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Tulus Winarsunu
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang 1 pembingkaian informasi seperti apakah yang paling mempengaruhi sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi dan 2 bagaimanakah gaya kognisi memoderasi pengaruh pembingkaian informasi pada sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. Perspektif yang digunakan untuk menguji dua pertanyaan tersebut adalah expectancy value model of attitude dan cognitive-experiential self theory. Dengan menggunakan desain quasi eksperimental, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan manipulasi terhadap empat strategi pembingkaian informasi yaitu pembingkaian aksi positif, aksi negatif, atribut positif, dan atribut negatif. Data dikumpulkan dari 358 middle manager PT Pos Indonesia melalui case scenarios-questionnaires dan dianalisis melalui ANCOVA untuk pertanyaan pertama dan moderated multiple regression untuk pertanyaan kedua. Temuan penelitian menunjukan; 1 pembingkaian aksi positif paling mempengaruhi sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. 2 Gaya intuitif memiliki fungsi ganda; tidak hanya meningkatkan efek positif pembingkaian aksi negatif dan atribut positif, tetapi juga memperlemah pengaruh pembingkaian atribut negatif pada sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. 3 Gaya analitik memperlemah efek positif pembingkaian aksi positif pada sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan teori informasi, framing effect, dan memperkaya teori Gaya Kognisi dalam pembentukan sikap.

This research aims to find out the answer of 1 strategy in information framing as what is the most dominant influence of attitude towards organizational change program and 2 how is analytic style and intuitive to moderate the influence of information framing on attitude towards organizational change program. Perspective used to examine those two question are expectancy value model of attitude and cognitive experiential self theory. This research using quasi experimental design and does manipulation towards four strategies of information framing that are positive action framing, negative action, positive attribute, and negative attribute. Data is collected from 358 middle managers of PT Pos Indonesia through case scenarios questionnaires and processed through ANCOVA to answer first question and moderated multiple regression for second question. The finding shows 1 positive action framing influences most dominant on attitude towards organizational change program. 2 Intuitive style has double role, not only increasing positive effect of negative action framing and positive attribute framing, but also weakening the influence of negative attribute framing on attitude towards organizational change program. 3 Analytic style weakening positive effect of positive action framing on attitude towards organizational change program. This current study contributes to the development of theories of information, framing effects, and to the enrichment of the cognition theory in the formation of attitudes."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Panca Hadi Saputra
Tesis ini membahas tentang pengaruh dari gaya kepemimpinan terhadap perubahan organisasi. Dengan analisis secara micro-foundation yang dapat memilah dan menampilkan heterogenitas dari teori dynamic capability. Pada penelitian ini juga menganalisis efek moderasi dari knowledge-based capital pada hubungan gaya kepemimpinan dengan kapabilitas dinamik individu untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang perilaku pemimpin ketika membuat perubahan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara gaya kepemimpinan yang dimediasi oleh kapabilitas dinamik individu terhadap perubahan organisasi. Hasil penelitian ini juga menegaskan penelitian sebelumnya tentang kapabilitas dinamis individu yang mampu memainkan peran penting dalam menanggapi perubahan dalam lingkungan ketidakpastian.

This thesis discusses the influence of leadership style on organizational change. With micro foundation analysis that can parse the heterogeneity of dynamic capability theory. This study also analyzes the moderation effects of knowledge based capital on leadership style relationships with individual dynamic capabilities to gain a better understanding of leader behavior when making changes.The results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between leadership styles mediated by the dynamic capabilities of individuals towards organizational change. The results of this study also confirm previous research on the dynamic capabilities of individuals who are able to play an important role in responding to changes in the environment of uncertainty"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Panca Hadi Saputra
"Tesis ini membahas tentang pengaruh dari gaya kepemimpinan terhadap perubahan organisasi. Dengan analisis secara micro-foundation yang dapat memilah dan menampilkan heterogenitas dari teori dynamic capability. Pada penelitian ini juga menganalisis efek moderasi dari knowledge-based capital pada hubungan gaya kepemimpinan dengan kapabilitas dinamik individu untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang perilaku pemimpin ketika membuat perubahan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara gaya kepemimpinan yang dimediasi oleh kapabilitas dinamik individu terhadap perubahan organisasi. Hasil penelitian ini juga menegaskan penelitian sebelumnya tentang kapabilitas dinamis individu yang mampu memainkan peran penting dalam menanggapi perubahan dalam lingkungan ketidakpastian.

This thesis discusses the influence of leadership style on organizational change. With micro-foundation analysis that can parse the heterogeneity of dynamic capability theory. This study also analyzes the moderation effects of knowledgebased capital on leadership style relationships with individual dynamic capabilities to gain a better understanding of leader behavior when making changes. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between leadership styles mediated by the dynamic capabilities of individuals towards organizational change. The results of this study also confirm previous research on the dynamic capabilities of individuals who are able to play an important role in responding to changes in the environment of uncertainty."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryo Pamujo Tri Achtiaji
Tesis ini meneliti pengaruh persepsi pekerja pada perubahan organisasi, kepribadian
pekerja, identifikasi organisasi, dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kemampuan pekerja
mengatasi perubahan organisasi pada Bank XYZ, dengan pertimbangan Bank XYZ
merupakan Bank BUMN dengan kompleksitas permasalahan perubahan organisasi
yang tinggi namun tetap mampu menunjukkan kinerja yang sangat menggembirakan.
Penelitian menggunakan 231 sampel pekerja dari unit-unit kerja Bank XYZ di seluruh
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel persepsi pekerja pada perubahan organisasi,
kepribadian pekerja, identifikasi organisasi, serta gaya kepemimpinan suportif
berpengaruh positif signifikan pada kemampuan pekerja mengatasi perubahan
organisasi, sedangkan variabel gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif dan instrumental tidak
berpengaruh signifikan. Pengaruh terbesar diberikan oleh kepribadian pekerja. Analisis
uji korelasi karakteristik responden terhadap variabel dependen memberikan hasil tidak
ada satu pun karakteristik yang berkorelasi signifikan pada tingkat signifikansi 5%.

This thesis analyzes about the effect of employee perception on organizational change,
employee personality, organizational identification, and leadership style toward
employee?s ability in coping with organizational change in Bank XYZ, which are a
state-owned bank with high complexity organizational changes but still showing
awesome corporate performance. The research uses 231 employee samples from all
over Indonesia. The result shows that employee perception, employee personality,
organizational identification, and supportive leadership style variables give significant
positive effect to employee?s ability in coping with organizational change, while
partisipative and instrumental leadership style variables do not. Employee personality
give the biggest effect to dependent variable. Correlation analysis of sample
characteristics toward dependent variable shows no significant result for all
characteristic in 5% significancy.;This thesis analyzes about the effect of employee perception on organizational change,
employee personality, organizational identification, and leadership style toward
employee’s ability in coping with organizational change in Bank XYZ, which are a
state-owned bank with high complexity organizational changes but still showing
awesome corporate performance. The research uses 231 employee samples from all
over Indonesia. The result shows that employee perception, employee personality,
organizational identification, and supportive leadership style variables give significant
positive effect to employee’s ability in coping with organizational change, while
partisipative and instrumental leadership style variables do not. Employee personality
give the biggest effect to dependent variable. Correlation analysis of sample
characteristics toward dependent variable shows no significant result for all
characteristic in 5% significancy., This thesis analyzes about the effect of employee perception on organizational change,
employee personality, organizational identification, and leadership style toward
employee’s ability in coping with organizational change in Bank XYZ, which are a
state-owned bank with high complexity organizational changes but still showing
awesome corporate performance. The research uses 231 employee samples from all
over Indonesia. The result shows that employee perception, employee personality,
organizational identification, and supportive leadership style variables give significant
positive effect to employee’s ability in coping with organizational change, while
partisipative and instrumental leadership style variables do not. Employee personality
give the biggest effect to dependent variable. Correlation analysis of sample
characteristics toward dependent variable shows no significant result for all
characteristic in 5% significancy.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ricki Hardi
Perubahan akan selalu terjadi dan harus diikuti apalagi di dalam dunia bisnis.
Sekecil apapun perubahan, akan berdampak pada berbagai faktor. Garuda
Indonesia merubah logonya yang telah digunakan oleh mereka dalam waktu lama.
Perubahan ini walaupun sedikit namun memiliki dampak terhadap komitmen dan
sikap pelanggan kepada perusahaan ini. Adapun perubahan logo yang dilakukan
oleh Garuda Indonesia yaitu letak burung yang lebih tinggi, huruf yang lebih
ramping dan modern, serta warna yang lebih terang. Hal ini mengkomunikasikan
kepada masyarakat dan konsumen khususnya bahwa sedang terjadi perubahan
internal perusahaan Garuda Indonesia. Masih banyak konsumen yang belum
menyadari perubahan ini. Jumlah responden yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini
yaitu 200 orang dimana telah menggunakan jasa Garuda Indonesia lebih dari 3
kali. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang
signifikan antara komitmen terhadap sikap para merek Garuda sedangkan evaluasi
logo tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan. Selain itu kelompok umur juga
memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap sikap kepada merek.

Change has always happen and is a must to do in a business world. No matter how
small the change is, can still affect to some aspects. Garuda Indonesia has
changed its logo, which has been used for a long time. This change, though only a
little, has affecting the customer’s commitment and attitude toward the company.
About the change in logo itself, the redesign only happened to several elements,
such as higher position of the bird, sleeker and more modern font, and brighter
colors. This new logo is purposed to communicate to the public and consumers
especially, that there is an internal change in Garuda Indonesia Company.
However, there are still many consumers, which do not realize about this change
of logo. The number of the respondents in this research is 200 people who have
been using the service of Garuda Indonesia for more than three times. The result
of this research shows that there is a significant effect between commitments to
attitude toward brand Garuda, while the logo evaluation is not. Beside that, the
age group also has significant effect to attitude toward brand."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Himawan Teguh A
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari gaya berpikir dan system justification terhadap kepercayaan pada Tuhan dengan populasi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Kepercayaan pada Tuhan didefinisikan sebagai sebuah pengetahuan dan perasaan individu yang subjektif dan didasari oleh sebuah pengalaman mengenai hal terkait Tuhan, dan seringkali implisit. Gaya berpikir didefinisikan sebagai sebuah konfigurasi dari sebuah kemampuan umum untuk mengarahkan atensi, penilaian, dan motivasi yang menghasilkan sebuah tingkah laku yang terlihat dan penting dalam penyelesaian tugas-tugas seorang individu.. System justification didefinisikan sebagai proses psikologis dimana kondisi yang sudah ada, baik itu berupa sosial, politik, ekonomi, seksual, atau hukum, diterima, dijelaskan, dan dijustifikasi hanya karena mereka tercipta. Pengukuran kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Belief in God Scale (BiGS) yang disusun oleh Norenzayan dan Willard (2012). Pengukuran gaya berpikir dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) yang disusun oleh Frederick (2005). Pengukuran system justification dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua alat, yaitu General System Justification Scale (GSJS) yang diciptakan oleh Kay dan Jost (2003) dan Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) yang merupakan adaptasi dari GSJS yang diberikan konteks keagamaan. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 277 mahasiswa di Universitas Indonesia. Melalui teknik Multiple Regression, diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh system justification terhadap kepercayaan pada Tuhan yang signifikan, namun tidak terdapat pengaruh gaya berpikir terhadap kepercayaan pada Tuhan yang signifikan.

This research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes one?s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard (2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement, General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003) and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277 college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in God.;This research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system
justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as
the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often
implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as
a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and
motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes
one?s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby
prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are
accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is
measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard
(2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was
created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement,
General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003)
and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS
which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277
college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical
analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God
significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in
God.;This research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system
justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as
the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often
implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as
a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and
motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes
one?s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby
prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are
accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is
measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard
(2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was
created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement,
General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003)
and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS
which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277
college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical
analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God
significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in
God., This research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system
justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as
the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often
implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as
a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and
motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes
one’s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby
prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are
accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is
measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard
(2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was
created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement,
General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003)
and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS
which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277
college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical
analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God
significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nesya Adira
"Polemik terkait investasi asing di tengah masyarakat difasilitasi oleh inkonsistensi
pemberitaan di media dan kemunculan berita-berita provokatif. Meski demikian,
bagaimana mekanisme informasi mempengaruhi sikap terhadap investasi asing
belum banyak dielaborasi. Penelitian survei-eksperimental between-subjects
dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konten informasi politik dalam
pemberitaan media multimodal yang berisi ancaman simbolis dan ekonomi
(realistis) dari dua negara investor yang berbeda (Tiongkok dan Arab Saudi) dapat
mempengaruhi pembentukan sikap individu terhadap kebijakan investasi asing.
Empat jenis persepsi ancaman diteliti pengaruhnya berdasarkan Integrated Threat
Theory [1] – yaitu ancaman simbolis (ancaman terhadap nilai-nilai dalam
kelompok), ancaman ekonomi (ancaman realistis terhadap sumber daya
kelompok), kecemasan dalam hubungan antarkelompok, dan stereotip negatif.
Dengan menggunakan media survei daring, 378 partisipan terbagi ke dalam 4
kelompok dengan desain 2 (cue Tiongkok, cue Arab Saudi) x 2 (ancaman
simbolis, ancaman ekonomi) dan satu kelompok kontrol. Pengujian hipotesis
dilakukan dengan ordinary least square path analysis menggunakan PROCESS
Macro SPSS. Analisis mediasi menunjukkan pemaparan informasi berisi ancaman
mempengaruhi pembentukan sikap negatif terhadap investasi asing hanya melalui
pemrosesan sistematis dengan mengaktivasi persepsi ancaman ekonomi dan
simbolis. Meski demikian, pengaruh pemaparan informasi pada sikap terhadap
investasi asing ini hanya terjadi pada kelompok yang menerima informasi
ancaman ekonomi (β = 0,269; BootSE = 0,078; 95% CI [0,118; 0,428]) dan
ancaman simbolis (β = 0,098; BootSE = 0,044; 95%CI [0,013; 0,188]) yang
berasal dari investor Tiongkok. Hasil ini mengindikasikan dukungan terhadap
investasi asing masih tidak terlepas dari pengaruh sentimen etnis yang mengakar
di Indonesia.

Foreign investment has always been a polemic in Indonesian public, facilitated by
inconsistency and provocative tones on several media outlets. Yet, how this
information can influence people's attitude towards foreign investment has not
been explored. Between-subjects survey-experimental study was conducted to
understand how political information containing economic (realistic) and
symbolic threats of foreign investment on multimodal news from two different
countries (China and Saudi Arabia) can influence attitude towards foreign
investment. Four threats perceived were derived from Integrated Threat Theory--
symbolic threat (threat towards ingroup values), economic threat (realistic threat
towards ingroup‘s resources), intergroup anxiety and negative stereotypes. Using
online survey platform, 378 participants were grouped into 4 experimental groups
with 2 (cue: China, Saudi Arabia) x 2 (threat: symbolic, economic) with 1 control
group. Hypothesis were tested using ordinary least square path analysis with
PROCESS Macro for SPSS. Mediation analysis showed exposure to threat laden
information influences the formation of negative attitude towards foreign
investment through systematic processing by activating both economic and
symbolic threat perceptions. This effect only appeared on participants exposed by
information containing economic threat (β = 0,269; BootSE = 0,078; 95% CI
[0,118; 0,428]) and symbolic threat (β = 0,098; BootSE = 0,044; 95%CI [0,013;
0,188]) from China. This result indicates that support towards foreign investment
is still heavily related to ethnic sentiment deeply rooted in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Febriano Bukit

Riset-riset politik yang selama ini telah dilakukan menemukan adanya hubungan antara religiusitas dengan ideologi politik, di mana terdapat kecenderungan religiusitas berkorelasi tinggi dengan konservatisme. Salah satu pengaruh dari religiusitas yang sejak awal dianggap paling efektif digunakan untuk mengarahkan sikap dan tingkah laku manusia adalah narasi keagamaan. Penelitian ini ingin melihat apakah narasi keagamaan dapat memengaruhi sikap ideologi politik. Di sisi lain, kelompok pertemanan juga memiliki peran dalam menjelaskan sikap terhadap isu-isu politik, dimana salah satu mekanisme psikologis yang dapat menjelaskan pengaruh kelompok pertemanan terhadap ideologi politik ini adalah konsep realitas terbagikan. Kelompok konservatif dianggap lebih memiliki keinginan tinggi untuk membagi realitas mereka dibandingkan dengan kelompok liberal, sehingga realitas terbagikan diduga semakin meningkatkan kecenderungan konservatif pada individu yang terpapar narasi keagamaan. Penelitian ini dapat digolongkan sebagai penelitian eksplanatori, kuantitatif dan eksperimental. Terdapat total 165 partisipan (66 laki-laki dan 99 perempuan) yang dikelompokkan secara acak ke dalam dua kelompok manipulasi penelitian (between-subject design). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paparan terhadap narasi keagamaan memengaruhi sikap ideologi politik kearah yang cenderung konservatif dan fundamentalis. Sementara, uji moderasi tidak menemukan adanya pengaruh dari realitas terbagikan terhadap kekuatan hubungan antara narasi keagamaan dengan sikap ideologi politik. Berdasarkan temuan ini, terbukti bahwa narasi keagamaan memengaruhi sikap ideologi politik individu, namun pengaruh ini tidak diperkuat oleh adanya realitas terbagikan pada diri individu.

Previous researches in politics found a relationship between religiosity and political ideology, in which there is a tendency of religiosity to highly correlated with conservatism. One main effect of religiosity that considered most effective to direct human's attitude and behavior is religious narrative. Current research would inspect if religious narrative could affect political ideology. On the other hand, peer groups also have roles on explaining attitudes towards political issues, which could be explained by a psychological mechanism called shared reality. Conservatives considered have higher motivation to share realities with liberals, so that shared reality increase the tendency of political conservatism on individual exposed to religious narrative. This study classified as explanatory, quantitative, and experimental research. A total of 165 participants (66 male and 99 female) randomly assigned to one of two manipulation groups (between-subject design). Results show that exposure of religious narrative affect political ideology attitudes toward conservatism and fundamentalism. Whilst, moderation test did not find any effect of shared reality towards the relationship between religious narrative and political ideology. These findings conclude that political ideology attitudes could be affected by religious narrative, but this effect did not enhanced by shared reality within individuals.

Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iman Ismail
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh digital marketing yang terdiri dari search engine advertising, content marketing, sosial media dan e-mail marketing terhadap attitude toward digital marketing dan purchase intention dan pengaruh moderasi dari brand awareness, tujuan berikutnya adalah mengetahui saluran digital marketing mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap membangun sikap dan intensi pembelian konsumen. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, kepada responden yang berada di Indonesia, memiliki usia minimal 17 tahun, pernah terekspos digital marketing dalam 2 bulan terakhir, dan memiliki sosial media yang aktif. Kuesioner disebar melalui Whatsapp, Instagram dan Line. Responden yang didapatkan sebanyak 253 dan yang lulus tahap screening sebanyak 242. Peneliti menggunakan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) untuk mengalisis pengaruh peran digital marketing terhadap attitude toward digital marketing dan purchase intention dan peran moderasi dari brand awareness. Hasil penelitian ini adalah media sosial berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap attitude toward digital marketing dan purchase intention, e-mail marketing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap attitude toward digital marketing. Attitude toward digital marketing juga memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention.

This research aims to determine the impact of digital marketing which consist of search engine advertising, content marketing, social media and e-mail marketing on attitude toward digital marketing and purchase intention and moderating effect of brand awareness, the next goal is to find out which digital channels marketing has the most influence on building consumer attitude and intention. Data was collected through a questionnaire, the responden who are in Indonesia, have a minimum age of 17 years old, have been exposed by digital marketing in the last 2 month, and have active social media. Questionnaires were distributed via Whatsapp, Instagram and Line. There were 253 responden obtained and only 242 who passed screening stage. Reaseacher use Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to analyze the influence of the role of digital marketing on attitude toward digital marketing and purchase intention and moderating role of brand awareness. The result of this study are that social media has positive and significant effect on attitude toward digital marketing and purchase intention, e-mail marketing has a positive and significant effect on attitude toward digital marketing. Attitude toward digital marketing also has a positive influence on purchase intention. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasmin Zahra Qisthi
"Konflik yang paling sering terjadi dalam organisasi adalah konflik interpersonal. Pemimpin atau manajer berperan besar dalam menangani konflik interpersonal di tempat kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah gaya kepemimpinan transformasional, gaya kepemimpinan transaksional, dan gaya kepemimpinan laissez-faire memiliki pengaruh pada pemilihan gaya manajemen konflik ketika berhadapan dengan konflik interpersonal dalam organisasi sektor publik di Indonesia. Responden penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil berjumlah 289 orang yang bekerja di Jabodetabek dan sudah bekerja minimal 1 tahun dengan atasan langsung mereka. Data diolah menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).
Hasil penelitian ini adalah pemimpin organisasi sektor publik yang cenderung menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional menggunakan gaya manajemen konflik integrating dan obliging. Sedangkan pemimpin yang menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan transaksional cenderung menggunakan gaya manajemen konflik compromising dan juga pemimpin yang menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan laissez-faire menggunakan gaya manajemen konflik dominating dan avoiding.

One of the most frequent types of conflicts that occur in the organization is interpersonal conflict. Leader or manager plays a major role in handling interpersonal conflict in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to examine whether transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and laissez-faire leadership style has an influence on the selection of conflict management style when dealing with interpersonal conflicts in the public sector organizations in Indonesia. The data come from 289 of government employees who work in the Jabodetabek and had worked at least one year with their immediate supervisor. The data was processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
Findings show that leaders of public sector organizations that tend to use transformational leadership style using integrating style and obliging style of conflict management. While those using transactional leadership style using compromising style of conflict management and also leaders who use laissez-faire leadership style using dominating style and avoiding style of conflict management.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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