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Michael Dove
"Briefly, the author describes about swamp-rice swiddens of the Kantu' in the upper reaches of the Kapuas river valley, West Kalimantan. Besides the cultivation of dry-swiddens, the Kantu' can utilize swamp-land surrounding their place to increase their food because it result a quite high harvest. The return of per work-day in the swamp-swiddens compared with in the dry-swiddens is 11,3 liters/day with 9,7 liters/day. However, the other things more important are planning in the swamp-land relatively "safe" since only such land which is immune to the ever-present threat - along the river - of flooding, and the brief fallow periods just take 1,2 to 2,5 years."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siburian, Robert
"Entikong, salah satu daerah yang berbatasan dengan negara Malaysia, merupakan daerah yang merespon krisis ekonomi secara berbeda dari sebagian besar daerah di tempat lain. Jika sebagian besar wilayah negara Indonesia mengalami 'kebangkrutan' akibat krisis ekonomi, sebaliknya, masyarakat di daerah perbatasan ini justru meraup keuntungan. Masyarakat Entikong justru menginginkan tetap berlangsungnya krisis ekonomi, karena hal itu membuat semakin bergairahnya kehidupan mereka. Harga jual komoditi pertanian, perkebunan, kehutanan, dan keperluan barang sehari-hari melalui lintas batas antarnegara relatif tinggi. Hal itu terjadi karena selisih kurs yang sangat tinggi. Bahkan, harga barang yang dibeli dari warga negara Indonesia jauh lebih murah daripada harga barang yang sama di Malaysia. Faktor itulah yang mengakibatkan masyarakat Malaysia bersedia membeli barang-barang Indonesia. Faktor pendukung dari keuntungan masyarakat Entikong itu berkaitan dengan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana di Entikong yang relatif memadai. Warga Indonesia atau warga Malaysia tidak terlalu sulit mencapai garis perbatasan sebagai titik pertemuan mereka untuk melakukan interaksi. Selain itu, tingkat ekonomi warga Malaysia relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tingkat ekonomi warga Indonesia. Warga negara Indonesia pun mampu menawarkan komoditi dengan kualitas yang tidak terlalu rendah dan harga bersaing dengan barang-barang yang diperjualbelikan di Malaysia. Bahkan, tingkat harganya sangat rendah dipandang dari sudut kacamata ekonomi Malaysia."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Yando Zakaria
"In the last two decades, deforestation - especially tropical rain forest - becomes the main issue due to the future of mankind. In Indonesia, deforestation increased from 300,000 ha/year in 1970s to 600,000 ha/year in 1980s. Some people argue that shifting cultivation plays important role in this deforestation. Yet, there is methodological constraint to obtain the best figure of deforestation caused by shifting cultivators, namely too exaggerated and unacceptable. Hence, the authors suggest some aspects that can be taken into consideration in calculating contribution of shifting cultivation to deforestation in Indonesia such as population dynamic, technological change, introducing cash crop, presence of migrant cultivator, and transmigration program."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo
"This paper, using a political demography perspective, attempts to reconstruct the perception of the center on the borderland of West Kalimantan and Sarawak, Malaysia. Basically there are two important views that dominating the center's perception on the borderland: 'perceived economic advantage and perceived threat'. Based on these twofold perceptions, policies and programs were implemented to serve the political and economic interests of the center. These policies and programs have generally resulted in the marginalization of border's people livelihood. Among the crucial policies that significantly changed the social and cultural dynamics of the local population is the transmigration program and the village enlargement project. These two programs represent the center's demographic engineering policy deeply rooted in the perception that the border areas should be militarily secured from various threats from abroad. The current moves toward regional autonomy and decentralization will likely provide new avenues for the local population in West Kalimantan to reassert their economic and political aspirations."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khidir Marsanto
"This article discusses the cultural history sketch of Orang Suku Laut (the Sea Tribe) and its implications for social relations patterns with the Malays in Riau Islands, Indonesia. Problems arise now in nomadic ethnic tribe when they interacting with the Malays. Many Malays people perceive Orang Suku Laut as a backward or primitive people. This point of view emerged from a long history of Orang Suku Laut in Riau Islands, and at present, the discourse is supported by the government which resettled them from the sea to the land as part of the modernization of disadvantaged areas in the New Order era. This government label to them was later influenced the Malays perception. Moreover, negative assumption also appears along with the cultural identity differences between both of the tribes, of which the Malays condense with Islamic tradition, while Orang Suku Laut doesn?t. At this situation, thus the identity of Orang Suku Laut is staked within socio-cultural dispute or contestation (the attraction process) among themselves in practicing their everyday lives."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Semiarto Aji Purwanto
"Rice farmers in Sidamukti, West Java plant several varieties of rice, sometimes planting twoor three varieties together in one plot of land. The decision to plant a specific variety is strongly influenced by farmers' agricultural knowledge, such as knowledge of varieties of rice, periods of maturation, tastes, characteristic of specific varieties, as well as knowledge of environmental conditions, including soil conditions, the need of fertilizer and seasonal changes. The author suggest that this knowledge, as a basis for decision making is at a pre-attentive stage that has become patterned, and its nearly or perhaps entirely out of conscious consideration. In fact, external situational factors operating at the start of planting play a dominant role in the decision to plant a specific variety of rice. A multitude of factors - such as pressure from village authorities to plant certain varieties in keeping with development programs; to supply of grain, fertilizers and water for irrigation; the desire to experiment, and the demands of landowners - often become significant determinants. The author arrives at the conclusion that studies of decision making processes that view knowledge systems as recipes or patterns for behavior must be supplemented by close observation and understanding the context and situation in which behavior is generated."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Protection issues of children's rights in Indonesia has not received sufficient attention. Law4 of 1979 concerning child welfare, and No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children. Children'srights, such as the right to life, the right to protection from the threats to her own safety, the right to equality in education, employment, health, the right to employment, the right to meet the needs of food, clothing and shelter. Quantitatively, the number of street children in the city of Padang in the last ten years has increased. This research provides in-depth information about the various forms of violence experienced by street children in the city of Padang. This study was conducted in five point activity gathering place and street children in the city of Padang.The study found that violence to street children and some factors which it caused the violence.Demoralization among street children is a reaction to a situation that is very limited and therigors of life on the streets. It is difficult to make strict limits on the morality of the group of street children. All forms of violence experienced by children and street, is a phenomenological reality for street children and a variety of social interactions that occur among street children in it loaded with a cargo of reciprocity, and can be seen as a form of social safety networks."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamaludin Yusra
"This study is aimed at identifying linguistic features, indexing ethnic identities, and inter-ethnic solidarity in transmigration contexts. Data were collected through interview, documentation and ethnography of various transmigrate communities on Sumbawa island. The data were then analyzed qualitatively with the ethnography of speaking and interaction analysis. The study found that (a) Ethnic identities in the migrant areas can be linguistically identified in four forms: orang aida (to refer to Sumbawa people), orang kalembo ade (for Bima people), dengan batur (for Sasak people) and orang beli (Balinese people). (b) These people were identifiable in the way they articulate particular sounds: orang beli (the Balinese) were identified in terms of dominant use of alveolar retroflexed, orang batur (the Sasak) were identified in the way they marked use of alveolar retroflexed, and orang kalembo ade (the Bima people) were identified through their articulation of closed central vowel as open low front vowel. It was also found that the forms had been used to construct ethnicity and interethnic solidarity between participants. The use of ana and ente in interaction indicated solidarity regardless of differences in age and social status."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Indrizal
"The increasing of elderly proportion is now being a new challenge in Indonesian population. It needs further reinterpretation and comprehensive studies which uncover its interrelation with social organization system, tradition continuity and the dynamic of local community, so that the impact, of the growing number of the elderly can be explained. In this article the author explores the problems of elderly without children in Minangkabau society, well known as an ethnic matrilineal system and strong traditions of migration. The author identifies three categories of elderly without children in Minangkabau: childless elderly never got married, childless elderly due to reproductive failure, and the elderly not having children. The author also describes that elderly without children in Minangkabau face problems socially and psychologically, specifically relations between man and woman in matrilineal system, marriage relationship problems and migration."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mering Ngo
"Badan Pertahanan Nasional sebenarnya masih memiliki sejumlah "pekerjaan rumah". Salah satunya adalah bagaimana menerapkan UU Pokok Agraria sesuai dengan keragaman kenyataan di lapangan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Apakah kita sudah memiliki suatu peta tanah adat masyarakat yang aktual dan empirik? Melalui tulisan ini penulis hendak menunjukkan betapa peliknya masalah tanah adat dan faktor-faktor yang terkait dengannya, khususnya di Kalimantan. Pendekatan terhadap masalah pertanahan selama ini cenderung seragam, searah dan legalistik sehingga mengalami kesulitas ketika berhadapan dengan keragaman sistem lokal khususnya dalam menetapkan status kepemilikan rumah. Penulis memberi contoh mengenai masih lazimnya status kepemilikan tanah berdasarkan tradisi lisan dan turun-temurun. Pada bagian akhir ia mengusulkan perlunya satu gambaran untuk peta tanah adat berikut corak penguasaan, status kepemilikan, dan pola pemanfaatannya. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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