ABSTRAKTerjemahan beranotasi adalah kajian terjemahan yang disertai anotasi atau catatan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas padanan yang dipilih. Anotasi ini juga menjelaskan alasan penerjemah menggunakan teori, metode, dan prosedur tertentu di dalam terjemahannya. Permasalahan yang kerap muncul dalam menerjemahkan novel ini adalah kata-kata umpatan, istilah psikologi, istilah warna, simile, peribahasa, dan idiom. Permasalahan itu dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan prosedur penerjemahan Newmark dengan melibatkan sejumlah teori penerjemahan dari beberapa ahli, seperti Beekman dan Callow serta Nida dan Taber. Penelitian ini menggunakan perpaduan beberapa metode, yaitu metode harfiah, bebas, dan komunikatif. Metode harfiah dan metode bebas diterapkan pada tahap restrukturisasi untuk menafsirkan teks yang sulit dan membantu penerjemah melihat masalah yang perlu diatasi. Sementara itu, metode komunikatif diterapkan pada tahap evaluasi dan revisi untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul sehingga dapat menghasilkan terjemahan yang lebih natural, wajar, dan berterima di BSa. Penerjemah harus membekali diri dengan pengetahuan mendalam sebelum menerjemahkan teks sumber. Pengetahuan itu tidak terbatas hanya pada pengetahuan tentang penerjemahan, tetapi juga pengetahuan tentang novel. Pengetahuan itu dapat membantu penerjemah ketika menerjemahkan dan menganotasi teks sumber. Ketelitian dan pemahaman yang jelas sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses penerjemahan untuk menghindari kesalahan tafsir. Hal yang terpenting dalam menerjemahkan novel ini adalah mempertahankan gaya bahasa penulis novel di dalam terjemahan untuk membuat TSa seekspresif TSu. Akan tetapi, mempertahankan gaya bahasa penulis bukan berarti penerjemah menjadi setia pada TSu dan mengabaikan sistem bahasa, budaya dan norma BSa.
ABSTRACTAn annotated translation is a translation study with annotations or notes as the translator‟s responsibility of the chosen equivalence. Thesis annotations also explain the translator‟s reasons for using certain theories, methods, and procedures in her translation. The problems that emerge in translating this novel are curse words, psychology terms, color terms, similes, proverbs, and idioms. The problems can be solved by using the translation procedures of Newmark and a set of translation theories of some experts, such as Beekman and Callow as well as Nida and Taber. This research uses a combination of literal, free, and communicative methods. The literal and the free method are applied in the restructure process to interpret difficult texts and to help the translator observe issues that need to be handled. Meanwhile, the communicative method is applied in the evaluation and revision process to solve the problems so that a translation which is more natural and more appropriate is produced. The translator should have a deep knowledge before translating the source text. The knowledge is not only limited to the knowledge of translation, but also knowledge about a novel. The knowledge can help translator translate and annotate the source text better. The accurateness and the deep understanding are really required in the translation process to avoid misinterpretation. The most important thing in translating this novel is to maintain the idiolect of the writer to make the target text as expressive as the source text. However, maintaining the idiolect of the writer does not mean that the translator is so loyal to the source text that she ignores the language system, culture and norm of the target language, An annotated translation is a translation study with annotations or notes as the translator‟s responsibility of the chosen equivalence. Thesis annotations also explain the translator‟s reasons for using certain theories, methods, and procedures in her translation. The problems that emerge in translating this novel are curse words, psychology terms, color terms, similes, proverbs, and idioms. The problems can be solved by using the translation procedures of Newmark and a set of translation theories of some experts, such as Beekman and Callow as well as Nida and Taber. This research uses a combination of literal, free, and communicative methods. The literal and the free method are applied in the restructure process to interpret difficult texts and to help the translator observe issues that need to be handled. Meanwhile, the communicative method is applied in the evaluation and revision process to solve the problems so that a translation which is more natural and more appropriate is produced. The translator should have a deep knowledge before translating the source text. The knowledge is not only limited to the knowledge of translation, but also knowledge about a novel. The knowledge can help translator translate and annotate the source text better. The accurateness and the deep understanding are really required in the translation process to avoid misinterpretation. The most important thing in translating this novel is to maintain the idiolect of the writer to make the target text as expressive as the source text. However, maintaining the idiolect of the writer does not mean that the translator is so loyal to the source text that she ignores the language system, culture and norm of the target language]"