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Maria Brigitta Vimala Dewi
"Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dimana kebutuhan manusia semakin meningkat dan semakin kompleks, teknologi merambat ke semua bidang ilmu pengetahuan, termasuk arsitektur. Ironisnya, kemajuan teknologi justru seperti menarik manusia menjadi semakin jauh dari alam, seperti apa yang terjadi pada masa Revolusi Industri, dimana semua terlihat sama dan diproduksi secara massal, semata-mata hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Manusia tidak lagi memikirkan cara agar dapat hidup harmonis dengan alam seperti yang dilakukan oleh para leluhur mereka dahulu. Arsitektur dapat menjadi salah satu wadah yang memfasilitasi manusia agar dapat kembali dekat dengan alam, yang seringkali dilakukan oleh para arsitek dengan cara mengambil bentuk atau material yang ada di alam. Inilah asal mula munculnya gagasan tentang arsitektur organik. Terdapat berbagai unsur yang dapat membuat arsitektur disebut sebagai arsitektur organik, dimana unsur yang dominan adalah bentuk dan material yang organik. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, terjadi pergeseran dominansi unsur dalam arsitektur organik.

Throughout the progress of time where human needs are increasing and becoming more complex, technology propagates all field of knowledge, including architecture. Ironically, technological development seems to pull humans further from nature, just like what happened during the Industrial Revolution, which all objects looked the same and were mass produced, for the sole purpose of fulfilling human needs. People have no longer thought about ways to live in harmony with nature as their ancestors did. Architecture can become the vessel that facilitates people to return to nature, by taking the form of objects that are found in nature or using materials that are also found in nature. This is how the idea of organic architecture originated. There are various elements that can make an architecture to be referred as organic architecture, where the dominant elements are organic form and organic material. However, throughtout the progress of time, there is a shift in elemental dominance in organic architecture."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steve Alexander Harmadianto
"Pada masa kini permasalahan lingkungan merupakan momok dalam segala bidang kehidupan. Menanggapi desakan untuk menciptakan pola pembangunan yang mampu menjaga kelestarian alam, muncul berbagai pandangan dalam dunia arsitektur yang bergerak berdasarkan titik tolaknya masing-masing dalam melihat permasalahan lingkungan. Berbagai sudut pandang tersebut dipetakan kedalam ekologika berdasarkan karaktemya masing-masing. Di sisi lain kehadiran arsitektur organik memberikan nafas tersendiri dalam melihat hubungan antara lingkungan binaan, manusia dan alam. Skripsi ini melihat arsitektur organik dari sudut pandang ekologika serta pengaruh pendekatannya dalam mewujudkan arsitektur yang ramah lingkungan berdasarkan berbagai pola pikir dalam ekologika. Berakar pada kekaguman dan keinginan untuk hidup dalam harmoni dengan alam memicu tampilnya ekologika yang membaur satu dengan yang lainnya menghasilkan desain yang ramah lingkungan dilihat dari berbagai sudut pandang ekologika.

Nowadays, environmental problems have become a scourge in every aspect of our civilization. In the urge for environmentally friendly building practice, many alternative work sprout with distinct character of viewpoint, image, and strategy. Each of these have been mapped according to its characteristic in the term of ecologies. On the other side, organic architecture presents with its unique perspective of built environment in relation with man and nature. This essay is reviewing organic architecture from the ecologies viewpoint. Rooted in amazement of nature and desire to live in harmony with it, organic architecture turns the ecologies upside-down with each character of ecologies merge and complementing each other manifested in environmentally friendly built environment viewed from every perspective of ecologies."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belly Hardi Lawira
"Material bekas dapat menjadi bahan alternatif sebagai material membangun rumah. Namun, keterlibatannya belum tentu disetujui atau disukai semua kalangan masyarakat. Skripsi ini saya tulis untuk mengenalkan keterlibatan material bekas dalam rumah: penanganan desain dengan material bekas agar dapat menjadi indah dan optimal, menelusuri sejauh mana material bekas ini dapat terlibat dalam rumah, dan dampaknya terhadap pemilik rumah. Rumah yang dijadikan model studi kasus adalah Rumah Puzzle, rumah yang didesain oleh Arsitek Yu Sing, dengan melibatkan banyak material bekas.

Reclaimed materials can become an alternative in building a house. However, the involvement of this kind material has not been approved or preferred by all societies. I wrote this thesis to introduce the involvement of reclaimed materials at home design effort for reclaimed material to show its beauty and its best exploring how far the materials can be involved in a house and its impact on homeowners. I choose ldquo Rumah Puzzle rdquo as my case study model. The house was designed by architect Yu Sing, involving a lot of reclaimed materials."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanggoro Purwohananto
"Sebuah bangunan merepresentasikan dirinya melalui tampilan visual. Secara visual tampilan bangunan tak hanya dilihat dari bentuk saja, namun juga melalui permukaan bangunan terkait. Permukaan dipandang sebagai bagian yang memberikan ekspresi dalam memperlihatkan karakter dan identitas suatu bangunan, sehingga persepsi visual manusia terhadap bangunan akan terbentuk melalui permukaan. Kualitas permukaan suatu bangunan ditentukan oleh kualitas dari material pembangun, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa permukaan merupakan representasi dari material. Skripsi ini ditulis bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana permukaan dapat menciptakan kualitas arsitektur, dan bagaimana material dapat menciptakan kualitas permukaan. Dari kajian teori serta studi preseden yang saya lakukan terlihat bahwa permukaan sangat berkaitan dengan sensori manusia, sensory design, dan material. Permukaan akan menstimulasi sensori manusia dalam mempersepsikan arsitektur melalui unsur-unsur sensory design. Persepsi yang diciptakan oleh permukaan, akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh material dari permukaan itu sendiri. Karena suatu material tertentu akan menciptakan kualitas permukaan yang spesifik, dan akan mempengaruhi manusia dalam mempersepsikan suatu bangunan.

A building represents itself through its visual appearance. However, appearance of a building not only represents its form, but also the surface. Surface is seen as a part which provides an expression in showing the character and identity of a building, so that the visual perception of the building will be formed through the surface. The surface quality of a building is determined by the quality of the building material, so it can be said that the surface is a representation of the material. This thesis is written to examine how surfaces can create architectural quality, and how materials can create surface quality. From the theoretical studies and the precedent studies, the surface is closely related to human sensory, sensory design, and materials. The surface will stimulate the human sensory in perceiving the architecture through the elements of sensory design. The perception created by the surface, will be greatly influenced by the material from the surface itself. Because a certain material will create a specific surface quality, and will affect humans in perceiving a building."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Siswanto
"Papan semen partikel, sebagai material yang mengarah pada bahan komposit organik (semen dan limbah kayu sengon). Yang merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mengurangi tingkat radiasi matahari. Sementara radiasi matahari merupakan faktor utama perbedaan iklim, jumlah yang diterima oleh permukaan bumi tergantung pada energi radiasi matahari, yang pada akhirnya membentuk apa yang disebut Radiation Balance. Untuk mengurangi tingkat radiasi matahari maka suatu permukaan diharapkan memiliki nilai reflectivitas dan emmisivitas yang relevan, hal ini dapat dilakukan pada iklim tropis lembab. Dan berdasarkan pengujian kualitas nilai conductivity dan conductance, material hasil olahan limbah organik kayu ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan termal.
Dengan metode kuantitatif dan observasi-eksperimental dalam melakukan pengambilan data pada penelitian ini. Kemudian dilakukan perlakuan pada dinding koridor lingkungan dengan menambah papan semen partikel. Dari perlakuan dinding papan semen partikel, diukur reduksi temperatur luar yang dihasilkan. Setelah dihitung temperatur sol-air pada dinding papan semen partikel dan dinding existing. Selanjutnya, dinding papan semen partikel dibandingkan hasil reduksi temperatur dan temperatur sol-airnya dengan koridor yang menggunakan dinding existing. Sementara sebagai alat bantu yang digunakan dalam observasi penelitian adalah simulasi komputer ecotect, alat uji hot-wire, dan pyranometer weather station.
Hasil yang didapatkan, temperatur luar (TO) dinding existing dan temperatur luar (TO) dinding papan semen partikel terdapat selisih 1,906°C, (temperatur luar dinding papan semen partikel lebih rendah). Konsekuensinya adalah pada pemakaian papan semen partikel, temperatur nyaman (23-29°C) lebih lama bertahan 1 jam dibandingkan dinding existing. Pada data temperatur sol-air dinding papan semen partikel lebih rendah, dengan kisaran selisih antara 1,9-9,19°C. Selisih yang fluktuatif ini disebabkan penerimaan radiasi dan kecepatan angin yang berbeda setiap jamnya. Hal ini akan mereduksi penggunaan listrik untuk pendinginan sebesar 50% dari pola yang dihasilkan material batu bata sehingga terjadi penghematan yang mendukung mitigasi climate change.

Cement boanded board, as material leading to organic composite material (cements and timber raffle sengon). Which is one of alternative of lessen level of radiation of the sun. Whereas radiation of the sun is different climate primary factor, amount received by equiamplitude surface of ground depend on the sun radiant energy, in the end forms is so-called radiation balance. To lessen level of radiation of the sun hence an equiamplitude surface is expected to has relevant reflectivity value and emmisivity, this thing can be done at damp tropical climate. And based on assaying of quality of value conductivity and conductance, material result of organic raffle processing of this timber expected able to increase comfort is mall.
With quantitative method and observation-experimental in doing retrieval of data at this research. Then is done treatment at environmental passage way wall by adding cement boanded board. From treatment of cement boanded board wall, measured reduction of temperature outside yielded. After calculated temperature sol-air at cement boanded board wall and wall existing. Hereinafter, cement boanded board wall compared to result of reduction of its the temperature and sol-air temperature with passage way using wall existing. While as a means of assists applied in observation of research is computer simulation ecotect, test device hot-wire, and pyranometer weather station.
Result got, outdoor temperature (TO) wall existing and outdoor temperature (TO) cement boanded board wall there is difference 1.906°C, (temperature outdoor lower cement boanded board wall). Its the consequence is at usage of cement boanded board, balmy temperature (23-29°C) longer stayed 1 hour compared to wall existing. At temperature data sol-air lower cement boanded board wall, with the range of difference between 1.9-9.19°C. Difference which this fluktuatif caused receiving of different radiation and wind velocity every its(the hour(clock. This thing will reduce electrical usage for cooling equal to 50% from cupola yielded by brick material so that happened thrift that is supporting mitigasi climate change.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Julia
"[Penelusuran kolagen dari lapisan dalam rempela ayam kampung dan ayam negri diidentifikasi dengan cara tanpa perendaman dan dengan perendaman basa NaOH. Sifat fisiokimia kolagen dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) dan Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). Keberadaan kolagen dari sampel tanpa perendaman diketahui dari gugus fungsi molekul khas yang menyerap radiasi infra merah pada bilangan gelombang tertentu. Pada sampel dengan perendaman basa NaOH, memperlihatkan hilangnya gugus amida pada beberapa daerah jangkauan bilangan gelombang. Selain itu, perendaman juga mengurangi semua komponen kolagen dalam sampel. Kolagen yang berasal dari lapisan dalam rempela ayam merupakan kolagen tipe I dari hasil pemeriksaan bobot unit molekul sampel dengan uji SDS PAGE. Bentuk morfologi dari kolagen ini adalah berbentuk serat kecil dengan partikel-partikel kecil yang teramati menutup serat pada perbesaran kecil. Sementara kandungan atom penyusunnya merupakan susunan umum atom yang terdapat pada protein yaitu karbon, oksigen, fosfor dan sulfur dengan sedikit unsur pengotor.

The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities., The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfino Fadjar Rezkian
"Material adalah komponen yang tak terpisahkan dalam arsitektur. Perkembangan kebutuhan manusia mendorong manusia untuk berinovasi menemukan material baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Namun di sisi lain, eksploitasi alam secara besar-besaran untuk keperluan lingkung bangun terutama untuk keperluan material bangunan, menimbulkan kerusakan dan ketidak stabilan ekosistem. Konsep arsitektur ekologis hadir sebagai dimensi ekologis dalam arsitektur yang penuh perhatian kepada lingkungan alam dengan sumber daya alam yang terbatas. Material alami sebagai material yang ekologis dianggap dapat meredakan masalah tersebut. Penggunaan material alami dapat ikut menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem lewat pengurangan penggunaan sumber daya alam; pengurangan penggunaan energi pada saat eksploitasi, produksi, transportasi dan pembangunan; melestarian ketukangan lokal; dan keberlanjutan di bidang ekonomi.

Materials is inseparable from architecture. The developments of human needs encourage innovation of new materials to meet their needs. On the other hand, the exploitation of nature on a large scale for built environment, especially materials, cause damaged and unstable ecosystem. Eco architecture concept present as attentive to the natural environment with limited natural resources. Natural material as eco materials are considered to alleviate the problems. The use of natural materials can maintaining stability of ecosystem through reduced use of natural resources; reduction in energy use at exploitation, production, transportation and construction; preserving local craftsmanship; and sustainability in economic field."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Permatasari
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang manifestasi materialitas dalam arsitektur melalui material. Materialitas dalam arsitektur dapat dihadirkan melalui material, dimanifestasikan dalam beberapa aspek agar perancang dapat menggunakan aspek ini sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam memilih dan menggunakan material. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek materialitas yang terkandung pada penggunaan material yang ada pada sebuah bangunan arsitektur. Dengan studi kasus penggunaan material Batu Bata pada Gedung OLVEH, ditemukan kesimpulan bahwa terdapat empat aspek yang merupakan aspek materialitas yang dapat membantu membangun atmosfir, pengalaman, dan kualitas pada suatu ruang, yaitu: material properties, material sebagai materi fisik; material qualities, material dalam sifat-sifatnya yang metafisik; material aesthetic, keindahan material dalam kaitannya menciptakan atmosfir ruang; dan material ethic, pemanfaatan material secara benar.

This paper discuss the manifestation of materiality in architecture through materials. Materiality in architecture can be presented through material, material is manifested in several aspects so that the designer can use this aspect as a consideration in selecting and using materials. This paper rsquo s objective is to reveal the aspects of materiality contained in the use of existing materials in an architectural building. Focusing the case on Brick Material in OLVEH Building, we can conclude that there are four aspects of materiality that help to make the atmosphere, experience, and quality in a space, the aspect includes material properties, material as physical matter material qualities, material in their metaphysical properties material aesthetic, the beauty of the material, in relation to create an atmosphere and material ethic, the correct use of material. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Ayu Nyoman Titin Trisnadewi
"Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menghasilkan Phase Change Material (PCM) organik berbasis natural wax dan aplikasinya pada manajemen termal bangunan. Selain itu untuk mengetahui pengaruh nanopartikel, yaitu grafena dan MAXene dalam komposit PCM yang dihasilkan melalui metode impregnasi basah. Natural wax yang digunakan adalah soy wax, paraffin wax dan palm wax. Nanopartikel grafena dan MAXene (Ti3AlC2) ditambahkan sebesar 0,1 – 1 wt.% ke dalam PCM untuk meningkatkan konduktivitas termal dan stabilitas termal komposit nano-PCM. Uji siklus termal (500 – 5000 siklus) dan aplikasi manajemen termal hanya dilakukan pada PCM soy wax murni yang memiliki performa terbaik berbanding natural wax yang lain. Alat uji siklus termal berbasis termoelektrik, penambahan 4 modul, desain sederhana, sistem kerja otomatis dan simultan juga dirancang untuk meningkatkan efisiensi waktu pengujian. Nano-PCM dikarakterisasi menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscope- Energy Dispersive X – Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) dan konduktivitas termal. Hasil konduktivitas termal komposit nano-PCM soy wax-grafena dan soy wax-MAXene masing-masing adalah 0,88 W/mK dan 0,85 W/mK pada 1 wt%. Konduktivitas termal pure soy wax (0,18 W/mK) meningkat sebesar 6,01% untuk soy wax+grafena dan 5,71% untuk soy wax+MAXene. Hasil DSC menunjukkan soy wax dengan penambahan masing-masing grafena dan MXene 0,1 wt% memiliki kenaikan titik leleh sebesar 15% dan 16% serta penurunan titik beku sebesar 14% dan 13%. Hasil uji siklus termal menggunakan pure soy wax dengan alat thermal cycle yang didesign menghasilkan 13 siklus dalam waktu sangat efisien hanya 1 jam pengujian dan setelah 5000 siklus mengalami penurunan ΔH sebesar 60%. Uji performa PCM pada prototipe model dinding bangunan ukuran 101 x 50 x 80 cm untuk skala 1:5 mengunakan polywood dilakukan dengan mengenkapsulasi pure soy wax dalam kantong aluminium foil sebesar 250 g dan ketebalan 1 cm dan pengujian dilakukan selama 24 jam. Aplikasi manajemen termal menunjukkan pure soy wax pack menghasilkan penyerapan panas sebesar 10% dari 41oC menjadi 37oC dibandingkan dengan prototipe bangunan tanpa lapisan soy wax pack. Material maju PCM berbasis pure soy wax memiliki potensi sebagai material manajemen termal pada aplikasi bangunan dan mengoptimalkan penggunaan energi untuk sistem pendinginan pada bangunan.

This study aims to produce an organic Phase Change Material (PCM) based on natural wax and its application to the thermal management of buildings. In addition, graphene and MAXene in PCM composites were produced through the wet impregnation method to determine the effect of nanoparticles. Natural wax used is soy wax, paraffin wax, and palm wax. Graphene and MAXene (Ti3AlC2) nanoparticles were added at 0.1-1 wt.% to the PCM to increase the thermal conductivity and thermal stability of the nano-PCM composite. Thermal cycle tests (500-5000 cycles) and thermal management applications are only carried out on pure PCM soy wax which has the best performance compared to other natural waxes. Thermoelectric-based thermal cycle test equipment, the addition of 4 modules, a simple design, and an automatic and simultaneous working system are also designed to increase the efficiency of testing time. Nano-PCM was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope- Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of soy wax-graphene and soy wax-MAXene nano-PCM composites were 0.88 W/mK and 0.85 W/mK at 1 wt%, respectively. The thermal conductivity of pure soy wax (0.18 W/mK) increased by 6.01% for soy wax+graphene and 5.71% for soy wax+MAXene. DSC results showed that soy wax with the addition of graphene and MXene 0.1 wt%, respectively, had a melting point increase of 15% and 16% and a freezing point depression of 14% and 13%, respectively. The results of the thermal cycle test using pure soy wax with a thermal cycle tool designed to produce 13 cycles in a very efficient time of only 1 hour of testing and after 5000 cycles the H decreased by 60%. PCM performance test on a prototype building wall model measuring 101 x 50 x 80 cm for a scale of 1:5 using polywood was carried out by encapsulating pure soy wax in an aluminum foil bag of 250 g and a thickness of 1 cm and the test was carried out for 24 hours. Thermal management application shows that pure soy wax pack produces 10% heat absorption from 41oC to 37oC compared to building prototype without soy wax pack coating. Advanced PCM materials based on pure soy wax have potential as thermal management materials in building applications and optimize energy use for cooling systems in buildings."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iqbal Nurhidayat
"Abstract. Tesis ini mencoba menunjukkan metode perancangan berbasis material dengan mendefinisikan parameter materialitas suatu material untuk menghasilkan bentuk (form-generation). Kesimpulan dari Tesis ini adalah membuat susunan parameter materialitas yang akan digunakan sebagai form-generation dalam generative design. Melalui metode ini material yang umumnya hanya dianggap sebagai pelengkap, mampu menjadi inspirasi utama atau pertimbangan dasar utama dalam proses desain. Yaitu dengan mengintegrasikan material, bentuk dan struktur dalam prosesnya sebagai Generative Design. Mencari integrasi antara ketiganya dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Material-Based Design. Pendekatan material-based design dilakukan sebagai pencarian untuk menemukan dan membongkar sehingga materialitas suatu material dapat diterjemahkan sebagai parameter sebagai form generation dalam Genetaive Design. Bahan yang dipilih dalam percobaan makalah ini adalah tebu. Untuk menerjemahkan materialitas tebu menjadi parameter desain dalam Material-based design dapt dilakukan melalui proses Materializing dan Morfogenesis untuk menemukan Material System dari maerial tebu tersebut. Materializing adalah pemberian nilai-nilai materialitas yang secara faktual dideskripsikan atau dapat disebut sifat material dari suatu material, dalam kasus tebu, contoh sifat bahan tebu adalah tinggi, berat, kekuatan, warna dan sebagainya. Sedangkan Morphigenesis adalah proses menerjemahkan perilaku yang didefinisikan dari materi menjadi nilai-nilai. Dalam kasus tebu, contoh bahan perilaku adalah respon dari tekstur dan warna kulit tebu terhadap suhu dan kelembaban. Kondisi suhu dan kelembaban dengan nilai yang berbeda membuat tekstur dan warna tebu menjadi beragam, respons ini disebut material behaviour. Tetapi yang penting adalah, karena metode ini didasarkan pada materialitas, bagaimana proses menggambarkan materialitas tebu sangat penting. Saya menggunakan teori dari Tim Ingold (2007) tentang bagaimana materialitas harus didefinisikan. Konsep sederhana materialitas yang ia jelaskan adalah bahwa untuk mengetahui materialitas sesuatu, apa yang diperlukan untuk menggambarkan apa yang membuat sesuatu menjadi sesuatu. Maka menjadi penting untuk melihat tebu, dan bagaimana tebu bisa menjadi tebu. Oleh karena itu, percobaan dan pengamatan kisah di balik tebu menjadi tebu didefinisikan dan kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam Material-Based Design

This thesis tries to show the material-based design method by defining the materiality parameters of a material to produce form (generation). The conclusion of this thesis is to make materiality parameter arrangement that will be used as form-generation in generative design. Through this method material which is generally only considered as a complement, is able to be the main inspiration or the main basic consideration in the design process. Namely by integrating materials, forms and structures in the process as Generative Design. Looking for integration between the three can be done using the Material-Based Design approach. Material-based design approach is carried out as a search to find and dismantle so that materiality of a material can be translated as parameters as form generation in Genetaive Design. The material chosen in this paper experiment is sugar cane. To translate sugarcane materiality into design parameters in Material-based design can be done through the process of Materializing and Morphogenesis to find the Material System of the sugarcane maerial. Materializing is the giving of materiality values that are factually described or can be called the material properties of a material, in the case of sugarcane, examples of the properties of sugarcane material are height, weight, strength, color and so on. Whereas Morphigenesis is the process of translating behavior that is defined from matter into values. In the case of sugar cane, an example of behavioral material is the response of the texture and color of sugarcane skin to temperature and humidity. Temperature and humidity conditions with different values make the texture and color of sugarcane become diverse, this response is called material behavior. But what is important is, because this method is based on materiality, how the process of describing sugarcane materiality is very important. I use a theory from the Ingold Team (2007) about how materiality must be defined. The simple concept of materiality which he explains is that to know the materiality of something, what is needed to describe what makes something becomes something. Then it becomes important to see sugar cane, and how sugar cane can become sugar cane. Therefore, the experiment and observation of the story behind sugar cane to sugar cane is defined and then translated into Material-Based Design."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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