperation related to recovery of assets between Indonesia and Singapore by UNCAC. The result of the research indicates that MLA cooperation between Indonesia and Singapore in the effort of recovering the assets of corruption has not been effective because there are factors that support the internalities and issues of externalities of corruption eradication issues that give rise to the behavior of each country. These challenges consist of internal origin in Indonesia 1 political will is not supported by domestic actors, 2 UNCAC harmonization problems with national regulations, 3 confidential bank system, 4 juridical ability who are involved in the MLA process, and 5 capacity and inter agency coordination issues involved in MLA and asset recovery, especially Kemenkumham as the central authority. In addition, Indonesia also faces external obstacles, namely 1 investment related Singaporean interests, 2 lack of trust, and 3 dual crime principles."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindita Kusuma Listya
Upaya perlawanan terhadap korupsi yang merupakan tindak kejahatan lintas batas (transnational organized crime), kini menjadi salah satu agenda global penting yang membutuhkan kerjasama internasional untuk menanggulanginya. UNCAC merupakan sebuah institusi internasional yang menyasar isu korupsi, disahkan pada tahun 2003 dan hingga kini dianggap sebagai kerangka kerjasama internasional paling penting yang memberikan pilar-pilar utama dalam pemberantasan korupsi – pencegahan, penegakan hukum, kerjasama internasional, serta asset recovery. Penelitian ini secara khusus berupaya untuk melihat efektivitas UNCAC dalam proses asset recovery hasil korupsi Indonesia yang berada di Swiss, melalui kerangka Mutual Legal Assistance yang merupakan salah satu ketentuan di dalamnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UNCAC tidak berhasil menjamin proses asset recovery melalui MLA antara Indonesia dan Swiss, karena: 1) Lemahnya proses dan mekanisme pengawasan, 2) Tertutupnya kemungkinan aksi kolektif negara-negara anggota, serta 3) Ketidakmampuan UNCAC dalam memfasilitasi proses negosiasi secara reguler dan terukur antara kedua belah pihak.

International efforts in the fight against corruption–which is considered as the transnational organized crime–has become an important global agenda that requires international cooperation. UNCAC is an international institution that focus on the corruption issues. Passed in 2003 and entered into force in 2005, UNCAC regarded as the most important international framework which provides four main pillars in the fight against corruption – prevention, law enforcement, international cooperation, and asset recovery. This research specifically sought to measure the effectiveness of UNCAC in the asset recovery process between Indonesia and Switzerland through one of the the provisions in the convention, Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) framework. The results showed that UNCAC does not succeed to ensure the asset recovery process through MLA between Indonesia and Switzerland, because: 1) The lack of control mechanism process, 2) The lack of possibility of collective action among member states, and 3) the inability of UNCAC in facilitating the negotiation process on a regular basis between the two parties., International efforts in the fight against corruption–which is considered as the transnational organized crime–has become an important global agenda that requires international cooperation. UNCAC is an international institution that focus on the corruption issues. Passed in 2003 and entered into force in 2005, UNCAC regarded as the most important international framework which provides four main pillars in the fight against corruption – prevention, law enforcement, international cooperation, and asset recovery. This research specifically sought to measure the effectiveness of UNCAC in the asset recovery process between Indonesia and Switzerland through one of the the provisions in the convention, Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) framework. The results showed that UNCAC does not succeed to ensure the asset recovery process through MLA between Indonesia and Switzerland, because: 1) The lack of control mechanism process, 2) The lack of possibility of collective action among member states, and 3) the inability of UNCAC in facilitating the negotiation process on a regular basis between the two parties.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Turangan, Yuma
"Selama ini Indonesia dalam mengembalikan aset hasil tindak pidana, termasuk aset hasil tindak pidana korupsi, menggunakan perampasan in personam. Perampasan in personam ini pada prakteknya menemui banyak kendala, sehingga negara kesulitan mengembalikan aset tersebut. Salah satu tindak pidana korupsi yang asetnya masih belum bisa dikembalikan kepada negara sampai saat ini adalah tindak pidana korupsi pada kasus Golden Key yang dilakukan oleh Eddy Tansil. Salah satu solusi akan hal ini adalah perampasan in rem yang diatur dalam United Nations Conventions Against Corruption (UNCAC) 2003. Perampasan in rem ini memiliki keunggulan-keunggulan yang tidak terdapat pada perampasan in personam. Dalam konteks pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia, perampasan in rem ini diharapkan dapat lebih membantu mengembalikan aset hasil tindak pidana korupsi dibandingkan dengan perampasan in personam. Perampasan in rem ini dapat menjadi solusi untuk mengembalikan aset hasil tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan oleh Eddy Tansil dalam kasus Golden Key. Atas hal tersebut dapat dibahas permasalahan mengenai bagaimanakah mekanisme (tata cara) perampasan in rem tersebut, serta perbandingannya dengan perampasan in personam.
For all this time in recovering assets as proceeds of crime, including corruption, Indonesia utilizes in personam forfeiture. On Practice, this forfeiture faces many obstacles which resulting in difficulties on the asset forfeiture. One particular corruption case with such difficulty is the notorious Golden Key Case committed by Eddy Tansil. A solution is offered by United Nations Conventions Against Corruption (UNCAC) 2003 by the name of in rem forfeiture. This type of forfeiture, unlike the in personam one, has many advantages compared to the latter. On the anti-corruption context, this in rem forfeiture is expected to be more successful than the in personam one. This forfeiture could be the solution to recover assets obtained from the corruption commited by Eddy Tansil on the Golden Key Case. Based on these, there are some problems available to be discussed, such as the mechanism of in rem forfeiture and its comparisons with in personam forfeiture."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mawar Fitriany
"Korupsi dan tindak pidana ikutannya berupa pencucian uang merupakan tindak pidana yang memberikan dampak negatif secara meluas. Tindak pidana tersebut semakin berkembang karena globalisasi yang menyebabkan batas-batas negara menjadi tidak jelas. Pencucian uang kini dilakukan secara lintas batas sehingga perlu bantuan hukum timbal balik antar negara untuk melawannya. Salah satu kerja sama yang penting adalah untuk membekukan, menyita dan merampas sarana dan hasil tindak pidana. Pelaksaan bantuan hukum timbal balik dapat berdasarkan pada resiprositas, UNTOC, UNCAC atau bahkan berdasarkan perjanjian internasional dalam tingkat bilateral, multilateral atau regional. Otoritas yang memiliki peranan besar dalam pelaksanaan kerja sama pemberian bantuan untuk pembekuan, penyitaan dan perampasan adalah Otoritas Pusat, Unit Intelijen Keuangan dan Penyidik. Namun, dalam pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum masih terdapat banyak rintangan. Yang menjadi penghambat dalam pelaksaannya adalah terdapat perbedaan mengenai pandangan terhadap tindak pidana dan kepentingan nasional masing-masing negara, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan ekonomi. Dengan demikian, dirasakan perlu bagi penyidik untuk mempelajari hukum asing. Selain itu Indonesia perlu menaikkan posisi tawar, serta mengatur secara lebih praktis ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan bantuan hukum timbal balik, atau melakukan pendekatan secara kasuistis untuk kepentingan resiprositas dalam permintaan bantuan. Dengan melihat belum banyaknya praktik yang berkaitan dengan bantuan timbal balik untuk pembekuan, penyitaan dan perampasan, maka perlu pula dilakukan studi banding di negara-negara yang sudah sering melakukan praktik tersebut.

Corruption as a predicate crime and its follow up crime, money laundering, have been giving negative impact significantly. Those crimes grow fast because of the globalization that blurring the idea about the border. Nowadays, money laundering is involving transnational activity, thus, the mutual legal assistance between government is needed. One of the most important mutual legal assistance is the one that related to freezing, seizing, and forfeiting the instrument and the proceed of crime. This mutual legal assistance is held based on reciprocity, UNTOC, UNCAC or based on an international treaty in bilateral, multilateral or regional scope. The authorities which have a big role in this cooperation related to freezing, seizing, and forfeiting are Central Authority, Financial Intelligence Unit, and investigator. However, in fact, there are many problems facing this cooperation. The substantive problems are the dissimilar point of view about crime and the different national interests, especially the one that related to the economy. Based on those facts, it is important for the investigator to understand foreign law. Furthermore, Indonesia should rise up their bargaining power and build more practical regulation, or doing a casuistic approach. By realizing there is not much practice related to this issue in our country, it is important to run a comparative study with the country which already familiar with that practice."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arthur Glenn Maail
In 2015 the G20 anti-corruption open data principles were developed, as a first step towards leveraging open data as crucial tool for enabling a culture of transparency and accountability in order to address corruption. the purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which indonesia is meeting its commitments towards fighting corruption by applying and implementing the principles and actions set out in the G20 principles. hence, the G20 , anti-corruption open data principles is used as an analytical framework to guide the analysis. the research findings show that the government of indonesia puts the disclosure of public information at the front and centre of both its open government and anti-corruption agenda, which is consistent with the first of the G20 anti-corruption open data principles. however, the current legal frameworks lack the proactive disclosure and openness components advocated by the open data principles."
Jakarta: Ministry of National Development Planning, 2017
330 JPP 1:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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