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Nur Assyifa Daiyah Fillah
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus melalui pendekatan analisis sistem input-process-output yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis gambaran kesiapan atau situasi Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan dalam upaya cegah tangkal Public Health Emergency of International Concern PHEIC . Populasi penelitian adalah institusi KKP Kelas I Tanjung Priok secara menyeluruh. Informan penelitian berjumlah 10 orang yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive dan snowball sampling. Pengumpulan data dan analisis situasi dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data primer daftar tilik kajian mandiri dan hasil wawancara mendalam , serta data sekunder laporan tahunan KKP Kelas I Tanjung Priok Tahun 2014-2016 . Dengan waktu penelitian pada bulan April-Juni 2017. Tingkat kepatuhan compliance rate KKP Kelas I Tanjung Priok terhadap standar dinilai sangat baik CR= 95,86 . Terdapat 8 item yang tidak memenuhi standar antara lain: speed boat quarantine, motoris speed boat karantina yang memiliki sertifikat ANT V Ahli Nautica Tingkat 5 , tenaga psikolog, petugas penata refraksi, petugas penata audiometri, dan petugas penata spirometri, dan hemocytometer. Kegiatan kekarantinaan dan surveilans epidemiologi dapat 100 dilaksanakan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan terfokus pada pengadaan sarana dan prasarana serta SDM yang dibutuhkan dan supervisi kerja petugas KKP dalam upaya cegah tangkal PHEIC.

This research is an analytical study of Public Health Emergency of International Concern Preparedness in Port Health Office using quantitative an qualitative approaches. The purpose of this study is to assess Public Health Emergency of International Concern Preparedness of Tanjung Priok Port Health Office in 2017 based on IHR 2005 and Indonesian quarantine regulation. Population of this study is Tanjung Priok Port Health Office in general. Ten officers are chosen with purposive and snowball samping to be this study informants. The data were collected from self administered PHEIC preparedness assessment filled by institutional representative and in depth interview results primary data , as well as 2014 2016 Tanjung Priok Port Health Office Yearly Reports secondary data . This study was conducted on April June of 2017. Complience rate in Tanjung Priok Port Health Office is rated excellence CR 95,86 , although there are 8 items that do not meet the PHEIC preparedness standard, such as quarantine speedboat quarantine speedboat motorist with ANT V sertificate psychologist refraction, audiometry, and spirometry experts and hemocytometer. Quarantine and epidemiologic surveillance activities in port of entry have been done 100 . The researcher suggests that there should be an improvement in Port Health Office facilities and human resources needed for PHEIC preparedness."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Dyah Palupi
"Mutu pelayanan suatu organisasi merupakan hal yang penting dan telah menjadi kebutuhan bahkan tuntutan masyarakat. RevisiInternational Health Regulation Tahun 2005 mengharuskan setiap negara anggota untuk meningkatkan core capacity. Untuk melakukan perubahan, tentunya perlu diketahui kondisi pelayanan yang ada saat ini. Melakukan self assesment terhadap kondisi mutu yang ada perlu dilakukan dalam rangka upaya manajemen mutu terpadu (Total Quality Management).
Peneliti menggunakan 7 (tujuh) kriteria yang terdapat dalam Malcolm Baldrige Health Care Criteria for Performance Exxelence untuk mengetahui mutu pelayanan bidang upaya kesehatan dan lintas wilayah Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas I Tanjung Priok. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif.
Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat variabel proses yang mempunyai pengaruhpaling dominan untuk dilakukan peningkatan mutu organisasi. Dengan melihat pohon masalah, maka masalah prioritas dari variabel proses adalah Kurangnya panduan yang mendukung proses pelayanan dalam proses meningkatkan mutu organisasi yang lebih optimal. Bentuk nyata dari perbaikan tersebut adalah dengan membuat instrumen buat petugas seperti check proses yang harus dilakukan di setiap proses pelayanan pada bidang upaya kesehatan dan lintas wilayah Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas I Tanjung Priok.

Quality of organizational services is an absolute must, which has become a necessity even the public demands. Revision of International Health Regulation (2005)requires each member state to increase the core capacity. To make changes, certainly need to know the condition of the existing services at the present. Perform self assesment the existing quality conditions is necessary to be done in order to attempt Total Quality Management.
Researcher used 7 (seven) criteria contained in the Malcolm Baldrige Health Care Criteria for Performance Excellence to recognize quality service at Field of health effort and cross-regional, Port Health Office class I of Tanjung Priok.The method used in this study is a quantitative data analysis.
The results obtainedin this studyis the processvariablethat hasthe most dominant influence to do quality improvementorganization. By looking atthe problem tree, the priority issue is lack of guide supports the process of improving the quality of service.
Realfact of the improvements is to make instruments such as check process for officers should be done at every service process at the Field of health effort and cross-regional, Port Health Office class I of Tanjung Priok.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andri Repelita
"Fumigasi adalah suatu kegiatan memasukkan/melepaskan pestisida (fumigan) kedalam ruangan tertutup/kedap udara selama waktu tertentu dengan tujuan untuk membasmi tikus dan serangga sebagai vektor penyebab penyakit menular. Pekerjaan fumigasi merupakan upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam program pemberantasan vektor dikapal dan pesawat dengan menggunakan fumigant methyl bromide. Dari revew 542 literatur (Budnik et al., Environmental Health 2012), termasuk in vitro dan studi epidemiologi pajanan untuk studi epidemiologi pestisida methyl hidrokarbon, terutama efek beracun (kronik) atau karsinogenik dari penggunaan methyl bromide antara tahun 1990-2011, ditemukan 91 kasus toksisitas methyl bromide dan 29 menggunakan istilah ?karsinogenik, neoplastik atau mutagenik".
Tiga studi epidemiologi dievaluasi, menilai suatu kemungkinan hubungan antara kanker dan methyl bromide. Methyl bromide dianggap sebagai bahan karsinogen potensial di dasarkan pada penelitian terhadap hewan yang telah menunjukkan potensi karsinogenik dari senyawa ini (J. Donald Millar, M.D., D.T.P.H., NIOSH, 2003). Penelitian Saragih (2009), aktivasi kolinesterase darah pada petugas fumigasi kapal pada 66 responden, sebanyak 25,8% yang mempunyai tingkat aktivasi kolinesterase darah yang termasuk dalam kategori keracunan dan 74,2% mempunyai tingkat aktivasi kolinesterse darah. Data Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Tanjung Pinang, 2012, didapat dua orang kasus terpajan methyl bromide dengan kerusakan kulit berat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis tingkat resiko terpajan methyl bromide pada pekerja fumigasi kapal di wilayah Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Batam dan Tanjung Pinang, tahun 2013. Analisis resiko dilakukan secara semi-kuantitatif berdasarkan Australian Standar/New Zealand Standar 4360 Risk Management yang terdiri dari nilai kemungkinan (Likehood), nilai dampak (consequence) sehingga diperoleh tingkat resiko (Level Of Risk) dengan cara analisa matrik W.T Fine. Dari hasil analisa matrik terhadap dua metode fumigasi tersebut ditentukanlah suatu prosedur atau kontrol dalam mencegah atau menanggulangi resiko bahaya fumigasi kapal.

Fumigation is an activity insert/release pesticide (fumigant) into a closed room/airtight during a certain time in order to eradicate rodents and insects as vectors of disease-causing infectious. Fumigation on ships and aircrafts has been programmed by government to eradicate vectors such as rodents and insects used the fumigants i.e. methyl bromide. Based on 542 of review literatures (Budnik et al, Environmental Health, 2012), including in vitro and epidemiological studies of pesticide exposure for epidemiological studies methyl hydrocarbon, especially toxic effects (chronic) at or carcinogenic methyl bromide of use between the years 1990 - 2011, found 91 cases of toxicity methyl bromide and 29 used in term ?carcinogenic, neoplastic or mutagenic?.
Then, three epidemiological studies evaluated, assessing a possible link between cancer and methyl bromide. Methyl bromide considered as a potential carcinogen based on animal studies that have demonstrated the carcinogenic potential of this compound. (J. Donald Millar, MD, DTPH, NIOSH, 2003). Saragih (2009) studied activation of blood cholinesterase ship fumigation officer on 66 respondents, 25.8% have blood cholinesterase levels of activation were included in the category of poisoning and the remaining 74.2% have an activation of blood cholinesterase. According the data in Tanjung Pinang Port Health Office, 2012, acquired two cases of methyl bromide exposed to severe skin damage.
In this dissertation aims to analyze the level of risk in workers exposed to methyl bromide fumigation of ships in the Port Health Office of Batam and Tanjung Pinang, in 2013. Risk analysis performed semi-quantitatively based on Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard 4360 Risk Management consisting of the value of probability (likelihood), the value of impact (consequence) in order to obtain the level of risk analysis by matrix WT Fine. Based on the analysis of the matrix for two methods of fumigation were revealed a procedure or control in preventing or overcoming hazards ship fumigation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"From extreme weather events such as Superstorm Sandy, man-made tragedies like the Madrid train bombings, the threat of bioterrorism, and emerging infections such as the H1N1 pandemic flu, disasters are creating increasingly profound threats to health of populations around the globe. Through a presentation of 16 case studies, this book examines the broad range of public health scenarios through the lens of emergency preparedness and planning. Designed for students across a wide spectrum of health and safety disciplines, this text uniquely demonstrates the application of public health preparedness competencies established by the Association of Schools of Public Health."
Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2014
362.18 CAS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfi Munawir
"Proses pelayanan dan penerbitan sertifikat vaksinasi internasional di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) Kelas I Soekarno-Hatta belum berjalan secara optimal. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan terjadinya penumpukan pasien pada beberapa aktivitas tertentu serta lead time pelayanan yang terlalu bervariasi. Proses pelayanan dan penerbitan vaksinasi internasional dilakukan secara cepat mengingat jumlah kunjungan pasien vaksinasi dapat mencapai 400 kunjungan. Kegiatan tersebut dikerjakan secara monoton dan dilakukan berulang-ulang secara cepat akan berpotensi menimbulkan masalah dan mengancam keselamatan pasien apabila proses pelayanan bermasalah.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis proses pelayanan dan penerbitan sertifikat vaksinasi internasional di KKP Kelas I Soekarno Hatta dengan pendekatan metode lean six sigma. Jenis penelitian ini adalah operational research, dengan desain penelitian kualitatif dan bantuan statistik dasar.
Hasil penelitian digambarkan melalui value stream mapping yang memperlihatkan lead time proses pelayanan dan penerbitan sertifikat vaksinasi internasional selama 14 menit 56 detik dengan aktivitas VA sebesar 6 menit 22 detik (42,63%) dan aktivitas NVA sebesar 8 menit 34 detik (57,37%), proses paling lama terjadi pada langkah anamnesa dan pemeriksaan kesehatan karena menunggu panggilan dokter untuk melakukan anamnesa dan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Waste paling besar adalah waiting waste sebesar 8 menit 23 detik atau 97,85% dari total seluruh waste yang ditemukan. Berdasarkan analisis fishbone diagram ditemukan bahwa akar penyebab masalah paling banyak berasal dari kategori process.
Usulan perbaikan yang diberikan berdasarkan penyebab masalah yang ditemukan berupa pembatas antar pasien pada meja anamnesa dan pemeriksaan kesehatan, komunikasi pasien geriatri, pembuatan standarisasi kerja, pembuatan visual management, membuat pelatihan dan motivasi, melakukan penelitian serupa saat peak season, menghitung beban kerja, serta menerapkan 5S.

The process of vaccination services and international certificate of vaccination publishing is not optimal enough, indicated by the accumulation of patients in certain activities and the lead time process is too varied. The process of vaccination services and international certificate of vaccination publishing is done quickly because the numbers of visitors can reach 400 patients. The activities are done monotonously and repeated quickly will cause the problems and threaten patient safety if there are problems with the service process.
The aim of this research is to get analysis result of the process of vaccination services and international certificate of vaccination publishing using lean six sigma approach. This research is operational research type which use qualitative design with basic statistic.
The result of this research were described with value stream mapping that showed the lead time of vaccination services and international certificate of vaccination publishing for 14 minutes 56 seconds with value added activities for 6 minutes 22 seconds (42,63%) and non-value activities for 8 minutes 34 seconds (57,37%), the longest process happens on historical and medical examination due to the waiting for the historical and medical examination activity. The biggest waste is waiting activities for 8 minutes 23 seconds or 97,85% of the total waste. Based on fishbone diagram analysis, it was discovered that the root cause of problem mostly comes from process category.
The improvements proposed based on the root cause problems found are divider between patient in historical and medical examination desk, geriatric patient communication, work standardization, visual management creation, training and motivation, conducted similar research in peak season visitors, workload calculation and 5S implementation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Intensely practical and down-to-earth, this timely new text covers the breadth of health emergency preparedness, resilience and response topics in the context of inter-disciplinary and whole society responses to a range of threats. It includes public, private and third sector roles in preparation for and in response to natural and man-made events, such as: major incident planning; infectious disease epidemics and pandemics; natural disasters; terrorist threats; and business and service continuity management.
The book builds upon the basics of risk assessment and writing an emergency plan, and then covers inter-agency working, command and control, communication, personal impact and business continuity as well as training, exercises and post-incident follow up. Detailing the full emergency preparedness and civil protection planning cycle, the book is illustrated throughout with real-life examples and case studies from global experts in the field for countries with both advanced and developing healthcare systems.
This practical handbook covering the essential aspects of major incident and disaster management is ideal for undergraduate and master's students in emergency management and public health, as well as for practitioners in emergency preparedness and civil protection. It will be valuable to all health practitioners from ambulance, hospital, primary and community care, mental health and public health backgrounds."
Wallingford, Oxfordshire Boston: MA CABI, 2016
363.348 HEA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rotua, Evvi
Posbindu PTM diharapkan dapat menanggulangi masalah tingginya angka kesakitan
dan angka kematian akibat PTM. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis determinan
pemanfaatan Posbindu PTM di KKP Kelas I Tanjung Priok. Jumlah sampel pada
penelitian ini sebanyak 114 sampel dan menggunakan data sekunder kegiatan
Posbindu PTM dan hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan pegawai. Teknik analisis yang
digunakan adalah uji chi square dan regresi logistik untuk memperoleh gambaran
hubungan antara karakteristik individu dan status kesehatan terhadap pemanfaatan
Posbindu PTM. Berdasarkan hasil uji bivariat dan uji multivariat regresi logistik baik
usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan dan status kesehatan tidak mempengaruhi
pemanfaatan Posbindu PTM (p value > 0,05).

The role of Posbindu PTM for NCDs is to overcome the mortality rate and morbidity
rate. The aim of this study is to anlyze the role of Posbindu PTM for NCDs on Health
Quarantine Office on Port of Tanjung Priok. The amount of sample that used in thir
risert was 114 sample and the data was taken from the activities of Posbindu PTM
and the resulth of health examination that have been done. Analyses technique used
in this analyses was chi square and logistic regression to get the pictures of the
correlation between the characteristic and health status. The result shows that there
was no correlation between the utilization of Posbindu for NCDs with age, gender,
education, job title and healt status ( p value > 0,05)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Widiastari
Nama : Irma WidiastariProgram Studi : Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatJudul : Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat Perkotaan dan Pedesaandalam Menghadapi Darurat Kesehatan Masyarakat Studi pada Masyarakat Wilayah KelurahanMakasar-Kota Jakarta Timur dan Desa Campaka-Kabupaten Cianjur Tahun 2016 Wilayah Indonesia secara geografis merupakan area yang rawan bencana. Jikaterjadi bencana biasanya akan ada penyakit-penyakit menular tertentu yang timbuldan mengalami peningkatan melebihi batas normalnya di masyarakat yangterdampak oleh bencana tersebut. Pada akhirnya hal tersebut dapat dikategorikansebagai darurat kesehatan masyarakat. Masyarakat adalah pihak pertama yanglangsung berhadapan dengan ancaman dan bencana karena itu kesiapanmasyarakat menentukan besar kecilnya dampak bencana di masyarakat. Indonesiasebagai negara berkembang tentunya memiliki wilayah perkotaan dan pedesaanyang berbeda dari aspek pembangunan, pemerintahan serta kondisi geografisnya.Perbedaan potensi aspek tersebut tentunya berpengaruh terhadap kemungkinanadanya perbedaan juga dari sisi kesiapsiagaan masyarakatnya dalam menghadapikondisi darurat kesehatan masyarakat dan kebencanaan. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk mengetahui seperti apa gambaran kesiapsiagaan masyarakatperkotaan dan pedesaan di Indonesia yang dalam penelitian ini mengambil contohdi wilayah Kampung Makasar-Jakarta Timur dan Desa Campaka-Cianjur yangdipilih berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa kedua wilayah tersebut berpontensi akanadanya masalah darurat kesehatan masyarakat baik dari segi bencana maupunpeningkatan kasus penyakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan gabungan dari metodekuantitatif data analisis deskriptif berdasarkan penilaian kesiapsiagaan masyarakatyang mengkombinasikan dari unsur Desa Siaga Aktif dan Desa Tangguh Bencanadan kualitatif wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen . Hasil dari penelitian inimengungkap bahwa ada perbedaan nilai kesiapsiagaan di masyarakat pedesaaandan perkotaan. Pada wilayah perkotaan, hasil persentase kesiapsiagaan yangdidapat adalah sebesar 62.3 sedangkan untuk wilayah pedesaan sebesar 41.3 .Dari 20 indikator hampir memenuhi dalam hal keberadaan dan juga bervariasiantara daerah pedesaan dan perkotaan. Poin yang masih kurang adalahpelaksanaan indikator dan kinerja belum seperti yang diharapkan sebagaimanamestinya. Penyebab perbedaan yang paling mencolok hasil antara pedesaan danperkotaan perbedaan struktural, aksesibilitas, pendanaan dan pengetahuanmasyarakat. Untuk itu diperlukan pengawasan pihak stakeholder dalampenelitian ini adalah Puskesmas, pemerintah di pedesaan dan perkotaan Kata kunci : kesiapsiagaan masyarakat, darurat kesehatan masyarakat, pedesaan,perkotaan

Name Irma WidiastariStudy Program Public HealthTitle Urban and Rural Community Preparedness in PublicHealth Emergency Study on the Community fromKelurahan Makasar East Jakarta and CampakaVillage Cianjur District in Year 2016 Indonesia teritory geographically is a disaster prone area. In the event of a disasterthere will usually be certain infectious diseases that arise and have increasedbeyond normal limits in communities affected by the disaster. In the end it can becategorized as a public health emergency. Community is the first to directly dealwith the threat and disaster. Preparedness in community will determines the sizeof the impact of disasters on communities. Indonesia as a developing country haveurban and rural areas that different from the aspect of development, governmentand geography. The potential difference aspects certainly affect the possibility ofdifferences also in terms of community preparedness in the face of public healthemergencies and disasters. The purpose of this study was to determine aboutcommunity preparedness in urban and rural communities in Indonesia, which inthis study took a sample in Kampung Makasar East Jakarta and Desa Campaka Cianjur that were selected based on the consideration that the two regions areequally harmful for any problems public health emergencies both in terms ofdisaster as well as an increase in cases of the disease. This study uses acombination of quantitative methods descriptive analysis data based on anassessment of the preparedness of community that combines elements of DesaSiaga Aktif and Desa Tangguh Bencana and qualitative methods in depthinterviews, review of documents . The results of this study reveal that there areany differences in preparedness in rural and urban communities. In urban areas,the percentage of community preparedness is 62.3 , while in rural areas is 41.3 .Almost all of 20 indicators meet in existence and also vary between rural andurban areas. Points are still lacking is the implementation and performanceindicators were not as expected as it should be. The cause of the most strikingdifference between the results of the structural differences in rural and urbanareas, accessibility, funding and knowledge society. It is necessary for thesupervise of the stakeholders in this research are health centers, the governmentin rural and urban Keywords community preparedness, public health emergency, rural, urban."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Wulida Gusdani
"Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan merupakan penjaga kesehatan di pintu masuknegara. Upaya penyelenggaraan kesehatan di pintu masuk negara harus didukung oleh alokasi pembiayaan kesehatan yang cukup, efektif dan efisien. Analisis pembiayaan kesehatan dan kinerja ditujukan untuk melihat pembiayaan kesehatan dalam mencapai sasaran kinerja yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik WM dan telaah dokumen terkait. Dokumen terkait realisasi belanja dianalisis menggunakan tools Health Account dan ditabulasi dengan tabel pivot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sasaran strategis dan indikator kinerja yang ditetapkan tidak sejalan dengan tugas pokok dan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. Imbasnya, alokasi pembiayaan kesehatan harus sesuai menu penyusunan perencanaan meskipun peruntukannya terbatas. Penyusunan anggaran memenuhi prinsip penganggaran terpadu dan pendekatan kerangka pengeluaran jangka menengah. Meskipun disiasati dengan efektif, pemotongan anggaran berdampak pada capaian kinerja. Pengeluaran pelayanan kesehatan saat ini sebesar 72,8 -88,7 dengan komposisi fungsi pelayanan pelayanan preventif sebesar 50 -64 dan sisanya fungsi tata kelola dan administrasi kesehatan. Pembentukan modal tetap bruto dalam sistem kesehatan sebesar 11 -27 dari total pengeluaran kesehatan. Pelaksanaan UKM cukup baik dalam menggerakkan mesin birokrasi dan sosial namun terkendala koordinasi pada kegiatan pengawasan OMKABA dan pelabuhan/bandar udara sehat. Ketersediaan SDM belum sesuai standar dan distribusinya tidak merata. Revisi UU kekarantinaan kesehatan yang belum disahkan membuat penguatan KKP belum berjalan optimal. Pengelolaan sistem informasi berjalan dengan baik kecuali website yang kurang diperbaharui. Kesimpulan diperoleh pembiayaan kesehatan belum berbasis kinerja untuk mendukung tupoksi. Capaian kinerja belum optimal bukan hanya disebabkan oleh faktor pembiayaan namun kerjasama lintas sektor, dukungan regulasi, SDM dan peran serta masyarakat turut mempengaruhi pencapaian. Direkomendasikan melakukan penyesuaian antara sasaran strategis dan indikator kinerja dengan tupoksi dan pelaksanaan kegiatan, perbaikan dan penyesuaian menu perencanaan, mengadakan perjanjian kerjasama kegiatan pengawasan OMKABA, mengusulkan pengadaan dan pemerataan SDM sesuai standar, mendorong percepatan pengesahan RUU Kekarantinaan Kesehatan melalui konsultasi publik, advokasi yang lebih intensif kepada pihak-pihak terkait di bandara/pelabuhan, memperbaharui website dan memaksimalkan tren media sosial, serta meningkatkan dan memprioritaskan alokasi pembiayaan kegiatan langsung dan yang mengungkit indikator kinerja.

Port Health Office is a health guard at the state's point of entry. Public health strengthening at the point of entry should be supported by adequate, effective and efficient allocation of health financing. Health financing and performance analysis is aimed to analyze health financing related to achieve defined goal performance. This is a qualitative research using indepth interview method and documents review. Expenditure documents were analyzed using Health Account tools and tabulated with pivot tables. The results shows that the strategic objectives and performance indicators set arenot in line with the main tasks and activities undertaken. As the impact, health financing must be allocated based on planning menu although the allocation is limited. Budgeting meets the principles of a unified budgeting and medium term expenditure framework approach. Although budget cuts have been tried to be effectively tackled, they impacts to the performance goals. Current expenditure on health care is 72,8 88,7 with the preventive care is 50 64 and the rest is governance, and health system and financing administration expenditure. Expenditure on gross capital formation in the health care is11 27 of THE Total Health Expenditure. Public health program have been well implemented to empower the bureaucratic and social machines though the controls of drugs, food, cosmetics, medical devices, addictive materials OMKABA and a healthy port airport were not well coordinated. The availability of human resources is not up to standard and the distribution is uneven. Unrevision of the Law on Health Quarantine made the point of entry strengthening not optimal. The management of information system goes well but website is not well updated. Conclusion shows that the health financing is not performance based to support tasks, principal and functions. Goal performance is not optimal due to financing factor, cross sector cooperation, regulation support, human resources and community participation which play important roles in the achievement. It is recommended to make an adjustment between strategic objectives and performance indicators with main tasks and activities undertaken, improvements and adjustments to the planning menu, changes in performance indicators, to conduct agreement on OMKABA controls, to propose procurement and distribution of human resource based on standard, to accelerate the enactment of the revision of Law on Health Quarantine through public consultation, more intensive advocacy to stake holders at the airports ports, update websites and maximize trends social media, as well as increasing and prioritizing funds to finance direct health activity and those that improves performance indicator."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellya Zalfa Zahirah
"Rumah sakit berperan krusial untuk memberikan pelayanan dalam situasi kedaruratan kesehatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini membahas kesiapan rumah sakit di Indonesia menghadapi kedaruratan kesehatan masyarakat dengan desain literature review. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya informasi mengenai gambaran kesiapan rumah sakit dalam menghadapi kedaruratan kesehatan masyarakat melalui komponen kesiapan hospital emergency response checklist dari WHO serta mengidentifikasi faktor - faktor yang menghambat kesiapan rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan basis data PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, Library UI, dan Google Scholar. Hasil pencarian menunjukkan dari 1667 studi teridentifikasi, 11 artikel memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Seluruh komponen kesiapan terdapat dalam studi. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah komponen komando dan kontrol merupakan komponen paling siap untuk menghadapi kedaruratan kesehatan masyarakat dan komponen pemulihan pasca bencana jarang dipertimbangkan. Faktor hambatan yang ditemukan diantaranya adalah ketidaksiapan perencanaan kedaruratan, tidak tersedianya anggaran, kurangnya pelatihan dan simulasi untuk komunikasi darurat dan penanganan bencana, belum tersedianya kebijakan dan SPO untuk berbagai komponen kesiapan, kurangnya perhatian pada jalur evakuasi, tidak tersedianya area penanggulangan bencana untuk kapasitas lonjakan, tugas pokok dan fungsi tim bencana yang tidak jelas, logistik yang tidak dipersiapkan, dan penanganan infeksi yang belum sesuai standar.

Hospitals play a crucial role in providing services during public health emergencies. This study discusses the readiness of hospitals in Indonesia to face public health emergencies with a literature review design. The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the description of hospital readiness in dealing with public health emergencies through the components of the WHO's hospital emergency response checklist and identify factors that hinder hospital readiness. This research uses PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, Library UI, and Google Scholar databases. The search results showed that of the 1667 identified studies, 11 articles met the inclusion criteria. All components of readiness are included in the study. The conclusion of the study is that the command and control component is the most prepared component to deal with public health emergencies and the post-disaster recovery component is rarely considered. Various obstacles found including the unpreparedness of emergency planning, unavailability of budget, lack of training and simulations for emergency communication and disaster management, unavailability of policies and SOPs on various components, lack of attention to evacuation routes, unavailability of disaster management areas for surge capacity, unclear main tasks and functions of disaster teams, unprepared logistics, and handling of infections that are not up to standard."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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