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M. Sulhan
Malang: UIN-Malang Press, 2008
332.1 SUL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Lahirnya dua undang-undang di bidang pemerintahan daerah yailu UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 dan UU No. 32 Tahun 2004, merupakan respons pemerintah terhadap tuntutan demokratisasi pada era reformasi, dengan memberikan kebijakan desentralisasi yang Iebih luas kepada daerah Implikasi dari kebijakan desentralisasi itu telah berdampak pada beberapa daerah di Indonesia yang berbasis Islam lcuat, mulai menuntut diberlakukannya syari?at Islam secara formal untuk diimplementasikan di masing-masing daerah itu. Lahirlah kemudian beberapa peraturan daerah (Perda) yang mengatur beberapa aspek dari ajaran Islam sehingga perda-perda tersebut lazim dipersepsikan sebagai ?Perda-perda Bernuansa Syari?ah?.
Perda-perda bernuansa syari?ah? itu, telah menimbulkan pro clan kontra di kalangan umat Islam sendiri sehingga dalam penelitian ini diaiukan satu rnasalah pokok: Bagaimana merespons aspirasi masyarakat terhadap tuntutan pemberlakuan syari?at Islam scara formal ? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis-normatif sedangkan kerangka teoritis yang dibangun untuk pemecahan masalah pokok tersebut adalah mengacu pada teori reoeptio a contrario, teori hirarki nonna hukum, dan teori desentralisasi pemerintahan dalam negara kesatuan: Perrama, teori recepixb a contrario harus dipahami bahwa berlakunya syari?at Islam adalah sebuah keniscayaan; Kedua, teori hirarki norma hukum dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji aspek kepastian hukum dalam kaitannya dengan keberlakuan hukum secara yuridis, yang ditentukan oleh validitas atau kesesuaian hukum dalam hirarki peraturan perundang-undangan; dan Ketiga, teori desentralisasi pemerintahan dalam negara kesatuan harus diposisikan dalam konteks pelimpahan kewenangan penmdangan dari pemerintah kepada daerah-daerah otonom.
Dalam penlitian yang dilakukan terhadap beberapa produk ?Perda dan Qanun bernuansa Syari?ah?, baik pada daerah otonomi khusus maupun daerah lain yang berstatus ownomi biasa ditemukan adanya berbagai hal sebagai berikut: Perramag formalisasi pemberlakuan syari?at Islam di Indonesia memiliki landasan historis-yuridis yang sangat kuat sesuai dengan Pasal 29 ayat (2) UU`D 1945; Kedua, kebijakan otonomi daerah di Indonesia pasoa reformasi berimplikasi pada adanya peluang bagi daerah-daerah untuk memberlakukan corak hukumnya masing-masing, termasuk pemberlakuan syari?at Islam; Ketiga, jenis-jenis ?Perda dan Qanun bemuansa syari?ah? yang telah diproduk beberapa pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia terdiri dari empat klasifikasi: (1) jenis perda yang terkait dengan isu moralitas masyarakat secara umum (Perda anti pelacuran dan perzinaan), (2) jenis perda yang terkait dengan fashion (keharusan mernakai jilbab dan jenis pakaian laixmya di tempat-tempat tertentu), (3) jenis perda yang terkait dengan ?keterampilan beragama (keharusan pandai baca-tulis A1-Qur?an), dan (4) jenis perda yang terkait dengan pemungutan dana sosial dari masyarakat (zakat, infaq, dan shadaqah). Hal ini pada dasarnya tidak ada yang perlu dipersoalkan karena merupakan produk bersama antara eksekutif dan legislatif, tetapi dari aspek materi-muatan yang diatur di dalamnya banyak yang overlap dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berada pada tingkat atasnya.
Atas dasar uraian di atas, maka perlu ditinjau kembali atas beberapa produk perda dan qanun tersebut, baik melalui judicial review maupun executive review.
The establishment of two legislations on local government, namely Act No. 22 Year 1999 and Act No. 32 Year 2004, highlights government?s response toward demand of democratization during Reformation era by issuing more decentralization policy for local govemment. The policy of decentralization has also shown robust implication particularly on several regions which possess strong Islamic character. They inquired to enforce legal Islamic syari?ah formally to be implemented locally. Accordingly, local regulation or laws were issued to lay down some aspects of Islamic teaching which is otten labeled as ?syari?ah based local laws".
The ?syari?ah based local laws? has attracted public attention specially among Muslim communities which is focused on this research by presenting a basic question; I-low to respond communities aspiration toward formally Shari 'a-isation of PERDA (Process of Making Regional Regulations based on Islamic Syari ?ah) ? This research adopts a normative judicial approach, while theoretical framework is based on the theory of reception a contrario, theory of hierarchy of legislation, and theory of decentralization in the context of unitary state system. First, theory of reception a contrario must be tmderstood in the context of basic value which obviously requires the formalization of syari?ah Secondly, that of hierarchy of legislation aims to examine aspect of rule of law in terms of legal enforcement which is determined by validity of legislation hierarchy. Finally, that of decentralization in the context of unitary state system must be positioned in the context of distribution of authority from central to local governments.
Based on this research, either in selected local governments with normal autonomy or in special autonomy, some basic Endings that can he described are as follow; first, forrnalization of syari?ah law enforcement in Indonesia has got it strong historical-judicial principle according to Article 29 (2) of the 1945 Constitution; Secondly, decentralization or autonomy policy in Indonesia after the Reformation era has brought to condition where some local government might produce their local laws in accordance with their characteristics including Islamic syari?ah. Thirdly, types of Perda and Qonun with Syari?ah basis issued by local govemments in Indonesia could be classified into four segments; (1) Type of Perda which deals with morality of communities in general (Perda of Anti-Prostitution and Adultery), (2) that of Perda which deals modesty and fashion (obligation to wear scarf or modesty in public places), (3) that of Perda which deals with religious skills (ability to read and write Al-Qur?an), and (4) that of Perda which deals with social charity funds raising (zakat, infaq and shadaqah). Those Perda must not be seen as problematic matters since those are joint products between local legislative and executive bodies. However, the matters stipulated in those Perda have overlapped with other higher legislations.
Based on that proposition, it needs to be considered that all Perda and Qonun should be reviewed, either through judicial review or executive review.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2005
332.1 MUH b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Ekonisia, 2002
332.1 BAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper reviewed the emergence of a new discourse in tapping the potential of muslim community that can be utilized to build community solidarity through cash waqf-concept. In regulation 42 of 2006 on the Implementation of Law No. 41 in 2014, the cash-waqf management is much more left to the islamic financial institutions ( Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah), which is appointed by the minister of religious affairs. The institutions has a very strategic role, especially in the development of cash waqf in Indonesia. One of the strategic roles is related to the legal status of the institution as it is appointed directly by the minister of religious affairs as the agency authorized to receive cash-waqf. Practically, the institution has a strategic role in managing and developing waqf properties as mentioned by waqif (donor of a waqf) to Nahzir (trustee of a waqf). Management and development of cash-waqf can only be done through investment in the institution’s products or islamic financial instruments."
AHKAM 1:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok : LKIHI-Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI-JSYARIA 1:1 ( 2008)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
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