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Koji Sato
"nanya dong dok
The architecture of stilt house - as the form of traditional house - in pacific region shows some basic similarities. House constructions that consist of bottom structure-primary structure - top structure are in accordance with cosmic classification, i.e. lower world - human world - upper world. In this comparative study, the author tries to show that stilt-house basically is the development of granary architecture. In many societies granary is a sacred place where occasional rituals are undertaken. The couch underneath the granary is often used for activities even for living places. The author argues that formerly people lived in granary and then changed to be stilt-house. Using some examples from various ethnic groups in the Philippines, Japan, New Zealand and Indonesia he explains that the attic id a place for gods and sacred things."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geger Riyanto
"This paper was written against a background of interest to trace the formation of sociological ways of thinking that tend to legitimize power in Indonesia. During the preparation, I found problems in the perspective commonly used in researching the formation process of knowledge; knowledge is considered a form of power. Such approach is problematic because it denies subjectivity ? which includes cognitive activity and experiences that are owned only by the existence of the related ? absolute in the process of both producing and reproducing knowledge. Yet this criticism isn?t easy to elaborate because the question is, how do we insert subjectivity when the origins of sociological thinking that we?re talking about is an effort to continue in a non-reflective way of sociology in the U.S. in the Cold War era, who?s way of thinking MENATURALISASI the existing social order and its ideology. Finally, I placed Selo Soemardjan ? a figure that became the center of this analysis because of his irreplaceable role in institutionalizing sociological ways of thinking (U.S.) in Indonesia ? as a translator. Quoting Bruno Latour?s view (1987), only with exploring the process of dissemination of knowledge as an activity of translation can we find energy that has been invisible all this time in a variety of knowledge analysises. For me, this concept helps reveal subjectivity that has been buried by views that place actors as passive mediums in the forming or spreading of knowledge that is more true or beneficial in preserving structure."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasrifin Tahara
"This article is the research on Bajonese life in Wakatobi regency of the Southeast Sulawesi Province as a community with a maritime history and culture as part of their life. In the interactional process with other communities in its surroundings in Wakatobi, The Bajonese are often stereotyped as pirates, stupid, and with physical characteristics that are different from other communities. In fact, for so long they have been neglected from the process of development implemented by either the central government or the regency government. As a marginal ethnic group, the Bajonese develop their own awareness to do morenients to negotiate at local political elements (bupati election=pilkada) and formed the ?kekar Bajo? organization, and appointing Ir Abdul Manan, MSc as president of this organization, and identifying all Bajonese as members without regard to state borders."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khidir Marsanto
"This article discusses the cultural history sketch of Orang Suku Laut (the Sea Tribe) and its implications for social relations patterns with the Malays in Riau Islands, Indonesia. Problems arise now in nomadic ethnic tribe when they interacting with the Malays. Many Malays people perceive Orang Suku Laut as a backward or primitive people. This point of view emerged from a long history of Orang Suku Laut in Riau Islands, and at present, the discourse is supported by the government which resettled them from the sea to the land as part of the modernization of disadvantaged areas in the New Order era. This government label to them was later influenced the Malays perception. Moreover, negative assumption also appears along with the cultural identity differences between both of the tribes, of which the Malays condense with Islamic tradition, while Orang Suku Laut doesn?t. At this situation, thus the identity of Orang Suku Laut is staked within socio-cultural dispute or contestation (the attraction process) among themselves in practicing their everyday lives."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamaludin Yusra
"This study is aimed at identifying linguistic features, indexing ethnic identities, and inter-ethnic solidarity in transmigration contexts. Data were collected through interview, documentation and ethnography of various transmigrate communities on Sumbawa island. The data were then analyzed qualitatively with the ethnography of speaking and interaction analysis. The study found that (a) Ethnic identities in the migrant areas can be linguistically identified in four forms: orang aida (to refer to Sumbawa people), orang kalembo ade (for Bima people), dengan batur (for Sasak people) and orang beli (Balinese people). (b) These people were identifiable in the way they articulate particular sounds: orang beli (the Balinese) were identified in terms of dominant use of alveolar retroflexed, orang batur (the Sasak) were identified in the way they marked use of alveolar retroflexed, and orang kalembo ade (the Bima people) were identified through their articulation of closed central vowel as open low front vowel. It was also found that the forms had been used to construct ethnicity and interethnic solidarity between participants. The use of ana and ente in interaction indicated solidarity regardless of differences in age and social status."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"Natural resource management discourse and practice, as in politics but in different level, are shifting from centralized to local autonomy. Consequently, local government has to undertake many tasks. One important task is to formulate natural resource management policy that can contribute to enhance social welfare without disturbing natural resource sustainability. Hence, it is useful to evaluate existing management practices to learn its weaknesses and strengths as the basis in formulating new management policy. This article discussed conflict potential among stakeholders in the exploitation of sea natural resources in Kei islands, Southeast Mollucan. By analyzing the conflict, the discussion will identify stakeholders and power relations among them (interests, strategies and resource controls) to reveal challenges in natural resource management practices in the local autonomy era."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tapi Omas Ihromi
"This article generally describes the development of legal anthropological studies in Indonesia in the last 20-year period. First, this article proposes some notes concerning a number of papers written by scholars of this discipline as well as writers from other disciplines who are interested in legal anthropology. Second, this article describes teaching of legal anthropology in various universities in Indonesia, and the problems faced by lecturers of this field. Third, the writer provides information on all kinds of research in legal anthropology carried out the Indonesia researchers, and the problems that occurred in the studies and researches on legal anthropology in Indonesia. At the end, the writer specifically focus on important of researches, publication of writings on legal anthropology, and the trainings for legal anthropologist, e.g. through cooperation between Indonesia and foreign universities as a way to stimulate and encourage the development of legal anthropology in Indonesia."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arifin Zainal
"Minangkabau ethnic group known is very strictly implement custom of matrilineal. One of these values is male position (sumando) that marginal, because according to matrilineal custom, a man is urang asing (outsiders) in the group of women (wife families). This is expressed through the proverb bak abu diateh tunggua (like ashes on the stump). This position of course is not profitable, so that they have to negotiate with the women to strengthen ?the identity of maleness" of them. It shows the politics movement of Minangkaba?s men in an effort to show and strengthen their identity. This political identity of Minangkabau?s man will be understood identity politics Minangkabau men will be understood in the case of the existence of traditional institutions. The research assumption, in Minangkabau society that embraces and strengthens matrilineal custom (women custom) was found that traditional institutions more dominated by men. While traditional institutions for women does not stand out, impress hidden, and there is no variation than bundo kanduang (the main women). This article to described how men of Minangkabau through traditional institutions reinforce the position, while the bundo Kanduang?s position only limited powers in rumah gadang alone. Moreover, bundo Kanduang understood even without any power, because bundo kanduang just as the wife of penghulu (clan leaders)."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Kiptiyah
"Tesis ini meneliti mengenai kebudayaan pesantren, manajemen dan perilaku santri yang berkenaan dengan kesehatan dalam konteks penciptaan dan pemeliharaan kondisi lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat di pesantren. Status kesehatan seseorang dipengaruhi oleh faktor keturunan, kualitas dan kuantitas sarana pelayanan kesehatan, perilaku hidup sehat seseorang atau masyarakat dan keadaan lingkungan hidupnya. Hal ini sebagaimana dikatakan Foster (1986) bahwa di samping faktor biologis, faktor-faktor sosial-psikologi dan faktor budaya sering memainkan peran dalam.mencetuskan penyakit Namun begitu lingkungan bukan satu-satunya faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan, tetapi memiliki arti penting karena sampai batas tertentu dapat dikendalikan terutama yang diakibatkan perilaku atau perbuatan manusia. Adapun kebijakan sosial dan ekonomi untuk mendapatkan makanan yang cukup, air yang sehat, atau yang membuat orang lalai bahwa peralatan-peralatan sanitasi yang tak sempurna, tradisi kebudayaan, lembaga ekonomi, sanitasi dan kebijakan lain yang mempengaruhi munculnya penyakit semuanya turut mempengaruhi kesehatan.
Pesantren sebagai salah satu elemen pendidikan juga menempatkan masalah tersebut dalam kurikulumnya, menyangkut di dalamnya kitab-kitab yang menjadi rujukan dan dipelajari serta dipergunakan di pesantren. Pesantren yang notabene merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam tentu saja dalam praktek kesehariannya berdasarkan ajaran Islam pula. Secara universal Islampun juga mengangkat isu mengenai masalah kesehatan maupun kebersihan dan bahkan anjuran memakan makanan- minuman yang thoyyib yaitu makanan atau minuman yang bagus kualitas gizinya maupun halal cara memperolehnya. Dalam hal ini pula ada makanan yang secara tegas dilarang untuk dikonsumsi. Dalam Hadits (sumber hukum kedua setelah Alquran) dengan jelas juga dikatakan bahwa kebersihan merupakan sebagian dari iman, mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih disukai Allah daripada mukmin yang lemah dan juga menganjurkan untuk menjaga kebersihan dengan segala usaha yang dapat dilakukan.
Pesantren memang merupakan suatu komunitas tersendiri dimana semua rambu-rambu yang mengatur kegiatan dan batas-batas perbuatan, misalnya halal-haram, wajib-sunah, baik-buruk dan sebagainya dipulangkan kepada hukum agama, dan semua kegiatan dipandang dan dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dan ibadah keagamaan dengan kata lain semua kegiatan kehidupan selalu dipandang dalam struktur relevansinya dengan hukum agama. Salah satunya dalam hal kebersihan atau kesehatan. Banyak hal-hal yang dianggap bersih dan suci oleh pesantren, karena dibolehkan oleh hukum agama tetapi tidak bersih atau tidak sehat menurut konsepsi ilmu kesehatan. Sehingga cara pandang ini tentu sangat membedakan antara komunitas pesantren dengan masyarakat "diluar" pesantren.
Masyarakat pada umumnya memberikan batasan tentang kesehatan adalah batasan yang diangkat dari batasan kesehatan menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) sebagaimana termaktub dalam Undang-undang Kesehatan No.23 Tahun 1992, yaitu keadaan sejahtera badan, jiwa, dan sosial yang memungkinkan setiap orang hidup produktif secara sosial dan ekonomi. Sehingga secara normatif dan sistematik meskipun pesantren telah memiliki kurikulum dan pengajaran sebagaimana tersebut diatas, namun pada kenyataannya masalah-masalah kesehatan terutama hubungan mata rantai yang telah menyebabkan munculnya penyakit dapat terjadi. Hal ini disebabkan adanya pemahaman yang berbeda antara pesantren dengan masyarakat "diluar" pesantren terutama yang berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah kesehatan. Masyarakat pesantren selalu mengembalikan pemahaman mereka kepada kaidah hukum Fiqh, sehingga mereka memiliki persepsi sendiri mengenai kebersihan lingkungannya terutama untuk sebagai sarana ibadah semata-mata kepada Allah SWT sehingga yang terpenting menurut pesantren adalah kesucian sarana tersebut, yaitu terbebas dari najis sehingga tidak menghalangi sahnya suatu ibadah. Hukum fiqh begitu menempati kedudukan yang dominan pada tata nilai dalam kehidupan di lingkungan pesantren. Sedangkan pengajaran mengenai fiqh ini sebagaian besar diperoleh pada kitab-kitab kuning. Kitab kuning merupakan kitab-kitab pengajaran Islam klasik, yang berbahasa Arab dan ditulis oleh para ulama abad pertengahan (7-13 Hijriah).Hal ini tentu turut menjadi pemicu terjadinya perbedaan pemahaman tentang kondisi pemeliharaan kebersihan dan kesehatan di pesantren dengan pemahaman masyarakat "diluar" pesantren. Demikian pula dengan kebudayaan pesantren dalam konteks ini yang merupakan keseluruhan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh komunitas pesantren dimana di dalamnya berisi perangkat-perangkat, model-model pengetahuan yang terwujud dalam perilaku, tindakan, nilai-nilai yang digunakan untuk memahami dan menginterpretasikan mengenai kesehatan lingkungan dan masalah-masalah kesehatan yang ditimbulkannya serta pengelolaan kebijakan-kebijakan pesantren yang terkait secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan kondisi kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan.
Disamping itu, terjadi kontradiksi (penafsiran/ pemahaman yang bertolak belakang) perilaku sehari-hari di pesantren dengan cara pandang masyarakat "diluar' pesantren mengenai kesehatan lingkungan hidup sehari-hari juga didukung oleh kurang memadainya fasilitas-fasilitas bangunan maupun tempat tinggal santri sehingga kurang mendukung terbentuknya kondisi lingkungan yang kondusif dan sehat serta nyaman untuk belajar. Kondisi ruangan, kamar mandi dan sarana sanitasi lainnya termasuk pengelolaan sampah dan sebagainya. Kondisi ini sangat mempengaruhi perilaku keseharian mereka terutama dalam upaya pemeliharaan sanitasi dan kesehatan lingkungan yang optimal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tony Rudyansjah
"This article attempts to explain the basic nature of social structure of the Sultanate of Wolio which is divided into four categories, namely Kaomu, Walaka, Papara and Batua. The analysis itself is based on local manuscripts and fieldwork in the Sultanate of Wolio in the course of several years. Through the study of Wolio social structure, the writer also attempts to comprehend the ideology of power in Wolio society. In addition, the discussion shows as well the misinterpretation of the basic nature of Wolio social structure and ideology of power done by several Dutch scholars since 1878"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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