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Ayatun Fil Ilmi
Nama : Ayatun Fil IlmiProgram studi : Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatJudul : Faktor Dominan Gejala Premenstrual Syndrome padaMahasiswi Universitas IndonesiaPremenstrual syndrome merupakan kumpulan gejala fisik, psikologis, dan emosi,yang dialami wanita pada 7-14 hari sebelum mentruasi akibat perubahanhormonal yang berhubungan dengan siklus ovulasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmengetahui faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan gejala premenstrualsyndrome. Desain studi dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan tekniksampling consecutive sampling. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 130 mahasiswi yangberasal dari S1 reguler Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Departemen ArsitekFakultas Teknik angkatan 2015/2016. Variabel yang diteliti terdiri dari gejalapremenstrual syndrome, tingkat stres, aktivitas fisik, asupan gizi mikro piridoksin, vitamin D, kalsium dan magnesium , pola tidur, dan status gizi. Hasilpenelitian menunjukan sebanyak 36,9 mahasiswi mengalami premenstrualsyndrome gejala sedang hingga berat. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antaratingkat stres p=0,001 , asupan piridoksin p=0,003 , asupan magnesium p=0,044 , pola tidur p=0,006 dengan gejala premenstrual syndrome. Faktoryang paling dominan terhadap premenstrual syndrome adalah pola tidur OR=3,580 , diikuti tingkat stres dan asupan piridoksin. Mahasiswi dengan polatidur yang buruk berisiko mengalami premenstrual syndrome 3,580 kali lebihtinggi dibandingkan dengan mahasiswi yang memiliki pola tidur yang baik.Disarankan pihak kampus dapat memberikan promosi kesehatan yangberhubungan dengan gejala premenstrual syndrome, pentingnya pola tidur yangbaik dan cukup, pengendalian stress, dan pentingnya asupan gizi mikro.Kata kunci : premenstrual syndrome, tingkat stress, aktivitas fisik, asupan gizimikro, pola tidur, status gizi

Name Ayatun Fil IlmiStudy Program Public HealthTitle The Dominant Factor of Premenstrual Syndrome Symptomin Female Student of Universitas IndonesiaPremenstrual syndrome is a complex of symptoms, including physic, phsycology,and emotion that is experienced by some women, 7 14 days before women rsquo speriod, it is cause by hormonal changes related to ovulation. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the risk factors related to PMS. The research used crosssectional study design with sampling technique used consecutive sampling. Asample of this study was 130 student at FKM and Architecture Departement ofUniversitas Indonesia. Data collected include PMS occurrence, stress level,phsycal activities, intake of micronutrient pyridoxine, vitamin D, Ca, Mg , sleeppattern and nutritional status. The result showed 36,9 of subject had moderat tosevere PMS level. There was relationship between stress level p 0,001 ,pyridoxine intake p 0,003 , Mg intake p 0,044 , sleep patern p 0,006 withPMS. Sleep pattern OR 3,580 was the most dominant influence of premenstrualsyndrome followed by stress level and pyridoxine intake. Student with poor sleeppattern had experience PMS 3,580 higher than student with good sleep pattern.Researcher recommend to The University able to give health promotion related toPMS, the importance of good sleeping pattern, stress management, the importanceof micronutrient intake.Keyword premenstrual syndrome, stress level, phsycal activity, micronutrientintake, sleep pattern, nutritional status"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Egi Priyenti Andreani
Angka kejadian sindrom pramenstruasi pada perempuan usia reproduksi cukup tinggi. Namun, penyebab pasti dari sindrom pramenstruasi masih belum diketahui secara pasti. Salah satu faktor yang dikatakan berpengaruh terhadap sindrom pramenstruasi adalah diet. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola diet dengan kejadian sindrom pramenstruasi. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan 101 sampel yang merupakan mahasiswi program sarjana reguler perwakilan dari setiap rumpun keilmuan di UI. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas mahasiswi memiliki pola diet kurang dan tidak ada hubungan antara pola diet dengan kejadian sindrom pramenstruasi (p=0,320). Diharapkan perawat dapat memberikan edukasi tentang pola diet sehat dan mahasiswi dapat meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dengan menerapkan pola diet sehat.

Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women of reproductive age is quite high. The exact aetiology of PMS is not known precisely. One of the factors that may contribute to PMS is dietary pattern. This study aims to determine the correlation between dietary pattern and PMS incident. The study design was cross sectional with 101 regular undergraduate program students that representing each group of science in UI, using consecutive sampling method. The result showed that most of the students have poor diet and no relationship between dietary pattern and PMS incident (p=0,320). Hopely, nurses can provide education about healthy diet and student can improve health status by applying a healthy diet"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Ardian Noor
"Sindrom prahaid (SPH) adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan perempuan yang semakin meningkat prevalensinya selama beberapa dekade terakhir. SPH dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup perempuan saat masa suburnya. Berbagai terapi farmakologi dan nonfarmakologi digunakan untuk mengatasi gejalanya. Aktivitas fisik telah direkomendasikan sebagai salah satu metode untuk mengurangi keparahan gejala. Namun, hanya sedikit bukti yang mendukung bahwa memang ada hubungan antara SPH dengan aktivitas fisik, termasuk di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan data gambaran antara dua variabel tersebut.
Menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional peneliti ingin melihat gambaran SPH dan hubungannya dengan intensitas aktivitas fisik pada 106 mahasiswi di Fakultas Kedokeran Universitas Indonesia yang berada dalam rentang usia 15-24 tahun. Data didapatkan dari 106 responden dengan menggunakan kuesioner tervalidasi. Diagnosis SPH menggunakan kriteria dari The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology sedangkan aktivitas fisik berdasarkan kriteria pada kuesioner Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity.
Hasil uji distribusi data 62.3% perempuan masuk ke dalam kriteria SPH dengan distribusi ringan 19.8%, sedang 29.2%, dan berat 13.2%. Nilai p Chi-Square antara kejadian SPH dengan intensitas aktivitas fisik 0.804 (p<0.050). Dilakukan penggabungan data aktivitas fisik (aktif, tidak aktif) dan menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov didapatkan p=1.000. Sebagia kesimpulan, tidak ditemukan ada hubungan bermakna antara SPH dengan intensitas aktivitas fisik.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is one of women?s health problem with an increasing of its prevalence in recent decades. PMS has a high chance to reduce the quality of life for many women in their reproductive age. Variation of therapies has been used to eliminate the symptomps. Physical activity has been recommended as one of the treatments to reduce the severity of the symptoms. However, no clear evidence to support a relationship between PMS and physical activity, including in Indonesia. Therefore, specific data that gives picture of relationship between those variables is needed.
Using a cross-sectional design, we evaluated PMS?s distribution in 106 college students between 15-24 years old in Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia and its relationship to physical activity. Datas from respondents were assessed by validated questionnaire. Diagnostic of PMS based on The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology criteria of PMS and Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity were used to classified the intensity of physical activity.
Distribution test shows that 62.3% women met established criteria of PMS, 19.8% with mild symptom, 29.2% moderate, and 13.2% severe. Value of p=0.804 were obtained from Chi-Square test between PMS and physical activity (p<0.050). Integration of several categories of physical activity were calculated (active, non-active) and results in p=1.000 from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. As a conclusion, the results do not support a significant relationship between prevalent of PMS and intensity of physical activity."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Siswa perempuan cenderung memiliki tingkat stres yang tinggi, selain itu sebagian besar siswa perempuan juga mengalami gejala premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan hubungan antara stres akademik dan PMS pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir di Universitas Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan sampel 356 mahasiswi melalui pengumpulan data online dengan angket Student-life Stress Inventory (SSI) dan Premenstrual Syndrome Scales (PMSS) serta analisis data kategorik. Stres akademik pada mahasiswi pada tahun terakhir cenderung memiliki tingkat stres atau derajat berat yang tinggi. Selain itu, sebagian besar siswi mengalami PMS sedang dan berat. Ada hubungan positif yang kuat antara stres akademik dan sindrom pramenstruasi pada mahasiswa program sarjana reguler di Universitas Indonesia (r = 0,765) (p <0,05). Mahasiswa dapat menambah pengetahuan tentang stres akademik dan gejala sindrom pramenstruasi serta cara menanganinya. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat mengukur faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi stres dan PMS seperti latar belakang keluarga, tingkat ekonomi, religiusitas, dan koping pada mahasiswi.

Female students tend to have high stress levels, besides that most female students also experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This study aims to determine the prevalence and relationship between academic stress and PMS in final year students at the University of Indonesia. The research design was cross sectional with a sample of 356 female students through online data collection using a Student-life Stress Inventory (SSI) questionnaire and Premenstrual Syndrome Scales (PMSS) and categorical data analysis. Academic stress in female students in the last year tends to have a high level of stress or degree of weight. In addition, most of the students experienced moderate and severe PMS. There is a strong positive relationship between academic stress and premenstrual syndrome in regular undergraduate students at the University of Indonesia (r = 0.765) (p <0.05). Students can increase knowledge about academic stress and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and how to deal with it. Future research is expected to measure other factors that influence stress and PMS such as family background, economic level, religiosity, and coping in female students."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sella Devita
"Sindrom pramenstruasi merupakan kumpulan gejala yang muncul pada fase luteal yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan serta penurunan kualitas hidup. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi keluhan sindrom pramenstruasi adalah aktivitas fisik. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan skor aktivitas fisik dengan keluhan sindrom pramenstruasi. Sampel penelitian adalah 104 anggota Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner aktivitas fisik Baecke dan Shortened Premenstrual Assessment Form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian kecil mahasiswi mengalami sindrom pramenstruasi serta tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara aktivitas fisik total dan sindrom pramenstruasi, namun terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara aktivitas fisik olahraga dan sindrom pramenstruasi (r=- 0,230, p=0,019). Mahasiswi disarankan untuk melakukan aktivitas olahraga yang cukup dan teratur untuk mengurangi keluhan sindrom pramenstruasi.

Premenstrual syndrome is the symptom which occurs in the luteal phase and cause discomfort and decrease life quality. One of the factors which contribute to premenstrual syndrome is physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between physical activities score and premenstrual syndrome. A sample of this study was 104 members of Unit of Student Activities. Data were collected using Shortened Premenstrual Assessment Form and Baecke physical activity questionnaire. The result showed a small number of students had premenstrual syndrome and there were no significant correlation between total physical activities and premenstrual syndrome, but there was a significant correlation between sport and premenstrual syndrome (r=-0,230; p=0,019). This study encourages students to do sport regularly and sufficiently to decrease premenstrual syndrome.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Setiawati Rahayu
Sindrom pramenstruasi merupakan sekumpulan gejala yang dirasakan 7-10 hari sebelum siklus
menstruasi, gejala yang sering dirasakan adalah perubahan mood, nyeri sendi atau otot, food
carving. Desain studi dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan teknik sampling yang
digunakan adalah sensus, sehingga responden dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswi yang
terdaftar di program studi gizi dari angkatan 2011?2013. Dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa
sebagian besar mahasiswi Gizi FKM UI mengalami defisiensi zat gizi mikro, sedangkan hasil uji
hubungan antara asupan zat gizi dengan sindrom pramenstruasi menyatakan beberapa asupan zat
gizi memiliki hasil yang signifikan dengan sindrom pramenstruasi yaitu, Protein (0.047),
Vitamin A (0.014), Vitamin B1 (0.000), Vitamin B2 (0.002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium
(0.000) dan Kalsium (0.000). adapun asupan zat gizi yang paling dominan memengaruhi sindrom
pramenstruasi adalah vitamin B1, mahasiswi yang memiliki asupan vitamin B1 yang cukup
memiliki resiko 61 kali lebih kecil mengalami sindrom pramenstruasi dibandingkan dengan
mahasiswi yang mengalami defisiensi.

Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that is felt 7-10 days before the menstrual cycle,
which is often perceived symptoms are changes in mood, muscle pain, food carving and many
more. Design study in this research used cross-sectional with sampling technique used is the
census, so the respondents of this study are all female students enrolled in the course nutrition of
force from 2011 to 2013. From this study it can be seen that most of the FKM UI student
Nutritional deficiency of micronutrients, while the test results the relationship between nutrient
intake with premenstrual syndrome reveals some nutrient intake had significant results with
premenstrual syndrome, namely, Proteins (0047), Vitamin A (0014), Vitamin B1 (0.000),
Vitamin B2 (0002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium (0000) and Calcium (0000). As for the
nutrient intake of the most dominant influence of premenstrual syndrome is vitamin B1, a student
who has a sufficient intake of vitamin B1 has a 61 times lower risk of experiencing premenstrual
syndrome compared with students who are deficient;Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that is felt 7-10 days before the menstrual cycle,
which is often perceived symptoms are changes in mood, muscle pain, food carving and many
more. Design study in this research used cross-sectional with sampling technique used is the
census, so the respondents of this study are all female students enrolled in the course nutrition of
force from 2011 to 2013. From this study it can be seen that most of the FKM UI student
Nutritional deficiency of micronutrients, while the test results the relationship between nutrient
intake with premenstrual syndrome reveals some nutrient intake had significant results with
premenstrual syndrome, namely, Proteins (0047), Vitamin A (0014), Vitamin B1 (0.000),
Vitamin B2 (0002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium (0000) and Calcium (0000). As for the
nutrient intake of the most dominant influence of premenstrual syndrome is vitamin B1, a student
who has a sufficient intake of vitamin B1 has a 61 times lower risk of experiencing premenstrual
syndrome compared with students who are deficient, Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that is felt 7-10 days before the menstrual cycle,
which is often perceived symptoms are changes in mood, muscle pain, food carving and many
more. Design study in this research used cross-sectional with sampling technique used is the
census, so the respondents of this study are all female students enrolled in the course nutrition of
force from 2011 to 2013. From this study it can be seen that most of the FKM UI student
Nutritional deficiency of micronutrients, while the test results the relationship between nutrient
intake with premenstrual syndrome reveals some nutrient intake had significant results with
premenstrual syndrome, namely, Proteins (0047), Vitamin A (0014), Vitamin B1 (0.000),
Vitamin B2 (0002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium (0000) and Calcium (0000). As for the
nutrient intake of the most dominant influence of premenstrual syndrome is vitamin B1, a student
who has a sufficient intake of vitamin B1 has a 61 times lower risk of experiencing premenstrual
syndrome compared with students who are deficient]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Kalani Firdaus
"Sindrom prahaid dan gangguan siklus haid merupakan masalah yang kerap mengganggu perempuan. Patofisiologi dari keduanya berkaitan dengan faktor hormonal sehingga dihipotesiskan berkaitan. Penelitian cross-sectional analitik observasional ini dilakukan terhadap 106 mahasiswa di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah divalidasi sebelumnya. Pengolahan data secara statistik dengan uji Chi Square dan Uji Kolgmorov-Smirnov dan didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara sindrom prahaid dan gangguan siklus haid (p=0,507). Pravalensi sampel yang mengalami sindrom prahaid dan gangguan siklus cukup besar yaitu 62.2% dan 63.2%. Diantara yang mengalami gangguan siklus haid, sebagian besar (59.7%) juga mengalami sindrom prahaid. Jenis gangguan siklus haid paling banyak diantaranya menorrhagia (56.6%) dan oligomenorrhea (20.7%).

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menstrual disorders are problems that are usually complained by women, especially in adolescence. The pathophysiology behind them both, the hormonal factor, are the reason behind the hypothesis of them related. This cross-sectional observasional analitic research is done on 106 college students on Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia using a questionnaire that has been validated. Statistical process is done with Chi Square and Kolgmorov-Smirnov test and concluded that there is no significant relation between PMS (p=0.507) and menstrual disorder with prevalence of PMS and menstrual disorder are 62.2% and 63.2%. Among the samples diagnosed postive for menstrual disorders, most (59.7%) were also diagnosed with premenstrual syndrome. The most common types of menstrual disorders are menorrhagia (56.6%) and oligomenorrhea (20.7%)."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meliani Chandra
"Dysmenorrhea primer merupakan suatu masalah yang berdampak pada kualitas hidup seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi (IMT), kebiasaan olahraga, asupan gizi (serat, omega-3, dan kalsium), konsumsi kopi, usia menarche, laju menstruasi, lama menstruasi,, siklus menstruasi, riwayat keluarga, dan stress psikologis dengan dysmenorrhea primer serta faktor yang dominan pada mahasiswi S1 Reguler FF, FIK, dan FKM UI tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan metode systematic random sampling. Sampel yang diteliti adalah mahasiswi FF, FIK, dan FKM UI angkatan 2011-2014 dengan total 170 sampel. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara pengisian kuesioner mandiri, wawancara FFQ semikuantitatif, dan pengukuran antropometri. Hasil uji chi square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara riwayat keluarga dan stress psikologis dengan dysmenorrhea primer (p-value< 0,05). Dari analisis regresi logistik didapatkan stress psikologis sebagai faktor dominan (OR 3,912).

Primary dysmenorrhea is a problem which impact quality of life. This study aimed to identify the association between nutritional status (BMI), exercise, nutrient intake (dietary fiber, omega-3, and calcium), coffee consumption, menarche age, menstrual flow, menstrual duration, menstrual cycle, family history, and psychological stress with primary dysmenorrhea and the dominant factor on female student in Female Student at Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Nursing, and Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesiain 2015. This study used cross sectional design with systematic random sampling. The observed sample in this study was female student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Nursing, and Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia batch 2011-2014 envolving 170 students. Data were collected by using a self administered questionnaire, semiquantitative FFQ, and anthropometric measurements. The result of this study showed that there was a significant association between family history and psychological stress with primary dysmenorrhea (p-value < 0,05). Logistic regression analysis showed that psychological stress as the dominant factor (OR 3,912)."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Putri
"Tuberkulosis masih menjadi penyebab utama kematian di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia sebagai negara ke-3 tertinggi penderita tuberkulosis di dunia. Sementara pada tingkat provinsi, Kota Depok berada pada urutan 11 dengan penyumbang kasus tuberkulosis terbanyak di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara rumah sehat, cakupan pengobatan TB, dan angka keberhasilan pengobatan TB dengan Incidence Rate (IR) tuberkulosis di Kota Depok tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi ekologi berdasarkan tempat dengan populasi seluruh masyarakat yang tercatat di 11 kecamatan di Kota Depok yang terdiagnosis penyakit tuberkulosis. Hasil penelitian melalui uji korelasi menunjukkan variabel independen yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan Insidence Rate (IR) tuberkulosis adalah cakupan pengobatan di Kecamatan Bojongsari (p = 0.000). Sementara hasil uji korelasi cakupan rumah sehat, cakupan pengobatan TB, angka keberhasilan pengobatan TB di Kota Depok menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak signifikan. Hasil analisis lainnya, cakupan rumah sehat di Kota Depok memiliki keeratan hubungan lemah berpola negatif (r = -0.173), cakupan pengobatan TB memiliki keeratan hubungan lemah berpola positif (r = 0.184), dan angka keberhasilan pengobatan TB memiliki keeratan hubungan kuat berpola negatif (r = -0.584).

Tuberculosis is still the main cause of death worldwide, including Indonesia as the 3rd country with the highest number of tuberculosis sufferers in the world. Meanwhile, at the provincial level, Depok City is in 11th place with the largest contributor to tuberculosis cases in West Java Province. This study aims to determine the relationship between healthy homes, TB treatment coverage, and TB treatment success rates with the Incidence Rate (IR) tuberculosis in Depok City in 2021. This study uses an ecological study design based on place with a population of all communities recorded in 11 sub-districts in Depok. Depok City, which was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The results of the study through the correlation test showed that the independent variables that had a significant relationship with the Incidence Rate (IR) of tuberculosis is treatment coverage in Bojongsari District (p = 0.000). Meanwhile, the results of the correlation test between healthy home coverage, TB treatment coverage, and TB treatment success rates in Depok City showed an insignificant relationship. The results of other analyzes showed that the coverage of healthy homes in Depok City had a weak negative correlation (r = -0.173), TB treatment coverage had a weak positive correlation (r = 0.184), and the success rate of TB treatment had a strong negative correlation (r = -0.584)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mega Dwi Kartika
"Label informasi nilai gizi pada produk pangan kemasan dapat digunakan untuk memonitor asupan makanan, sehingga dapat dijadikan alat untuk mencegah kejadian overweight dan obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui faktor dominan yang berpengaruh pada kebiasaan membaca label informasi nilai gizi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Juni 2015 di Gedung Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia, dengan sampel 186 responden melalui pengisian angket kuesioner dan pengukuran antropometri. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel dan uji regresi logistik ganda model prediksi untuk melihat faktor dominan yang berpengaruh pada kebiasaan membaca label informasi nilai gizi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 42,4% responden memiliki kebiasaan baik dalam membaca label informasi nilai gizi. Uji statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara gaya hidup, keterpaparan informasi mengenai label informasi nilai gizi, pengetahuan gizi, tingkat pemahaman label informasi nilai gizi, dan penilaian pentingnya kandungan gizi produk pangan kemasan dengan kebiasaan membaca label informasi nilai gizi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan gizi merupakan faktor dominan yang berpengaruh pada kebiasaan membaca label informasi nilai gizi (OR= 17,16). Untuk itu perlu dilakukan peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai keuntungan dan cara membaca label informasi nilai gizi untuk mencegah kenaikan prevalensi overweight dan obesitas di kalangan mahasiswa.

Nutrition label can be used to monitor food intake, so that it can be used as a tool to prevent the incidence of overweight and obesity. The Objective of this study is to identify the dominant factor affecting the habit of nutrition label reading among college students. This study was conducted in March-June 2015 in health science faculty in University of Indonesia, with 186 respondents as the subject. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaire and antropometric measurement. Data analysis were performed using chi-square test to determine the relationship between variables and multiple regression prediction model test to determine the dominant factor affecting the habit of nutrition label reading.
This study showed that 42,4% respondent have good habit of reading nutrition label. The chi square analysis showed significant relation between healthy lifestyle, information exposure of nutrition label, understanding of nutrition label, nutrition knowledge and importance of nutritional content of food product. Regression binary logistic analysis also showed that nutrition knowledge as the dominant factor affecting the habit of nutrition label reading (OR= 17,16). These findings suggest that knowledge and understanding of the benefits and how to read nutrition label need to improved in order to prevent the increase of overweight and obesity among college students.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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