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Surya Mansjur
"This article describes and explains the complexity of dynamic process of sea fishery in Pulau Sembilan since the ancient up to now. With the application of the concepts such as diverging, homogenizing, continuity, and temporal, it has been found that the complexity of dynamic process of the fishing economy has oscillated between divergence and homogeneity. The divergence refers to different kinds of fishing activities based on various fish species by different traditional catch techniques, on the other hand, homogeneity refers to the concentration of fishermen activities on one or more similar kinds of fishing activities such as catching life fish (kerapu, sunu, napoleon) and life lobster as top commodities in the period of 1990s. When the populations of the main fish species were decreased as negative impact of overexploitation since the beginning of the 2000s, there were many fishermen returning again to different kinds of fishing activities. It means that the diverging process began its era. The process of diverging and homogenizing of fishery involve cognitive systems as guide for fishermen decision making. These processes indicate persistent and temporal functions of traditional and new fishing techniques of Pulau Sembilan fishing communities. By processual and contextual explanation, it was clear that diverging and homogenizing of fishery is a continuum of its dynamic process. The processes are influenced by internal and external socio-cultural factors and the change of sea physical environment and natural resource conditions. From this explanation known that new practice of using potassium cyanide contributes significantly to the serious degradation of large part of coral reef zones in and outside of Pulau Sembilan water."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Mansjur
"This article describes and explains the complexity of dynamic process of sea fishery in Pulau Sembilan since the ancient up to now. With the application of the concepts such as diverging, homogenizing, continuity, and temporal, it has been found that the complexity of dynamic process of the fishing economy has oscillated between divergence and homogeneity. The divergence refers to different kinds of fishing activities based on various fish species by different traditional catch techniques, on the other hand, homogeneity refers to the concentration of fishermen activities on one or more similar kinds of fishing activities such as catching life fish (kerapu, sunu, napoleon) and life lobster as top commodities in the period of 1990s. When the populations of the main fish species were decreased as negative impact of overexploitation since the beginning of the 2000s, there were many fishermen returning again to different kinds of fishing activities. It means that the diverging process began its era. The process of diverging and homogenizing of fishery involve cognitive systems as guide for fishermen decision making. These processes indicate persistent and temporal functions of traditional and new fishing techniques of Pulau Sembilan fishing communities. By processual and contextual explanation, it was clear that diverging and homogenizing of fishery is a continuum of its dynamic process. The processes are influenced by internal and external socio-cultural factors and the change of sea physical environment and natural resource conditions. From this explanation known that new practice of using potassium cyanide contributes significantly to the serious degradation of large part of coral reef zones in and outside of Pulau Sembilan water."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Mansjur
This article aims to analyze the complexity of interactions between Bajo fishermen communities and their sea environment in the form of coral reef resource management in Takabonerate in the past time by application of the paradigm of communalism in human ecology. The question proposed is how to construct the complexity of the interaction between Bajo fishermen communities and their sea environment in the context of belief systems, and socio-economic and political institutions in the early time of their arrival in Takabonerate archipelago up to the of 1940s. The article's material are taken from field research reports in which the data/information was gained by depth interviews and observation according to the focus of study and the chosen approach. The Bajo fishermen communities under study are concentrated in the village of Rajuni Island (as the center of the old Bajo Kingdom). This analysis indicates that the management patterns of sea environment and coral reef resource use applied by Bajo fishernen communities of Takabonerate are based on models of the great Panglima Menteng institution. The management is characterized by strong collective order; the sea resource use management reflects the intersubjective relations between human societies and natural/sea environment spirits; equity of household socio-economic welfare; the constantly controlled condition of environment and the balanced natural resource use."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
M.A. Yunita Triwardani Winarto
"Non-processual approaches in anthropology have been heavily criticized for not providing an adequate framework for explaining the emergence of socio-cultural phenomena, and the processes and mechanisms of change. Socio-cultural life is undeniably dynamic and everchanging. In facing this matter many anthropologists have turned to a processual approach in studying the dynamics of culture in the last two decades. In this article the author shows how the a processual approach is applied to the study of cultural dynamics. The author begins by discussing the unit of analysis and focus of study in a processual approach. Following that, she discusses the implication of this upon the methods and strategies for uncovering, describing and explaining change. The author also shows how this approach can uncover the heterogeneous nature of a socio-cultural phenomenon and the extent to which that heterogeneity allows change to occur. Her arguments are based upon empirical cases of knowledge transmission and formation among farmers in several locations on the north coast of West Java and Central Lampung."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
M.A. Yunita Triwardani Winarto
"Non-processual approaches in anthropology have been heavily criticized for not providing an adequate framework for explaining the emergence of socio-cultural phenomena, and the processes and mechanisms of change. Socio-cultural life is undeniably dynamic and everchanging. In facing this matter many anthropologists have turned to a processual approach in studying the dynamics of culture in the last two decades. In this article the author shows how the processual approach is applied to the study of cultural dynamics. The author begins by discussing the unit of analysis and focus of study in a processual approach. Following that, she discusses the implication of this upon the methods and strategies for uncovering, describing and explaining change. The author also shows how this approach can uncover the heterogeneous nature of a socio-cultural phenomenon and the extent to which that heterogeneity allows change to occur. Her arguments are based upon empirical cases of knowledge transmission and formation among farmers in several locations on the north coast of West Java and Central Lampung."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Kathryn Robinson
Outbreaks of violence in eastern Indonesia in 1998 were characterized by attacks on migrants from Sulawesi. Anti-Bugis prejudice has a long history in the archipelago, but historically it has been expressed in differing ways. What explanations have been put forward for political/ethnic violence in Indonesia? By comparing the discussion of last year's conflict with that after the post-coup killings, for example, the author raises the question of 'what do we learn'? Is sociological logic adequate in these situations? In this article the author argues that at the foremost, we have to move beyond the reification of ethnic and religious difference, which produce their own mythic enchantment. Explanations of violence need to be grounded in specific historical analysis, in this case the recent history of Indonesian politics."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
Marine tenure in Maluku has become the main focus in the discussion of traditional marine resource management in Indonesia. Unfortunately, this discussion remains unbalanced in the use of an approach which excessively emphasizes questions on the modes of sea resource management. The agents of management, together with the socio-cultural aspects of such people on relation to resource use, are barely raised. Based on these concerns, this paper will highlight the social context of marine tenure practices in Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku. Focusing on a conflict over coastal boundaries between two villages on Kei Besar Island, the paper demonstrates how people use the issue of marine tenure in the discourse and practice of precedence. The conflict reveals the power struggles of two social groups, the mel (noble) and the ren ('free people'), involved in the issue of sea territory and how each group interpreted and responded to changes occurring in their environment"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurhayat Arif Permana
"Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak otonomi daerah terhadap identitas lokal. Sebagaimana terlihat dari kasus Sampit di Kalimantan Tengah, otonomi daerah terkait dengan munculnya identitas putra daerah. Kasus yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini berkaitan dengan pembentukan Provinsi Bangka-Belitung (Babel) yang mengakibatkan munculnya identitas putra daerah di kalangan orang Melayu di Bangka-Belitung. Dalam tulisan ini, saya menganalisis sejauhmana lembaga hukum adat dapat menyajikan solusi untuk mengatasi konflik etnis yang sedang terjadi di Bangka Belitung"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nasrum
"This paper is intended to provide an overview of anthropological perspectives on corruption as political, social, and cultural phenomenon. The author attempted that anthropological concerns on corruption was driven by a number of epistemological reasons, institutionalized and embedded in the broader context of power relations both of globally and locally. The biggest challenge for anthropology, which deals with the complexity of corruption, lies in: how to explain or interpret such phenomenon without apprehensively will be going into ethical and moral pitfalls. On the one hand anthropologists should be described corruption as an inevitable part of wider power relations at the heart of the state and the law, where in many cases are not clearly demarcated or intentionally obscured; and the other, there was a need of a reflexive anthropological understanding which traditionally always been trying to understand the rules and norms of social orders as a cultural framework."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fedyani Saifuddin
"Family and household are two concepts that have been blended into a single notion in most of the texts on kinship and social organization in the past, because, in many instances, they have interchangeably functions in many developed societies in which nuclear family type is the main reference. But, this situation is much different if we approach our developing societies-with special emphasis, urban-in terms of vastly and hardly social and economic changes. This article proposes to distinguish family and household concepts for analytical purposes. Household in its flexible form provides more promising space for dynamic anthropological research, especially in our society than the classical family concept. Selecting household as a common focus for anthropological research and analysis has both practical and theoretical justifications."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library