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Surya Mansjur
This article aims to analyze the complexity of interactions between Bajo fishermen communities and their sea environment in the form of coral reef resource management in Takabonerate in the past time by application of the paradigm of communalism in human ecology. The question proposed is how to construct the complexity of the interaction between Bajo fishermen communities and their sea environment in the context of belief systems, and socio-economic and political institutions in the early time of their arrival in Takabonerate archipelago up to the of 1940s. The article's material are taken from field research reports in which the data/information was gained by depth interviews and observation according to the focus of study and the chosen approach. The Bajo fishermen communities under study are concentrated in the village of Rajuni Island (as the center of the old Bajo Kingdom). This analysis indicates that the management patterns of sea environment and coral reef resource use applied by Bajo fishernen communities of Takabonerate are based on models of the great Panglima Menteng institution. The management is characterized by strong collective order; the sea resource use management reflects the intersubjective relations between human societies and natural/sea environment spirits; equity of household socio-economic welfare; the constantly controlled condition of environment and the balanced natural resource use."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Mansjur
"This article describes and explains the complexity of dynamic process of sea fishery in Pulau Sembilan since the ancient up to now. With the application of the concepts such as diverging, homogenizing, continuity, and temporal, it has been found that the complexity of dynamic process of the fishing economy has oscillated between divergence and homogeneity. The divergence refers to different kinds of fishing activities based on various fish species by different traditional catch techniques, on the other hand, homogeneity refers to the concentration of fishermen activities on one or more similar kinds of fishing activities such as catching life fish (kerapu, sunu, napoleon) and life lobster as top commodities in the period of 1990s. When the populations of the main fish species were decreased as negative impact of overexploitation since the beginning of the 2000s, there were many fishermen returning again to different kinds of fishing activities. It means that the diverging process began its era. The process of diverging and homogenizing of fishery involve cognitive systems as guide for fishermen decision making. These processes indicate persistent and temporal functions of traditional and new fishing techniques of Pulau Sembilan fishing communities. By processual and contextual explanation, it was clear that diverging and homogenizing of fishery is a continuum of its dynamic process. The processes are influenced by internal and external socio-cultural factors and the change of sea physical environment and natural resource conditions. From this explanation known that new practice of using potassium cyanide contributes significantly to the serious degradation of large part of coral reef zones in and outside of Pulau Sembilan water."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Mansjur
"This article describes and explains the complexity of dynamic process of sea fishery in Pulau Sembilan since the ancient up to now. With the application of the concepts such as diverging, homogenizing, continuity, and temporal, it has been found that the complexity of dynamic process of the fishing economy has oscillated between divergence and homogeneity. The divergence refers to different kinds of fishing activities based on various fish species by different traditional catch techniques, on the other hand, homogeneity refers to the concentration of fishermen activities on one or more similar kinds of fishing activities such as catching life fish (kerapu, sunu, napoleon) and life lobster as top commodities in the period of 1990s. When the populations of the main fish species were decreased as negative impact of overexploitation since the beginning of the 2000s, there were many fishermen returning again to different kinds of fishing activities. It means that the diverging process began its era. The process of diverging and homogenizing of fishery involve cognitive systems as guide for fishermen decision making. These processes indicate persistent and temporal functions of traditional and new fishing techniques of Pulau Sembilan fishing communities. By processual and contextual explanation, it was clear that diverging and homogenizing of fishery is a continuum of its dynamic process. The processes are influenced by internal and external socio-cultural factors and the change of sea physical environment and natural resource conditions. From this explanation known that new practice of using potassium cyanide contributes significantly to the serious degradation of large part of coral reef zones in and outside of Pulau Sembilan water."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Sumar Karman
"This aritcle discusses about the phenomenon of globalization involving two fishermencommunities, the Tomalou fishermen in Tidore islands and the Philipines fishermen. Bothof them sail and hunt in the same seawater zone, constructed and formed as a transborderterritory between Indonesia and the Philipines. The natural resources management systemthrough decentralization should ensure the exsistence of local fishermen (Tomalou) to gainmarine (fish) resources, secured by government without interference by the Philipine fishermen.The data in this paper has been analyzed with several transborder theories. As a result, thispaper shows that the state representated by the regional government has failed to protect thelocal fishermen (Tomalou) and ensure in continued presence in achiving welfare from the searesources."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tapi Omas Ihromi
"In this article the author argues for the need to develop and use a new paradigm in examining the role of women. By considering the significant role women played in the recent economic crisis in Indonesia which has been neglected by various parties, including scholars, the author prefers strongly to use the paradigm 'critics' in the studies about women. She explains further the difference between this paradigm and the 'interpretive' and positivism' paradigms. The use of the new paradigm would enable the researcher to examine the relevant issues, carry out a participative approach, as well as change the disadvantaged situations and roles the women have."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"This article discusses hoe the qualitative approach in the social sciences is applied to the study of education and educational systems. A discussion is given on how the qualitative approach differs from the quantitative approach, with an emphasis on how an understanding of the culture of the people under study becomes of a central importance in the former. Educational institutions must be studied within a wider context, allowing the researcher to identify relevant problem areas that are often deemed irrelevant by quantitative studies using deductive models. It is also noted that research conducted with the qualitative approach requires that the researcher must have sufficient theoretical and conceptual knowledge, as well as knowledge of the methods needed to collect data."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Pawennari Hijjang
"This article analyses forest resources management in Tana Toa, South Sulawesi, headed by Ammatoa. Keammatoan membership is divided into Ilalang embaya or adat area and Ipantaran gembaya or outside adat area. The adat allows possibility of empowering local institutions to manage forest resources in the context of regional autonomy. This paper discusses to what extent Ammatoa leadership and adat have been used for managing forest resources through reflective mutual understanding process which lead to the transformation to an open community."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2005
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasrifin Tahara
"This article is the research on Bajonese life in Wakatobi regency of the Southeast Sulawesi Province as a community with a maritime history and culture as part of their life. In the interactional process with other communities in its surroundings in Wakatobi, The Bajonese are often stereotyped as pirates, stupid, and with physical characteristics that are different from other communities. In fact, for so long they have been neglected from the process of development implemented by either the central government or the regency government. As a marginal ethnic group, the Bajonese develop their own awareness to do morenients to negotiate at local political elements (bupati election=pilkada) and formed the ?kekar Bajo? organization, and appointing Ir Abdul Manan, MSc as president of this organization, and identifying all Bajonese as members without regard to state borders."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"Indonesia is a multicultural society consisting of more than 500 ethnic groups, cultures, and various religious beliefs. They are united as a nation by the national state system of Indonesia. The Indonesian state was built by the founding fathers on the basis of the ideology of 'Unity in Diversity' (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika). During the Soeharto regime, it was turned into a state based on militarism, violence, totalitarianism, and was centered in the hands of the powerful elites. In line with the violence, militarism and totalitarianism, there has been an active use of primordialism (ethnicity and Islamic religion as the political tools). In this article the author presents the essence of Indonesia's multiculturalism and its potentials to unite and break up as a nation, as well as solutions on how to take care and maintain a democratic multiculturalism."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
S. Budhisantoso
"The author looks into the problem of violent conflict and shows it links to a number of factors which include industrialization; crime; social, economic and political pressure; police violence and social entropy. Population pressures have led to environmental scarcity, leaving some groups with no ability to compete for resources. The larger part of the population lacks capital, as well as strategies for acquiring needed resources. These conditions invite violent conflict, as the less fortunate turn to violent action to survive. The problem is made worse by an industrialization without ethics, whereby the absence of guidelines for healthy competition increases the gap between capital holders and the larger population. At present, many of the conflicts that arise are attributed to social disequilibrium, and not to the rise in demand for basic needs. The author argues that a totally equilibrium state does not and cannot exist, even in hunter and gatherer societies that are purported to be egalitarian. Therefore, he suggests that what is needed are social institution that can guaranteed social justice, political democracy and cultural freedom instead."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library