ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak dari informasi asimetri terhadap
tingkat underpricing saham saat IPO. Penelitian ini dilakukan atas 169 sampel
perusahaan non perbankan yang melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama
tahun 2006 – 2014. Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa informasi asimetri
berdampak positif terhadap tingkat underpricing saham saat IPO, sedangkan
konservatisme akuntansi memperlemah dampak positif tersebut.
ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the effect of asymmetric information on the level of
IPO underpricing. The sample consists of 169 non-bank companies that has made
their initial public offering in Bursa Efek Indonesia during 2006 – 2014.
Regression method shows that asymmetric information measured by the age of
the sample firms positively influence the IPO underpricing level. This study also
shows that accounting conservatism reduce the positive effect of asymmetric
information on the underpricing level."