"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh tiga jenis slack resources (financial slack, innovational slack, dan managerial slack) terhadap nilai perusahaan perdana atau IPO value yang diukur dengan jumlah proceeds pada saat IPO serta discretionary current accruals sebagai variabel moderasi dalam mengukur kualitas pelaporan keuangan. Enam puluh dua sampel diuji dari 4 sektor industri (basic industry & chemicals, agriculture, others, dan trade, services & investment) dengan menggunakan metode regresi linear berganda.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Innovational Slack memiliki pengaruh positif dan non-linear negatif (U-Terbalik) terhadap nilai perusahaan perdana. Working capital slack tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap IPO value. Cash reserve slack memiliki pengaruh positif dan experience slack memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap nilai perusahaan perdana. Discretionary current accruals mempengaruhi secara negatif hubungan cash reserves slack terhadap nilai perusahaan perdana. Berkebalikan dengan hipotesis yang diajukan, jumlah executives slack memiliki pengaruh negatif dan non-linear positif (Berbentuk U) terhadap nilai perusahaan perdananya.
This study examines the impact of three types of slack resources (financial slack, innovational slack, and managerial slack) on IPO Value, measured by the amount of proceeds gained at the time of IPO and discretionary current accruals as moderating variable in measuring financial reporting quality By using multiple linear regression method, 62 sample tested from four different sectors (basic industry & chemicals, agriculture, others, and trade, services & investment).
Analysis result shows that innovational slack has positive and negative non-linear effects (Reversed-U-Shape) on IPO Value. Working capital slack has no effect on IPO value. Cash reserve slack has positive effect but experience slack has negative effect on IPO Value. Discretionary current accruals has negative effect in the relationship of cash reserves slack to IPO value while working capital slack still has no effect on IPO value. Contrary to hypotheses, executives slack has negative and positive non-linear effect (U-Shape) on the IPO Value."