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Christopher R. Duncan
"This paper looks at the deteriorating relations between the population of Sulawesi Utara and the approximately 35,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) who fled there from the neighboring province of Maluku Utara. These IDPs first began arriving in large numbers in November of 1999 when communal violence broke out on the islands of Ternate and Tidore in Maluku Utara. They continued arriving until the violence came to a halt in June of 2000.Initially, relations between the two groups were positive. However, the extended presence of 35,000 IDPs created several problems, including a decrease in wages and an increase in housing costs. Negative perceptions of IDPs and jealously over IDP aid have created further misunderstandings. Additionally, IDP experiences with locals have led them to distrust the local population. On a few occasions these tensions have broken out into violence, and some fear this is a foreshadowing of the future should large numbers of IDPs decide to stay in Sulawesi Utara. This paper examines the relationships between these groups, as well as some of the efforts made by international NGOs to address these issues."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Christopher R. Duncan
"This paper looks at the deteriorating relations between the population of Sulawesi Utara and the approximately 35,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) who fled there from the neighboring province of Maluku Utara. These IDPs first began arriving in large numbers in November of 1999 when communal violence broke out on the islands of Ternate and Tidore in Maluku Utara. They continued arriving until the violence came to a halt in June of 2000.Initially, relations between the two groups were positive. However, the extended presence of 35,000 IDPs created several problems, including a decrease in wages and an increase in housing costs. Negative perceptions of IDPs and jealously over IDP aid have created further misunderstandings. Additionally, IDP experiences with locals have led them to distrust the local population. On a few occasions these tensions have broken out into violence, and some fear this is a foreshadowing of the future should large numbers of IDPs decide to stay in Sulawesi Utara. This paper examines the relationships between these groups, as well as some of the efforts made by international NGOs to address these issues."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"In this article I discuss the impact of Village Law No.5, 1979 on the social actions of local elites. Using a case study of a traditional community (marga) located in Lahat, South Sumatera, I argue that Village Law No.5, 1979 did not marginalize tradition or the traditional community. At a practical or behavioral level, actors, in this case local elites used both tradition and Village Law as references for their actions. However, these two structures, tradition and Village Law were subject to selection. The selection was based on the actors understanding about particular context and the goal(s) of their actions. When tradition offered efficient means for achieving their goals, they selected tradition as a reference point for their behavior. In another context, when they saw that the Village Law offered more to suit their interest, they referred to it. It was also possible that, in a particular context, actors used and ignored the existence of some elements of both structures. In conclusion, I suggest that despite the fact that the application of the Village Law should have been understood to replace the traditional system of marga, people still used it as reference for their actions. Therefore, it would be misleading to say that Village Law has marginalized the traditional social organization."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"In this article, the author describes the ethnography of the To-Kaili, the largest ethnics group in Central Sulawesi. To-Kaili had an important historical role in the period of Dutch colonization. At least four kingdoms tried to rebel against Dutch rule namely Moutong, Banawa, Sigi, and Kulawi. The author goes on to discuss the "modal personality" of Kaili people which covers social and religious life, ethos, language, art and literature. In the last section, he tries to predict how those people will face changes in the near future."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"In this article, the author describes the ethnography of the Bugis-Makassar, the largest inhabitants in South Sulawesi. His description includes: the historical background, their social stratification, kinship system, traditional political structure, and folklore. How the Bugis-Makassar elite groups are developed and how their social structure influenced by such development is also discussed by the author. Based on the historical evidences it is revealed that identification of the elite groups which is underlined by nobility, emerged in 15th century. In the period of Dutch colonization, composition of the elite groups changed into: pangreh-praja (government administration official) which subsequently emerged as a new elite group. In the era of independence, the position of elites were mostly occupied by the rulling class and well-educated persons. In the last section, the author explains the sirik an institution which refers to human dignity and self-respect - in relation to the conditioning of Indonesian national culture."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Johannes E. Lokollo
Kerusuhan di Maluku menuntut perhatian dan kepedulian semua pihak dengan lebih sungguh-sungguh. Betapa besar kerugian material, korban jiwa, dan penderitaan psikis dari mereka yang terlibat langsung atau tidak langsung dalam kerusuhan tersebut. Kasus-kasus konflik yang muncul kelihatannya mempunyai format yang besar, eskalasinya meluas dan cepat, kaitannya lebih kompleks dan rumit, sifatnya lebih sensitif, akibatnya pun jauh lebih menakutkan dan mencemaskan...[...] Dari hasil kajian lintas ilmu yang dilakukan oleh PRS, teridentifikasi 11 masalah. Tulisan ini akan memuat kesebelas identifikasi masalah itu. Berdasarkan keseluruhan masalah tersebut, PRS mengajukan sebuah pertanyaan sentral, yaitu: apakah kerusuhan yang terwujud di Maluku disebabkan oleh faktor agama dan suku bangsa, dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan sosial Ketahanan Wilayah Maluku, sekaligus juga Ketahanan Nasional secara utuh? "
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"Elite modern itu, seperti dikatakan oleh Sartono (1947), adalah elite baru, sebagai pemimpin yang dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai organization man; elite modern yang bersikap idealistis dan yang sangat menyadari peranannya, simbolis sebagai pendukung ideologi-ideologi modern seperti anti-feodalisme, anti-kolonialisme, humanitarianisme, populisme, sosialisme, dan sebagainya. Pendek kata, elite modern itu harus dapat berfungsi sebagai akumulator ide-ide pembaruan, sedangkan tentang dari golongan mana akan munculnya dari segenap golongan bangsa Indonesia, tidaklah menjadi soal yang penting untuk diperdebatkan."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Frost, Nicola
"The religious-ethnic violence in Maluku has unearthed a complex network of rivalries, inequalities and rhetoric. Opinions as to the causes of the conflict, and possible avenues for reconciliation are extremely diverse, and reflect many of the tensions and challenges faced by Indonesia as a whole, as it moves towards decentralization. One of the elements of Maluku society that has proved to be controversial in this context is tradition or adat. This paper explores some current perspectives on the role of adat in Maluku, and its potential for social transformation. Does a situation as extreme as that in Maluku itself encourages radical transformation and creative solutions for rebuilding civil society, or does it simply further entrench existing prejudice and power relations? How will regional autonomy influence this? What relation do these questions have to other reconciliation initiatives? The paper does not attempt to draw far-reaching conclusions about the future role of adat in Maluku society, but simply indicates some of the questions to be asked and answered in the years ahead. It provides examples of past activities, current perspectives, and future possibilities. It is hoped that these questions will contribute to an already lively debate at the local level. "
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Advisory Board Disputes Divorce dan Marriage (BP4) established government as part of effortsto reduce the divorce rate. But divorce continues from time to time and quantitatively increasingevery year, with a variety of result / impact there of. Prevention and mitigation of the problem of divorce can not be left to government officials just because the problem is multidimensional; social, cultural and moral. To overcome this problem must involve all the elements and social institutions in the local community."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Timo Kaartinen
"This article asks the question how Banda displaced from the Banda Islands due to colonization of Banda by the VOC in 1621, maintain their existence as a sustainable cultural group. Banda communities play an important role in maritime commerce in the eastern part of Indonesia at the beginning of the colonial period. They survive as one cultural group in two villages on the islands of Kei. The traditional songs of the two villages center on the sea voyage. The argument is that Banda people are mobilized by oral traditions that reveal the kinship ties of Banda people with their partners in commerce in distant lands."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library