ABSTRAK Bank Mega selaku industri jasa keuangan menyediakan produk jasa
keuangan berupa deposito dan hal tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh PT Elnusa Tbk.
Namun, dana milik Elnusa tersebut disalahgunakan oleh keterlibatan oknum
sehingga dana milik PT Elnusa Tbk menjadi hilang di Bank Mega. Bank Mega
kemudian membawa ke jalur hukum. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif
dalam menganalisis pokok permasalahan. Skripsi ini akan membahas bagaimana
perlindungan nasabah pada Bank Mega yaitu PT Elnusa Tbk dimana dana yang
dititipkan di Bank Mega telah hilang sehingga PT Elnusa Tbk tidak bisa diatrik
dananya meskipun kasus ini dibawa hingga ke jalur pengadilan dan PT Elnusa
Tbk selaku nasabah menang hingga tingkat kasasi. Bank Mega wajib
bertanggungjawab terhadap dana milik PT Elnusa Tbk dan bisa menggunakan
berbagai skema dalam pembayaran kepada PT Elnusa Tbk
ABSTRACT Bank Mega as the financial services industry provides financial services include
deposit and it was used by PT Elnusa Tbk. But, there are fraud which caused by
internal party and then Bank Mega cann’t withdraw its fund from Bank Mega.
Bank Mega chose legal action to withdraw its fund. The writer choose descriptive
method to analysis the problem. This paper will discuss how customer protection
in Bank Mega Tbk , PT Elnusa where the funds are deposited in Bank Mega has
lost so PT Elnusa Tbk can not withdraw their funds so that the case was brought
to the court lines and PT Elnusa Tbk, the customer wins to appeal . This paper
will discuss how the use of an escrow account in the protection of customer funds
and efforts to attempt an alternative in the payment of customer funds belonging
to PT Elnusa Tbk . Bank Mega is obliged to pay its fund based on court decision
and the procedure to transfer the fund to PT Elnusa Tbk as a customer can be
exercised through various scheme."