"In the globalization era, the world has changed and developed further above and beyond the values and norms that people used to hold. Many things were previously known as taboos, are no longer secrets and can be found easily. One of the things that has become subject of public consumption is the understanding and behavior related to sex. Deviance behaviors in sexual are merely caused by lack of understanding to sex itself, i.e one night stand sex. One night stand sex is considered to be one form of sexual relationship committed by one with another, a stranger or not, for one time only.
This research is aiming to gain a description of justifications from young women who comitted one night stand sex. It is a case study type of research, which is concerning a special phenomenon appeared in a limited context. Data is gathered from two young women in order to recorded the statements of justification for their behaviors.
Result from this research showed some techniques of neutralization based on theory by Sykes & Mata (1968), among others are their effort to obtain approvals for their deviance behaviors, reasons in doing deviancies, namely are feeling as victim of their miserable parents who do not love them, also the environment that is not friendly and influencing in a worse way."
Departemen Kriminologi. FISIP UI, 2009