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Laksmita Larasati
Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk menelaah aktivisme culture jamming yang dilakukan dengan perantara sosial media, yaitu kanal YouTube fluxcup. Persebaran citra perlawanan oleh aktivisme culture jamming oleh kanal YouTube fluxcup berimplikasi positif dengan demokrasi yang ditawarkan oleh sosial media. Penelitian ini mengeksplor praktik penyebaran citra subversif yang berkembang hingga keluar dari ranah online, seperti kegiatan jual-beli cenderamata dan penerimaan proyek dari klien. Penelitian ini lebih jauh berpendapat bahwa terjadi dialektika relasi kuasa dan kontestasi nilai dalam aktivisme. Data yang diperoleh dari wawancara dengan tiga aktivis culture jamming dan tiga konsumen citra culture jamming pada kanal YouTube fluxcup menghasilkan temuan bahwa praktik subversi citra meluas pada kanal-kanal media lain dan pada ranah offline yang memunculkan perputaran kapital di dalam aktivisme. Dalam memutar kapital, terjadi dialektika relasi kuasa dan kontestasi nilai dalam aktivisme yang dinegosiasikan oleh aktivis dengan kuasa atas perannya sebagai agen

This case study aims to explore the activism of culture jamming that is mediated by social media in fluxcup YouTube channel. The distribution of image of resistance by the culture jamming activism relates in positive correspondence with the democracy offers by social media. This research also explores the dissemination of subversive images which branches beyond online activism, such as the sales of merchandise and client based projects. Putting the opposing values of culture jamming activism and the logic of product sales, this research argues that the dialectics of power relations and the contestation of values occur within the activism. Drawing on data obtained from observation and a series of interviews with three activists of fluxcup YouTube channel and three consumers of images made by fluxcup, this study further finds a system of capital circulation within the activism. In this matter, this study argues that the activists negotiate the dialectic in power relations and contested values with their power as agents."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pinckey Triputra
"Culture jamming is the result of post-modernity movements characterized by social criticism and resistance to
things related to modernity. The intent is to subvert symbols and meanings or to counter hegemony. Besides, it
critiques the media manipulation of reality and questions corporate power. It demarkets news, entertainments,
lifestyles, and desires in human’s daily loop of consumerism. This activism is similar to the concept of noise in
communication model by Shannon and Weaver. The intent is to alter political contents by defacing symbols to
reconstruct meanings that undermine advertisers’ intention using communication technology. As a result, the target
will receive new meanings in cultural or political perspectives. Culture jamming phenomenon in politics can be
found in the form of meme, media hoaxing, hacking, and Adbusters. Asides from the anti-marketing
“consumerism” phenomena, the aim of paper is to show meme forms as the basic units of culture jamming which
have emerged in one year regime of Jokowi. First meme that reconstructed Jokowi in TIME publication’s cover
was issued in October 2014. And the second meme reconstructs Jokowi as the object of Tokobagus.com
advertisement. These memes are used to be a new medium of critics and also an effective tool for binary opposition in defacing political issues."
David Publishing, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvin Dwi Saputra
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan
untuk nrengetahui bagaimana para pelaku ailhtre jctnuning Dewan
Kesepian Jakarta memandang ffIeme sebagai bentuk pembelajaran
kritis publik. Meme yang diteliti maknanya ialah meme yang
bertemakan politik. Penelitian berusaha meneliti pandangan para
pelaku culture jamnting Dewan Kesepian Jakarta dengan metode
wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ffrengemukakan bahwa Dewan
Kesepian Iakarta melakr-rkan cultur"e jantming karena dipengaruhi oleh
pendidikan dan pengalamannya. Meme yang dibagikan oleh Dewan
Kesepian Jakarta merupakan ubal-ran dari produk budaya sebelumnya.
Jakarta hanya berupaya untuk rnengkritik kebijakan aktor politik
formal dan Pemerintah. Para pelaku cultw^e jamming mempercayai
bahwa meme dapat menjadi pembelaj atan kritis publik meski rnasih
berada dalarn ranah dunia maya.

This stucly is a qualitative research that aims to determine horv
culture jamming actors of Dervan Kesepian .lakarta looheci meme as a ftirm
of critic,al public pedagogy. IViemes stuclied its meaning are political thenred
fitemes. The stucly sought to assess the vier.vs of the of cnlture jamming
actors nf Der,van Kesepian Jal
the study suggested tlrat f)ervan Kesepian Jakarta did culfure jamming as it
js inlltrenced by education and experience. Meme sharecl by l)ew-an
Kesepian Jakarta is a major change fiom previous cultural proclucts. Culture
jamming actions uuclefiaken Derryan Kesepian Jakarta only seeks to criticize
the policies of the formal political actors and the Governrnent. Culture
jamming acttit s believe that menles can be a critical learning public although
still in the realm cif c,vberspace""
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laras Aridhini
"Di era yang semakin mengglobal, budaya lokal harus dipertahankan sebagai jatidiri bangsa. Kini, budaya lokal dapat disajikan melalui media sosial tanpa mengurangi nilai yang tersirat di dalamnya. Seni tari adalah salah satu wujud seni pertunjukan yang kompleks. Berbeda dengan musik nonpertunjukan yang bisa dinikmati sambil melakukan aktivitas lain. Tari dan seni pertunjukan lainnya memerlukan lebih banyak waktu bagi seseorang untuk menikmatinya karena memerlukan dimensi ruang dan waktu (Irianto, 2017). Wahana Budaya Nusantara (WBN) adalah kelompok seni yang selalu menarik minat masyarakat Belanda agar mencintai budaya Indonesia. Di dalam WBN terdapat sosok Rachma sebagai perempuan berdaya (agensi individu) yang merintis dan mengembangkan budaya Indonesia melalui berbagai jenis tarian. WBN perlu diulas dalam kajian ini agar pembaca (khususnya masyarakat Indonesia) semakin mencintai budaya nusantara. Selain itu, sosok seperti Rachma perlu dijadikan teladan dalam pelestarian budaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi partisipasi dan wawancara daring. Sementara itu, metode analisis menggunakan studi literatur. WBN terbentuk dari gagasan Rachma dan dikembangkan bersama para anggota yang jumlahnya tidak begitu banyak. Penampilan WBN selalu dinantikan dalam setiap pasar malam dan beberapa event semi-privatProses pembelajaran selalu terjadi dalam WBN selama ini sehingga diharapkan menjadi suatu pesan semangat agar kita tidak mengenal kata terlambat untuk memulai belajar hal baru."
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya D.I. Yogyakarta, 2020
400 JANTRA 15:2 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferdi Arifin
"Social media is a real product of civilization. The impact of social media very influential in the effort to preserve local culture, especially the preservation of wayang kulit purwa. Recently, millenials generation has used social media in internet as an effort to preserve wayang kulit purwa. Using participation action method, this research looks at how millenials use social media top reserve wayang kulit purwa. The result shows that social media is very effective to attract people. Young people, especially, help to preserve their local culture in a current and fashionable way. This study has demonstrated that millenials have actively utilized social media to preserve local culture."
400 JANTRA 12:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hodkinson, Paul
London: Sage Publications, 2011
302.23 HOD m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Samuel Hans Damero
"Popularitas live stream gaming di Indonesia terus meningkat semenjak pandemi Covid-19. Meningkatnya popularitas tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan content creator untuk melakukan kegiatan kemanusiaan berbentuk charity stream. Charity stream adalah bentuk penggalangan dana saat melakukan live streaming. Salah satu Youtuber asal Indonesia, Brando Franco Windah, memanfaatkan popularitas yang dimilikinya untuk melakukan charity stream. Brando dikenal sebagai Youtuber gaming karena sering melakukan live streaming dengan topik video game dalam media Youtube. Ia juga sering melakukan charity stream sambil bermain video game. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi efek media pada khalayak dalam tingkat afeksi melalui studi pada charity stream yang dilakukan Brando melalui channel Windah Basudara. Pesan media yang diciptakan Brando melalui kanal Youtube dan Instagram pribadinya dapat mempengaruhi afeksi khalayak untuk turut melakukan aksi kemanusiaan melalui charity stream. Penulis melakukan analisis menggunakan pendekatan observasi daring terhadap 16 siaran ulang charity stream pada Youtube Windah Basudara, unggahan Instagram Windah Basudara yang berkaitan dengan charity stream, serta kolom komentar pada charity stream dan Instagram. Merujuk pada Potter (2012), efek pesan media dapat mempengaruhi khalayak melalui empat cara, yaitu acquiring affect, triggering affect, altering affect, dan reinforcing affect. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan Brando berhasil mempengaruhi afeksi khalayak terutama melalui acquiring affect dan triggering affect. Penulis juga menemukan adanya perbedaan gaya berkomentar khalayak dalam live chat Youtube dan kolom komentar Instagram Windah Basudara. Perbedaan gaya komentar tersebut disebabkan oleh perbedaan karakteristik dari kedua medium tersebut dalam membawa pesan media charity stream, yang menunjukkan the media is the message.

The popularity of live stream gaming in Indonesia has continued to increase since the Covid-19 pandemic. This increased popularity can be utilized by content creators to carry out humanitarian activities in the form of charity streams. Charity streams are a form of fundraising when live streaming. One Youtuber from Indonesia, Brando Franco Windah, takes advantage of his popularity to do charity streams. Brando is known as a gaming Youtuber because he often does live streams on video game topics on Youtube. Brando also often does charity streams while playing video games. This paper aims to examine the potential effects of media on audiences at the level of affection through a study on charity streams conducted by the Windah Basudara channel. Media messages created by Brando through his personal Youtube and Instagram channels can influence audience affection to take part in humanitarian action through charity streams. The author conducted an analysis using an online observation approach to 16 charity stream replays on Youtube Windah Basudara, Instagram posts by Windah Basudara relating to charity streams, as well as comment columns on charity streams and Instagram. The effects of media messages can influence audiences in four ways, acquiring affect, triggering affect, altering affect, and reinforcing affect. The results of the analysis show that Brando succeeded in influencing the affective effect of the audience, especially through acquiring affect and triggering affect. The author also found that there were differences in the style of public commenting in Youtube live chat and Windah Basudara's Instagram comments column. The difference in commentary styles is due to the different characteristics of the two mediums in conveying the message of the media charity stream, which shows the media is the message."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Routledge, 2002
302.23 GLO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jenkins, Henry
New York: New York Univesity Press, 2013
302.23 JEN s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Sattwika Duhita
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hiperrealitas gender yang digaungkan melalui YouTube terhadap fans perempuan JKT48, secara khusus menilik pada konstruksi industri budaya jepang terhadap budaya dan gambaran perempuan di Indonesia melalui JKT 48. Melalui penelitian ini akan diperoleh pemahaman hiperealitas gender yang terbentuk dan menjadikan JKT48 sebagai sebuah system simulacrum bagi para fans perempuannya. Paradigm yang digunakan adalah critical constructionism dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa para fans perempuan JKT48 terjebak dalam ilusi realita perempuan ideal dan menjadikan JKT48 sebagai standard perempuan yang ideal bagi dirinya.

This research aims to know the gender hyperreality echoed through YouTube towards female JKT48 fans. By seeing the Japanese culture industry towards cultural value and depiction of Indonesian women through JKT48, this research seeks to understand how gender hyperreality is formed and using JKT48 as simulacrum system to their female fans. The paradigm used in this research is critical constructionism, using qualitative approach with descriptive design. The result of the research shows that female JKT48 fans are ensnared in ideal women illusion and making JKT48 as ideal woman they have to be.;This research aims to know the gender hyperreality echoed through YouTube towards female JKT48 fans. By seeing the Japanese culture industry towards cultural value and depiction of Indonesian women through JKT48, this research seeks to understand how gender hyperreality is formed and using JKT48 as simulacrum system to their female fans. The paradigm used in this research is critical constructionism, using qualitative approach with descriptive design. The result of the research shows that female JKT48 fans are ensnared in ideal women illusion and making JKT48 as ideal woman they have to be., This research aims to know the gender hyperreality echoed through YouTube towards female JKT48 fans. By seeing the Japanese culture industry towards cultural value and depiction of Indonesian women through JKT48, this research seeks to understand how gender hyperreality is formed and using JKT48 as simulacrum system to their female fans. The paradigm used in this research is critical constructionism, using qualitative approach with descriptive design. The result of the research shows that female JKT48 fans are ensnared in ideal women illusion and making JKT48 as ideal woman they have to be.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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