Along with the development of games and the number of game players until now, many game companies with large game franchises are able to produce games for their franchise annually. A collection of games from one franchise belonging to a particular game company that are released every year are called annually released games. One of the digital game distribution platforms that is becoming the largest gaming market for annually released games is Steam. Every game that is released every year from a franchise is expected to have better quality and additional features than the version of the game in the previous year. Even so, in reality there are still annually released games that are not better than the previous version, which causes users to not be interested in buying the next version of that game. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the factors that influence repurchase intention of annually released games on Steam platform when viewed from expectation-confirmation model (ECM). This study used a quantitative approach involving a total of 270 respondents who have repurchased at least one annually released game. The research data was processed and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique with partial least square (PLS) method and SmartPLS tools. The results indicated that confirmation significantly affects all four dimensions of perceived value and satisfaction. Emotional value was found to have a significant influence on satisfaction. Intention to repurchase annually released games is influenced significantly by satisfaction, value-for-money value, and social value. The results of this research can be used for further research that discusses similar topics and may provide further perspectives and insights to current and future annually released games developers.