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Omar Farizi Wonggo
Kawasan Asia Tenggara merupakan salah satu kawasan penting dalam mengkaji perdebatan dan perkembangan konsep regionalisme. Pada kawasan Asia Tenggara, isu yang paling sering dibahas ialah mengenai regionalisme ekonomi. Negara-negara anggota kawasan Asia Tenggara berusaha melakukan integrasi ekonomi guna meningkatkan kondisi pertumbuhan ekonomi masing-masing negara. Namun demikian, berdasarkan kajian empiris terdapat ragam pandangan dalam menelaah dinamika perkembangan regionalisme ekonomi di Asia Tenggara. Oleh karena itu, tinjauan pustaka ini akan memetakan persebaran pandangan dari dinamika perkembangan regionalisme ekonomi di Asia Tenggara dengan menggunakan tiga pandangan utama Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Pandangan pesimis muncul dari pendekatan realisme bahwa terdapat hambatan-hambatan berupa pengaruh negara ekstra-kawasan, kebijakan proteksionisme dan kebijakan bilateralisme. Sedangkan pandangan optimis berasal dari pendekatan liberalisme, yakni pengaruh kelompok pro-liberalisasi, karakteristik dari open regionalism, pandangan ekonomi neoklasik, dan penguatan elemen institusi. Kemudian, perspektif strukturalisme ekonomi melihat bahwa model neoliberalisme yang berjalan perlu diganti dengan model ekonomi lainnya. Selain itu, tinjauan pustaka ini menemukan enam kesenjangan literatur dalam kajian regionalisme ekonomi Asia Tenggara, yakni kesenjangan literatur dari perspektif realisme, liberalisme, dan strukturalisme ekonomi, tren pembahasan literatur per periode, ketiadaan kajian konstruktivisme, dan rendahnya pembahasan kajian ASEAN Post 2015. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan pustaka ini, terbuka kajian penelitian lanjutan yang dapat dikaji dari aspek praktis, politik-ekonomi, ataupun akademis, beragam penelitian baru seperti penggunaan pendekatan konstruktivisme.

Southeast Asia is one of the regions that worth to consider as a subject to analyzethe debate of development of regionalism concept. In Southeast Asia, theprominence issue is the economic regionalism. All member countries in the regionhave tried to build economic integration to increase their economic growth.However, based on empirical studies, there are many perspectives have been usedto analyze the dynamics of economic regionalism. Therefore, this literature reviewis focused to mapping the perspectives on the dynamics of development ofeconomic regionalism in Southeast Asia using three main perspectives ofInternational Relations. Literature from realism perspective has seen the skepticalpoint with themes like the influence of extra region countries, protectionismpolicy, and bilateralism policy. Meanwhile liberalism perspective has seen thateconomic regionalism in Southeast Asia has the positive point of views such aspro liberalization group, characteristic of open regionalism Southeast Asia,neoclassical economic perspective, and enhancement of institution. Whereas,economic structuralism argued economic regionalism in Southeast Asia need toshift from using neoliberalism to another model of economic development.Besides that, this literature review found six literature gap of economicregionalism in Southeast Asia, i.e. literature gap from three main perspectives,realism, liberalism and economic structuralism the debate of economicregionalism based on periods the absence of constructivism analyses and theshortage study about ASEAN Post 2015. The result of the literature review isshown that there are many studies still need to be done, in a practical aspect ofpolitical economy or academic aspect, new research that using constructivismperspective as tool of analyses."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Ramadhanny Evasari
"Fenomena regionalisme ekonomi yang berlangsung di kawasan Asia-Pasifik pasca berakhirnya Perang Dingin memiliki karakteristik yang unik dan berbeda dibandingkan dengan regionalisme ekonomi yang terjadi di kawasan lainnya. Karakteristik utama dari regionalisme ekonomi di kawasan Asia-Pasifik adalah prinsip open regionalism. Pemahaman lebih lanjut mengenai fenomena regionalisme ekonomi di kawasan Asia-Pasifik dan prinsip open regionalism dapat ditelaah melalui eksistensi Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). APEC merupakan pelopor kerangka kerja sama ekonomi regional antarnegara di kawasan Asia-Pasifik yang berfokus pada agenda liberalisasi perekonomian regional. Penulisan tinjauan literatur ini bertujuan untuk meneliti eksistensi APEC dalam dinamika regionalisme ekonomi di kawasan Asia-Pasifik melalui metode kronologi.
Berdasarkan metode kronologi, penulisan tinjauan literatur ini membagi periodisasi perkembangan kajian literatur tentang APEC ke dalam tiga periode yang berbeda. Tiga periode perkembangan kajian literatur tentang APEC tersebut terbagi menjadi (1) Periode I (Formative Years, 1990-1994), (2) Periode II (Stagnation Years, 1995-2001), dan (3) Periode III (Adjustment Years, 2002-2009). Penulisan tinjauan literatur ini mengidentifikasi bahwa terdapat lima isu dominan yang berkaitan erat dengan eksistensi APEC dalam dinamika regionalisme ekonomi di kawasan Asia-Pasifik, antara lain isu kepemimpinan, isu pembentukan kerja sama, isu pembentukan institusi, isu integrasi regional, dan isu tata kelola regional. Penulisan tinjauan literatur ini juga mengamati bahwa dalam kondisi internasional dan regional Asia-Pasifik yang terkini, APEC mengalami peralihan fokus pada agenda kerja sama ekonomi regionalnya, yang pada awalnya berfokus pada agenda liberalisasi ekonomi regional menjadi agenda integrasi ekonomi regional.

The phenomenon of economic regionalism which occurs in the Asia-Pacific region after the end of the Cold War has unique and distinct characteristics compared to the economic regionalism that happens in other regions. The main characteristic of economic regionalism that takes place in the Asia-Pacific region is the principle of open regionalism. Further comprehension of the phenomenon of economic regionalism in the Asia-Pacific region and also the principle of open regionalism can be examined through the existence of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). APEC is the pioneer of the framework of regional intergovernmental economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region which focuses on the agenda of regional economic liberalization. This literature review aims to examine the existence of APEC in the dynamics of economic regionalism in the Asia-Pacific region by applying the method of chronology.
Based on the application of the method of chronology, this literature review divides the periodization of the evolution of a series of relevant literature about APEC into three different periods. The periodization is divided into (1) Period I (Formative Years, 1990-1994), (2) Period II (Stagnation Years, 1995-2001), and (3) Period III (Adjustment Years, 2002-2009). This literature review identified that there are five dominant issues which are closely related to the existence of APEC in the dynamics of economic regionalism in the Asia-Pacific region, as follows: leadership, cooperation building, institution building, regional integration, and regional governance. This literature review also observed that, in the context of current international and regional circumstances that happens in the Asia-Pacific region, APEC has been experiencing a transition of its focus from the agenda of regional economic liberalization regional economic integration.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Litania
"Kehadiran CJK FTA sebagai satu-satunya institusi formal di kawasan Asia Timur Laut menjadikan pembahasan akademik mengenai regionalisme ekonomi di Asia Timur Laut terpusat pada perkembangan institusi tersebut. TKA ini bertujuan untuk memetakan persebaran pandangan mengenai dinamika perkembangan CJK FTA melalui tiga klasifikasi taksonomi sebagai metode pengelompokkan literatur yakni (1) pengaruh aktor ekstra-regional; (2) pengaruh relasi CJK; (3) pengaruh aktor domestik. Tema pertama mencakup perdebatan akademisi mengenai peran AS dan ASEAN terhadap rivalitas CJK di kawasan Asia-Pasifik khususnya pengaruh TPP dan RCEP terhadap agenda CJK FTA. Tema kedua berfokus pada perdebatan untung-rugi CJK FTA melalui pembahasan karakter FTA ketiga negara, hubungan perdagangan intra-kawasan, hambatan sektor tarif dan hambatan aspek keamanan serta sentimen historis dalam proses negosiasi.
Tema ketiga membahas perdebatan akademisi mengenai peran institusi pemerintah dan kelompok kepentingan bisnis dalam agenda setting dan sosialisasi CJK FTA. Selain itu, tulisan ini mengidentifikasi empat perspektif teoritis dominan dan pengaruh pemikiran dalam perkembangan CJK FTA yakni realisme, liberalisme, neo-merkantilisme dan realisme neo-klasik. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan pustaka ini, ditemukan adanya eskplorasi strategi kebijakan untuk mempercepat CJK FTA dan perlunya ragam penelitian yang mengkaji dampak regionalisme ekonomi CJK FTA terhadap kawasan diluar Asia Timur Laut.

The presence of the CJK FTA as the only formal institution in Northeast Asia has centred the academic discussion about economic regionalism on the development of this institution. This paper seeks to organize academics perspective regarding the development of CJK FTA based on taxonomic classification method, resulting three main concerns from scholars: (1) the influence of extra-regional actors; (2) relations between CJK; (3) influence of domestic actors. The first theme included academic debates about the role US and ASEAN in the rivalry of CJK in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly by the influence of TPP and RCEP upon CJK FTA agenda. The second theme focuses on CJK FTA profit and loss through comparison of FTA character, intra-regional trade relations, tariff sector, security and historical sentiments in the negotiation process.
The third theme focuses on the role of government institutions and the business sector in agenda setting and socialization of CJK FTA. Based on literature review, this paper identifies four dominant theoretical perspectives namely realism, liberalism, neo-mercantilism and neo-classical realism which are used to explain the economic regionalism in Northeast Asia. Furthermore, this paper showed an exploration of policy strategies by academics to accelerate the use of CJK FTA and further needs of studies to examine the impact of CJK FTA outside Northeast Asia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lupitha Sanitya Handani
"Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami pandangan akademis terkait kondisi dan perkembangan regionalisme keamanan di Asia Tengah pasca-Perang Dingin. Literatur-literatur yang ditinjau terorganisasi dalam lima periodisasi, yakni 1991-1997, 1997-2001, 2001-2004, 2004-2011, dan 2011-2016. Sejak berakhirnya Perang Dingin, negara-negara internal kawasan harus mengelola keamanan regional secara mandiri. Regionalisme keamanan dianggap sebagai solusi yang memungkinkan atas isu-isu keamanan di kawasan tersebut. Meski demikian, para cendekiawan menganggap perkembangan regionalisme keamanan di Asia Tengah terhambat bahkan hingga saat ini. Penyebabnya berasal dari negara-negara internal dan eksternal kawasan. Di satu sisi, negara-negara internal memprioritaskan hubungan bilateral dan pemenuhan kepentingan domestik daripada integrasi regional. Di sisi lain, kuatnya kepentingan dan pengaruh aktor-aktor eksternal mdash;mulai dari Rusia, Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, hingga beberapa organisasi multilateral mdash;semakin menghalangi penguatan regionalisme keamanan. Potensi persaingan antarnegara eksternal juga menambah kerumitan karena negara-negara internal masih akan memihak pada Rusia demi menjaga status quo kawasan dan keamanan masing-masing. Akibatnya, regionalisme keamanan cenderung semakin tersisihkan dari agenda keamanan kawasan.

This paper aims to understand the academic views regarding the condition and development of security regionalism in the post Cold War Central Asia. The reviewed literature is organized into five periodizations, which are 1991 1997, 1997 2001, 2001 2004, 2004 2011, and 2011 2016. Since the end of the Cold War, the region rsquo s internal states have to manage their regional security independently. Security regionalism was seen as a possible solution for the security issues in the region. However, scholars have perceived that the development of security regionalism in Central Asia is hindered even until now. The causes were rooted from the internal and external states. On one hand, internal states have been prioritizing on bilateral relations and the fulfillment of domestic interests instead of regional integration. On the other hand, strong influence and interests of external actors mdash namely Russia, China, United States, and some multilateral organizations mdash further impede the reinforcement of security regionalism. The likelihood of rivalries between external states also heightens the complexity because internal states will still side with Russia in order to maintain the region rsquo s status quo and their own security. As a consequence, the security regionalism gets even more sidelined from the region rsquo s security agenda.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hardy Agusman
"Dalam menghadapi isu pengungsi, Asia Tenggara tidak memiliki kerangka hukum dalam organisasi kawasan dan persisten dalam menolak norma-norma tentang perlindungan pengungsi. Kondisi ini yang mendorong kemunculan Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) sebagai jejaring transnasional yang dapat berperan dalam politik global mewakili kepentingan pengungsi. Banyak literatur yang menggambarkan signifikansi APRRN sebagai champion organisasi yang menangani pengusi di kawasan Asia Pasifik seperti Kneebone (2014), Taylor (2016), Nah (2016), Choi (2019; 2022). Hal senada tergambar dalam APRRN Annual Report dan Positive Practice in Refugee Protection in the Asia-Pacific Region. Sayangnya, dalam literatur dan dokumen resmi tersebut, capaian APRRN di Asia Tenggara bersifat insidental dan hanya ada pada kategori Partnerships for Supportive Operating Environment. Berbeda dengan capaian APRRN di kawasan lain di Asia Pasifik yang berhasil mendorong solusi jangka panjang bagi perlindungan pengungsi (durable solution). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mempertanyakan “Mengapa APRRN-sebagai sebuah jejaring transnasional-tidak berperan signifikan dalam upaya advokasi perlindungan pengungsi di Asia Tenggara?”. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode analisis process tracing, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tidak signifikannya peranan APRRN tersebut disebabkan oleh tiga faktor, yaitu: kompleksitas rezim, kelemahan tata kelola internal dan perubahan orientasi strategi. Ketiga faktor tersebut berada pada dimensi yang berbeda namun saling mempengaruhi.

Facing the issue of refugees, Southeast Asia lacks a regional legal framework and persistently rejects norms regarding refugee protection. This condition has led to the emergence of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) as a transnational network that can play a role in global politics, representing refugees voice. Many studies describe the significance of APRRN as a champion organization addressing the refugee issue in the Asia Pacific region, such as Kneebone (2014), Taylor (2016), Nah (2016), Choi (2019; 2022). Similar views are reflected in the APRRN Annual Report and Positive Practice in Refugee Protection in the Asia-Pacific Region. However, unfortunately, in the literature and official documents, APRRN's achievements in Southeast Asia are incidental and only fall under the category of Partnerships for Supportive Operating Environment. This is in contrast to other region’s achievement in the Asia Pacific that have succeeded in promoting long-term solutions for refugee protection (durable solutions). Therefore, this research questions, "Why does APRRN, as a transnational network, not play a significant role in advocating for refugee protection in Southeast Asia?" Using a qualitative approach and process tracing analysis method, this study finds that the insignificance of APRRN's role is due to three factors: regime complexity, internal governance weaknesses, and shifting strategies employed. These three factors exist in different dimensions but interconnected influence each other."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Center for Strategi and International Studies, 1975
337.959 REG
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Putri Azzuhra
"Regionalisme merupakan konsep yang sering ditemukan dalam studi ilmu hubungan internasional. Konsep ini berkaitan erat dengan kerja sama sejumlah negara guna mencapai sebuah tingkat kedekatan sebagai suatu kawasan. Asia Timur merupakan salah satu kawasan yang tengah melangsungkan proses regionalisme semenjak tahun 1990-an. Tulisan ini merupakan tinjauan literatur yang bertujuan untuk memetakan literatur- literatur akademik mengenai regionalisme Asia Timur. Pemetaan mencakupi 31 literatur yang dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga tema dengan menggunakan metode taksonomi. Ketiga tema tersebut, antara lain: (1) karakteristik regionalisme Asia Timur; (2) upaya membangun regionalisme Asia Timur; dan (3) perkembangan regionalisme Asia Timur. Setelah melakukan pembacaan terhadap literatur yang dikumpulkan, tulisan ini mengidentifikasi konsensus, perdebatan, dan kesenjangan yang ada di dalam literatur akademik terkait topik regionalisme Asia Timur. Berdasarkan temuan di dalam tinjauan literatur ini, regionalisme Asia Timur tidak akan mengalami peningkatan ke depannya sebagaimana para akademisi memiliki skeptisisme terhadap perkembangan proses regionalisme. Pada bagian akhir dari tulisan ini, penulis memberikan rekomendasi terhadap penelitian selanjutnya terkait dengan topik regionalisme Asia Timur.

Regionalism is a concept that appears frequently in the study of international relations. This concept is strongly related to the cooperation of several nations in order to reach a degree of regional connectedness. East Asia is one of the regions that has been undergoing a regionalism process since the 1990s. The purpose of this paper is to map academic literature on East Asian regionalism. The mapping covers 31 literatures that are classified into three themes based on taxonomic method. The three themes are: (1) the characteristics of East Asian regionalism; (2) efforts to build East Asian regionalism; and (3) the development of East Asian regionalism. After reading the collected literatures, this paper identifies the consensus, debates, and gaps on the topic of East Asian regionalism. According to the findings of this literature review, East Asian regionalism will not flourish in the future as the scholars are skeptical of the development on the regionalism process. At the end of the paper, the author provide recommendations for further study on the topic of East Asian regionalism."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003
330.1 FIN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Habib Abiyan Dzakwan
ASEAN Way seringkali diagungkan oleh beberapa akademisi sebagai manifestasi dari kepercayaan bersama di Asia Tenggara. Sebagian dari mereka bahkan menganggapnya sebagai dasar fundamental dari identitas kolektif regional. Menariknya, negara-negara di Asia Tenggara melibatkan negara besar secara berbeda dalam menangani agenda keamanan maritim melalui mekanisme normatif di kawasan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dinamika normatif terkait bagaimana norma maritim yang dibawa oleh negara besar diterima oleh negara-negara ASEAN. Norma-norma tersebut meliputi: Kebebasan Bernavigasi Freedom of Navigation dan Praktik Perikanan. Guna melakukannya, penelitian ini akan mengangkat dua studi kasus yaitu: sengketa teritorial di Laut Cina Selatan, serta aktivitas perikanan ilegal Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported Fishing. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan mendiskusikan mengenai titik potong antara norma, keamanan maritim, dan negara besar.

ASEAN Way has been frequently applauded by some scholars as the manifestation of shared belief in Southeast Asia. Some of them even recognize it as the fundamental basis of regional collective identity. However, Southeast Asian states engage great powers differently in addressing growing maritime security agenda through regional normative mechanism. Therefore, this research will investigate normative dynamics of how international maritime norms brought by great powers accepted by ASEAN member states. The aforementioned norms include Freedom of Navigation and Fishing. In so doing, this research shall proceed with two case studies which are territorial dispute in South China Sea, and illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing. Thus, this paper shall discuss about the nexus between norms, maritime security, and great powers. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jahen Fachrul Rezki
Economic development in the SouthEast Asia, which is at the stage of industrialization, has high dependency on energy consumption. This paper examines the relationship between energy consumption and economic development in the region. Using cross-sectional data, this study find the relationship between energy demand ­and per capita GDP, population and industrial share of output. Oil contributes 80% to energy consumption followed by electricity and natural gas. The result also shows no evidence of relationship between economic crisis and energy consumption. It suggest diversification of energy use and promoting more efficient alternative energy source to increase economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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