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Ditemukan 21184 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Usman Pelly
"nanya dong dok
In the first part of this article, the author presents theories about the concept of nation which has been developed since the early 20th century. By presenting these theories the author aims to reveal the ambiguities of the concept of nation that has been developed by various scholars. The explanation focuses only on certain group in the society, whereas the subject contains psychological and emotional values which are difficult to be examined objectively. Another problem is the construction of the concept of nation based on more than one discourse. The author describes further the explanation of the concept of nation from the anthropological viewpoints. Malinowski relates the concept of nation to the existence of ethnic groups. Leach and Barth revise Malinowski's concept in their discussion about ethnic boundaries. Within the political and historical discourses, the concept of nation relates to the objective and subjective relations with the state as developed by Mill and Renan. In the post Second World War, the concept of nation is associated with the emergence of nation-states, the presence of social awareness of colonialism and set upon many ethnic groups as stated by Anderson. At the end, the author depicts the problem faced by the Indonesian in their efforts to maintain the existence of their nation-state and provides alternatives to solve the problem."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afthonul Afif
"The dramatic change in some important aspects of this country after the collapse of New Order Regime, primarily in the political aspect, provided larger opportunity to Indonesian Chinese in constructing their real identity, included to the Indonesian Chinese Muslim. In one hand, Indonesian Chinese Muslim tended to re-strengthen their cultural identity shown by articulating some features of their ethnic identity, and they show more the involvement in developing discourse of national building and the life of majority group by using their Islamic identity in the other hand. At this point, they then could not be categorized as ?peranakan? and ?totok?, the binary category which is often used to refer to the asimilated and unasimilated Chinese into the cultural system practized by the native majority. After the state launched the new regulation of citizenship No. 12/2006, they were then positioned by the state as the ?real? citizen who had the same civil rights before the law as well as the other groups. The implication of this legacy in the social and cultural context is that they then developed the inclusive identity, such as absorbing the categories and features of identity of other group, involved in the activities of majority group, and occupied the same kind of majority group profession, until they felt that those had become part of their own identity. By sharing their identity with non-Muslim Chinese and majority group, they could take a strategic role as cultural mediators, political brokers and bridge builders."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulaiman Mamar
"This article analyzes the positive thinking culture of each ethnic group in Poso, CentralSulawesi. This article also examines the factors that cause degradation of ethnic culture ofpositive thinking so as to serve as guidelines for public behavior. The study was conductedby observation, in-depth interviews, and analysis of qualitative data. The research foundthe degradation of cultural values with several contributing factors. Finally, the model canbe described cultural transformation of positive thinking is right to apply to the youngergeneration. The transformational models of positive thinking culture are: parents need tocomprehend positive thinking culture and teach it to their children; the need to teach morals,positive thinking culture and the regional language in schools; an emphasis of parents andleaders as role-leader for the younger generation; the empowerment of traditional leadersin socializing positive thinking culture; the need for emerge individual to direct their thoughtand actions to positive matter."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kathryn Robinson
Outbreaks of violence in eastern Indonesia in 1998 were characterized by attacks on migrants from Sulawesi. Anti-Bugis prejudice has a long history in the archipelago, but historically it has been expressed in differing ways. What explanations have been put forward for political/ethnic violence in Indonesia? By comparing the discussion of last year's conflict with that after the post-coup killings, for example, the author raises the question of 'what do we learn'? Is sociological logic adequate in these situations? In this article the author argues that at the foremost, we have to move beyond the reification of ethnic and religious difference, which produce their own mythic enchantment. Explanations of violence need to be grounded in specific historical analysis, in this case the recent history of Indonesian politics."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tapi Omas Ihromi
"In this article the author argues for the need to develop and use a new paradigm in examining the role of women. By considering the significant role women played in the recent economic crisis in Indonesia which has been neglected by various parties, including scholars, the author prefers strongly to use the paradigm 'critics' in the studies about women. She explains further the difference between this paradigm and the 'interpretive' and positivism' paradigms. The use of the new paradigm would enable the researcher to examine the relevant issues, carry out a participative approach, as well as change the disadvantaged situations and roles the women have."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thung, Ju Lan
"The May riot of 1998 has brought the so-called Chinese problem to the forefront. Various comments on the problem are mostly based on memories of the past, of the Dutch colonial segregation policy, and the common perception of the present conflict. The latter refers to the social economic gap between the Indonesian Chinese and the indigenous Indonesians. However, none of these comments address to the core of the problem related to the ethnicity and nationalism. The problem emerged when ethnicity and nationalism were in conflict. This conflict began with the establishment of the modern (Indonesian) nation-state. Since the beginning, the basis for discrimination between the indigenous and non indigenous has legally been set up by the 1945 constitution (article no.26). This discrimination was strengthened by the new order's policy that assimilation in the sole route to solving the so-called Chinese problem. This policy has produced wider social cultural, economic, and political gaps between the Indonesian Chinese and the indigenous Indonesian. The situation has developed in such a way that to solve the problem a careful examination using a multidisciplinary approach that pays attention to spatial and temporal variation in necessary."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johannes E. Lokollo
Kerusuhan di Maluku menuntut perhatian dan kepedulian semua pihak dengan lebih sungguh-sungguh. Betapa besar kerugian material, korban jiwa, dan penderitaan psikis dari mereka yang terlibat langsung atau tidak langsung dalam kerusuhan tersebut. Kasus-kasus konflik yang muncul kelihatannya mempunyai format yang besar, eskalasinya meluas dan cepat, kaitannya lebih kompleks dan rumit, sifatnya lebih sensitif, akibatnya pun jauh lebih menakutkan dan mencemaskan...[...] Dari hasil kajian lintas ilmu yang dilakukan oleh PRS, teridentifikasi 11 masalah. Tulisan ini akan memuat kesebelas identifikasi masalah itu. Berdasarkan keseluruhan masalah tersebut, PRS mengajukan sebuah pertanyaan sentral, yaitu: apakah kerusuhan yang terwujud di Maluku disebabkan oleh faktor agama dan suku bangsa, dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan sosial Ketahanan Wilayah Maluku, sekaligus juga Ketahanan Nasional secara utuh? "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo
Jakarta : LIPI Press, 2010
320.959 8 RIW m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia, 1982
330.9 LIM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang
Berkembang pesatnya kehidupan masyarakat dewasa ini, pada dasarnya tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan kemajuan di bidang tehnologi informasi. Tersedianya informasi bagi masyarakat maju, sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan pokok dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari. Masyarakat mulai menyadari, bahwa informasi juga merupakan salah satu sarana yang sangat penting untuk memacu pertumbuhan kehidupan bermasyarakat. Media massa tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan informasi, pendidikan, hiburan dan kebudayaan, tetapi juga telah tumbuh menjadi sarana bisnis (Sendjaja, 1993: 119). Kenyataan ini, dengan sendirinya telah menempatkan kegiatan di bidang penyebaran informasi mempunyai arti yang semakin penting. Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan adanya media massa sudah tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan bermasyarakat. Media massa merupakan sumber informasi yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan dewasa ini.
Mengenai peran dari media massa, bila ditinjau mulai dari proses pencarian berita hingga disajikannya berita itu dalam media massa, adalah medium atau media yang dipergunakan sebagai alat untuk menyampaikan informasi dari sumber berita kepada massa atau khalayaknya.
Dalam rangkaian proses komunikasi secara menyeluruh, surat kabar radio, film maupun televisi bukanlah merupakan sumber berita, akan tetapi merupakan media komunikasi.
Namun demikian, apabila proses komunikasi ditinjau mulai dari media massa sebagai asal berita, maka media massa seperti surat kabar, radio, televisi dan film adalah merupakan sumber berita.
Komunikasi massa juga memerlukan saluran untuk menyampaikan pesan (Dominick, 1983: 29). Dalam hubungan ini, maka dapat dipahami bahwa istilah media massa adalah sarana komunikasi yang ditujukan untuk massa.
Sedangkan mengenai istilah pers, pada dasarnya mencakup semua media massa modern seperti penerbitan surat kabar serta majalah, radio, televisi dan film (Siebert, 1986: 1).
Pengaruh media massa yang sangat besar terhadap kehidupan khalayaknya, merupakan realita dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Surat kabar sebagai salah satu media massa, mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap khalayaknya. Bahkan para pembacanya merasakan kehilangan "sesuatu" bilamana mereka tidak membaca surat kabar terbitan hari itu (Severin, 1992: 270)?"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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