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Ahmad Hamidi
"Penghematan energi dan upaya mencari bahan bakar alternatif yang terbarukan seperti bioetanol perlu dilakukan saat ini. Produksi bioetanol dapat ditingkatkan diantaranya dengan mengoptimasi temperatur fermentasi dan waktu retensiya. Waktu retensi dipengaruhi oleh laju reaksi pembentukan, yang dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti lebih lanjut mengenai konstanta laju reaksi pembentukan bioetanol. Pada penelitian ini akan diproduksi bioetanol berbasis tandan kosong sawit TKS. TKS terlebih dahulu didelignifikasi untuk menghilangkan kandungan ligninnya, kemudian TKS tersebut dikonversi menjadi bioetanol dengan menggunakan metode Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation SSF. Pada proses ini, suhu reaksi divariasikan yaitu 30, 33, dan 35 agar diperoleh suhu terbaik, dengan pengambilan sampel setiap 24 jam selama 4 hari. Kondisi terbaik pada penelitian dicapai pada suhu 30 dengan waktu sakarifikasi dan fermentasi selama 24 jam. Koefisien kinetika yang diperolah pada kondisi terbaik tersebut yaitu maximum spesific growth reaction rate ?max = 0,008 h-1; monod constant Ks = 0,005 g/dm3; specific natural death constant Kd = 0,011 h-1; dan cell maintenance constant m = 0,457 h-1.

It is necessary for energy savings as well as searching for alternative renewable fuels, such as bioethanol. Bioethanol production could be improved such as by optimizing the fermentation temperature and retention time. The retention time is influenced by the rate of reaction formation, which in this study will be further examined on the reaction rate constant formation of bioethanol. In this research, bioethanol will be produced from oil palm empty fruit bunches EFB. Empty fruit bunches of oil palm EFB will undergo delignification process to remove its lignin content, then cellulosic rich oil palm empty fruit bunches EFB will then be converted into bioethanol using Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation SSF method. In this process, the reaction temperature variation 30, 33, and 35 performed to determine the optimum temperature, with sampling every 24 hours for 4 days. The optimum conditions in the study achieved at a temperature of 30 C in 24 hour of sacarification and fermentation. Meanwhile, the kinetic coefficients achieved in this optimum condition are maximum spesific growth reaction rate max 0,008 h 1 monod constant Ks 0,005 g dm3 specific natural death constant Kd 0,011 h 1 and cell maintenance constant m 0,457 h 1."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ningsi Lick Sangadji
"Fermentasi asam suksinat dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) menggunakan bakteri amobil dari rumen sapi saat ini sedand diteliti. TKKS adalah salah satu bahan baku yang dapat digunakan untuk produksi asam suksinat karena memiliki kandungan glukosa, harga rendah, serta tersedia banyak di alam. Asam suksinat dapat diproduksi dengan beberapa metode seperti fermentasi yang dianggap lebih ramah lingkungan karena mengkonsumsi CO2 selama prosesnya sehingga berkontribusi pada pengurangan emisi CO2. Bakteri yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini diisolasi dari rumen sapi dan akan diimobilisasi sebelum masuk ke proses produksi asam suksinat.
Fermentasi dilakukan dengan teknik Semi Simurrentous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSSF). Hidrolisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan enzim selulase selama 2 - 6 jam sebelum fermentasi terjadi. Yeast extract sebagai sumber nitrogen dan MgCO3 sebagai zat pengatur pH divariasikan kemudian akan hasil fermentasi berupa konsentrasi asam suksinat, yield, dan produktivitas akan dibandingkan. Fermentasi dilakukan selama 48 jam dalam water bath shaker dan suhunya dijaga pada suhu 37oC. Produk fermentasi akan dianalisis menggunakan HPLC untuk mengetahui kandungan asam suksinat.
Kondisi fermentasi optimal untuk produksi asam suksinat didapatkan saat: waktu hidrolisis - 6 jam, sumber pH awal - 20 g/L, konsentrasi agen pengatur pH awal - 20 g/L. Pada kondisi yang dioptimalkan ini, produksi maksimum asam suksinat ditemukan menjadi 1,43 g/L dengan hasil asam suksinat dengan konsentrasi glukosa awal dan 0,0297 g/L. produktivitas.

The fermentation of succinic acid from oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) using immobilized bacteria from cow rumen were investigated. EFB is one of raw material that can be used for succinic acid production due to its cellulose content, low prices, and availability. Succinic acid can be produced effectively by several methods, one of them is fermentation which considered more environmentally friendly due to CO2 consumed during the process, thereby potentially contributing to reduction of CO2 emission. Bacteria used in this experiment were isolated from cow rumen which must be immobilized before getting into succinic acid production process.
Fermentation is done by Semi Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSSF) technique. Saccharification was carried out using cellulase enzyme for 2 – 6 hours before fermentation occurs. Yeast extract as nitrogen sources and MgCO3 as pH regulating agent were varied and compared in terms of product concentration, yield, and productivity. Fermentation was carried out for 48 hours in shaker water bath and the temperature maintained at 37oC. Fermentation product was then examined using HPLC to find out the succinic acid content.
The optimum fermentation conditions for succinic acid production were found to be: saccharification time – 2 hours, initial nitrogen sources concentration – 20 g/L, initial pH regulating agent concentration – 20 g/L. At these optimized condition, the maximum production of succinic acid was found to be 1.47 g/L with 19.64 g/g yield of succinic acid to initial glucose concentration and 0.03 g/L.h productivity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Octaviany Magdalena
"Bioetanol dari biomassa limbah pertanian adalah generasi kedua dari bahan bakar alternatif selain biofuel dari bahan fosil dan baru-baru ini pengembangan produksi bioetanol secara luas dibahas melibatkan metode dan bahannya. Salah satu limbah biomassa potensial untuk produksi bioetanol adalah tongkol jagung, karena kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi dan ketersediaannya yang melimpah. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan produksi bioetanol dari tongkol jagung menggunakan metode sakarifikasi dan fermentasi secara simultan dengan proses enzimatik hidrolisis menggunakan err,im selulase dan xilanase dari dua Actinomycetes Catenuloplarus indicus dan Streptomryes sp. potensial dan fermentasi menggunakan Saccharomyces Cereviceae NBRC 1440. Sakarifikasi tongkol jagung menggunakan kombinasi enzim dianalisis dengan kromatografi lapis tipis KLT. Data menunjukkan bahwa enzim yang dihasilkan dari actinomycetes memiliki kemampuan untuk memecah tongkol jagung menjadi monosakarida seperti glukosa dan xilosa. Data menunjukkan hasil analisis gula reduksi dari rentang 0-96 jam yaitu sebesar 3,47;3,59i 3,71; 4,03; 3,48 ppm. Untuk konsentrasi tertinggi pada waktu 72 jam yaitu 4,03 ppm, sedangkan gula total sebesar 24,60;23,13;24,96;20,95;20,62 ppm dan konsentrasi tertinggi pada titik 48 jam sebesar 24,96. Analisis lebih lanjut dari produksi bioetanol dilakukan dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi KCKT menunjukkan bahwa ragi memiliki kemampuan untuk mengubah glukosa menjadi etanol. Bioeanol dari hidrolisis tongkol mencapai 1.017 g/L untuk proses SSF 48 jam. Dengan nilai untuk yield etanol yaitu sebesar 0,045 grarnl 20 tnL dan persentase konversi produksi etanol dari glukosa sebesar 58,11Yo.

Bioethanol from agriculture waste biomass is a second generation of alternative fuels beside fosil biofuels and recently development of bioethanol production is widely discussed involving methods and materials. One of potential waste biomass for bioethanol production is corn cobs because of its a high carbohydrate content and abundant availability. The main purpose of this research is enhancing bioethanol production from corn cobs by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation method with enzymatic hydrolysis using cellulase and xylanase from two potential Actinomycetes Catenuloplanes indicus and Streptomyces sp. and fermentation using Saccharorryces cereviceae NBRC 1440. The saccharification of corn cobs using a combination of enzymes was analyzed using Thin Layer Chromatography tLC and the data showed that enzryme from actinomycetes has the ability to break down corn cobs into monosaccharides such as glucose and xylose. The data show the results of reducing sugar analysis findings om the range of 0 96 hours is equal to 3.47 3.59 3.71 4.03 3.48 ppm. The highest concentration of 72 hour is 4.03 ppm, while the total sugar amounted to 24.60 23.13 24.96 20.95 20.62 ppm and the highest concentation of at point 48 hours at24.96. Further analysis of bioethanol production is done by High Performance Liquid Chromatography IIPLC showed that yeast has the ability to convert glucose into ethanol. The Highest bioethanol from com cobs hydrolysisreaching 1,017 g L for the SSF process 48 hours. With the value for ethanol yield is 0.045 920 mL and percentage conversion of ethanol production from glucose is 58,llo o."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwini Normayulisa Putri
"Asam suksinat dapat diproduksi dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) melalui proses fermentasi. Pada penelitian ini, produksi asam suksinat dilakukan menggunakan isolat bakteri dari rumen sapi melalui metode Semi Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSSF). Isolat bakteri dari cairan rumen sapi diperoleh dengan melakukan tahap isolasi terlebih dahulu. Tahapan isolasi dilakukan dengan melakukan enrichment, subkultur, isolasi, dan fermentasi bakteri. TKKS sebagai sumber karbon, juga dilakukan tahap pretreatment terlebih dahulu menggunakan larutan peracetic acid dan alkaline peroxide serta tahap prehidrolisis menggunakan enzim selulase untuk menghasilkan glukosa. Tahap SSSF dilakukan dengan konsentrasi awal glukosa yang berbeda, yaitu 0,45; 0,48; dan 0,61 g/L.
Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, konsentrasi, yield, dan produktivitas asam suksinat tertinggi sebesar 3,12 g/L, 0,312 g/g TKKS, dan 0,13 g/L/jam, secara berurutan, diperoleh pada konsentrasi awal glukosa sebesar 0,61 g/L. Selain itu, berat kering bakteri dan konversi glukosa tertinggi sebesar 0,0775 gr dan 73,61 %, secara berurutan, juga diperoleh pada konsentrasi awal glukosa sebesar 0,61 g/L. Estimasi parameter kinetika pertumbuhan bakteri juga dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan perhitungan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik tertinggi sebesar 0,051 jam-1 diperoleh pada konsentrasi awal glukosa sebesar 0,61 g/L.

Succinic acid can be produced from oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) through a fermentation process. In this study, succinic acid production was carried out using bacteria isolated from cattle rumen through the Semi Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSSF) method. Bacteria were isolated from cattle rumen fluid by doing the isolation stage first. The stages of isolation were carried out by doing enrichment, subculture, isolation, and fermentation of bacteria originated. OPEFB as a carbon source, were pretreated through pretreatment stage using peracetic acid and alkaline peroxide solution and then continue to the prehydrolysis stage using cellulase enzymes in order to produce glucose. The SSSF stage was carried out with different initial glucose concentrations, which are 0.45; 0.48; and 0.61 g/L.
Based on the results obtained, the highest concentration, yield, and productivity of succinic acid of 3.12 g/L, 0,312 g/g EFB, and 0.13 g/L/h, respectively, were obtained at the initial glucose concentration of 0.61 g/L. In addition, the highest dry weight of bacteria and glucose conversion were 0.0775 gr and 73.61 %, respectively, were also obtained at the initial glucose concentration of 0.61 g/L. Estimation of bacterial growth kinetics parameters was also carried out in this study. Based on calculations, the highest specific growth rate of 0.051 h-1 was obtained at the initial glucose concentration of 0.61 g/L.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Andre Fahriz Perdana
"Penggunaan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit TKKS sebagai bahan baku bioetanol generasi kedua menghasilkan limbah lindi hitam yang kandungan utamanya adalah lignin. Sebagai senyawa polimer fenolik, gugus hidroksifenolik pada lignin memungkinkannya bertindak sebagai antioksidan. Pada penelitian ini, isolat lignin lindi hitam diuji aktivitasnya sebagai antioksidan pada biodiesel. Lignin diperoleh dengan pertama-tama melakukan praperlakuan TKKS dengan metode organosolv pada suhu 170 C selama 2,5 jam dan dilanjutkan dengan melakukan isolasi lignin teknis. Isolat lignin ditambahkan ke dalam biodiesel dengan variasi konsentrasi 500, 1000, dan 1500 ppm. Lignin komersial dan antioksidan sintetik butylated hydroxytoluene BHT digunakan sebagai kontrol positif. Uji stabilitas oksidasi biodiesel dilakukan dengan metode Rancimat. Sedangkan uji aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan menghitung bilangan asam, bilangan peroksida, dan viskositas kinematik biodiesel pada pekan ke-0, 1, 2, 3, dan 4. Karakteristik isolat lignin organosolv yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini meliputi: rendemen lignin 13,7 kadar lignin 64,5 bobot ekuivalen 1822,1 g/ekuivalen dan kadar hidroksifenolik 6,8. Spektrum FTIR lignin organosolv menunjukkan kesamaan pita serapan dengan lignin komersial. Penambahan lignin organosolv, lignin komersial, dan BHT mampu menghambat laju oksidasi biodiesel dengan urutan aktivitas antioksidan dari yang terbesar hingga yang terkecil secara berturut-turut yakni BHT, lignin komersial, dan lignin organosolv.

Utilization of Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch POEFB as second generation bioethanol feedstock produces black liquor waste which the main content is lignin. As phenolic polymer compound, the hydroxyphenolic group in lignin enables it to act as antioxidant. In this study, lignin isolate from black liquor was tested for their activity as antioxidants in biodiesel. Lignin was obtained by first performing POEFB pretreatment by organosolv method at 170 C for 2.5 hours and followed by technical lignin isolation. Lignin isolate was added to biodiesel with variation of concentration 500, 1000, and 1500 ppm. Commercial lignin and synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene BHT were used as positive control. The biodiesel oxidation stability test was performed by Rancimat method. While antioxidant activity test was done by identifying the acid number, peroxide number, and kinematic viscosity of biodiesel at week 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Characteristics of organosolv lignin isolate obtained from this research include lignin yield 13,7 64.5 lignin content equivalent weight of 1822.1 g equivalent and hydroxyphenolic content of 6.8. The organosolv lignin FTIR spectrum shows the similarity of absorption bands to commercial lignin. The addition of organosolv lignin, commercial lignin, and BHT are able to inhibit the rate of oxidation of biodiesel with the sequence of antioxidant activity from the largest to the smallest successively BHT, commercial lignin, and organosolv lignin."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iqbal Yamin
"Semakin meningkatnya konsumsi minyak bumi sebagai bahan bakar membuat sumber energi yang tidak terbaharukan ini semakin menipis. Hal ini membuat kita harus mencari alternative renewable energy, salah satunya adalah bio-ethanol. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengaturan volume ethanol sebagai campuran bahan bakar melalui main jet secara terpisah dengan bensin premium untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap emisi yang dihasilkan oleh motor. Kadar ethanol yang digunakan adalah E7, E10, E13, E16, dan E20. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan diketahui berapa banyak bio-ethanol yang dibutuhan sebagai campuran agar emisi yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih bagus.

As the consumption of petroleum keep increasing, make this unrenewable energy resources met its end. A new alternative renewable energy such as bio- ethanol is needed. In this research, control volume of bio-ethanol as a blend of fuel through main jet with gasoline will be done to find the effect on the emission it produce. The rate of bio-ethanol that will be used are E7, E10, E13, E16, and E20. From this research, how much of bio-ethanol will be needed as a blend to the fuel so the the emission it produce can be better is expected to be known."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Putri Nursafera
"Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan salah satu jenis limbah lignoselulosa primer dari industri kelapa sawit. TKKS merupakan bahan baku yang menjanjikan untuk dikonversi menjadi produk bernilai tambah seperti bioetanol. Namun, pemanfaatan TKKS untuk menghasilkan bioetanol masih menjadi tantangan dalam skala industri. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini melakukan analisis risiko tekno-ekonomi akan pabrik bioetanol dengan bahan baku TKKS. Proses produksi bioetanol terdiri dari tiga tahap: pretreatment, sakarifikasi dan fermentasi serentak (SSF), dan pemurnian. Model simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Aspen Plus, dan evaluasi kelayakan ekonomi menggunakan metode real option yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Office Excel. Data untuk membuat simulasi proses produksi semi-kontinyu skala industri diperoleh dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bioetanol dengan yield sebesar 399 L/ton untuk kapasitas produksi sebesar 6.000 kL/tahun dengan biaya produksi sebesar 0,59 USD/L. Analisis profitabilitas menghasilkan nilai NPV, IRR, PBP, dan PI berturut-turut sebesar 3.097.581 USD, 16%, 6,16 tahun, dan 3,44. Analisis risiko dengan metode real option dengan nilai volatility (σ) sebesar 9% menghasilkan keputusan yang dapat diambil yaitu: (1) Proyek berjalan pada awal tahun; (2) Pada akhir tahun ke-1 bisa mulai dilakukan ekspansi; (3) Pabrik berhenti beroperasi pada tahun ke-20 dengan memperoleh salvage value sebesar 619.516 USD.

Oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) is a type of primary lignocellulosic residue from the palm oil industry. They are promising feedstocks for bioconversion into value-added products such as bioethanol. However, using empty fruit to produce bioethanol remains a challenge on an industrial scale. As a result, this study conducted a techno-economic and risk analysis of an EFB bioethanol plant. The bioethanol production process consists of three stages: pretreatment, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), and purification. The simulation model carried out using Aspen Plus, and the economic feasibility assessed using the real option method, which carried out using Microsoft Office Excel. The data from the previous experiment was used to create a simulation of an industrial-scale semi-continuous production process. With a yield of 399 L/ton and a production capacity of 6,000 kL/year, this study produced bioethanol at a cost of 0.59 USD/L. NPV, IRR, PBP, and PI values from the profitability analysis were 3,097,581 USD, 16%, 6.16 years, and 3.44, respectively. The following decisions can be made as a result of risk analysis using the real option method with a volatility value of 42 percent: (1) The project is open at the start of the year; (2) Expansion can start at the end of the first year; and (3) The plant will be abandoned at the end of the 20th year by obtaining a salvage value of 619,516 USD."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Alwan Asroruddin
Penelitian ini menyelidiki tentang produksi bioetanol dengan proses fermentasi anaerob menggunakan bakteri Zymomonas mobilis dari bahan baku cocopeat serabut kelapa . Cocopeat serabut kelapa yang telah dipilih sebagai limbah dan bernilai ekonomis dapat diolah menjadi sumber energi alternatif terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan untuk memproduksi bioetanol. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode delignifikasi, metode SSF Sakarifikasi dan Fermentasi Serentak , dan metode destilasi sederhana. Parameter dalam fermentasi etanol yaitu pengaruh variasi temperatur 32, 35 dan 38oC, dan waktu fermentasi dengan variasi 72, 96, dan 120 jam. Kapang Trichoderma viride memproduksi enzim selulase dan mengolah selulosa menjadi glukosa, sementara Zymomonas mobilis mengolah glukosa menjadi produk bioetanol. Analisis kadar bioetanol diuji menggunakan kromatografi gas. Hasil menunjukan dengan pH awal sekitar 5 mencapai kondisi maksimal pada temperatur 35oC, lama fermentasi 72 jam 3 hari , dan kadar etanol 0,341.

This study investigated the production of bioethanol by anaerobic fermentation process using Zymomonas mobilis bacteria of raw materials cocopeat coconut fibers . Cocopeat coconut fibers which have been selected as a waste product and have economic value can be processed to produce bioethanol as a renewable alternative energy sources are environmentally friendly. The method used in this research are the delignification method, method of SSF Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation , and a simple distillation method. The parameters of ethanol fermentation, such as the, temperature variation of 32, 35 and 38oC, and period of fermentation with the variation of 72, 96, and 120 hours. Fungus Trichoderma viride produced a cellulase enzyme and processed cellulose into glucose, while Zymomonas mobilis process the glucose into ethanol product. Analysis of ethanol content was measured by using gas chromatography. The results showed that an initial pH of 5 reached a maximum condition at temperature of 35oC, fermentation period of 72 hours 3 days , and the ethanol content of 0.341. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salah satu tahap yang penting dalam perancangan pabrik adalah perhitungan
keekonomian yang biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi simulasi proses.
Beberapa penelitian terdahulu, memanfaatkan SuperPro Designer sebagai simulasi
proses, namun belum banyak yang menggunakannya pada proses produksi bioethanol
berbahan baku tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS). Pada simulasi ini, dilakukan empat
skenario proses: (1) SHF-Adsorpsi; (2) SHF-Permeasi Uap; (3) SSF-Adsorpsi; dan
SSF-Permeasi Uap, dimodelkan menggunakan SuperPro Designer yang memfasilitasi
komposisi bahan baku dan produk, ukuran unit operasi, konsumsi utilitas, estimasi
modal dan biaya operasional serta pendapatan dari produk dan coproduk. Pemodelan
didasarkan pada data yang diperoleh dari produsen ethanol, penyedia jasa teknologi,
manufaktur peralatan dan jasa engineering untuk industri. Dari hasil analisis ekonomi
hasil simulasi, skenario SSF-Permeasi Uap yang paling rendah biaya produksinya dan
dapat dikembangkan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas pada skenario
tersebut, fluktuasi harga jual bioethanol, harga tepung TKKS dan harga produksi enzim
akan mempengaruhi nilai keekonomiannya

One of the important steps in plant design is economic analysis that usually done by
using simulator process application. Many research reports have used SuperPro
Designer as simulator, but only a few used it in bioethanol production simulation
process for Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) as feedstock. In this simulation, four scenario
process models: (1) SHF-Adsorption; (2) SHF-Vapor Permeation; (3) SSF-Adsorpstion;
and (4) SSF-Vapor Permeation for ethanol production from EFB were developed using
SuperPro Designer software that handle the composition of raw materials and product,
sizing of unit operations, utility consumption, estimation of capital and operating costs
and the revenues from products and coproducts. The models were based on data
gathered from ethanol producers, technology suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and
engineering working in the industry. Based on economic analysis, scenario model SSFVapor
Permeation provided cost effective and can be developed in Indonesia. It was
suggested through sensitivity analysis that, deviation bioethanol selling price, EFB
powder price and enzime production cost were necessary for bioethanol production
value.;One of the important steps in plant design is economic analysis that usually done by
using simulator process application. Many research reports have used SuperPro
Designer as simulator, but only a few used it in bioethanol production simulation
process for Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) as feedstock. In this simulation, four scenario
process models: (1) SHF-Adsorption; (2) SHF-Vapor Permeation; (3) SSF-Adsorpstion;
and (4) SSF-Vapor Permeation for ethanol production from EFB were developed using
SuperPro Designer software that handle the composition of raw materials and product,
sizing of unit operations, utility consumption, estimation of capital and operating costs
and the revenues from products and coproducts. The models were based on data
gathered from ethanol producers, technology suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and
engineering working in the industry. Based on economic analysis, scenario model SSFVapor
Permeation provided cost effective and can be developed in Indonesia. It was
suggested through sensitivity analysis that, deviation bioethanol selling price, EFB
powder price and enzime production cost were necessary for bioethanol production
value., One of the important steps in plant design is economic analysis that usually done by
using simulator process application. Many research reports have used SuperPro
Designer as simulator, but only a few used it in bioethanol production simulation
process for Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) as feedstock. In this simulation, four scenario
process models: (1) SHF-Adsorption; (2) SHF-Vapor Permeation; (3) SSF-Adsorpstion;
and (4) SSF-Vapor Permeation for ethanol production from EFB were developed using
SuperPro Designer software that handle the composition of raw materials and product,
sizing of unit operations, utility consumption, estimation of capital and operating costs
and the revenues from products and coproducts. The models were based on data
gathered from ethanol producers, technology suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and
engineering working in the industry. Based on economic analysis, scenario model SSFVapor
Permeation provided cost effective and can be developed in Indonesia. It was
suggested through sensitivity analysis that, deviation bioethanol selling price, EFB
powder price and enzime production cost were necessary for bioethanol production
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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