ABSTRAKTesis business coaching ini membahas kegiatan yang dilakukan di PT Tidar Motor, bengkel mobil yang berlokasi di Cibubur dengan berbagai unit bisnis. Melalui metode exploratory research dan qualitative research, coach menemukan beberapa masalah pada fungsi keuangan, sumber daya manusia, dan pemasaran, sehingga value proposition untuk menjadi bengkel one-stop service sulit dicapai. Masalah tersebut dapat terjadi karena kurang optimalnya model bisnis saat ini untuk mencapai kondisi yang diharapkan. Maka, melalui business coaching ini, dilakukan perbaikan, perumusan model bisnis baru, dan disertai dengan cara-cara pemenuhan yang dianggap strategis untuk mencapai kondisi yang diharapkan, yang mana fokus coach dalam model bisnis adalah pada elemen key partnership, cost structure, dan revenue stream. Action plan berupa perbaikan dan pembuatan laporan keuangan juga dilakukan dengan harapan dapat membantu meminimalkan masalah keuangan, yaitu cost yang tinggi, profit margin yang kecil, cashflow yang lambat, dan terdapatnya selisih laba di laporan keuangan dan laba riil diperoleh.
ABSTRACTThis business coaching thesis discussed the activities did at PT Tidar Motor, an automobile workshop located in Cibubur with its various business units. By doing exploratory research and qualitative research, coach found several functional problems in financial, human resources, and marketing, causing the value proposition to become a one stop service workshop difficult to be achieved. Those problems could happen because the current business model wasn rsquo t optimum to achieve the prospected condition. From this business coaching, coach did the improvement and formulation of the new business model, as well as the strategic approachment to achieve the prospected condition, in which the coach was focused on key partnership, cost structure, and revenue stream. Coach also did the action plans by reforming and making the financial statement that believed could minimize their financials problems, which were high cost, insignificant profit margin, slow cashflow, and differences between earnings after tax in financial statement and the real earnings after tax."